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Oceans are predicted to increase 0.3 pH units by 2100, faster than any change in the past ____ million years.


There are three types of ____ ____: eccentricity, obliquity, and precession.

Earth orbits

__(Eccentricity/Obliquity/Precession)__: Earth orbit from circular to elliptical, 100K years.


Sea ice is retreating at ____% per decade.


____ is the most potent greenhouse gas.

CH4 (Methane) (decomposing trash, cattle)

Current ____ and _____ levels are the highest seen in 800K years.

CH4 and CO2

Sequestration involves taking ____ directly from factory emissions and injecting them underground to lock them up before they ever reach the atmosphere.


____ is dissolved into water 30 times more easily than other gasses.


____ is the most influenced greenhouse gas by humans.

CO2 (carbon dioxide) (fossil fuels)

Earth's surface temperature has risen ____C (1.4F) in the past 140 years, making this the 8 warmest years since 1998.


____ is the most abundant greenhouse gas.

H20 (water vapor) (75%)

To stop damage from spreading, we can use the ____ hypothesis, which fertilizes the ocean to increase productivity because of the increase in phytoplankton, and the increased carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere.


____ ____ ____ caused a 10-25cm rise in the past 100 years, with a predicted increase of 0.6-1.6 meters.

Sea level rise

We can stop damage from spreading by _____ excess carbon dioxide in oceans.


____ ____: No scientific link between solar energy changes and global temperature.

Solar energy

__(Climate/Weather)__: Atmospheric conditions at a particular time (minutes-months), short time scale, what you get.


Increased ocean ____ means that oysters, clams, mussels, cocolithophors, corals, sea urchins... will go extinct. This will effect the base of the food chain.


Loss of ice = enhanced warming due to lower ____.


You can help stop climate change & global warming by buying better ____, for ex, LED taking up 80 percent less energy than conventional ones.


The more acidic the oceans become, the more difficult it is for marine organisms to develop hard shell material from ____ (CaCO3).


You can help stop climate change & global warming by shrinking your ____ ____. For ex, you can offset it by purchasing carbon offsets, which represent clean power that you can add to the nation's energy grid in place of power from fossil fuels.

carbon profile

Some natural causes of ____ ____ could be solar energy variations, Earth's orbital patterns, volcanic eruptions, and plate tectonics.

climate change

If the ocean has a high amount of O18, the water used to be ____.


You can help stop climate change & global warming by ____ the food you buy, and buying less meat. 10% of energy use goes to growing, processing, packaging, and shipping food, and 40% of it winds up in the landfill.


You can help stop climate change & global warming by investing in ____-____ appliances, for ex, when shopping for appliances, look for the Energy Star label.


You can help stop climate change & global warming by driving a ____-____ vehicle. This saves fuel and money.


Sea level rise is typically greatest during the transition from a ____ period to an interglacial period (where we are now). These transitions can change sea level up to 140 meters very rapidly (10k-15k years).


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a global group of scientists who predict _____ _____ changes of 1.4-4.8 C (2.5-10.4 F) by 2100.

global temperature

Melting glaciers and ice caps, shorter winters, species distribution shifts, global temperature rise, and sea surface temperature increases are all current changes caused by ____ _____.

global warming

Melting of ice, rise in sea level, severe weather, and extinctions are caused by ____ ____.

global warming

Predicted changes of ____ ____ are earlier, hotter summers, more severe droughts and flooding, retreat of mountain glaciers, water contamination issues, and ecosystem changes and extinctions.

global warming

Light comes into the ____ as short-wave radiation spectrum.


N20 and 03 are ____ ____ gasses.

greenhouse effect

With deep-water circulation changes, if cold water stops sinking (due to warming/dilution that decreases density) heat is not distributed as effectively. This would cause ____ sea surface temperatures and land surface temperatures.


Climate change models can mimic modern conditions only if ____ ____ are taken into account.

human emissions

Polar amplification is caused by polar ____ ____.

ice melting

As CO2 in the atmosphere increases the oceans soak it up until the ocean is full of CO2. At that point, the CO2 stays in the atmosphere-- ____ temperatures-- causing less CO2 to get stored in the oceans, meaning more is in the atmosphere.


We're at an interglacial period for the past 11,700 years, so our sea level is constant, but it has been ____ faster 100 years than it has for the last 2k years.


When the greenhouse warms the pants and Earth it is converted to ____-____ infrared radiation (heat).


You can help stop climate change & global warming by ____ your ride. For ex, a simple tune-up can boost mph from 4-40%.


Proxy evidence: Indirect evidence of climate change using ____ data recorders.


If we can add iron, we increase ____, and they can suck up more CO2. But, getting the iron ground up fine enough and having it sit in suspension long enough in an area is a problem. The __(same)__ release CO2 back into the ocean if they decompose. This could also change the food web.


You can help stop climate change & global warming by rethinking ____, ____, and ____, for ex, choosin to live in walkable cities with quality public transportation leading to less driving, less money spent on fuel, and less pollution in the air.

planes, trains, automobiles

Best type of ____ ____ is trapped air bubbles in annual glacial ice.

proxy evidence

You can help stop climate change & global warming by powering your home with ____ _____, for ex, choosing a utility company that generates at least half its power from wind or solar.

renewable energy

One type of proxy evidence is _____ _____ ____, which contain various CaCO3 (calcilte) shelled organisms that once lived at the ocean surface. One of the chemicals they make is oxygen, which has 2 isotopes, O16 and the heavier, rarer O18.

sea floor sediments

The 2 main factors of ____ ____ ____ are thermal expansion of ocean water and melting of ice on land.

sea level rice

You can help stop climate change & global warming by ____ ____, for ex, encouraging Congress to enact new laws that limit carbon emissions and require polluters to pay for the emissions they produce.

speaking up

We can use ____ ____ as a means of proxy evidence since it would give evidence to weather, soil pH, CO2 levels, rain, and temperature.

tree rings

Because of climate change & global warming, there is increased hurricane activity, because _____ water fuels hurricanes. This also causes an increase of storm intensity.


If the ocean has a high amount of O16, the water used to be ____.


Some of the heat is trapped by the greenhouse and a small portion escapes. This keeps the greenhouse ____.


You can help stop climate change & global warming by _____, for ex, heating and air-conditioning account for almost half of home energy use.


____ of CO2 emissions are absorbed by the world's oceans.


Proxys show that the Earth has had glacial periods (low temp) and interglacial periods (high temp) that cycle about every ____K years.


____ forcings: Greenhouse gases, sulphate aerosols.


__(Climate/Weather)__: Long time frame, 30 year periods, what you expect.


____ forcings: Solar variation, volcanic activity.


__(Eccentricity/Obliquity/Precession)__: Rotation of spinning around an axis, 26K years.


Because of climate change & global warming, there are changes in deep-water circulation, with the ____ ____ being especially sensitive.

North Atlantic

__(Eccentricity/Obliquity/Precession)__: Change in tilt of Earth, 41K years.


A proxy of Earth's temperature can be gained from the ice itself using ____ isotope data.


____ ____: The increase of temperatures at the poles is in some instances, twice that of the rest of the Earth due to melting ice. Since ice has a very high albedo (ability to reflect solar radiation) it cools the earth's surface significantly. As it melts more of the Earth's surface rises in temperature, which due to lower albedo melts more ice, which raises temperatures... and a feedback loop is created.

Polar amplification

____ ____: temperature at the poles is greater due to the loss of ice.

Polar amplification

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