1.3 - The Process of a Statistical Study
When working with humans or animals, the _________ requires extensive proof that no physical or mental harm will occur to the subjects in the study.
Institutional Review Board
Classify the following scenario as meta-analysis or a case study: A produce manager inspects fifteen ears of corn off a truck before purchasing the load.
case study
A study of a single event/group/individual in great detail looking at multiple variables.
Classify the following scenario as meta-analysis or a case study: Your mechanic performs his twenty point checkup on your car to determine how much longer it will last.
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study: For budget purposes, a financial advisor needs to know the average length of tenure of faculty at their college.
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study: Interview each member of the entire population.
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study: A market researcher interviews each member from each of the ten randomly chosen voting districts in a county.
cluster sampling
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study: A market researcher interviews the last ten members to arrive.
convenience sampling
In a __________ experiment, neither examiners nor participants know into which group a participant has been placed.
Determine whether an observational study or experimental study is appropriate for the following statement: A dentist wants to look at the effects of a new dental material used for fillings.
When conducting legal experiments on animals, a researcher needs to obtain consent from the __________.
institutional review board
A "study of studies" that compiles information from previous studies to arrive at a conclusion
Classify the following scenario as meta-analysis or a case study: A disaster planner compares five weather reports from hurricanes to compare for common factors.
Classify the following scenario as meta-analysis or a case study: An underwriter compares ten weather reports from hurricanes to compare for common factors.
Determine whether an observational study or experimental study is appropriate for the following statement: A car wash operator wants to study his average annual profits.
A trans-dermal patch containing no active ingredients is an example of a __________.
In a double-masked experiment the control group is often given a __________.
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study: A political analyst selects one thousand phone numbers with a computer to be called for a telephone survey.
simple random sampling
In a __________ experiment, only the participant does not know whether they have been placed in the control or experimental group.
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study: A pollster chooses ten people at random from each neighborhood.
stratified sampling
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study: First, the population is subdivided by class. Then a quality assurance analyst uses a random number generator to select five members from each class to study.
stratified sampling
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study: A scientist interviews every fifteenth member from the entire sampling frame.
systematic sampling
The purpose of a single-masked experiment is to test whether a __________ produces the anticipated response.
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study: A random number generator is used to choose fifty zip codes. Then a political strategist collects data from each person in these zip codes.
cluster sampling
Determine whether an observational study or experimental study is appropriate for the following statement: A deli cart entrepreneur wants to study her average daily receipts.