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A chicken about 3 to 5 months of age, has tender meat, soft smooth pliable skin, and flexible bone cartilage


A male chicken tt has been desized surgically, under 8 months old, has tender meat, and soft pliable smooth skin


Also called fryer. This is chicken about 9 to 12 weeks of age, usually has tender meat, flexible bone cartilage, and has soft, smooth pliable skin


Also known as cock; mature male chicken, tough and dark meat, hard breastbone tip, and coarse skin

Fruits and vegetables

Are edible plants tt give color, flavour, and texture to meals Good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber for our diet


Are fleshy, juicy products of seed-containing plants Are predominantly sweet When ripe, they can be eaten fresh

Dark muscles

Are found in those parts which are always used Includes thighs, the legs, wings, neck, and ribcage

White muscles

Are found mainly in the breast


Are plants or parts of plants ised as food Served raw or cooked


Are poultry products from chickens, ducks, and quails tt are eaten as food Excellent source of protein


At home,the chicken is rinsed thoroughly. Then slitting the abdominal cavity, the entrails are removed


Birds tt are hunted and used as food

Brown, white, mixed

Classification of eggs by color

Extra large, large, medium, small, extra small

Classification of eggs by weight

Shell membrane

Consisting the inner and outer membranes which can be easily seen when peeling a hatd-cooked egg


Constitutes 31% of its egg weight


Constitutes 51% of the egg weight

Instant noodles

Dried noodles with various flavourings


Ex. Bulaklak ng kalabasa, bulaklak ng saging, cauliflower, katuray, etc.

62 or more

Extra large

Jumbo broiler

Extra large broilers about 4 kilos in weight, similar to a turkey in size

Less than 41

Extra small


Flat yellowish noodles made from wheat flour, lye, salt, water, and fat


Is a carbohydrate stored as granules in the leucoplasts of plant cells


Is defined as the effect of heat on starch

Slaughtering and bleeding

Is performed by slitting the jugular vein in the chicken's throat with a sharp knife




Long, thin, round, transparent noodles made from mung bean and cornstarch Also called nylon/ silk noodles


Male chicken under 10 months old, tough, dark flesh, hard breastbone, cartilage, and coarse skin

Fresh, frozen, dried, preserved

Market forms of eggs

Fresh, frozen, canned, dried and dehydrated

Market forms of fruits and vegetables

Stewing chicken

Mature female chicken; more than 10 months old, less tender, and hard breastbone tip




Method to determine freshness of eggs Fresh eggs have a clear, thick, firm, and gelatinous white. The yolk is well-rounded, high at mid-center and does not break easily

Gross examination

Method to determine freshness of eggs Fresh eggs have rough, dull-looking shells

Water test

Method to determine freshness of eggs Fresh eggs sink and a stale one floats


Method to determine freshness of eggs Hold the egg against the light. Fresh eggs have yolk at the center, small air sac, and no blood spots


Method to determine freshness of eggs Click 2 eggs. The fresh ones have a bell-like tone


Method to determine freshness of eggs Fresh eggs do not rattle noticeably while a stale one rattles easily

Pancit canton

Mixture of flour, duck eggs, salt and soda ash


Noodles made from rice and corn

Cutting poultry into halves, quarters, and parts, filleting, deboning, marinating, stuffing, trussing

Poultry preparation techniques


Refers to grp of domesticated fowls used as food This includes chicken, turkey, duck, pigeon, and quails

alimentary pastes

Refers to the family of macaroni products of varying sizes and shapes




The bled chicken is dropped in hot water (about 60oC) for 30 to 60 secs depending on the size of the bird


The hard case consisting mainly of calcium carbonate


The most consumed of all poultry It is the most domesticated and easier to raise


There are made from rice, soft wheat, soybeans, cassava, and other legumes and root crops


There are parts from which a new plant will grow (Legumes, beans, broad beans, garbanzos or chickpeas, papaya or cowpeas, soybeans, etc)


There are short, thickened fleshy parts of an underground stem (Irish potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes)

Stems and shoots

There are the stalks supporting the leaves, flowers or fruits (Kangkong, celery, kintsay, lettuce, etc.)


There are underground buds and are made of very short stems covered with layers (Garlic, onion, etc)


There includes the onion family(spring onion, leeks, scallion) and a wide variety of leaves (Sili leaves, ampalaya)


There includes those cooked as vians like ampalaya, patola, upo, pusong saging, etc

Poultry parts

These are parts of the chicken tt are packed, sold, frozen or fresh


These are underground parts of plants (Sweet potato, cassava, carrot, etc)


These include breaded chicken nuggets, breaded chicken fillet, chicken roll, chicken kiev, and chicken relleno

Ready to cook

This can be sold whole, split in halves, quartered w/o backbone, boned chicken breast, boned half breasts, chicken ham, and tocino

Moist heat method

This is cooking using water or other liquid as medium

Drawn poultry

This is dressed poultry in which the internal organs have been removed and cleaned

Whole poultry

This is poultry with all its parts intact but not alive

Dressed poultry

This is slaughtered bird tt have been bled and defeathered

Dry heat method

This method of cooking is ideal for young poultry with tender meat


Use of egg in culinary Lumpia wrappers Yellow sponge cake


Use of egg in culinary Makes an existing dish richer with protein and other nutrients tt an egg contains


Use of egg in culinary The lecithin in egg yk has the ability to protect oil droplets from coalescing in the making of mayonnaise


Use of egg in culinary The process of incorporating air in a mixture as in scrambled eggs


Use of egg in culinary Used as egg washing for breads to be baked, giving the baked product a golden yellow and glossy surface


Use of egg in culinary Used as filling in morcon, embutido, and as decor/ top of pancit palabok


Use of egg in culinary Used as thickening agent in custards, leche flan, and pudding.


Use of egg in culinary Used in crunchy fish fillet or chicken breast fillet


Use of egg in culinary Used in sponge cakes, chiffon cakes, and meringues


Use of egg in culinary Used in the meat mixture in a lumpiang shanghai, omelette, burgers, etc.


Use of egg in culinary Used in wine making

Live poultry

When buting poultry, select those tt are alert, healthy, well-feathered, and well-formed


When scalded chickens are laid on the working table, removal of the chicken feathers start


Whole or chicken parts tt are packed and are frozen, usually found in the frozen section of the supermarket

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