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Select relevant markets for expansion. Localize app. Test, launch, and measure to scale.

A company decided to expand its app into international markets. Place the three steps involved in the app market expansion process in the correct order.

New users and installs

A gaming company just released a new app and wants to focus on the initial launch phase. What matters most to a business when an app first launches?

Set the campaign's daily budget slightly higher than originally planned

A large golf booking company just launched a new app, and they want to drive 50,000 installs before peak season hits. How should they set their campaign daily budget to help reach their target number of installs faster?


Aaron observes and adjusts bids often in his Google Ad campaigns. He recently learned that for an automated campaign, it's best to wait until the campaign accumulates a certain number of conversions before making any bid changes. For a Google App campaign, Aaron should wait to apply any bid changes until at least how many conversions have accumulated?

Include the maximum of 20 images for coverage. Include images with high pixel density for visibility. Include app store badges and brand logo for credibility.

An education company is uploading image assets for their Google App campaign. What are three guidelines they should follow to optimize their image asset mix? (Choose three.)

Key features of the app

Brian's in the process of adding text assets to his first ad group in a Google App campaign. What should Brian include in the Headline field of his text assets?

Number of installs. Average cost per install.

Campaign reporting provides many metrics to assess if a campaign is performing to expectations. If an objective is getting as many new users as possible at a certain cost, what two metrics might be most important to review? (Choose two.)

Additional sales Increased profits Wider customer base

Canadian company Fresco Arts is planning to expand to three additional international markets within the year. Which three benefits might be likely outcomes of this plan? (Choose three.)

Google Analytics for Firebase

Dennis understands the importance of using an analytics solution for his app, but he doesn't know which one to use. Which solution is Google's best-in-class app analytics solution?


Desmond has an online library full of quality images of his app. What's the maximum number of image assets Desmond can add to one ad group within a Google App campaign?

Headline and description text

Emma is creating a new Google App campaign and working on her ad assets. Which of the following asset types is she required to manually add?

He'll receive consistent measurement across his marketing landscape

Felix is measuring view-through conversions (VTCs) with another network, and he's been advised to measure VTCs with Google too. Why should Felix measure VTCs with Google, in addition to the network he uses?

To help improve overall mobile ROI. To close the loop on mobile conversions. To deliver a seamless mobile experience.

Healthy Life HQ10, a Health and wellbeing company, has both a website and an app. What are three reasons the company should consider implementing measurement solutions that connect web and app? (Choose three.)

The system automatically tests different ads to determine what works best.

How do Google App campaigns help reduce the manual test-and-iterate efforts of advertisers?

Humans and machines have complementary skill sets.

How do humans and machines work as an effective team when running Google App campaigns?

By delivering a relevant ad to the right user at the right time.

How does machine learning in Google App campaigns benefit both marketers and users?

Use an action shot from the app for more engaging creative. Use images with a high pixel density to be clearly visible on a variety of screen sizes.

Image assets for an app campaign should adhere to which two of the following responses? (Choose two.)

Every two to three months

In Google Search campaigns, Jenny routinely replaces low performing ads, but knows Google App campaign best practices are different. For her Google App campaign, how often should Jenny replace low-performing assets with new and improved ones to prevent ad fatigue?

Research specific market culture and productivity tool usage in Latin America. Customize the app's UX and expand payment methods relevant to Latin America. Research device usage and connectivity within Latin America.

Jason owns a productivity app and wants to expand outside of the US into Latin America. He hires a professional translation service and believes he's ready to go as soon as the service is done. Which three steps should he consider before launching? (Choose three.)

At the end of the ad.

Kyle's making an HTML5 asset to add to his portfolio of other asset types. According to HTML5 best practices, when should the name of his app and a visible call-to-action be positioned at the center of his ad?

Information on the Play listing page is used by Google App campaigns as creative assets. A high-quality listing will encourage downloads by users from the Google App campaign.

Luca's running a Google App campaign for news publisher World News Online. Why should Luca care about the quality of World News Online's listing on Google Play? (Choose two.)

The strategy behind an App campaign will likely shift over time, meaning boundaries need to be set accordingly.

Machine learning automates much of a Google App campaign once it's live. What's one reason marketers should still be involved in the campaign after it's launched?

Each ad group may have 1-5 description lines, with up to 90 characters in each.

Maria completed the "Headline" section of her text assets and now needs to complete the "Description" section. Which factors must Maria consider?

Relevance - Machine learning processes massive amounts of data, to deliver the most effective message to the right user at the right time. Reach - Greater inventory and more ad formats means machine learning can serve ads to a wide audience of interested users. Simplicity - The complexity of creative A/B testing and possibility of human bias disappear with an automated approach to campaign management.

Match each statement about machine learning with the related benefit of Google App campaigns.

Maintain one evergreen ad group, and use additional ad groups to explore different themes.

Melissa's been running a Google App campaign with one ad group and she's looking to optimize the campaign by creating additional ad groups. What should Melissa do next?

Create a separate campaign for each goal

Naomi wants to promote her app with Google Ads, but has multiple campaign goals. What action should she take when promoting an app with multiple goals in an App campaign?

Large-scale or very long text in image assets can detract from the viewer's visual experience of an ad.

Nicky's account manager asked her to include minimal or no text overlay in the image assets she's using in a Google App campaign. Why is that?

Showing the app and its functionality

Oscar's been asked to create a video asset for a new Google App campaign. To follow video asset best practices, what should the video focus on?

They provide additional conversion data, so better business decisions can be made.

Paul asks his team to enable and report on view-through conversions in their client Google App campaigns. Why are view-through conversions important to include?

A focus on "Install volume" while targeting "Users likely to perform a specific in-app action".

Poppy's setting up an App campaign, and she wants to aquire a high volume of users while also generating plenty of in-app purchases. Which of the following settings should Poppy select to achieve her marketing objective?

Conduct market research

Rita's working to expand a travel app into new markets in southeast Asia. When considering how she should localize app design and payment methods, what should Rita do first?

A daily budget should be at least 50 times the tCPI. A daily budget should be at least 10 times the tCPA.

Vivian's been put in charge of a few clients interested in running Google App campaigns. Some campaigns will use target cost-per-action (tCPA), while others use target cost-per-install (tCPI). Which two statements are correct when it comes to setting daily budgets within App campaigns? (Choose two.)

Machine learning will save a significant amount of time and effort for other tasks.

Tina's an experienced account manager who enjoys overseeing the details of her Google Ads campaigns. She struggles with leaving the majority of campaign management to machine learning in App campaigns. What's a valid reason for Tina to rely on machine learning instead of doing everything manually?

Launch Grow Maturity Engagement

Tom hasn't yet released his app and he's interested in the typical lifecycle of an app. Help him place these app lifecycle phases in the order they occur.

HTML5, Image, Video, Text

What are the four types of ad assets available in Google App campaigns?

Google Analytics for Firebase, app attribution partners, codeless tracking with Google Play.

What are the three tracking solutions for Google App campaigns?

App downloads are growing year over year. While on mobile devices, users spend the majority of time in apps.

What are two compelling reasons to include an app as part of a marketing strategy? (Choose two.)

A significant percentage of app users churn after three months. Some users download apps and then forget about them.

What are two reasons advertisers should consider engagement when marketing apps?

Machine learning

What drives impact at scale for Google App campaigns?

The user acquisition report in the Google Play Console.

What report might help identify countries in which an app is getting visitors, but isn't yet localized?

Pick an event that matters to your business and occurs frequently.

What should you keep in mind when selecting events to measure in a Google App campaign?

Humans make better strategic decisions. Humans think more creatively.

What two advantages do humans have over machines when it comes to marketing? (Choose two.)

Data Time

What two things are essential for a Google App campaign to run smoothly and successfully? (Choose two.)

It can help guide marketing efforts.

What's a benefit to gathering data about events that happen in an app?

The target-user settings of the campaign.

When creating a Google App campaign, what determines a campaign bidding strategy?


Where do users spend the most time when on mobile devices?

Gaming apps

Which app type is the most downloaded on Google Play?

Conversion tracking and machine learning

Which components of a Google App campaign allow marketers to reach valuable users?

An education company with a large app user base that's assigned values to the specific actions users take within the app.

Which of these companies would be ready to start a Google App campaign focused on in-app actions?

Strategy Creativity Goal setting

Which three skills do marketers bring to the table when working with machine learning? (Choose three.)

Machine learning happens when computers analyze and recognize patterns in huge amounts of data. Machine learning means computers don't need to be explicitly programmed or told what to do. Machine learning can become more efficient and accurate over time.

Which three statements about machine learning are true? (Choose three.)

Register Sign-in

Which two in-app actions are common across a variety of industries? (Choose two.)

Coupon redemption Add to cart

Which two in-app actions are examples of those relevant to the retail industry? (Choose two.)

Humans make better strategic decisions. Humans think more creatively.

While machines deliver a variety of advantages, humans still offer their own unique skill sets. What two advantages do humans have over machines when it comes to marketing? (Choose two.)

The system has flexibility to create individual ads that best move a user to install or take action in the app.

Why do Google App campaigns perform better when provided with a diverse portfolio of assets?

The app can let customers try products virtually.

Why might a cosmetics company that traditionally sells products in stores promote their app?

Personal information can be saved in an app to make checkout quick and easy.

Why might a shopper prefer to make a purchase using a retail app rather than a retail website?

So advertisers know if their ads have truly been seen by users

Why should Google follow the viewability standards set by the US Media Rating Council (MRC)?

A positive user experience across the board can support campaign goals.

Why should marketers align with their app developer teams?

Machine learning lets William spend more time on marketing strategy than campaign details. Machine learning frees more time for William to build client relationships.

William is an online marketing manager at an advertising agency. As William learns more about machine learning, he wants to clarify the value he still adds for his clients. What are two reasons why William can be excited about the growing impact of machine learning on marketing? (Choose two.)

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