Mh chapter 28

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An adult has recently been absent from work for 3-day periods on several occasions. Each time, the individual returned wearing dark glasses. Facial and body bruises were apparent. What is occupational health nurse's priority assessment? a.interpersonal relationships b. work responsibilities c. socialization skills d. Physical injuries


An older adult with lewy body dementia lives with family and attends a day care center. A nurse at the day care center noticed the adult had a disheveled appearence, stong odor of urine, and bruisese on the limbs and back. What type of abuse might be occuring? A. psychological B. Financial C. Physical D. Sexual


A patient tells the nurse, "my husband lost his job. He's only abusive when he drinks to much. His family was like that when he was growing up. He always apologizes and regreats hurting me." What risk factor was most predictive for the husbamd to become abusive? A. hx of fam. violence' b. loss of employment c. abuse of alochol d. poverty


After treatment for a detached retina, a survivor of intimate parter abuse says, "My parter only abuses me when I make mistakes. I've considered leaving, but I was brought up to belive you stay together, no matter what happens." Which dx should be the focus of the nurse's initial actions? A. risk for injury r/y physical abuse from partner B. Social isolation r/t lack of a community support system C. Inefecting coping r/t uneven distribution of power w/i a relationship D. Deficient knowledge r/t resources for escape from an abusive relationship


An 11-year-old says, "My parents dont like me. they call me stupid and say they wish i were never born. It doesnt matter what they think because i already know i'm dumb." Which nursing dx applies to this child? A. Chronic low self-esteem r/t negative feedback from parents B. Deficient knowledge r/t interperosnal skills with parents C. Disturbed personal identity r/t negative self-evaluation D. Complicated grieving r/t poor adademic performance


An adult has a history of physical violence against family when frustrated, followed by periods of remorse after each outburst. Which finding indicates a successful plan of care? The adult: a. expresses frustration verbally instead of physically. b. explains the rationale for behaviors to the victim c. identifies three personal thoughts d. agrees to seek counseling


An older adult with Lewy body dementia lives with family. After observing multiple bruises, the home health nurse talked with the dtr, who became defensive and said, "My mother often wanders at night. Last night she fell down the stairs." which nursing dx has priority? A. Risk for injury r/t poor judgement, cognitive impairments, and inadequate supervision B. wandering r/t confusion and disorientation AEB nighttime walking C. Chronic confusion r/t degenerative change is brain tissue AEB nighttime wandering D. Insomnia r/t sleep disruptions assiciated with congitive impairment AEB wandering at night


The parents of a 15-year-old seek to have this teen declared a delinquent because of excessive drinking, habitually running away, and prostitution. The nurse interviewing the patient should recognize these behaviors often occur in adolescents who: a. have been abused. b. are attention seeking c. have eating disorders d. Are developmentally delayed


which comment by the nurse would best support relationship building with a survivor of intimate partner abuse? A. "you are feeling violated b/c you thought you could trust your partner." B. "i'm here for you. I want you to tell me about the bad thing that happened to you." C. " I was very worried about you. I knew you were living in a potentially violent situation." D. "abusers often target ppl who are passive. I will refer you to an assertiveness class."


A nurse assists a victim of intimate partner abuse to create a plan for escape if it becomes necessary. Which components should the plan include? Select all that apply. a. Keep a cell phone fully charged. b. Hide money with which to buy new clothes. c. Have the phone number for the nearest shelter. d. Take enough toys to amuse the children for 2 days. e. Secure a supply of current medications for self and children. f. Assemble birth certificates, Social Security cards, and licenses. g. Determine a code word to signal children when it is time to leave.


A 10-year-old cares for siblings while the parents work because the family cannot afford a babysitter. This child says, "My father doesn't like me. He calls me stupid all the time." The mother says the father is easily frustrated and has trouble disciplining the children. The community health nurse should consider which resources as priorities to stabilize the home situation? Select all that apply. a. Parental sessions to teach childrearing practices b. Anger management counseling for the father c. Continuing home visits to give support d. A safety plan for the wife and children e. Placing the children in foster care


A young adult has recently had multiple absences from work. After each absence, this adult returned to work wearing dark glasses and long-sleeved shirts. During an interview with the occupational health nurse, this adult says, "My partner beat me, but it was because I did not do the laundry." What is the nurse's next action? a. call the police b. arrange for hospitalization c. call APS d. Document injuries with a body map.


A survivor of physical spousal abuse was treated in the emergency department for a broken wrist. This patient said, "I've considered leaving, but I made a vow and I must keep it no matter what happens." Which outcome should be met before discharge? The patient will: a. facilitate counseling for the abuser b. name two community resources for help. c. demonstrate insight into the abusive relationships d. reexamine cultural beliefs about martial commitment


An older adult diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease lives with family in a rural area. during the week, this adult attent a day care center while the family is at work. In the evenings, members of the family provide care. which factor makes this adult most vulnerable to abuse? A. multiple CG B. Alzheimer's disease C. living in a rural area D. Being part of a busy family


An older women disagnosed with Alzheimer's diseaselives with family and attends day care. After observing poor hygeine, the nurse talked with CG. This CG became defensive and said, "WIt takes all my energy to care for my mother. She's awake all night. I never get any sleep." Which nusing intervention has priority? A . teach the CG about the effects of sundowner's syndrome B. secure additional resources for the mother's evening and night care C. Support the CG to grieve the loss of the mother cognitive abilities D. Teach the familt how to give physical care more effectively and efficiently


What feelings are most commonly experienced by nurses working with abusive families? A. outrage toward the victim and discouragement reguarding the abuser B. Helplessness reguarding the victim and anger toward the abuser C. Unconcern for the victim and dislike for the abuser D. Vulnerability for self and empathy with the abuser


Which rationale best explains why a nurse should ne aware pf [ersonal feeling while working with family expiriencing family violence? A. Self-awareness enhances the nurse advocacy role B. Strong negative feelings interfere with assessment and judgement C. Stong positive feelings lead to healthy transference with the victim D. Positive feelings promote the development of sympathy for patients


An 11-year-old reluctantly tells the nurse, "My parents dont like me. They said they wish i was never born. " Which type of abuse is likely? A. Sexual B. Physical C. emothional D. Economic


An adult tells the nurse, "My partner abuses me when I make mistakes, but I always get an apology and a gift afterward. I've considered leaving but haven't been able to bring myself to actually do it." Which phase in the cycle of violence prevents this adult from leaving? a. tension-building b. acuter battering c. Honeymoon d. stabilization


Several children are seen in the ER for tx of various illnessess and injuries. Which assessment finding would create most suspicioin for child abuse? The child who has A. complaints of abd pain B. Repeated middle ear infections C. bruises to extremeties D. diarrhea


What is a nurse's legal responsibility if child abuse or neglect is suspected? A. discuss the finding with the child's parent and health care provider B. Document the observation and suspicion in the medical record C. Report the suspicion accoding to state regulations D. Continue the assessment


Which referral will be most helpful for a women who was severly beaten by an imtimate partner, has no relatives or friends in the community, is afraid to return home, and has limited financial resources? A. support group B. mental health center C. women's shelter D. Vocational counseling


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