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Indicate which of the following features are monocot and which are dicot: 1. Branched veins in leaves= 2. Flower parts in multiples of three= 3. Fibrous root system= 4. Two first leaves=

1. Dicot 2. Monocot 3. Monocot 4. Dicot

What is a proton pump? A) A membrane protein that transports sucrose against a concentration gradient B) A membrane protein that transports protons against an electrochemical gradient C) A membrane protein that transports protons along an electrochemical gradient and sucrose against a concentration gradient D) Any membrane protein that acts as a channel—meaning it does not consume ATP

B) A membrane protein that transports protons against an electrochemical gradient

-Your immune system does not recognize self from non-self. A)Immunodeficiency Disorder B) Autoimmune Disorders

B) Autoimmune Disorders

Plant life cycles are characterized by alternation of generations. There is a _____ sporophyte phase and a _____ gametophyte phase. A) Haploid; diploid B) Diploid; haploid C) Haploid; haploid D) Diploid; diploid E) None of the above

B) Diploid; haploid

For stomata to open, the ___ of the guard cells must be ___ than that of the surrounding cells. A) water potential; higher B) water potential; lower C) solute concentration; lower D) microtubules; more turgid E) All of the answers are correct.

B) water potential; lower

Which ion most readily "leaks" across a neuron's membrane, helping to establish the resting potential? A)Cá+ B)K+ C)Na+ D)Cl-


1. Contents flow in one direction: up. - Water and dissolved nutrients from soil 2.Cells are dead at maturity A) Phloem B)Xylem


If you dug up a short plant with long, slender vertically oriented leaves with parallel veins, what kind of roots would you most likely expect to find? A) a fibrous root system B) a deep taproot C) secondary root growth D) an unbranched single root

A) a fibrous root system

Complete the following sentence: The origin of primary growth in plants is in the... A) apical meristems. B) root hair. C) vascular cambium. D) lateral meristems. E)cork cambium.

A) apical meristems.

Which group of plants belongs to the oldest lineage of extant (living) seed plants? A) cycads B) mosses C) ferns D) lilies E)asters

A) cycads

Which of the following are possible fates of neurotransmitters after they have been released from a presynaptic neuron and bind to a receptor on a postsynaptic neuron? (Select all that apply.) A) degraded by enzymes B) bind permanently to the postsynaptic neuron receptor C) diffuse out of the synapse D) taken up and repackaged by the presynaptic neuron

A) degraded by enzymes C) diffuse out of the synapse D) taken up and repackaged by the presynaptic neuron

Antigens are ___________, whereas antibodies are _____________. A) foreign molecules; proteins that recognize a specific foreign molecule B) produced in response to a foreign molecule; the functional component of the immune system C) present on the foreign molecule; also present on a foreign molecule D)none of the above

A) foreign molecules; proteins that recognize a specific foreign molecule

What life cycle phase dominates the life of a nonvascular plant (like a moss)? A) gametophyte B) archegonium C) gametophore D) sporophyte E) spore

A) gametophyte

the most abundant type of secreted antibody. circulates in blood and interstitial fluid. protects agains bacteria, viruses, and toxins A) igG B) igD C) igE D) igA E) igM

A) igG

Plants continue to grow throughout their lifetime because they have many meristems. A) indeterminate growth B) apical meristems C) lateral meristem

A) indeterminate growth

- skin, membranes, cilia - recreations(oil, saliva,mucus,tears) A) non-pacific external barriers B) non-spacific internal barriers C) specific internal defenses

A) non-pacific external barriers

No specialized cells/tissues that conduct H2O or nutrients throughout the plant A) non-vascular plants B) seedless vascular C) seed plants

A) non-vascular plants

is apical meristem A) primary growth B) secondary growth

A) primary growth

carry out info from receptors to CNS(brain and spinal cord) A) sensory neurons B) interneurons C) motor neurons

A) sensory neurons

type of vaccines isolated proteins A) subunit vaccine B) inactivated viruses C) attenuated viruses

A) subunit vaccine

Immune system response is defective or absent A)Immunodeficiency Disorder B) Autoimmune Disorders

A)Immunodeficiency Disorders

Which statement best characterizes secondary growth? A)It results from divisions of the vascular and cork cambium cells. B)It increases the length of the plant stem C) It results from division in the apical meristem cells D) It often produces phloem cells to the inside and xylem cells to the outside of the vascular cambium.

A)It results from divisions of the vascular and cork cambium cells.

where do B cells mature? where do T cells mature?

B cells in the brown marrow t cells in the thymus

All plants exhibit alternation of generations. This means their life cycle __________. A) Includes both haploid and diploid gametes B) Shows only asexual reproduction C) Has both a multicellular haploid stage and a multicellular diploid stage D) Does not include meiosis

C) Has both a multicellular haploid stage and a multicellular diploid stage

Which of the following best characterizes primary growth? A) It does not occur in roots, only in shoots. B) It leads to widening of shoots and the development of bark. C) It produces the dermal, ground, and vascular tissues. E) It produces rings of xylem and phloem tissue in wood.

C) It produces the dermal, ground, and vascular tissues.

recruit other cells and ingest and kill pathogens - through phagocytosis A) Mast cells B) Neutrophils C) Macrophages

C) Macrophages

Structural support and long-distance transport of water, nutrients, and products of photosynthesis A) Epidermal tissue B) Ground Tissue C) Vascular Tissue

C) Vascular Tissue

Live" viruses consist of complete virus particles Cultured on host other than normal host, so lose ability to grow rapidly in normal host cells, though host cells can be infected A) subunit vaccine B) inactivated viruses C) attenuated viruses

C) attenuated viruses

______ produces cells strengthened with lignin that protect the tree. A) Vascular cambium B) wood C) cork cambium

C) cork cambium

Which life cycle phase follows the gametophyte phase in nonvascular plants? A) gametophyte B) zygote C) gamete D) spore E) sporophyte

C) gamete

most common antibodies in breast milk, tears,saliva and mucus lining the respiratory and digestive track A) igG B) igD C) igE D) igA E) igM

C) igA

signal muscles to move or glands to release hormones A) sensory neurons B) interneurons C) motor neurons

C) motor neurons

Have specialized vascular tissues AND produce seeds A) non-vascular plants B) seedless vascular C) seed plants

C) seed plants

Acquired (Adaptive) Immune System Specialized lymphocytes "recognize" foreign particles and destroy them B-cells (bone marrow) T-cells (thymus) A) non-pacific external barriers B) non-spacific internal barriers C) specific internal defenses

C) specific internal defenses

During what phase of its life cycle does a seedless vascular plant (like a fern) spend most of its life? A) sporocyte B) zygote C) sporophyte D) gametophyte E) gamete

C) sporophyte

Which of the following processes is most important for moving water up from the roots to the leaves of a tree? A) active ion transport B) application of root pressure C) transpirational pull D) pressure-flow mechanism E) filtering by the Casparian strip in roots

C) transpirational pull

Complete the following sentence: The origin of secondary growth in plants is in the... (Select ALL that apply.) A) apical meristems. B)root hair. C) vascular cambium. D) lateral meristem. E) cork cambium.

C) vascular cambium. D) lateral meristem. E) cork cambium.

what cells becomes activated when it binds to peptide on MHC protein?


signaling molecule that forms a gradient to direct other cells to the site of infection. Specific kind of cytokine ("cell movers"). A) Mast cells B) Neutrophils C) Macrophages D) chemokine


what is the most common and most rare antibodies in the system?

common= IgG rare= igD

increasing solutes ______ water potential.


Neurotransmitters can cause an ______ or an ______ response in a postsynaptic neuron.

excitatory inhibitory

Angiosperms are seed plants, but gymnosperms are not. True or False


In flowering plants (angiosperms), male and female gametophytes are produced in the carpel and anther of the stamen, respectively. true or false


True or False? For a given neuron, it is possible for one action potential to be smaller in magnitude or duration than the next.


For land plants where where are gametes formed?


multicellular haploid phase is celled ______


non-vascular plants are _________ dominated

gametophyte seed

where are apical meristems located?

growing tips of shoots and roots

what are the types of antibodies glen doesnt eat any mushrooms

igG igD igE igA igM

Non-specific response of Leukocytes (white blood cells) to pathogens. -Mast Cells -Neutrophils -Macrophages is what type of immunity is this

innate immune response

Electrochemical gradients produced by proton pump drives movement of _____


what does the shoot system consist of?

leaves and stems

Lymphocytes are found in the _____ system


in seed plants micro/megaspores are formed by______ and gametes are formed by_____.

meiosis mitosis

what is it called when both male and female parts are on the same angiosperm? and what is it called when they are on different plants

monoecious dioecious

Excitatory signals make action potentials ____ likely. Inhibitory signals make action potentials ____ likely.

more less

-anchorage -water and nutrient up-take = ______system

root system

what comes first roots or shoots

roots then shoots

multicellular diploid phase is celled ______


seed plants are ____dominated


seedless vascular plants are ______ dominanted


what is the function of the schwann cell?

to keep Na+ from leaking

Evaporation of water vapor from leaves of the plant drive water movement=______


_____ produces phloem cells to the outside and xylem cells to the inside. A) Vascular cambium B) wood C) cork cambium

A) Vascular cambium

While deficiencies are possible with all plant nutrients listed, which of the following is least likely to be a limiting factor for plant growth in natural or agricultural environments? A) Nitrogen B) Potassium C) Phosphorous D) Magnesium

D) Magnesium

In plants, gametes are produced by ___ divisions, whereas in animals ___ divisions produce sperm and egg cells. A) spore, gonad B) meiotic, mitotic C) meiotic, meiotic D) mitotic, meiotic E) gametophyte, sporophyte

D) mitotic, meiotic

Which stage of the plant life cycle is the dominant phase of seed plants (like a pine tree or a daisy)? A) embryo B)female gametophyte C) male gametophyte D) sporophyte E) spore

D) sporophyte

Which trait has NOT contributed to the dominance of angiosperms in many ecosystems? A) enclosed seeds that can travel from the parent plant by many mechanisms B) diverse flowers that can be pollinated by wind or animals C) broad leaves that can conduct more efficient photosynthesis D) thick, needle-like, desiccation-resistant leaves that persist year-round in temperate habitats

D) thick, needle-like, desiccation-resistant leaves that persist year-round in temperate habitats

Complete the following sentence: Primary growth gives rise to... A) roots. B) shoots. C) vascular tissue. D) epidermal tissue. E) ground tissue. F) All answers are correct.

F) All answers are correct.

- Exposure to an antigen builds secondary response Vaccines, allergies, exposure to cold or flu A) Active immunity B) Passive immunity

A) Active immunity

Nutrient ions from soils are __________ transported into the root. A) Actively B) Passively C)Actively or passively, depending on the situation and soil conditions.

A) Actively

Which lineage is youngest? In other words, which branched off most recently in evolutionary history? A) Angiosperms B) Green Algae C) Seedless vascular plants D) Non-vascular plants E) Gymnosperms

A) Angiosperms

collect electrical signals A) Dendrites B) cell body C) Axon

A) Dendrites

-single layer of tightly packed cells - for protection - Epidermis found beneath the waxy cuticle. A) Epidermal tissue B) Ground Tissue C) Vascular Tissue

A) Epidermal tissue

Plants have three general types of tissues. When you peel potatoes for dinner, you are removing __________ and leave most ___________ for eating. A) Epidermal tissue; ground tissue B) Ground tissue; epidermal tissue C)Epidermal tissue; vascular tissue D) Vascular tissue; ground tissue

A) Epidermal tissue; ground tissue

Plants that evolved early spend most of their lives as __________. Plants that evolved later spend most of their lives as __________. A)Gametophytes (n); sporophytes (2n) B) Sporophytes (2n); gametophytes (n) C)Gametophytes (n); gametophytes(n) D)Sporophytes (2n); sporophytes (2n)

A) Gametophytes(n); sporophytes(2n)

What is a pollen grain? A) Male gametophyte B)Female gametophyte C)Male sporophyte D) Sperm

A) Male gametophyte

What happens at the peak of an action potential? A) Many sodium ion channels begin to close and many potassium ion channels begin to open. B) Both sodium ion channels and potassium ion channels begin to close. C)All sodium and potassium ion channels are open. D) Sodium ion channels begin to open and potassium channels begin to close.

A) Many sodium ion channels begin to close and many potassium ion channels begin to open.

cells that secrete signals that increase blood flow A) Mast cells B) Neutrophils C) Macrophages

A) Mast cells

In plants, gametes (like sperm inside pollen grains) are created through ______. A) Mitosis B)Meiosis C) Fertilization

A) Mitosis

vascular tissue - Contents flow in two directions: up and down. -Sugar, amino acids, chemical signals from sources to sinks -Cells are alive at maturity A) Phloem B)Xylem

A) Phloem

How do stomata open? (Select ALL that apply.) A) Potassium (K+) is moved into guard cells B) Potassium (K+) is moved out of guard cells C) Sodium (Na+) is moved into guard cells D) Sodium (Na+) is moved out of guard cells E) Water moves into guard cells F) Water moves out of guard cells

A) Potassium (K+) is moved into guard cells E) Water moves into guard cells

Which of the following statements is true about sensory neurons and motor neurons? A) Sensory neurons take in information and send it to the CNS, whereas motor neurons receive information from the CNS and transmit it to muscle. B) Sensory neurons send messages to the motor neurons. C) Motor neurons send faster signals than sensory neurons. D) Motor neurons receive information from the PNS. E) None of the answers are correct

A) Sensory neurons take in information and send it to theCNS, whereas motor neurons receive information from the CNS and transmit it to muscle

What is a sieve tube element? A) The sugar-conducting cells found in the phloem B) The widened, perforation-containing, water-conducting cell found only in angiosperms C) The nutrient- and water-absorbing cell found in roots E) The nucleated and organelle-rich supporting cell found in phloem

A) The sugar-conducting cells found in the phloem

Which of the following is TRUE about summation. Excitatory Post-synaptic Potentials (EPSPs) Inhibitory Post-synaptic potentials (IPSPs) A) EPSPs and IPSPs must be equal in order for an action potential to occur in the post-synaptic neuron. B) EPSPs must be greater than the IPSPs in order for an action potential to occur. C) If a single EPSP reaches the post-synaptic neuron, then an action potential will occur. D) A single IPSP reaching the post-synaptic neuron can prevent an action potential from occurring.

B) EPSPs must be greater than the IPSPs in order for an action potential to occur.

1. Production and storage of valuable molecules, like sugars and other compounds. - Photosynthesis - Carbohydrate storage - Cells produce pigments, hormones, toxins for defense A) Epidermal tissue B) Ground Tissue C) Vascular Tissue

B) Ground Tissue

Which of the following takes place to increase root pressure? A) Ions are pumped into root cells. B) Ions are pumped out of root cells. C) Dry soil conditions. D) The rate of primary growth in root tissues increases.

B) Ions are pumped out of root cells.

ingest and kill pathogens A) Mast cells B) Neutrophils C) Macrophages

B) Neutrophils

-Mother to baby *antibodies via placenta or breastfeeding -Antibodies from a host are transferred to non-immune individuals A) Active immunity B) Passive immunity

B) Passive immunity

Movement of phloem sap is bidirectional. Why? A) Phloem sap moves water and mineral nutrients to growing tips of roots and shoots. B) Phloem sap moves sugars from sources to sinks and locations of both of these can change within the plant. C) Phloem sap transports sugars from shoots to roots and nutrients from roots to shoots D) Phloem sap moves up sieve tube and down companion cells.

B) Phloem sap moves sugars from sources to sinks and locations of both of these can change within the plant.

You can determine the age of an oak tree by counting the annual rings of _______________ formed by the __________________. A) Primary xylem; apical meristem B) Secondary phloem; vascular cambium C) Epidermal tissue; cork cambium D) Secondary xylem; vascular cambium

B) Secondary phloem; vascular cambium

What is the significant economic role played by seedless vascular plants in many societies? A) Seedless vascular plants are a major source of food for many societies. B) Seedless vascular plants form the bulk of coal deposits, which can be used to generate power. C) Seedless vascular plants are often used to build housing and furniture. D) Seedless vascular plants play a major role in paper manufacturing. E)Seedless vascular plants stabilize soils in desert regions.

B) Seedless vascular plants form the bulk of coal deposits, which can be used to generate power.

Which of the following helps to maintain the normal resting potential of a neuron? (Select ALL that apply.) A) Voltage-gated chloride channels B) Sodium-potassium pumps C) Voltage-gated potassium channels D) Voltage-gated sodium channels E) Voltage-gated calcium channels F) Potassium leak channels

B) Sodium-potassium pumps C) Voltage-gated potassium channels F) Potassium leak channels

Most healthy plant cells are normally __________. A) Flaccid B) Turgid C) Plasmolyzed D) Isosmotic

B) Turgid

What binds to receptors on a postsynaptic neuron? A) a calcium ion B) a neurotransmitter C) a potassium ion D) a sodium ion E) any type of inorganic ion

B) a neurotransmitter

integrate incoming signals and generates outgoing signal to axon A) Dendrites B) cell body C) Axon

B) cell body

-Effective against intracellular pathogens -kill infected cells before viruses or pathogens mature A) Helper T-cells B) cytotoxic T-cells

B) cytotoxic T-cells

Which neuron structure receives signals directly from other neurons? A) axon terminal (end of axon) B) dendrite C) axon hillock (start of axon) D) Schwann cell

B) dendrite

In what structures will you find the gametophytes of seed plants? A) leaves B) flowers or cones C) roots D) stems E) spores

B) flowers or cones

If the membrane potential of a neuron reaches its threshold potential, which event is most likely to occur next? A) opening of all voltage-gated potassium channels B) generation of an action potential C) hyperpolarization D) inhibition of the sodium/potassium pump E) repolarization

B) generation of an action potential

Which of the following groups of non-plant organisms is most closely related to plants? A) cyanobacteria B) green algae C) mosses D) ferns

B) green algae

present on membrane of immature B cells, early secreted. A) igG B) igD C) igE D) igA E) igM

B) igD

Damaged by chemical treatments or UV light; host cells cannot be infected A) subunit vaccine B) inactivated viruses C) attenuated viruses

B) inactivated viruses

Complete the following sentence: In contrast with animals, the growth of plants is largely... A)determinate. B) indeterminate. C) controlled by hormones. D) controlled by the genome. E)controlled by the environment.

B) indeterminate.

intrude signals in CNS(brain and spinal cord) A) sensory neurons B) interneurons C) motor neurons

B) interneurons

Innate immune response Leukocytes (white blood cells) ingest/kill pathogens Inflammatory response and fever A) non-pacific external barriers B) non-spacific internal barriers C) specific internal defenses

B) non-spacific internal barriers

White blood cells called lymphocytes are activated when ________. A) they are phosphorylated B) receptors on their surface bind an antigen C) they receive cytokine signals D) they are released from bone marrow

B) receptors on their surface bind an antigen

is lateral growth A) primary growth B) secondary growth

B) secondary growth

Have specialized vascular tissues, but do not produce seeds A) non-vascular plants B) seedless vascular C) seed plants

B) seedless vascular

Why is the transport of phloem sap considered an active process? A) The manufacture of sucrose via photosynthesis is driven by the energy in sunlight B) Transpiration is driven by the energy in sunlight C) ATP is used to transport sucrose into companion cells near sources, against a concentration gradient D) In spring phloem sap moves against the force of gravity

C) ATP is used to transport sucrose into companion cells near sources, against a concentration gradient

passes electrical signals to dent rides of another cell or to an effector cell A) Dendrites B) cell body C) Axon

C) Axon

Nutrients in soils are available to plants as ________. A) Anions B) Cations C) Both anions and cations

C) Both anions and cations

A vertebrate animal's immune system has _________ defenses? A) Specific B) Non-specific C) Both specific and non-specific D) Neither specific nor non-specific

C) Both specific and non-specific

Adding solutes _________ water potential. A) Increases C) Decreases D) Does not affect

C) Decreases

Action potentials have three phases. Put them in order. A) Repolarization, Hyperpolarization, Depolarization B) Hyperpolarization, Repolarization, Depolarization C) Depolarization, Repolarization, Hyperpolarization

C) Depolarization, Repolarization, Hyperpolarization

What do seeds contain? A) Male gametophyte and nutritive tissue B) Female gametophyte and nutritive tissue C) Embryo and nutritive tissue D) Mature sporophyte and nutritive tissue

C) Embryo and nutritive tissue

The appearance of the cuticle correlated with what even in the evolution of land plants? A) The first erect growth forms B) The first woody tissues C) Growth on land D) The evolution of the first water-conducting tissues

C) Growth on land

What factors can influence stomatal opening and closing? (Select ALL that apply.) A) Time of day B) Light C) Temperature D) Carbon dioxide concentration E) All of the above

E) All of the above

Primary growth results in ___, while secondary growth causes ___. A) cell differentiation, polarity B) elongation, xylem C) xylem, phloem D) thickening, elongation E) elongation, thickening

E) elongation, thickening

Which of the following is a characteristic of a non-vascular plant? A) complex root systems B) xylem and phloem C) flowering reproductive structures D) seeds and fruits E) photosynthetic structures

E) photosynthetic structures

Which plant cells transport sugars within a plant vascular system? A) tracheids B) trichomes C)vessel members (or elements) D) parenchyma cells E) sieve-tube members (or elements)

E) sieve-tube members (or elements)

Which of the following trees is NOT an example of a seed plant? A) maple tree B) pine tree C) palm tree D)cottonwood tree E) tree fern

E) tree fern

Which of the following is NOT a subclass of gymnosperms? A) cycads B) ginkgo C) gnetophytes D)conifers E)palms


—UV absorbing compounds act as "sunscreen" for land plants


-B cells need _____T-cells to make a significant impact - _____ activate B-cells

Helper T-cells

Potassium ions leak along their electrochemical gradient; from inside to outside.= _____

K+ leak channel

the moment of what ion makes the interior of a neuron more positive


in the _______,for every three cations pumped out, only two pumped in.

Na+/K+ pump

what types of elements can you find in soil? (never play patty cake)

Nitrogen Phosphorus potassium

Xylem tissue conducts______ while phloem tissue conducts______. A) Carbohydrates (sugars) B) Water and nutrients C) Lignin D) Cuticle wax

Water and nutrients Carbohydrates (sugars)

Sporophytes grow from _________ and produce __________ by meiosis. A) Spores / Spores B) Spores /Gametes C) Zygotes / Spores D)Zygotes/Gametes

Zygotes / Spores

leukocytes are part of _____ immunity. and stye have receptor proteins (antibodies) to_____ antigen -B and T cells

adaptive recognize

Root pressure causes a phenomenon called guttation where xylem sap exudes from small plants along edges of leaves. true or false


The following statement describes the Pressure-Flow Hypothesis: Once inside the phloem cells, sugars move from sources to sinks because they flow with water from areas of high pressure to low pressure. true or false


cytotoxic and helper cells are types of T-cells true or false


how do B and T cells move about the body?

via the blood and lymph

when do lymphocytes become activated?

when their cell surface receptor proteins bind to an antigen

water moves up the plant via_____tissue


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