2 Questions

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What is the name of the enzyme that hydrolyzes starch?


Which of the following are essential fatty acids? Select all that are correct.

linoleic and linolenic

The fat hydrolyzing enzyme secreted by the pancreas is:


Animal starch is mostly found in what organ?


What gland is found adjacent to the duodenal loop?


Which of the following is the primary constituent hydrolyzed in the stomach?


Water and electrolytes maintain water and electrical balance inside and outside cells. Which is considered the extracellular ion?


Which of the following describes a function of the gallbladder?

stores bile from the liver and reabsorbs water and some minerals

In the digestion step of the Kjeldahl determination what, in addition to heat and catalysts, is used to digest the sample?

sulfuric acid

When the digesting food enters the small intestine it is adjusted to a pH of __________.


What are eight functions of proteins in the body?

1. Growth and maintenance of tissues 2. Structural components of cells 3. Carrier molecules (example: hemoglobin carries oxygen in blood) 4. Messenger molecules (hormones) 5. Enzymes (catalysts) 6. Antibodies to fight infection (immunoglobulins) 7. Maintenance of proper pH - Proteins are "buffers" 8. Fluid balance - water soluble proteins attract and hold on to water in our body Energy - 4 kcal/g

Describe the six steps that explain how serum cholesterol contributes to heart disease.

1. LDLs interact with free radicals to oxidize the LDL 2. Oxidized LDLs form artery-blocking plaques in blood vessels - atherosclerosis 3. Surrounding tissue proliferates and plaques expand 4. Over time the plaques become hard making arteries stiff and unyielding - arteriosclerosis 5. Eventually plaques calcify making arteries stiffer 6. Loss of pliability of artery and narrowing of lumen causes blockage eventually severely restricting or totally blocks blood flow

What are three health benefits of consuming soluble fiber?

1. Slows digestion 2. Prevents constipation 3. Reduces serum cholesterol thus reducing risk for heart disease 4. Helps stabilize blood sugar

Overweight and obese combined with physical inactivity predisposes individuals to five chronic health conditions. What are the five conditions?

1. Type II Diabetes 2. Cardiovascular disease 3. Hypertension 4. Some types of cancers 5. Poor bone health

A typical drying temperature for the determination of moisture in meat products is:


Which of the following is considered a "healthy" body mass index?


What is the recommended daily value for fiber in g/day?

28 g

What is the recommended daily value for protein in g/day?

50 g

A muffle furnace incinerates foods at about ________ (temperature).


When determining protein in dairy products the percentage nitrogen is converted to protein using which of the factors below?


Structurally, what is the difference between amylose and cellulose?

Amylose has alpha 1,4 bonds while cellulose has beta 1,4 bonds.

Compare and contrast the two terms "atherosclerosis" and "arteriosclerosis."

Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of the arteries and arteriosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries

What does CFR stand for?

Code of federal regulations

Which of the following is considered "good" cholesterol?



Identify the monosaccharide

Which of the following is an analytical procedure for protein determinations?


Why should consumers be concerned about the cis vs trans double bonds in fats?

Trans fat raise LDL cholesterol levels in the blood, the trans fats fit well in to the crystalline structure such as the plaques that accumulate in the arteries, thus contributing to heart disease. Trans fat can be found in animal products.

Define "dietary fiber."

The part of plant-based food that passes through the human gastrointestinal tract without being digested consisting of mostly of complex carbohydrates and supplying no calories.

What does the 21 in the "21 CFR 310.502" designate? What federal regulatory agency does this CFR reference apply to?

The title of the code of federal regulations. The food and drug administration.

Cholesterol is a precursor for what vitamin?

Vitamin D


Which D-glucose anomer is shown

Which of the following is a function of water in the human body?

a. provides lubrication for eyes, joints and GI tract b. is a solvent for chemical reactions c. is a reactant in chemical reactions d. a carrier that aids in the movement of nutrients and excretion of waste

Which of the following is a function of bile salts?

acts as an emulsifier

A muffle furnace is used to determine the total amount of:


What bond joins the two monosaccharide in lactose?


The yellow breakdown product of hemoglobin that is secreted in bile from the liver is:


Atwater factors are used to estimate what about a food or feed?

caloric content

Which of the following is considered a type of fiber?


An ADF analysis is used to determine____________ in foods and feedstuffs.


What are the component monosaccharides that make up sucrose?

fructose and glucose

Which of the following functional groups can be found on monosaccharides?

ketone and aldehyde

Which of the following enzymes is secreted by the pancreas and hydrolyzes proteins?


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