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Listed are five of the six primary committee objectives that were identified in 1953 and led to the establishment of a national office for the NJATC. I. Foundation and revision of the national standards II. Promotion of local joint committees III. Determination of the number of apprentices needed in the industry IV. Development of national curricula V. Promotion of a national completion certificate VI. ?

. Establishment of a national office and staff

One way to improve one's sense of professionalism is to ask to be given more ? within one's skill level.

. responsibilities

Adopting a ? mentality is one key to being treated as a professional at work.

. service

An apprentice who has worked ? year(s) in the jurisdiction of a local union shall be admitted into the IBEW through the local union without further action by the local union.


In 1946, NECA contractors contributed ? % of gross payroll to the new National Electrical Benefit Fund. In 1977, this was increased to ? %.

1.0 / 3.0

What is the minimum number of members required to form a new local union?


NECA chapters are grouped into ? districts. District ? covers outside work only.

10 / 10

What percentage of one's admission fee must accompany the application for membership?

10% or more

Qualified Electrical Workers in the electrical industry have over ? of proud history in serving the public.

100 years

How many Vice-Presidential districts are there?


Local union meetings shall adjourn not later than ? p.m.


The National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee is composed of ? NECA members and ? IBEW members.

12 / 12

The original NJATC had ? members. It has now grown to ? .

12 / 24

During the last few years, the number of apprentices and Electrical Workers in training annually has been in excess of ? .


Thomas Edison invented the first successful incandescent lamp in ? .


There have been few changes in the preamble to the IBEW Constitution since its first adoption in ? .


IBEW membership rose from 23,500 in 1913 to 148,072 in ? .


Joint cooperation between NECA and the IBEW produced the first National Apprenticeship Standards for the Electrical Construction Industry in ? .


National Apprenticeship Standards were first registered in the year ? .


Our industry's National Training Institute (NTI) began in ? .


NECA and the IBEW collectively established the National Labor-Management Cooperation Committee (NLMCC) in which year?


No local union shall meet more than ? time(s) monthly unless specially called.


Today, the electrical training ALLIANCE has over ? Electrical Workers' training courses available.


In ? , the NJATC changed its name to become the electrical training ALLIANCE.


Potency of marijuana has increased more than ? % over the last decade, thus increasing the dangers to users.


By 1960, ? IBEW-NECA contracts included language establishing trusts for the purposes of ? training.

275 / financing

Any member owing ? months' dues shall be suspended.


It is believed that marijuana may stay in the body up to ? .

3 weeks

The delegates elected Edwin D. Hill as International President at the ? Convention.


The Executive Committee of the electrical training ALLIANCE (NJATC) has ? members.


There are over ? IBEW members instructing in our apprenticeship classrooms.


The International Convention is held every ? years.


Currently, there are approximately ? apprentice linemen in the IBEW/NECA training program.


Any member owing ? months' full dues shall be dropped from membership.


A regional study found that ? of on-the-job accidents occurred on days that crews were merged or when workers had to double up due to employee absenteeism.


If a worker suffers a long-term, on-the-job injury, Workman's Compensation will pay ? of his or her base pay.

66 2/3%

If the total membership of a local union is 75 members or more, how many members must be present to conduct a meeting?


The IBEW membership today totals nearly ? members.


How many International Executive Council districts are there?


? is the common thread that holds the dimensions of a quality training program together.

A national standard

From the list below, select the most important characteristics of a qualified contractor. Be prepared to discuss this topic in class. I. Access to basic engineering skills II. Many talented apprentices III. Sound financial basis IV. Skilled supervision V. Qualified labor VI. Respectful employees VII. Well-trained employees

All of the above.

How often does NECA's Board of Governors meet?


? was chosen as NECA's first president in 1901.

Charles L. Eidlitz

An Apprenticeship Agreement between the apprentice and the ? must be signed and registered before the apprentice can be given employment or attend classes.

Committee - AJATC

The ? will not approve a promotion if the apprentice fails to measure up in all categories to local AJATC ? and ? .

Committee / policies / standards

The ? agrees to make every effort to keep the apprentice employed; however, he / she / they cannot ? employment.

Committee AJATC / guarantee

The EWBA was founded in 1922 to pay ? benefits.


From the selections below, select the best option as to how one can set an example for family or friends:

Do not misuse alcohol, tobacco, or prescription drugs and do not use illegal drugs. Feedback

NECA has four regional offices. In what areas of the United States are they located?

Eastern, Southern, Midwest, and Western

The five general branches of the IBEW are (1) the Inside Electrical Workers, (2) the Outside and Utility Workers, (3) the Communications Workers, (4) the Railroad Electrical Workers, and (5) the ? .

Electrical Manufacturing Workers

All charges against members, except against officers and representatives of local unions, shall be tried by the local union ? .

Executive board

If a local union office is vacated, the vacancy is filled by appointment of the ? .

Executive board

From 1903-1919, Henry McNulty served as the first full-time president of the IBEW.


Most of those who apply for the apprenticeship program are accepted.


Money collected by the IBEW is divided into two funds: the ? fund and the ? fund.

General / Pension Benefit

The main job of a Board of Directors or company owner is to see to it that the ? fulfills his or her contract.

General Manager (GM)

What is the 14th order of business of an IBEW meeting?

Good of the union

Besides labor relations, marketing, and management services, select the three other major service areas of NECA from the following list. I. Estimating II. Equipment sales III. Communications IV. Government affairs V. Technical VI. Trade shows

III., IV., and V.

A strike fund was established in 1920 due to actions that were taken at the 15th Convention in New Orleans. This convention also took historic steps to establish labor-management relations with the approval of a plan to join with management in the creation of the Council on ? .

Industrial Relations

Any member convicted by the local union trial board can appeal to the ? , then to the ? , then to the ? , and finally to the ? .

Int'l Vice President / Int'l President / Int'l Executive Council / Int'l Convention

What positions do the two executive officers hold?

International President and International Secretary/Treasurer

Any charges against any officer or representative of a local union must be made in writing and filed with the union's ? .

International Vice President

Which of the following items should be read first on every lesson?

Introductory Information

Why is underlining rules, formulas, and important statements in textbooks a good practice?

It creates a stronger impression

The first convention adopted an apprenticeship with a three-year term, which was to be served under the supervision of the ? .

Journeyman Electrical Worker

When an apprentice specifically studies the ? , he or she will better understand the main topics of the lesson and exactly what is expected of him or her as a result.

Learning Objectives

Who was named President Hill's successor when he stepped down in 2015?

Lonnie Stephenson

A basic tool in estimating is NECA's ? .

Manual of Labor Units

The first ? was a 56-page document printed in 1897.

National Electrical Code®

What was the original name of the NJATC?

National Joint Apprenticeship Standards Committee

Historically, the NJATC stood for ? .

National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for the Electrical Industry

There are four qualities of a meaningful apprenticeship program as measured by today's world standards. Listed here are three of those qualities. I. National standards II. National policies III. National completion certificates From the choices below, select the one missing quality of a meaningful apprenticeship program.

National curriculum and testing procedures

All requests for legal assistance will be investigated by the International ? .


Which of the following represents the best method of answering the lesson questions?

Read and study the reference material, then attempt to answer the lesson questions

Which of the following items should be read first on every lesson?

Reference Material

The ? split in 1908 nearly destroyed the IBEW.


If an apprentice feels that the study requirements, tests, or course material are too hard or unfair, and he or she is not willing to dedicate the time and energy into the program, or is not willing to ask for help, what should he or she do about it?

Resign from the program

The nucleus of what was to become the IBEW was formed in 1890 in the city of ? .

St. Louis

The ? and Local Policy Statement are a part of the Apprenticeship Agreement.


Besides asking questions in class, what else can an apprentice do to prevent the tests from being too difficult?

Study and learn one lesson at a time.

What is the best option for an apprentice with poor math skills?

Take the electrical training ALLIANCE on-line math course.

Which NECA committee is responsible for the production of the magazine The Quality Connection?

The National Labor-Management Cooperation Committee

If a member who has less than five years continuous good standing applies for admission to another local that has a higher admission fee, what is required of the member?

The difference between the two admission fees must be paid.

What is going to happen when a student comes to class with the lessons prepared?

The instructor will conduct a discussion of the lesson by asking apprentices to answer questions and explaining the key points and trouble spots

What may happen to a local that fails to hold a meeting at least once a month?

The local union may forfeit its charter.

Which of the following is the suggested method of study after reading each paragraph in the reference text?

Think about what you just read.

What is going to happen if an apprentice does not measure up to the standards set by the committee by not studying and performing well in class?

This apprentice could be dropped from the program

A student should read the lesson questions BEFORE reading the lesson reference material.


A student will NOT learn enough in this course by looking up the answers to lesson questions in the reference and writing down the answer.


Apprentices should NOT have the reference open when answering lesson questions.


It is important to read and review the introductory statement and the reference in each lesson.


Most local working agreements have a "Council clause."


Qualified Electrical Workers are responsible for constructing, installing, erecting, repairing, or maintaining all materials, equipment, and appliances required to generate, supply, or furnish electricity.


Students should come to class with assigned homework complete and be prepared to participate in class in a number of ways.


Tests are graded according to a simple percentage.


The AJATC is not permitted to extend an apprentice's probation hours beyond the Department of Labor's maximum hours.


The letters EWBA stand for Electrical Workers Benefit Association.


What is the 12th order of business of an IBEW meeting?

Unfinished business

The ? Act of 1935 is also called the National Labor Relations Act.


The International Office of the IBEW is located in ? .

Washington, DC

Controlling ? will help the employer to control costs.


The legislation of the sixties enormously impacted the ? and ? of JATCs.

activities / responsibilities

The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:To secure ? pay.


Smoking a single marijuana cigarette can impair driving skills in much the same way that ? does.


Indicators show that most Americans are prepared to take a stand against illegal use of ? and ? .

alcohol / drugs

The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:To organize ? workers in the entire electrical industry.


The survey findings on absenteeism referred to in this lesson found that there was a connection between absenteeism and ? .

an employee's perception of physical working conditions

The adoption of a(n) ? improved conditions of work and safety.

apprenticeship system

The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:To settle all disputes by ? if possible.


The regional study clearly points out the connection between ? and absenteeism.


Membership in NECA is through local ? , which elect representatives called ? .

chapters / governors

Apprentices who complete the NJATC's entire course of study, using the required references and passing of all NJATC examinations, are eligible for ? as specified by the American Council on Education.

college credit

Through the creation of national standards and a national ? , the NJATC has been able to bring about the training excellence sought by the IBEW and NECA.


The traditional way of looking at an employer and an organization puts the ? on the bottom of the pyramid.


The CIR was formed in 1920 to hear cases and render decisions on areas of ? between labor and ? .

disagreement / management

Failure to meet apprenticeship obligations will result in the apprentice being ? .

dropped from the program

The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:To secure ? .


One way to be given the respect one deserves through the apprenticeship and beyond is to ? one's involvement with the company.


A "BA" member is eligible for pension and death benefits.


A local union may cause or allow a work stoppage without obtaining consent of the International President.


A member is fined by a Trial Board and disagrees with its ruling. The member is then permitted to refuse to pay the fine and appeal the case.


It is not important to be a good communicator and teacher since the Training Director takes care of all apprentice training.


On August 14, 1951, the name was changed to the NJATC to reflect the committee's new responsibilities of further developing education and training for the electrical industry.


The IBEW Constitution guarantees an apprentice a voice or vote at local union meetings or elections.


The root cause of an accident is always the person who is injured.


NECA's many programs are provided to contractors through the NECA ? .

field service

The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:To cultivate feelings of ? among those in our industry.


Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are frequently called ? drugs. These drugs can lead to the use of other stronger, more addictive drugs.


The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:To seek a ? standard of living.


Apprenticeship standards specify the minimum number of ? required for on-the-job (OJT) training and related instruction.


The true costs of a worker taking a day off can be compared to a(n) ? .


The definition of ? drugs are those whose manufacture, sale, purchase for sale, or possession is prohibited by law.


The adoption of national standards and the creation of local trusts greatly ? the establishment of ? .

increased / local JATCs

A signed copy of one's Apprenticeship Agreement confirms to the student and others that he or she is a(n) ? apprentice. Select one:


When workers are motivated to think and act professionally, they become more valuable as employees, co-workers, and ? in the electrical industry.


The definition of ? drugs are those drugs that are approved for sale either over the counter or by prescription.


All money going into the General Fund shall be used for the ? of the IBEW.


The role of the chapter ? is to conduct the chapter's business and act as a liaison between contractors and the local union to promote fair and harmonious labor relations.


Some researchers believe that the use of ? may weaken the immune system and aggravate infections.


Use of cocaine and heroin is unusual for those who have not previously used alcohol, ? and/or ? .

marijuana / tobacco

Nomination of officers is normally held in the month of ? .


Alcohol is a psychoactive or ? , as are heroin and tranquilizers.

mind altering drugs

Cocaine is one of the ? powerfully addictive drugs of abuse and is one that can ? .

most / kill

At the local level, NECA chapters act as ? bargaining agents with their corresponding unions in their NEBF benefit.


A professional line worker arrives ? and often ? to his or her job.

on time / early

The national program was introduced in 1956 for the ? program and in 1961 for the ? program.

outside / inside

Because of differences in purity, uncertain heroin dosages can lead to ? , ? , and possible death.

overdose / coma

A regional study shows that the ? workers receive is not a factor in the amount of time they will be absent.


Many youths use drugs due to ? .

peer pressure

The Board of Governors establishes NECA ? .


The chief purpose of NECA is to help enhance the position of its member companies, which are firms engaged primarily in ? .

power distribution and/or integrated systems work

The Council of Industrial Relations (CIR) was founded on the basis of an earlier joint Declaration of Principles, which recognized the mutual interests of the ? , the ? and the ? .

public / employer / employee

How often does the International Executive Council meet?


The Council is composed of six representatives of the IBEW and six from NECA and meets ? to hear cases.


The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:To promote ? methods of work.


The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:To ? hours of daily labor.


When the student accepted the opportunity of apprenticeship, he or she also accepted the ? of apprenticeship.


The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:To seek ? for the individual.


Use of cocaine produces an accelerated heart rate while constricting the blood vessels. This results in body temperature and blood pressure rising. These physical changes may be accompanied by ? , cardiac and respiratory ? or ? .

seizures / arrest / stroke

The purpose of NECA's Executive Institute is to afford chapter staff executives an opportunity to review ? .

service techniques and resolve potential problems

The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:To assist others in ? and ?

sickness / distress

The following statement illustrates the objectives of the IBEW:By legal and proper means, to elevate the moral, intellectual, and ? conditions of our members and their families and dependents, in the interest of a higher standard of citizenship.


Many young people lose their lives in alcohol-related drowning, ? , and automobile accidents.


Drug abuse can often start with ? .

the use of legal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco

"Designer Drugs," created by underground chemists, produce much more toxic effects than the original substance from which they are produced.


A member can be penalized for having knowledge of the violation of any provision of the Constitution or by-laws or rules of the local union, yet fail to file charges or notify proper authorities.


A significant advantage that our national training program has for its graduates is that it allows them to perform competently as Electrical Workers anywhere in the country.


An IBEW member who becomes a contractor may remain a member of a local union.


Electrical Workers with a positive attitude toward their trade shape how employers and fellow workers treat them in their career.


If the local union by-laws are found to conflict with the Constitution, the Constitution will prevail.


In many organizations, the biggest challenge is getting workers to be accountable and responsible for themselves and their work.


Knowledge is a powerful weapon against drugs.


PCP is an illegal hallucinogenic drug that alters mood and consciousness and may distort the five senses.


Sharing needles increases the risk of contracting AIDS.


The IBEW Constitution directly states the duties of the local union officers.


The first step to becoming a professional lineman is to examine how one sees one's organization and one's place in that organization.


Where a member is found to be lacking in knowledge and ability, the local union may take action to remedy the situation.


While under the effects of PCP, the user may suffer serious injury or death.


CIR decisions are by ? vote.


The Council of Industrial Relations (CIR) decisions are all reached by a(n) ? vote of all six members from ? and all six members from the ? .

unanimous / NECA / IBEW

The people who have the most direct interaction with the public and can directly impact a company's future through shoddy work or bad behavior are the ? .


What is NECA's website address?


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