2019FA CJC 141 Corrections Pitt Community College CHP 6

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Alice is preparing a report on the process of parole revocation. Which of the following statements is most likely to be present in her report?

A full revocation hearing is presided over by the sentencing court for mandatory release violators. A full revocation hearing is presided over by parole board members or the sentencing court for mandatory release violators.

Which of the following statements is true of the parole revocation process?

A notice of violation is submitted to the supervising authority by the parole office if the offender does not cooperate after committing a violation. When a violation occurs and the offender does not cooperate or absconds from supervision and cannot be found, the officer writes a notice of violation to the supervising authority and may request a warrant for arrest and custody if the officer believes that the offender should be taken into custody.

Diego was sentenced to prison for a minimum period of three years and a maximum period of six years. Although there is no system of earning marks to gain privileges, the parole board authorizes his release after he has served three-and-a-half years of his sentence. Which of the following methods has been used to release Diego from prison?

Discretionary parole Discretionary parole refers to the release of inmates in which the decision to release is made by a parole board.

Which of the following is true of the Maryland Scale of Scientific Methods (MSSM)?

Each study was placed into an MSSM level, and evaluations of similar programs have been grouped into 6 different kinds of programs. Each study was placed into an MSSM level, and evaluations of similar programs have been grouped into (1) vocational training and work, (2) drug rehabilitation, (3) educational programs, (4) sex/violent offender programs, (5) halfway house programs, and (6) prison prerelease programs.

Which of the following statements is true of parole guidelines and the salient factor score?

Higher salient factor scores indicate a lower probability of recidivism. There are several factors regarding the history of offenses that are most predictive of success after release. These factors are combined to find the salient factor score for inmates. Higher scores indicate a lower probability of recidivism.

Which of the following statements is characteristic of the changes in prison operations over the past twenty years?

In many states, an inmate's preparation and release plans are no longer reviewed due to the absence of a parole board. Currently, without parole boards in many states, there is no gatekeeper to review the inmate's preparation and release plans.

William was a prisoner in 1855 as part of the Irish prison system created by Sir Walter Crofton. Which of the following statements is true of this scenario?

In the open institution stage, William was trained on the freedoms and requirements of release and continued to earn marks to reach the fourth stage. The open institution stage was a transitional stage to society, with training on the freedoms and requirements of release and continued earning marks to reach the fourth stage.

Benjamin was a criminal who was transported to the penal colony on Norfolk Island in 1843. The penal colony followed the mark system. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

In the penal stage, Benjamin was held under solitary confinement and a diet of bread and water. The penal stage of the mark system emphasized punishment and included solitary confinement and a diet of bread and water.

Which of the following statements is characteristic of the medical model?

Inmates who did not have any community contacts were often released to a halfway house. For inmates to be released they must have a place to live and must address their possibilities of finding a job. If they have no community contacts, inmates were often released to a halfway house or given more time to develop a release plan.

Which of the following statements is true of the just deserts model?

It had fixed sentences for each crime so that the punishment fit the crime. Andrew von Hirsch proposed the just deserts model. It followed the Classical School of criminology, letting the punishment fit the seriousness of the crime.

Which of the following statements is true of supervised mandatory release?

It is a conditional release, as there are still requirements and conditions that must be fulfilled by the offender. Supervised mandatory release is a conditional release, as there are still requirements and conditions that must be met or fulfilled or offenders can be returned to prison.

Which of the following statements is true of the Elmira Reformatory?

It used indeterminate sentences and followed the principles of the Irish system. The Elmira Reformatory opened in 1876 and used the principles of the Irish system, indeterminate sentences, and parole.

Jackson is a trial court judge who supports the use of presumptive sentencing. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

Jackson supports the imposition of a particular sentence for each category of crime on a typical first-time offender. A presumptive sentencing system provides a sentence for each category of crime that would be imposed for a typical first-time offender.

28-year-old Linda is a convicted offender. A parole board is determining her release date. It calculates the salient factor score to set a release date within the guideline range. Which of the following statements is true of this scenario?

Linda is more likely to commit another crime than if she were 45 years old. Higher salient factor scores indicate a lower probability of recidivism. The U.S. parole commission salient factor score sheet indicates that a lower score should be awarded if the offender is younger than 41 years of age at the commencement of the current crime.

Which of the following is a feature of changes in the prisoner reentry process over the past twenty years?

Prisoners who are released find fewer social services available to them in the community. The communities to which prisoners return are more disorganized, their families are less likely to be supportive, and they find fewer social services available to them in the community.

Ryan was convicted of a crime in 1877. He was sent to the Elmira Reformatory. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

Ryan earned privileges for his work and behavior. The Elmira Reformatory used a system of classification that allowed inmates to earn privileges for their work and behavior.

Which of the following statements is true of the recent progress in prisoner reentry?

The Second Chance Act includes supportive programming for children of incarcerated parents. The Second Chance Act was signed into law in 2008. One of the services to be funded under the bill is supportive programming for children of incarcerated parents.

Emily is preparing a report on the history of parole in the United States. She includes a section on the Elmira Reformatory in her report. Which of the following statements is most likely to be present in Emily's report?

The inmates of the reformatory spent much of their day in education programs and learning trades. The Elmira Reformatory was organized so that inmates spent much of their day in education programs and learning trades.

Which of the following statements regarding the parolee population is true?

The majority of parolees are minorities. Similar to the makeup of the adult prison population, a high percentage of minorities are under community supervision, with approximately 44 percent of parolees being white, 38 percent black, and 18 percent Hispanic at the end of 2015.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the status of parole?

The parole population has substantially increased since 1980. The number of offenders under state parole or mandatory release supervision at year-end 2015 was 870,500, which was more than a fourfold increase in the number of parolees or other post-release supervision of offenders in 1980.

Which of the following statements is true of the mark system?

The penal stage did not allow inmates to associate and begin to earn marks through work or program participation. It is in the second stage-the associated stage-that the inmates were allowed to associate and begin to earn marks through work, program participation, and good behavior.

Which of the following statements is true of the issues associated with prisoners reentering the community?

The quality of employment of prisoners reentering the community is important for reducing recidivism. Uggen and Staff summarized the research that illustrates the critical importance of work as a turning point for offenders, while noting the research indicating a relationship between work and crime and that the quality of employment is important for reducing recidivism.

Julie is a parolee who has committed a technical violation. She is arrested and taken into custody. Which of the following statements is true of this scenario?

Though generally unlikely, the parole board or court may return Julie to supervision with no modification of conditions if her violation of the conditions of release is determined to be minor. The board or court can return the offender to supervision with no modification of conditions. This is unlikely; if the violation was serious enough to warrant a revocation hearing, there is probably the need to modify the conditions.

In the first step of parole revocation, the parole officer ________.

determines that there is a violation, or failure to follow conditions of supervision When a violation occurs, a formal revocation process begins, which includes several steps. The first step is for the parole officer to determine that there is a violation.

In some states ____________ conduct parole hearings and recommend decisions to the parole board.

hearing officers In some states, the actual parole board members hold parole hearings in the prisons, whereas in other states hearing officers conduct the hearings and recommend decisions to the parole board, which confirms or modifies the decision.

Nigel was an inmate in 1953. He was convicted for premeditated murder and sentenced to serve a minimum of 8 years in prison. The medical model of corrections was adopted during that time. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

A parole board considered whether Nigel had a place to live and if he could find a job before releasing him to the community. Parole boards act as gatekeepers to ensure that inmates have sound release plans for their return to the community. For inmates to be released they must have a place to live and must address their possibilities of finding a job.

Tyler has been on parole for 9 months. As part of the conditions of his parole, he is required to meet face-to-face with his parole officer at least once a month. So far, he has not missed a meeting. What is occurring when Tyler meets with his parole officer?

A positive contact A positive contact is a face-to-face contact between a parole officer and an offender.

Gordon is a member of a parole board. Mary is a convicted offender. The board is in the process of setting Mary's release date based on parole guidelines. Gordon has been charged with calculating Mary's salient factor score. Which of the following statements is true of this scenario?

Gordon and the rest of the parole board can consider any mitigating or aggravating circumstances of Mary's offense while setting the release date. The parole board can consider mitigating or aggravating circumstances of the offense or offender to set the release date within the guideline range.

Which of the following statements is true of the Irish system?

In the special prison stage, the offenders had to complete three conduct classes, taking up to twelve months. In the special prison stage, the offender worked with other inmates and earned marks to gain privileges and move further toward release. Inmates also had to complete three conduct classes, taking up to twelve months.

Lily is a student studying criminology. She is preparing a report on the prisoner reentry process prevalent until the 1980s. Which of the following statements is most likely to be present in her report?

When prison operations were based on the medical model, ex-offenders were used as aides to parole officers. When prison operations were based on the medical model, there was experimentation with specialized caseloads, the use of volunteers in parole, and even ex-offenders as parole officer aides. Inmates' return to the community was intensely supervised.

Parole guidelines are based on ________.

the predictive factors that determine the offenders' risk to the community Parole guidelines, like sentencing guidelines, use predictive factors to determine the offenders' risk to the community and chance for success. Guidelines are then used to prescribe a presumptive time to be served based on the seriousness of the crime and the factors predictive of success for each inmate.

Which of the following is a special condition of parole?

Attending mental health counseling Special conditions of parole are similar to special conditions of probation, such as a requirement for drug or alcohol counseling and testing, vocational training, mental health counseling, or other treatment programs; avoiding a particular person or group of people; residing in a halfway house; or being placed under electronic monitoring.

Jason has worked in the probation department for the past twenty years. He has been involved in the supervision of probationers and preparation of post sentence investigations. Which of the following changes in the prisoner reentry process is he most likely to have witnessed?

Earlier all states used indeterminate sentences with release by parole boards, whereas currently many prisoners are released after serving a determinate sentence. For much of the twentieth century, all states used indeterminate sentences with release by parole boards to assist in determining offenders' release preparation. The current model of prison operations and prisoner reentry focuses more on punishment, deterrence, and incapacitation. Most offenders serve a determinate sentence that is much longer than in the past.

At year-end 2015, nearly all offenders on parole or mandatory release supervision had been convicted of which of the following?

Felony offense At year-end 2015, nearly all offenders (94 percent) on parole or mandatory release supervision had been convicted of a felony and sentenced to incarceration of more than one year. Thirty-two percent were serving a sentence for a violent offense, 21 percent for property offenses, 31 percent for a drug offense, 4 percent for a weapons offense, and 13 percent for some other offense.

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