12.7 OpenSSH Configuration Files and Commands (commands used with SSH)
sftp pwd
shows the current directory
service sshd status
shows the status of a single daemon or daemons
scp @hostname:remotefile
specifies the remote system and the remote file.
scp username
specifies the user account on the remote system
sftp username
specifies the user account on the remote system (sftp)
/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd start
alternative method to service sshd start
Allows access to a shell on a remote computer. It is identical to the ssh command. This is supported only for backwards compatibility.
Encrypt and copy files from a remote system over the network
service sshd
Manage the current state of the SSH daemon on the server
ssh_host_key.pub (ssh1) ssh_host_rsa_key.pub (ssh2) ssh_host_dsa_key.pub (ssh2)
The server sends one of the following public keys from the /etc/ssh directory to the client
Transfer files securely from ftp servers
Verify if a package is installed on the system
~/.ssh/known_hosts or /etc/ssh/ssh_know_hosts
Where the client stores SSH keys
sftp [email protected]
connects to the FTP server as bjones.
scp ~/clientfile [email protected]:/home/bjones/
copies clientfile from the client computer to the home directory of bjones on the server.
scp [email protected]:/home/bjones/file1 [email protected]:/home/bjones/
copies file1 from hs1 to hs2.
sftp dir
displays files in the current directory.
sftp get
file_name copies a file from the ftp server
service sshd stop
halts a running daemon.
slogin -l bjones hs1
logs in to the hs1 computer as bjones.
sftp @hostname
specifies the remote system
scp destination/filename
specifies where to location and name of the new file. If the new file name is omitted, the file is copied using the original name.
service sshd start
starts a daemon that is not currently running
service sshd restart
stops and restarts a daemon.
sftp cdup
traverses up a directory
which ssh
verifies that the SSH client daemon is installed.
which sshd
verifies that the SSH server daemon is installed.