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What did John Locke say might happen in a state of nature?

- People would have no protection - The weaker people would group up and unite for a common defense against the stronger/not nice people who were taking over - No one would be secure or have their rights protected. - No one would lead or govern without the consent of the people

The Founders believed that the government of Great Britain was serving self-interests instead of the common good.

- True

According to John Locke, in a state of nature people would be reasonable and good and would respect the rights of others.

- False

According to John Locke, in a state of nature people would create the rights to life, liberty, and property because they are human beings who want these rights.

- False

The Founders believed that the Roman Republic had failed in the end because there was too much of an emphasis upon the common good at the expense of individual rights and interests.

- False

The teaching of civic virtue to children was considered to be only the responsibility of their parents.

- False

Where does government get its right to govern according to natural rights philosophy?

- The government gets its rights to govern according to the natural rights philosophy by a social contract in which the people consent to having a government.

What might life be like in a state of nature?

- You would be in a constant state of fear with no protection

The dedication of citizens to the common welfare of their community or country, even at the cost of their individual interests.

- civic virtue

The good of the community as a whole.

- common good

In order to get and keep these natural rights people allow or ___________ to a government that limits some of their rights in exchange for protection.

- consent

Natural rights to Locke were ____________, _______________, and __________________.

- life - liberty - property

A doctrine that human beings have basic rights, such as those to life, liberty, and property in a state of nature and that people create governments to protect those rights.

- natural rights

John Locke believed in _____________ ____________ or rights we are born with.

- natural rights

A person elected to act and speak for others.

- representative

An agreement among the people to set up a government and obey its laws. The theory was developed by the natural rights philosopher John Locke to explain the origin of legitimate government.

- social contract

This agreement to limit one's rights in exchange for protection is called a ______________ ___________.

- social contract.

Locke also believed that people living with no government and no laws were living in a _____________ ______ ___________ and that type of life was very unsafe and uncomfortable.

- state of nature

The Roman Republic was the ancient society that had the greatest influence on the Founders. Which of the following was a characteristic of the Roman Republic? Select all that apply. 1. The Roman Republic lasted nearly 500 years, from 509 BC to 27 BC. 2. It had a government in which power was held by the people but delegated to their elected representatives. 3. It had a government whose main responsibility was to protect individual rights. 4. The Roman Republic was ruled by a wealthy upper class of aristocrats. 5. It had a republican government. 6. It was based on the idea that it was more efficient and fair to have the people make laws that served their interests. 7. The Roman Republic did not give the people a voice in their government.

- 1. - 2. - 5.

The Founders used what they had learned about the advantages and disadvantages of the Roman Republic in creating the Constitution, which established the form of government of the United States that we have today. What were some of the characteristics of the American colonies that required adaptations of the ideas of republican government to make it work well in America? Select all that apply. 1. The colonies occupied a large territory, communication among distant communities was difficult, and about 90 percent of the people lived on farms that were often far apart from each other. 2. The people in the American colonies, which were spread out along the Atlantic coast, contained people with many different religious beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and ways of life. 3. The great diversity in the American colonies, the distance between communities, and the different ways of earning their living led to the development of groups with different interests.

- 1. - 2. - 3.

What does a social contract mean?

- A social contract is when people agree to give up some of their rights in exchange for protection from the government - In any contract, you give up something to get something.

What is the main purpose of government according to John Locke?

- According to John Locke, the main purpose of government is to protect people's personal rights that they are given by nature.

According to John Locke, in a state of nature, people could be denied the rights to life, liberty, and property under certain circumstances.

- False

How did the Founders use Locke's ideas?

- The Declaration of Independence - New state constitutions - The U.S Constitution

How were the values of republican government promoted in the colonies? Why were these values promoted?

- The values of the republican government were promoted in the colonies in many ways. For example, parents taught these values to their children, Teachers taught them in school, and clergy taught them in sermons and writings. These values were promoted because the Founders thought it was important to teach and promote civic virtue among citizens. They believed that the Roman Republic had failed in the end because its citizens lost their civic virtue.

- According to John Locke, in a state of nature people would have the rights to life, liberty, and property because they are a part of the laws of nature.

- True

In a state of nature, people who were weaker and less skilled would join together to protect themselves from stronger and more skilled people.

- True

In a state of nature, people would agree to join together to form a government that would make and enforce laws to protect their rights to life, liberty, and property.

- True

Madison believed that having a republican government with representatives from throughout a country is the best way to make laws and run a government.

- True

Madison believed that it was possible to organize a government so that no one person or self-interested group could control and abuse its powers.

- True

Madison believed that representatives should be elected by a large number of people instead of by a small number or a favored group.

- True

Madison wanted to create a government that would not rely solely on the virtue of its citizens and leaders to serve the common good.

- True

The only way a government has the right to govern a people is if the people have given their consent to be governed. That is, the power of a legitimate, or rightful, government must come from the consent of the people.

- True

People of the highest class of society who held inherited titles. They were often part of the ruling class in government.

- aristocrats

To agree and accept something, approve of something, or allow something to take place

- consent

- A person chosen to act for or represent others. - To entrust someone to represent your interests.

- delegate

A type of government in which the people themselves meet and make the laws that they decide are needed.

- direct democracy

The reasons that people form governments, including the protection of their lives, their freedom, and their property.

- purpose of government

A nation that has a government in which power is held by the people who elect representatives to manage the government for them for the sake of the common good.

- republic

A system for ruling in which power is held by the people who are eligible to elect representatives to run the government for the common good. The term does not refer to a political party.

- republican government

The basis of natural rights philosophy; a state of nature is the condition of people living in a situation without manmade government, rules, or laws.

- state of nature

The idea of a social contract is central to John Locke's philosophy. Which of the following is true of Locke's ideas about a social contract? Select all that apply. 1. A social contract is an agreement among a group of people to create and live under a government whose purpose is to make and enforce laws to protect their rights. 2. Under a social contract, people have the same freedom they have in a state of nature. 3. Under a social contract, the main purpose of government is to protect those natural rights that individuals might not be able to protect in a state of nature. 4. Under a social contract, the government is responsible for providing security to ensure the rights of the people are not violated by other people or their government.

- 1. - 3. -4.

James Madison believed that sometimes when people pursue their own self-interest, they do contribute to the common good as well.

- True

- A small group within a larger group. - According to James Madison, a group that seeks to promote its own special interests at the expense of the common good.

- faction

A system of government in which the people elect officials to make and administer laws for their country.

- representative democracy

List five rights that you think all people in our nation should have. Why do you think it is important that all people should have these rights?

- 1. Right to freedom of speech and expression - 2. Right to a fair trial by jury - 3. Right to run for elected office - 4. Right to vote freely in public and open elections - 5. Right to worship religion in a free setting -I think it is important that all people have these rights because people value rights and they deserve to have equal opportunities amongst one another. The first right I think all people should have is the right to freedom of speech and expression; people want to be able to express their opinion and use their voice how they please. All people deserve the right to have a fair trial by jury because they should be able to be heard in an unbiased way and stand up for themselves. All people deserve the right to run for elected office because they should be able to be what they want; if they desire to be in office and have a say in what choices our country makes, then let them: give them a chance. All people should have the right to vote freely in public and open elections because they are apart of this country so they should get to decide who runs our country and help make decisions about our country based on their own thoughts. The last right I believe that all people should have is the right to worship religion in a free setting because people deserve to believe in what they want considering it is their own beliefs and not anyone else's beliefs. I don't care what gender or race people are, I think all people in our nation deserve to have all five of these rights under any circumstance.

What is a social contract?

- A social contract is when people agree to give up some of their rights in exchange for protection from the government.

What is the purpose of government according to Locke?

- According to Locke, the purpose of government is to protect people's personal rights that they are given by nature

What is civic virtue? Why is it important that citizens and their representatives have civic virtue?

- Civic virtue is the dedication of citizens to the common welfare of their community or country, even at the cost of their individual interests. It is important that citizens and their representatives have civic virtue because the founders thought that civic virtue was important/necessary to make a government work well.

The Founders liked John Locke so much that they used his ideas in the _______________________ ______ _________________ which explained why the colonies left the British Empire.

- Declaration of Independence

The Founders studied people who wrote about governments and rights such as ____________ _____________ an English philosopher.

- John Locke

What were John Locke's ideas about natural rights?

- Life - The right to live - Liberty - Freedom - Property - The right to own something and not have it taken away - All people deserve these rights and everyone is born with them

What might life be like for people living in a state of nature?

- Life for people living in a state of nature might include them being in a constant state of fear with no protection. In a state of nature, people will have no protection, the weaker people would unite together for a common defense against the stronger people who would be taking over, no one would be secure or have their rights protected, and no one would lead or govern without the consent of the governed.

How did the ideas of John Locke influence the Founders?

- Natural rights (rights you are born with) was an idea of John Locke that the Founders agreed with - State of nature, which would be the strongest survive and the weak don't, was an idea of John Locke that the Founders agreed with.

What are natural rights? How do people get their natural rights?

- Natural rights are rights you are born with which are the right of life, liberty and property. People don't "get" their natural rights, they are born with them.

Why do people agree to form a social contract?

- People agree to form a social contract because they agree to exchange some of their rights for protection from the government.

What is republican government? What are the advantages and disadvantages of republican government?

- Republican government is a system for ruling in which power is held by the people who are eligible to elect representatives to run the government for the common good. The term does not refer to a political party. The advantages of the republican government are representatives are elected to serve the common good, having representatives make the laws is more efficient, the people have a say in their government, and the representatives are responsible to the people. A disadvantage of the republican government is the fact that the republican government works best in small communities, however, the colonies occupied a large territory. Another disadvantage of the republican government is the people in a republic have to be very much alike; there can't be a high degree of diversity amongst the people, however, in the colonies the people had many different religious beliefs and ways of life. The last disadvantage of a republican government is people in a large and diverse republic would naturally divide into factions. These interest groups might work against other groups or the people as a whole instead of working for the common good.

What is the common good as represented in this story? What are the self-interests represented in the story? Do you agree with the actions taken by Cincinnatus? Why or why not?

- The common good as represented in this story is Cincinnatus went and fought in the battle because he knew it would help the community as a whole and that it would be the right decision for the community as well. The self-interests represented in this story are that by Cincinnatus returning home, it showed that he valued being a good citizen of Rome more than he valued fame and personal power, so, he went back to his home. He didn't want to remain as dictator of his country, he did not want continued power; he wanted to return home and continue his life as a farmer/citizen. This is an example of him pursuing his own self-interests by doing what he desires. Yes, I agree with the actions taken by Cincinnatus because it is his life, not anyone else's, and he should get to live his life how he wants.

A person who sets aside his or her personal interests and rights in favor of the common good is displaying civic virtue.

- True

According to John Locke, in a state of nature there would be no government, laws, or rules people would have to follow.

- True

By using reason you could discover what rights people in a state of nature would want to have.

- True

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