17. Computer Systems

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Which of the following ROMS can be programmed only once and is non-erasable?

(A) PROM (b) EPROM (c) EEPROM (d) DRAM PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory can be programmed only once. EPROM - Erasable Programmable Ready-Only Memory can be erased using ultra violet light. EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory can be erased electrically.

Which of the following is an example of secondary memory?

(a) Cache Memory (b) RAM (C) DVD (d) DRAM

Which of the following storage devices uses random access methods?

(a) Cassette Tape (b) CD (c) Hard Disk (D) FLASH MEMORY Cassette Tapes, CDs, DVDs, and Hard Disks are all examples of Sequential Access Storage Devices. Flash memory is an example of Random Access Storage Device.

A memory that acts as a buffer between CPU and main memory to speed up processing is called ________?

(a) DRAM (b) ROM (C) CACHE MEMORY (d) EPROM Cache Memory has low capacity and very high speed. It stores frequently used data for ready access.

__________ is a memory unit which varies in size between different computer systems.

(a) Nibble (B) Word (c) Bit (d) Byte Bit - 1 digit, Byte - 8 digits, Nibble - 4 digits, Word - 16/32/64 bits depending on system architecture.

Bus that transfers information between microprocessor & I/O units is called?

ADDRESS BUS - Carries physical address for reading/writing. DATA BUS - Carries data between different units of a computer system. CONTROL BUS - Connects CPU with other components.

What is not an example of an addressing mode?

Addressing modes are unique ways in which address of an operand is given in an instruction. Register Addressing Mode - Used when operands are in register. Immediate Addressing Mode - Used when operands are stored part of instructions i.e. constants. Direct Addressing Mode - Used when operands are provided in memory addressing modes. Other examples include Indirect Addressing Mode, Memory Deferred Addressing Mode, Scaled Addressing Mode.

Batch data processing is useful for applications involving what?

BATCH DATA PROCESSING - Involves processing high volume data in groups/batches. It is an efficient way of processing quarterly bank statements, payroll, school reports etc. REAL TIME DATA PROCESSING - Involves continuous data processing. It is an efficient way of processing stock quotations, customer service etc.

What is a computer program that converts high-level language into machine language called?

COMPILER - Language processor that converts high-level language (source code - understandable by humans) into machine language (object code - understandable by computer) for execution. INTERPRETER - Language processor that converts high-level language into an intermediate (low-level language) for execution. The difference between an interpreter and a compiler is that as opposed to an interpreter, a compiler translates a program into machine language BEFORE execution. ASSEMBLER - Language processor that converts assembly language (source code) into machine language (object code) for execution.

What is the section of CPU that performs mathematical calculations called?

CONTROL UNIT - Part of computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU). It directs the operation of memory unit, arithmetic logic unit and I/O units by interpreting instructions. I/O UNIT - Comprises of devices used to enter and extract details to and from a computer. ALU - The Arithmetic Logic Unit is responsible for making mathematical and logical operations.

The control unit of a computer system is responsible for?

CONTROL UNIT - Part of the computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU). It directs the operation of memory unit, arithmetic logic unit and I/O units by interpreting instructions.

What is the process of transforming data into different formats for another system?

ENCRYPTION - A data conversion process which prevents unauthorized personnel from accessing it. ENCODING - A data transformation process involving changing data format for another system. HASHING - Transformation of string into shorter fixed length value represent representing original string. DECODING - It is the opposite of encoding and converts encoded data to its original format.

What is the difference between EPROM and EEPROM?

EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory can be erased using UV Light. EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory can be erased electrically.

A Gigabyte contains ________ bits.

Giga in binary = 2^30 and then Byte = 8. --> 1 Giga Byte = 8 * 2^30 bits

What does Instruction Pipelining result in?

Instruction pipelining increases instruction throughput. It neither decreases the instruction execution time nor does it allow new types of instructions.

A single IC accepting & executing coded instruction for processing data and controlling associated circuitry in a computer system is called?

MICROPROCESSOR - A single Integrated Circuit (IC) accepting & executing code instructions for processing data and controlling associated circuitry. MICROCOMPUTER - An interconnected group of ICs, I/Os and memory systems used for data processing and other applications MICROCONTROLLER - An integrated system of a single IC, I/Os, memory system and associated circuitry accepting & executing coded instructions in a computer system.

A microprocessor register that stores address of the last requested program in a buffer register is called?

PROGRAM COUNTER REGISTER - Contains the address of the next instruction to be executed. STACK POINTER REGISTER - Contains the address of the last executed instruction. INSTRUCTION POINTER REGISTER - Contains the address of the current instruction being executed. ACCUMULATOR REGISTER - Contains the result of the arithmetic and logic operations.

Basic Input Output System (BIOS) is read from what during normal start-up routine?

RAM - Random Access Memory is a type of computer storage memory. Typically it is volatile and BIOS is loaded into RAM only after computer boots. ROM - Read Only Memory is a type of computer storage that is non-volatile and BIOS is generally stored in ROM which is used to boot the computer. USB Mass Storage Device - Typically used as secondary memory storage device for portable data storage options.

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