#2 Grammar: Would you mind...?

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Ask your spouse if you can buy a new car

Would you mind if I bought a new car?

Ask someone if you can call back in 5 minutes

Would you mind if I called back in 5 minutes?

Ask someone if you can call their grandma

Would you mind if I called your grandma?

As your roommate if you can cook tonight

Would you mind if I cooked tonight?

Ask if you can help someone with their heavy suitcases

Would you mind if I helped with your suitcases?

Ask if you can hang up the painting

Would you mind if I hung up the painting?

Ask someone if you can leave early.

Would you mind if I left early?

Ask someone if you can sing at their party

Would you mind if I sang at your party?

Ask someone if you can sleep on his/her sofa.

Would you mind if I slept on your sofa?

Ask if you can sell the car

Would you mind if I sold the car?

Ask someone if you can speak English

Would you mind if I spoke English?

Ask if you can talk to the boss

Would you mind if I talked to the boss?

Ask if you can tell someone your problem

Would you mind if I told you my problem?

Ask if you can translate a letter for someone.

Would you mind if I translated the letter?

Ask someone if you can turn on the lights

Would you mind if I turned on the lights?

Ask someone if you can use her/his phone for a minute.

Would you mind if I used your phone for a minute?

Ask someone if your grandfather can sit next to you on the bus.

Would you mind if my grandfather sat next to me?

Ask someone if your mother can sing at her/his party.

Would you mind if my mother sang at your party?

Ask someone if your sister can come to the party.

Would you mind if my sister came to the party?

Ask someone if your son can use his/her bathroom.

Would you mind if my son used your bathroom?

Ask someone to leave early.

Would you mind leaving early?

Ask someone to lend you a dollar.

Would you mind lending me a dollar?

Ask someone not to kick the back of your seat (on the bus or on the airplane).

Would you mind not kicking the back of my seat?

Ask your students not to talk when you, the teacher, are talking.

Would you mind not talking when I'm talking?

Ask someone to pass you that magazine.

Would you mind passing me that magazine?

Ask someone to save your seat while you go to the restroom.

Would you mind saving my seat while I go to the restroom?

Ask someone to sell the car

Would you mind selling the car?

Ask your little brother to shut up.

Would you mind shutting up?

Ask someone if they can sing at your party.

Would you mind singing at my party?

Ask someone to sleep on the sofa

Would you mind sleeping on the sofa?

Ask someone to speak slowly

Would you mind speaking more slowly?

Ask someone to talk to the boss

Would you mind talking to the boss?

Ask someone to tell you what the problem is.

Would you mind telling me what the problem is?

Ask someone to translate a letter for you.

Would you mind translating this letter for me?

Ask someone to turn on the lights

Would you mind turning on the lights?

Ask someone to use the downstairs bathroom.`

Would you mind using the downstairs bathroom?

Ask someone to buy you a new car.

Would you mind buying me a new car, please?

Ask someone to call you back in 5 minute

Would you mind calling me back in 5 minutes?

Ask someone to call his/her grandma

Would you mind calling your grandma?

Ask if your roommate can cook dinner tonight.

Would you mind cooking dinner tonight?

Ask someone to eat his/her hamburger

Would you mind eating your hamburger?

Ask someone to hang up the painting.

Would you mind hanging up the painting?

Ask someone to help you with your suitcases.

Would you mind helping me with these suitcases?

Ask someone if you can eat her/his hamburger.

Would you mind if I ate your hamburger?

Asking if you can borrow ten dollars.

Would you mind if I borrowed $10?

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