14: Interest Groups (FINAL STUDY)

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The Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. FEC created the possibility for unlimited spending in elections by __________.


Why might a group that lobbies for an end to gender discrimination see more free rider members than other types of group?

Reducing gender discrimination is a collective good.

Which is an interest group least likely to do?

Run candidates in elections

Which of the following groups lobbies on behalf of business interests?

The Chamber of Commerce

The __________ problem occurs when people fail to join a group because they can get the benefits the group offers without contributing to the group's efforts.

free rider

The __________ effort occurs at the end of the campaign and is an attempt to get the candidate's supporters to the polls on Election Day.


What region of the United States has the lowest rate of union membership?

the south

A leader of the National Rifle Association (NRA) would be very unlikely to propose a policy position of highly restricted gun control because _______.

the strength of single-issue groups is the intensity of members' beliefs, which are shared by their leaders

How did James Madison propose to overcome the problem of factions?

By allowing groups to participate in the political process

Which is the most likely way in which pluralism enhances democracy?

By ensuring that all interests are represented

Which is the most telling indicator of whether or not an individual is likely to join and participate in an interest group?

Level of wealth

In which time period did the U.S. see an uptick in the rise of public interest groups, due in part to the progressive spirit of the time?

1960s and 1970s

Why has the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) been so successful at attracting large numbers of Americans to join?

AARP offers its members popular benefits such as consumer discounts and other services.

One reason for the rise of public interest groups in the 1960s and 1970s was __________.

Americans' growing cynicism about government during the Vietnam War

How do lobbyists typically seek to influence members of Congress?

By advocating on the collective special interests of various groups

Which best describes the ability of watchdog groups to monitor lobbying activities?

Due to a 1995 lobbying disclosure law, it is now easier to monitor lobbying activities.

How are interest groups most likely to attempt to influence court decisions?

Filing amicus curiae briefs arguing in favor of a particular outcome

Which Constitutional provision guarantees the right of interest groups to organize?

First Amendment

What might a large potential group do to overcome the free-rider problem?

Give selective benefits only to group members

Why might a U.S. citizen join an interest group rather than simply exercising his or her right to vote?

Interest groups offer further means of political participation.

Which best describes the relationship between interest groups and their members?

Interest groups represent the interests of members to policy makers.

How did the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 affect lobbyists?

It required lobbyists to file a report regarding each of their clients, including how much money they were paid by them for lobbying services.

Which of the following would be considered a single-issue interest group?

National Rifle Association (NRA)

Which interest group is a good example of the modern trend of fewer members physically attending events, but thousands or tens of thousands participating in social media such as Twitter or Facebook?

Occupy Wall Street

Which theory argues that political power is widely distributed among diverse interest groups?

Pluralist theory

Which of the following can legally raise money from individuals and then distribute it in the form of direct contributions to political candidates?

Political action committees (PACs)

What distinguishes political parties from interest groups?

Political parties run candidates for office; interest groups do not.

Which is most likely true of single-issue interest groups?

They are more cohesive than other types of interest groups.

What restriction did the Ethics in Government Act place on members of the executive branch?

They cannot serve as lobbyists before their agencies for two years after leaving government service.

Which is an argument against interest groups?

They do not represent people equally.

Which best describes interest groups in the early to mid-1800s?

They were mostly single-issue groups, seated in Christian revivalism, or focused on business interests.

Which of the following is an example of lobbying?

Trying to influence government officials to support a particular policy decision

An appeal to membership in an interest group based on passion or purpose would be most appropriate for a(n) ______ interest group or organization.

religious or ideological

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