2020-level 3 set 6

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'(')äk|nāshǝs adjective New Latin 1 : a family of tropical trees, shrubs, or rarely herbs (order Parietales) having thick shining parallel-veined leaves and paniculate flowers with elongated anthers


'a(͵)kwē, 'a͵kwī noun plural Latin 1 plural aquae : WATER: a (1) in old chemistry : LIQUID (2) : a solution especially in water b : an indefinte usually infinitely large amount of water -- used in abbreviated form in chemical formulas 2 plural aquas : a variable color averaging a light greenish blue that is greener and paler than average robin's-egg blue (sense 1), paler and slightly bluer than average turquoise (sense 2a), paler and very slightly bluer than average turquoise blue, and greener and slightly deeper than average aqua blue


'bejǝrē noun native name in Australia 1 : an Australian shrub (Duboisia hopwoodii) 2 : a narcotic drug that is prepared by drying the leaves and twigs of the pituri shrub


'jē͵gȯ, 'gē͵gȯ, 'jē͵jȯ noun Unknown Origin 1 : something lacking in substantial value : a thing of no account or worth : TRIFLE 2 : something showy or gaudy and usually with little intrinsic worth


'lekǝ noun plural Albanian 1 : an Albanian monetary unit formerly equal to 1/5 Albanian franc, established as the basic unit in 1947 2 : a coin representing one Albanian monetary unit


'pele(͵)vē noun Persian 1 : the Iranian language of Sassanid Persia 2: a gold coin of Iran first issued in 1927 2 : a script used for writing Pahlavi


'pȯl noun Hindi 1 : a small double-poled tent with steep sloping sides used in India


'saůs noun Middle English 1 a : something that is pickled; especially : pork trimmings, fish, or shellfish chopped, seasoned, cooked, and molded for slicing b : a pickling solution 2 : an act or instance of drenching or immersion : DIP, WETTING 3 a : a habitual drunkard : TIPPLER b : a drinking spree : BINGE


'sə̇͵mīǝ'tishǝn, ͵sē]͵mīǝ-, ͵se], ]mēǝ- noun Greek 1 : a general philosophical theory of signs and symbols that deals especially with their function in both artificially constructed and natural languages and comprises the three branches of syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics

Simmental ( V : simmenthal )

'zimǝn.͵täl noun Geographical 1 : a Swiss breed of large buff or dull red and white cattle used widely in Europe for meat, milk, and draft


(')alk|manik adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to Alcman or to verse composed wholly or partly of Alcmanians


(')am|ritsǝ(r), |ǝm|- adjective Eponym 1 : of or from Amritsar, India : of the kind or style prevalent in Amritsar


(')an|dȯrǝ, -ärǝ adjective Eponym 1 : of or from the republic of Andorra : of the kind or style prevalent in Andorra : ANDORRAN


(')hel|velik adjective New Latin 1 : a genus comprising ascomycetous fungi with the ascocarps stalked, pileate, or saddle-shaped and often thrown into folds


(')hī|metēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to Mount Hymettus


(')in'nämǝ͵nā, -͵nē, -'nōmǝ͵nā noun Latin 1 : an English polyphonic composition of the 16th and 17th centuries written for an instrumental ensemble (as for viols and keyboard) and using as a cantus firmus a fragment of plainsong from the antiphon for Trinity Sunday

johnsonian ( H : jonsonian )

(')jän|sōnēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Samuel Johnson 2 : of, relating to, or resembling the literary style of Samuel Johnson: as a : marked by purity, elevation, and grace b : marked by balanced phraseology and excessively Latinic diction


(')kad|mōnēǝn adjective Eponym 1: of or relating to the poet Caedmon


(')kam|chatkǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to the Kamchatka peninsula


(')kan|wär noun Unknown Origin 1 : an indigenous people of central India especially in the Bilaspur district many of whom are large landholders 2 : a member of the Kanwar people


(')klī|dōik adjective Greek 1 : of an egg : cut off or isolated from free exchange with the environment by reason of a more or less impervious shell


(')kůr|bet noun French a leap of a horse in which he raises both forelegs at once equally advanced and as they are falling raises his hind legs so that for an instant all his legs are in the air at the same time: CURVET


(')lär|vivǝrǝs adjective New Latin 1 : feeding upon larvae especially of insects


(')nȯ(r)|thǝmbrēǝn adjective Middle English + Middle English 1 a : of, relating to, or characteristic of ancient Northumbria b : of, relating to, or characteristic of the people of Northumbria c : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Old English dialect of Northumbria 2 a : of, relating to, or characteristic of Northumberland b : of, relating to, or characteristic of the people of Northumberland c : of, relating to, or characteristic of the modern English dialect of Northumberland


(')pal|melǝ(r) adjective New Latin + 1 : of or relating to a palmella stage : PALMELLOID

Proanthropus ( V : proanthropos )

(')prō|an(t)thrǝpǝs, |prō͵an|thrōp- noun New Latin 1 : a hypothetical prehuman primate


(')pä|lībrə̇d; 'pälēb-, -lə̇b- noun 1 : HETEROGEN


(')pēn'ǝŋgyǝlə̇t, -͵lāt adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Paenungulata : a major division of eutherian mammals comprising the extinct orders Pantodonta, Dinocerata, Pyrotheria, and Embrithopoda together with the surviving orders Proboscidea, Hyracoidea, and Sirenia

Pinon ( H, V : pinyon )

(')pēn|yōn, 'pinyǝn noun American Spanish 1 a : any of various low-growing nut pines (as Pinus parryana, P. cembroides, P. edulis, and P. monophylla) of western No. America b : the nut pine of Europe 2 : the nutlike seed of the pine used especially in confectionery


(')rab|dītə̇d, -|ditə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Rhabditidae or Rhabditida


(')rü|be, -bā adjective Geographical 1 : of or from the city of Roubaix, France : of the kind or style prevalent in Roubaix


(')ser|tä noun Syriac 1 : the Syriac cursive script characterized by horizontal lines or ligatures uniting the lower portions of the letters


(')sham|bäk, -|bǝk noun Afrikaans southern Africa : a heavy leather whip often of rhinoceros hide


(')shē|än adjective Geographical 1 : of or from the city of Sian, China : of the kind or style prevalent in Sian


(')shō|sā noun French 1 : a paved road : CAUSEWAY, HIGHWAY


(')skel|tōnēǝn, -nyǝn adjective Eponym 1 : SKELTONIC : of, relating to, or characteristic of the English poet John Skelton, his writings, or Skeltonics


(')skwī|rēn noun chiefly Irish : a petty squire : a gentleman in a small way


(')snō|dōnēǝn, -nyǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or situated in the area of Snowdonia


(')swä|rezēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or typical of the Spanish Jesuit Francisco Suárez or his political, philosophical, and theological doctrines


(')sī|klȯrǝfǝs adjective New Latin 1 : a suborder or other major division of Diptera that comprises flies lacking mandibles and first maxillae and having acephalous larvae and coarctate pupae and that includes the botflies and the common houseflies


(')ten|sōrēǝl, -sȯr- adjective New Latin 1: of, relating to, or characteristic of a tensor


(')tär|pärkǝr noun Geographical 1: an Indian breed of pale gray humped dairy cattle with lyrate horns 2 -s often capitalized : an animal of the Tharparkar breed


(')tī|kädǝrə̇d, |tīkō|der- adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Ptychoderidae

tungus ( V : tunguz )

(')tůŋ|güz noun Russian 1 a : a Mongoloid people related to the Manchu that are widely spread over Eastern Siberia and include many still nomadic groups 2 also tunguse \-z\ : the Tungusic languages of the Tungus peoples

iridic ( irid- + -ic )

(')ī|ridik, ə̇'r- adjective Latin + Middle English 1 : of, relating to, or derived from a silver-white metallic element 2 : of or relating to the iris of the eye


(g)wī'ülē noun American Spanish 1 : a much-branched subshrub (Parthenium argentatum) with slender silvery leaves and small white flowers that is native to dry parts of Mexico and the adjacent southwestern United States and has been cultivated as a source of rubber 2 or guayule rubber : rubber obtained from guayule


(h)ē'bē(͵)tō noun Spanish 1 a : an extinct Cholonan people of northwestern Peru b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Hibito people


(p)shävēǝn adjective 1 : of or relating to the Pshav


(y)ügrēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Ugrians 2 : UGRIC


(|)mänō(͵)the͵lēt͵izǝm noun Medieval Latin + Middle English 1 : the theological doctrine that in Christ there is but one will though two natures


(͵)spī͵rilǝ'sīdǝl, ⸗'⸗⸗͵⸗⸗ adjective New Latin + Middle English + Late Latin 1: destroying spirilla


(͵)sǝb'zē noun Hindi 1 India : a green vegetable 2 India : the larger leaves and the seed capsules of Indian hemp used for making bhang


(͵)sǝr'vishǝl adjective Medieval Latin 1 : of or relating to service


(͵)sǝr͵karē'ēǝ noun plural New Latin : a tailless cercaria usually remaining in the snail host until eaten by the proper definitive host


(͵)vī͵telǝ͵jenǝsə̇s, və̇͵t-+ noun New Latin 1 : yolk formation

osetra ( V : ossetra )

(͵)ō'se.trǝ noun 1 : a golden or brownish caviar from a sturgeon of the genus Acipenser (A. sturio) with roe smaller than the beluga ; also : the fish -- compare SEVRUGA herein


\ˈkeks\ noun Maya : a Maya therapeutic rite in which an ailing person pledges an offering of food to the force or agency of his illness in return for his health


al'sīnē noun New Latin in some classifications : a genus (the type of the family Alsinaceae) of herbs that includes the chickweeds and stitchworts and is equivalent to Stellaria or to a combination of Stellaria and Arenaria of other classifications


alsə̇d noun New Latin 1 : any of the family Alcidae of diving birds


am'bistǝmǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus (the type of the family Ambystomidae) of common salamanders confined to America and characterized by amphicoelous vertebrae, short prevomers, and internal fertilization 2 -s : a salamander of the genus Ambystoma


amfǝ͵tēn noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : the synaptic stage in meiosis in which homologous chromosomes pair intimately


amǝl͵kȯrn noun German 1 : EMMER : a hard red wheat


amǝ͵dīt noun New Latin 1 : SAND LAUNCE : any of several small elongate marine telecost fishes


an'thidēǝm noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of solitary bees that use resin as a cement in building their nests 2 plural anthidia \-ēǝ\ : a bee of the genus Anthidium


an.|tipǝ|dēǝn, |an.͵t-, aan-, |aan- adjective Middle English 1 : ANTIPODAL 2 sometimes capitalized, Britain : AUSTRALIAN synonym see OPPOSITE


anjǝ͵vēn, -͵vīn, 'aan- adjective French 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Anjou, France 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the natives or inhabiitants of Anjou 3 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Plantagenets

antimasquer ( V : antimasker )

antē͵maskǝr, -tə̇- noun 1 : a performer in an antimasque


antə̇͵triptik adjective Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a substance (as one obtained from pancreatic extracts or from soybeans) that inhibits the action of trypsin


anǝ͵dō.lumǝnesǝns noun 1 : luminescence excited by anode rays


arǝ͵masp noun Eponym 1 : one of a mythical race of one-eyed men of Scythia represented in ancient art as in constant strife with griffins for gold guarded by the griffins

arrack ( V : arak or arrak )

arə̇k, 'a͵rak noun Arabic 1: an alcoholic beverage from the Far East or Near East; especially : a liquor of high alcoholic content resembling rum in taste and distilled in the Far East from the fermented juice of the coconut palm or from a fermented mash of rice and molasses


asē͵ā noun French : a light grayish olive color : QUAKER GRAY


ba(͵)sō, 'baa-, 'bai-, 'bä-, 'bȧ- noun Italian 1 : a bass singer; especially : an operatic bass 2 : a bass part (as in a chorus or opera)


babəlˈyän noun Philippine 1 in central and southern Philippines : a pagan priest, priestess, or medium


bak|tirǝ|sīdǝn noun 1 : an antibody that kills microorganisms against which it is active


bathvə̇͵līt noun Eponym 1: an oxygenated hydrocarbon occurring as brown porous lumps in coal


berə̇͵kȯid noun New Latin 1 : a fish of the group Berycoidei or the order Berycomorphi


besē, -si noun Eponym 1: a stock character in English folk dances and plays played by a man dressed as a woman


bethǝlə̇d, -͵lid adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the family Bethylidae


be͵tȯŋ, -äŋ noun native name in Australia 1: any of several kangaroos of the genus Bettongia


bil'bǝrjēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of tropical American epiphytes (family Bromeliaceae) with stiff spiny-edged leaves and showy flowers 2 -s : a plant of the genus Billbergia


birnǝ noun German 1 : a pear-shaped mass of some substance (as sapphire, spinel, rutile) formed synthetically in the Verneuil furnace with the atomic structure of a single crystal but with crystallographic axes generally in a random position with respect to its length


bläk͵fl[oe]tə̇n, -flǝrtə̇n noun plural German 1 : a fipple flute with eight finger holes 2 : a flute organ stop of 16-, 8-, 4-, or 2-ft. pitch tonally similar to the recorder


blüt͵pen(t)s noun plural but singular or plural in construction Afrikaans Africa : enterotoxemia of lambs


bräm͵fügǝl noun Afrikaans 1 : a southern African hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) of large size and more or less terrestrial habits

braies ( H : brays, breys, braes )

brāz noun plural French 1 : shapeless trousers of wool or skin tied at the waist and ankles by cords worn chiefly by the ancient Gauls : BRACCAE 2 : breeches or trousers worn in medieval times


brůn'felzēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of tropical American shrubs (family Solanaceae) that have alternate entire leaves and a fleshy fruit like a berry and that are commonly grown in greenhouses for their flowers


brǝ'yerə̇n, 'brāǝr- noun New Latin 1 : KOSIN : a yellowish brown amorphous anthelmintic powder containing all of the constituents of brayera

bute ( H )

byüt adjective Eponym 1 : of or from the county of Bute, Scotland : of the kind or style prevalent in Bute


bäntə̇͵bǝk noun Afrikaans 1 : a southern African antelope (Damaliscus dorcas dorcas syn. t pygargus) that is now extinct except in semidomestication and is of a purplish red color with a white face and rump


bärklē͵īt noun Eponym 1 : a magenta-colored nearly opaque variety of corundum found in Australia


bästrə̇kə̇d, -͵kid adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the family Bostrychidae


bäŋ(͵)gē adjective Eponym 1 : of or from Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic : of the kind or style prevalent in Bangui


bünēz, -iz noun plural Tagalog + Middle English (Scots) 1: BACKCOUNTRY : RURAL

bougar ( D )

bü͵gär, -_gǝr noun Unknown Origin chiefly Scotland : a rafter or cross spar of a roof especially of a cottage


bü͵tüt noun Wolof 1 : a monetary unit of Gambia equal to 1/100 dalasi 2 : a coin representing one butut


bā'kärd noun French 1 : any of several large-billed tropical American birds of the family Cotingidae

bajan ( H )

bājǝn noun by shortening & alteration 1 : a native or inhabitant of Barbados


bāldǝ͵nīt noun Eponym 1 : a mineral consisting of a lead copper arsenate and occurring in mammillary green masses


bātǝl adjective Scandinavian 1 Scotland : RICH, NOURISHING


bē͵kīt noun Eponym 1 : a pseudomorph of chalcedony after coral or shell


bī͵än, -īǝn noun probably native name in Burma 1 : a clayey gem-bearing earth of Burma


bō'inēǝ, -'hin-, bȯ'- noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a large genus of tropical trees, shrubs, or lianas (family Leguminosae) with leaves that are usually bifoliolate and tough fibrous bark 2 plural bauhinia or bauhinias : a plant of the genus Bauhinia


bō'lēt, bǝ'- noun New Latin 1 : any fungus of the family Boletaceae


bō'pirǝ͵dē noun plural New Latin 1 : a large family of isopod crustaceans that live as parasites on shrimps and other decapods, the large females attaching themselves to their host by hooked legs, often causing parasitic castration of the host, and themselves becoming extremely degenerated while the minute males live on or near the females and in large measure retain their isopod characters


bō.'tridēǝm noun New Latin 1 : a genus (the type of the family Botrydiaceae of the order Heterosiphonales) of coenocytic yellow-green algae that occur on moist earth as round or pear-shaped vesicles


bō͵livē'ä(͵)nōz, bǝ- noun plural Spanish 1 : a former basic monetary unit of Bolivia 2 : a coin or note representing one boliviano


bůkmǝ͵nizǝm, 'bǝk- noun Eponym a life-changing movement stressing personal and social regeneration founded in 1921 at Oxford, England: OXFORD GROUP MOVEMENT

bulto ( H : bultow )

bůl(͵)tō, 'bül- noun Spanish 1 : an image of a saint carved in wood and polychromed made in the southwestern United States and Latin America in the 18th and 19th centuries 2 : a bundle especially of fibers for rope making


bǝ'blä noun Persian 1 a : an acacia tree (Acacia arabica) that is probably native to the Sudan but is widespread in northern Africa and across Asia through much of India and that is a source of gum arabic and of tannins and in part of its range of fodder and timber 2 usually bablah : the pods and sometimes the bark of the babul that are rich in tannin and used in tanning and dyeing; also : the pods of any of several acacias that are similarly used


bǝ'ländǝ, 'bl-\ noun Malay 1 : a native or inhabitant of the Netherlands : HOLLANDER c : a person of Dutch descent : DUTCHMAN -- used especially in the Malay peninsula

ballata ( H )

bǝ'lätǝ noun Italian 1 : a medieval Italian song accompanied by or alternated with dancing and having stanzas and refrain alternating


bǝ'rask noun Spanish or Mexican Spanish 1 : a squall often attended with a thunderstorm occurring especially in the Mediterranean 2 a : a mine section or an entire mine that is largely oreless : an unproductive mine b : unproductiveness especially of a mine; also : PENURY, WANT


bǝ'ritik adjective by alteration 1 : of or relating to baryta (any of several compounds of barium; especially : barium monoxide)


bǝ'rālē adjective Eponym 1: of or from the city of Bareilly, India : of the kind or style prevalent in Bareilly


bǝ'rāmēǝn, -rēm- adjective French 1 : of or relating to a subdivision of the European Cretaceous


bǝ'tärd noun French 1: a French round handwriting developed in the early 17th century and modified by the current English commercial cursive


bǝgǝ͵lä, -_lǝ noun Marathi 1 : a 2-masted trading vessel used in the Indian ocean

buhrstone ( V : burrstone or burstone )

bǝr|stōn noun by alteration 1 : a siliceous rock used as a material for millstones 2 : a millstone cut from buhrstone


bəˈrītə noun Greek any of several compounds of barium; especially : barium monoxide


bə̇'thinēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Bithynia in Asia Minor 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Bithynians


chä(͵)nā, in sense 1 'or 'shänǝ noun Spanish 1 : 2GUANA : an Arawakan people or group of peoples of Mato Grosso, Brazil, and the Chaco region of Paraguay b : a member of any of such peoples 2 a : an Arawakan people of the Paraná river valley b : a member of such people 3 : the language of the Chane people


chäŋ(͵)gō, -aŋ- noun Spanish 1 a : an extinct people of the north Chilean coast b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Chango people


chüə̇t noun Middle French 1 : a bird of the Old World genus Pyrrhocorax of small or medium size with red legs and glossy black plumage 2 : one that chatters


chē.trǝm, 'che- noun Tibetan 1 : a monetary unit of Bhutan equal to 1/100 ngultrum 2 : a coin representing one chetrum


chə̇'chen noun modification of Russian 1 a : a Japhetic people living north of Dagestan, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics b : a member of such people 2 : the North Caucasic language of the Chechen people


damǝrǝ, dǝ'märǝ noun 1 : a people of South-West Africa including the Herero 2 : a member of the Damara people


dantēǝn, 'dän-, ⸗'⸗⸗ adjective Eponym : of, relating to, or resembling an Italian poet or his writings: DANTESQUE


delˈmänə̇(ˌ)kō noun Eponym 1 : a small steak cut from the end of the short loin and containing no part of the tenderloin


drǝ'gād transitive verb Unknown Origin 1: to break up (glass) by pouring while melted into water


dälkǝn noun by alteration 1 : an 8-foot pipe-organ stop similar to the dulciana

doux ( H : do )

dü adjective French of champagne : containing at least seven percent sugar by volume : sweeter than demi-sec : very sweet


dün'däkē noun Wolof 1 : the bark of the country fig formerly used as an astringent and febrifuge


dā,kän noun Persian 1 : a Persian racial type recognizable in the population of Baluchistan 2 : a member of the Dehwar racial type usually having the status of a laborer or slave


dā͵wär noun Geographical 1 : a Persian racial type recognizable in the population of Baluchistan 2 : a member of the Dehwar racial type usually having the status of a laborer or slave 2 : a member of the Dehwar racial type usually having the status of a laborer or slave


dī'dinēǝ noun plural New Latin 1 : any protozoan of the genus of carnivorous protozoans


dī͵k]ēt(͵)ōpī'perǝ͵zēn, pə̇'p-, 'pipǝr-, dī|k]+ noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a crystalline compound C4H6N2O2 that is obtainable from two molecules of glycine by dehydration and may be regarded as a cyclic dipeptide; 2,5-piperazine-dione 2 : any of various cyclic compounds formed similarly to diketopiperazine from alpha-amino acids other than glycine or obtained by partial hydrolysis of proteins


dō'k]ētik, ]et- adjective Unknown Origin 1 : relating to, held by, or like people adhering to an early Christian doctrine


dǝ'līǝ͵dē noun plural New Latin 1 : a family of gastropod mollusks (suborder Taenioglossa) comprising the tun shells


dǝ'ränə̇kǝm noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of Eurasian perennial herbs (family Compositae) having alternate often clasping stem leaves and long peduncled yellow flower heads and comprising the leopard's-banes several of which are cultivated for their flowers 2 -s : any plant of the genus Doronicum


dǝ'vānēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of very small taenioid tapeworms infesting the intestine of gallinaceous birds and occasionally of man 2 -s : any tapeworm of the genus Davainea


dǝ|mōik noun Japanese 1 : a neurotoxic analogue C15H21NO6 of glutamic acid that is produced by some diatoms (especially genus Pseudonitzschia) and has caused poisoning in vertebrates (as whales, birds, and humans) that have consumed diatom-contaminated fish or shellfish


dȯ(ǝ)r, dȯ(ǝ) noun 1 : a glacial trough crossing a ridge or mountain range


də̇'nā noun Navaho 1 : NAVAHO : an Athapaskan people of northern New Mexico and Arizona ranging also into Colorado and Utah or a member of such people


e'dwärdzēǝn adjective Eponym + English 1 : of or relating to the Calvinistic theological doctrines of Jonathan Edwards : derived from such doctrines : accepting such doctrines


embǝlə̇n noun New Latin 1 : an orange phenolic quinone C17H26O4 obtained especially from embelia and used formerly as an anthelmintic


eŋkǝ.|trēə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the genus Enchytraeus or to the Enchytraeidae


fanēǝ noun New Latin 1: a genus of two-winged flies (family Anthomyiidae) resembling but smaller than the common housefly and including the lesser housefly and the latrine fly

philologue ( V : philolog )

filǝ͵läg also -lȯg noun Middle French 1 : PHILOLOGIST : one that loves learning or literature : a learned or literary man : a scholar especially of classical antiquity


flēǝm noun New Latin 1: a genus of grasses that are natives of temperate regions and have dense oblong or terete spike and long mucronate empty glumes


frāzh(ē)ǝ, -zēǝ noun combining form New Latin 1 : speech disorder (of a specified type)


fälǝ͵nīt noun Swedish 1 : an altered form of cordierite


fär(͵)lü noun Unknown Origin 1 : money or chattels given by a feudal tenant to his lord in lieu of a heriot


fä͵sē, -͵sī, 'fȯ͵sē, -͵sī noun plural Latin 1 anatomy : PIT, CAVITY, DEPRESSION


fā'lēbrēǝn adjective French 1: of or relating to the felibres

feinne ( V : fein )

fēn noun plural Irish 1 : FENIANS 1 : one of a legendary band of warriors who defended Ireland in the 2d and 3d centuries A.t


fō'kāshǝn adjective New Latin 1 : PHOCINE : of, relating to, or resembling seals


fōlǝdə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Pholadidae


fǝ'räptǝ(r) trademark trademark 1 : used for an instrument used to determine the corrective eyeglass lenses needed by an individual


fǝ'se͵lī noun plural New Latin 1 : one of the rows of filaments usually bearing nematocysts on the inner surface of the gastric cavity of some scyphozoan jellyfishes


fǝ(r)'nent preposition Middle English 1 dialect : in front of : OPPOSITE 2 dialect : near to : alongside of : BESIDE, AGAINST


fǝndē noun plural New Latin 1 : the bottom of or part opposite the aperture of the internal surface of a hollow organ of the body: as a : the greater curvature of the stomach b : the lower back part of the bladder c : the large upper end of the uterus d : the part of the eye opposite the pupil


fə̇'nan(t)thrǝ͵dēn, -_də̇n noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a crystalline base C13H9N isomeric with acridine; 5-aza-phenanthrene


gadǝtǝn, -ǝtǝn, -ǝ͵tan adjective Latin 1 : of or relating to Cádiz (anciently Gadir), in Spain

Galyak ( V : galyac )

gal͵yak, 'gȯl͵-, gǝl'yak noun native name 1 : a short-haired flat or slightly moire fur derived from the pelt of a stillborn lamb, kid, or sometimes other hoofed mammal


gamǝ.rə̇d, -rid- adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the family of swimming amphipod crustaceans of both marine and freshwater forms


gedǝ noun probably from Telugu 1 : beeswax from Indian and African bees


gent adjective Eponym 1 : of or from the city of Ghent, Belgium : of the kind or style prevalent in Ghent


gibǝ͵lē͵nizǝm noun Italian + English 1 : the policy and principles of a member of an aristocratic political party in Italy supporting the authority of the German emperors from the 12th to the 15th centuries 2 : adherence to a member of an aristocratic political party in Italy supporting the authority of the German emperors from the 12th to the 15th centuries


glē'vētsǝ adjective Geographical 1 : of or from the city of Gliwice, Poland : of the kind or style prevalent in Gliwice


glōkə̇s noun New Latin 1: GLOCHIDIUM 1 : a barbed hair or spine (as on the massulae of a water fern or on some cacti)


graˈsā noun Louisiana French Louisiana : any of several small plump songbirds formerly used for food; especially : chewink


grǝ'vet noun Geographical 1: a small sharp prehistoric flint tool consisting of a blade like that of a knife with a very sharp point, a straight back, and a groove following one entire margin


gwä'(h)ēbǝn adjective Spanish 1 : of or relating to a group of peoples of eastern Colombia and southwestern Venezuela or their language


güjǝn noun Louisiana French 1 : a large yellowish brown-mottled catfish : FLATHEAD CATFISH


gāvēǝ͵lȯid adjective French 1 : a large crocodilian (Gavialis gangeticus) of India inhabiting chiefly the basins of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Indus rivers and distinguished from the typical crocodiles by long slender jaws with teeth of nearly uniform size and soft, swollen, and inflatable nose tip and by completely webbed feet 2 : any of several living or extinct reptiles related to and resembling the gavial including one extinct Asiatic form (Ramphosuchus crassidens) of more than 50 feet in length


gē noun Japanese 1: a garment worn in practice or exhibition of East Asian martial arts (such as karate or judo) consisting of loose-fitting pants and a loose jacket held closed by a cloth belt


gōnə̇s noun New Latin 1 : the prominent ridge along the line of union of the two halves of the lower mandible of certain birds (as the gulls)


gǝlǝ sometimes 'gülǝ noun 1 : one of a group of Negroes inhabiting the sea islands and coastal districts of So. Carolina, Georgia, and a small part of northeastern Florida 2 : the language of the Gullahs


gǝm'lä noun Hindi 1 : a large pottery jar used in India for water


h(w)ä͵pükǝ, 'wä- noun Maori 1 : a large edible marine fish (Polyprion oxygeneios) of New Zealand waters that is closely related to or perhaps identical with the stonebass


hal͵ti(ǝ)r, -iǝ noun New Latin 1 : one of the modified second pair of wings in Diptera and the first pair in Strepsiptera that are reduced to club-shaped organs and that function as flight instruments


hesǝn͵īt noun French 1 : a variety of garnet


hi'pälǝ(͵)tə̇d adjective or noun New Latin 1 : a common and widely distributed genus (the type of the family Hippolytidae) of small prawns having the abdomen sharply bent at the third segment


hyükǝrǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of No. American herbs (family Saxifragaceae) having basal cordate or orbicular leaves and small panicled flowers with petals entire or lacking 2 -s : any plant of the genus Heuchera


hä(͵)kō noun Pawnee 1 : a Pawnee Indian ceremony representing the union of Heaven and Earth and the birth of life performed with prayers, invocation by pipe, and eagle dances to ensure long life and posterity to the participants


hälǝptǝ'kēə̇d ͵hōl- adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Holoptychiidae


hä͵lȯŋ noun Assamese 1 : an East Indian timber tree (Dipterocarpus pilosus) having resinous decay-resistant wood


hām͵räd, 'hēm- noun Afrikaans 1 : a council assisting a local Boer magistrate in the government of rural districts in So. Africa prior to the establishment of British administration 2 : a member of a heemraad


hē'dikēǝm noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of tropical Asiatic herbs (family Zingiberaceae) having showy labiate flowers in a spike or spiky cluster 2 -s : any plant of the genus Hedychium


hī(͵)pō͵|flēǝdǝl adjective Eponym 1 : living just beneath the bark


hīdǝ noun Unknown Origin 1 a : a Skittagetan people of the Queen Charlotte islands, British Columbia, and Prince of Wales Island, Alaska b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Haida people 3 : a language stock of the Na-dene phylum comprising Haida only


hō'lektǝ͵pȯid adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Holectypina

homocystine ( H : homocysteine )

hō(͵)mō.'si͵stēn, -_stə̇n noun Latin _ French + Middle English 1 : a crystalline amino acid [-SCH2CH2CH(NH2)COOH]2 formed by oxidation of homocysteine

hereniging ( V : hereeniging )

hǝ'rēnə̇kiŋ, -ə̇kiŋ noun Afrikaans 1 : an amalgamation of So. African political parties


hǝ'rōvēǝn noun New Latin 1 : a student of Harrow School in Middlesex, England


hǝ'tä(͵)kō noun American Spanish 1 : an amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus) sometimes used as a food plant in tropical America


hǝrstēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or resembling the journalistic style or methods or the intense nationalism associated with the publisher William R. Hearst and his publications


hȯl͵sist noun Middle English + Welsh 1 : a large rectangular earth-covered corridor made of rock slabs and used in ancient times as a tomb


hə̇r'kärǝ noun Persian 1 India : COURIER, SPY


i'nüpē͵ät, -'nyü- noun 1 : a member of an Eskimo people of northern Alaska 2 : the language of the Inupiat people


iŋgwǝnǝ noun plural alteration of Middle English 1 : the fold or depression marking the line between the lower part of the abdomen and the thigh; also : the region of this line


jakǝ͵rā, ͵⸗⸗'⸗ noun Portuguese 1 : CAIMAN


jalǝp, 'jäl- noun French 1a : the dried purgative tuberous root of a Mexican plant or the powdered drug prepared from it


jan(t)sǝ͵nizǝm noun French 1 : a theological doctrine condemned by the Roman Catholic Church as heretical that flourished especially in France in the 17th and 18th centuries maintaining among its principal tenets that freedom of the will (as in accepting or resisting grace) is nonexistent and that the redemption of mankind through the death of Jesus Christ was limited to only a part of mankind and that those not so redeemed are by the positive will of God inescapably condemned to hell 2 : a negative rigoristic moral attitude (as toward sex) associated with adherents of Jansenism : PURITANISM


jätnēǝn adjective Old Norse 1 : of, relating to, or constituting a division of the Precambrian


jükǝr, -͵kär adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to a culture of the Indus valley about 2500 B.C. and later that is known from settlements built upon those of Harappa and is characterized by buildings inferior to Harappa and round crudely decorated seals or seal amulets of pottery


jē'ärksǝ͵tīt noun Eponym 1 : a mineral consisting of an earthy clayey hydrous calcium aluminum fluoride occurring with cryolite


jē͵bǝŋ noun native name in Australia 1 : any of numerous chiefly Australian shrubs and small trees that constitute a genus (Persoonia) of the family Proteaceae, have hard narrow leaves and long-lasting yellow or white flowers, and produce small edible but insipid 1-celled or 2-celled drupes


jīnō.dī'ē͵sizǝm adjective 1 : dioecious but having some hermaphrodite or perfect flowers on an individual plant that bears mostly pistillate flowers


jī͵gas adjective Latin of a polyploid plant : having a thicker stem, taller growth, thicker and darker leaves, and larger flowers and seeds than a corresponding diploid plant


jǝ|fü adjective Eponym 1 : of or from the city of Chefoo, China : of the kind or style prevalent in Chefoo


jǝ͵bätǝ'käbǝ noun Portuguese 1 : a large shrub or small tree (Myrciaria cauliflora) of the family Myrtaceae native to Brazil and the West Indies but introduced into the southern United States having flowers and fruit borne all along the trunk and main branches and purplish fruit that resembles grapes in appearance and flavor but has tough thick skin and is borne singly or in small clusters 2 : the fruit of the jaboticaba


kalmēǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of No. American evergreen shrubs (family Ericaceae) with oblong to linear leaves and showy flowers that are borne in clusters in the axils of leaves or bracts and have a saucer-shaped basally 10-saccate corolla with an anther resting in each sac 2 -s : any plant of the genus Kalmia

calla ( H )

kalǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of bog herbs (family Araceae) with ovate cordate leaves and a spreading spathe with white upper surface and a short cylindrical spadix 2 -s a or calla lily : a familiar house plant or greenhouse plant (Zantedeschia aethiopica) with a flowerlike inflorescence consisting of a pure white showy spathe and yellow spadix b : any of various plants resembling but not necessarily related to the calla


kalǝdə̇n noun German 1: either of two vasodilator kinins formed from blood plasma globulin by the action of kallikrein: a : BRADYKININ herein b : one that has the same amino acid sequence as bradykinin with a terminal lysine added


kalǝmǝs noun Latin 1b : a reed pen 2 plural calami : SWEET FLAG 3 plural calami : the aromatic peeled and dried rhizome of the calamus used as a carminative and tonic


kapsǝmə̇n noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a red crystalline carotenoid pigment in a Guinea pepper (Capsicum annuum)


kapsǝ͵mi(ǝ)r noun New Latin + Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : one of the subunits making up of several small to moderate-sized delicate-bodied active and viral bugs


karēǝ͵plazmǝ noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : the protoplasm of a nucleus


karǝbǝs noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus (the type of the family Carabidae) of large ground beetles 2 -es : an insect of the genus Carabus


kaů'lēkǝ͵lē noun plural French 1 : one of the eight stalks rising out of the leafage in a Corinthian capital and ending in leaves that support the volutes


ka͵thǝ͵rī, -ē noun plural Late Latin 1: a member of any of various widely distributed sects found in medieval Europe; specifically : a member of a sect that interpreted Christianity from a dualistic Manichaean point of view and that practiced rigorous asceticism


ke'lǝsǝr noun modification of French 1 : one of the anterior pair of appendages of an arachnid prob. derived from antennae, distinguished in scorpions by being short, chelate , and lacking a poison gland, in spiders by terminating in a sharp-pointed tip near which a venom duct opens, and in ticks by being modified into piercing and attachment organs

Kir ( H )

ki(ǝ)r noun Eponym 1 : a drink made of dry white wine and crème de cassis


kidǝ(r)͵minztǝ(r), -n(t)st- noun Geographical 1 : ingrain carpet


kilik noun Unknown Origin 1 : ANCHOR; especially : a small anchor 2 : a jury anchor formed by a stone usually bound within sticks of wood

Clecking ( D )

klekiŋ verb Middle English 1 chiefly Scotland : HATCH


klä'stridēǝ noun plural New Latin : any bacterium of the genus Clostridium b : a spindle-shaped or ovoid bacterial cell; especially : one swollen at the center by an endospore

clavus ( H )

klāvǝs, -äv- noun Latin 1 : a horny hardening and thickening of the epidermis at some point (as on a toe) produced by friction or pressure and formed into a central conical mass extending into the dermis 2 : a vertical stripe or band of purple on a tunic worn broad by early Roman senators and narrow by the equites as a mark of rank 3 [New Latin, from Latin] zoology : any of various rounded or fingerlike parts or processes: as a : the pointed anal area of the hemelytron of a bug b : the club of an insect's antenna


klī'mās(h)ēǝm noun New Latin 1: a small genus (the type of the family Climaciaceae) of treelike branching true mosses

clyde ( S )

klīd noun 1 : CLYDESDALE : a heavy draft horse of a breed originally from Clydesdale, Scotland, distinguished by a dark brown or black coat, white blaze and stockings, and heavy feathering about the fetlock


klōˈmiprəˌmēn noun a tricyclic antidepressant drug taken orally in the form of its hydrochloride C19H23ClN2·HCI to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder


klȯ'zilēǝ, -si- noun plural New Latin 1 : the rodlike closure of the aperture of a mollusk of the family Clausiliidae


klȯ'zilēǝm, -si- noun New Latin 1 : the rodlike closure of the aperture of a mollusk of the family Clausiliidae


kra(a)(ǝ)r noun Middle English 1 : a former small sailing cargo boat


kremzǝl, 'kr- noun Yiddish 1 : a flat fried cake made with matzoth meal and filled usually with prunes


krä(͵)sēs noun plural Greek 1 : the act or practice of mingling water with wine in the Eastern Orthodox Eucharist : MIXED CHALICE


krā(k)t noun Irish Gaelic 1 Irish : a herd of cattle driven about for pasture or with a warring band 2 Irish : RAPPAREE


krō'ma(͵)fēn, -_fə̇n, 'krōmǝ- adjective Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : staining deeply with chromium salts ; specifically : indicating, relating to, or made up of certain pigmented cells derived from the sympathetic ganglia and capable of secreting adrenaline and forming in higher vertebrates the medulla of the suprarenal glands and the paraganglia


kwinǝlə̇͵nil noun 1 : the bivalent radical C5H3N(CO-)2 of quinolinic acid 2 : QUINOLYL


kwinǝ͵fan noun Spanish + Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a bitter white crystalline compound made synthetically and used for treating gout and rheumatism but damaging to the liver; 2-phenyl-cinchoninic acid


kwä'tümǝ noun native name in southern Africa 1 : any of several moray eels (genus Lycodontis) of southern Africa


kwädrǝt noun 1 a : 3QUAD b quadrats plural but singular in construction : a game in which printer's quads are thrown like dice 2 : a small usually rectangular plot laid off (as in a forest, range, pasture, or cultivated field) for the study of vegetation or animals


kwän(͵)dō noun American Spanish 1 : an Argentine dance resembling a minuet

quaich ( D, V : quaigh )

kwāk noun Scottish Gaelic chiefly Scotland : a small shallow vessel or drinking cup typically made of wood, pewter, or silver and having ears for use as handles

Queachy ( D )

kwēchē, -chi adjective obsolete English 1 dialect chiefly England : BOGGY, MARSHY


kwēkǝ͵tek, ͵⸗⸗'⸗ noun Spanish 1 a : an Indian people of the district of Cuicatlan in the Mexican state of Oaxaca b : a member of such people 2 : the Mixtecan language of the Cuicatec people

quapaw ( V : kwapa )

kwȯ͵pȯ noun Geographical 1 a : a Siouan people of the Arkansas river valley, Arkansas b : a member of such people 2 : a dialect of Dhegiha

Capo ( NH )

kä(͵)pō, 'kȧ noun Italian 1 : the head of a branch of a crime syndicate


kä(͵)stē, -͵stī noun plural Latin 1: a rib or a bodily structure resembling a rib: as a anatomy : the side or border of a part b botany : a leaf vein; especially : MIDRIB c zoology : any of various ridged or thickened linear parts; specifically : the anterior vein of an insect's wing


käbǝ(͵)lē; kǝ'bülē, -'bůlē adjective Persian 1 : of or belonging to Kabul, Afghanistan


kälkēǝn adjective Latin 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Colchis, an ancient region in Asia 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Colchians


kälə̇n͵kīm noun New Latin 1 : a loose mesenchyme containing few cells and much gelatinous material that occupies the space between the ectoderm and endoderm of the body wall of many lower invertebrates (as sponges)

caam ( H )

käm, -ȧm noun Dutch 1 : the heddles of a loom

congee ( H )

kän(͵)jē, kǝn'jē noun Middle English 1 a : a formal permission to depart (as from one in authority) b : a ceremonious bow made as a sign of recognition or at taking one's leave


kändrǝsə̇n noun German 1 : a gummy nitrogenous monobasic acid with strong reducing power obtained by hydrolysis of chondroitin

Kantele ( V : kantela )

käntǝlǝ, 'kan- noun Finnish 1 : a traditional Finnish harp originally having 5 strings but now having as many as 20 to 30 strings


kärmǝ͵līt, 'kȧm-, usu -īt+V noun Middle English 1: a member of the Roman Catholic mendicant Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel founded in the 12th century


kätǝlǝ(r) adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to a cotyla

conker ( H )

käŋkǝ(r), 'kȯŋ- noun Latin 1 : a game popular in England in which each player swings a horse chestnut or originally a snail shell threaded on a string to try to break one held by his opponent 2 : a horse chestnut or snail shell especially when used in conkers


kü'lē(͵)nō, -)nü noun Portuguese 1 : an Indian people of western Brazil that is closely related to the Arauá 2 : a member of the Culino people

courante ( V : courant )

kü'ränt, -ant noun Middle French 1 a : a dance of Italian origin marked by quick running steps b : a similar but graver and more formal dance developed in France in the 17th century 2 : music for a courante or having the rhythm of a courante that is in rather quick 3/2 measure and is characterized by dotted notes and shifts to 6/4 measure 3 dialect England : a running about : ROMP, CAROUSE

kutenai ( V : kutenay or kootenai )

kütǝn͵ā, -t(͵)nā, -tnē noun Unknown Origin 1 a : a people of the Rocky mountains on both sides of the U.S.-Canada boundary b : a member of such people 2 : the Kitunahan language of the Kutenai people


kü͵mänǝ'gōt(͵)ō noun Spanish 1 a : a Cariban people of Venezuela b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Cumanagoto people


kü͵nī noun native name in eastern New Guinea New Guinea : COGON : any of several grasses of the genus Imperata; especially : either of two coarse tall grasses (I. cylindrica koenigii and I. exaltata) used in the Philippines and adjacent lands for thatching — called also alang-alang

kyat ( H : kiaat )

kē'(y)ät noun Burmese 1 : the basic monetary unit of Burma established in 1952 2 : a coin representing one kyat


kē'ätz noun Afrikaans 1 : a tree (Pterocarpus angolensis) of southern Africa having heavy strong durable wood that is used for furniture, joinery, and flooring


kēkǝ noun Portuguese 1 : FOUR-EYED OPOSSUM


kī'ninǝjə̇n noun Greek + Middle English + French 1: an inactive precursor of a kinin

kylie ( V : kiley )

kīlē noun native name 1 : an Australian boomerang having one side flat and the other convex


kō'shā, kȯshā noun French 1 : a driver of a taxicab or a horse-drawn cab: CABDRIVER


kō've͵lēn, 'kōvǝ͵- noun Eponym 1 : a native copper sulfide CuS


kō'yem(p)shē noun Zuñi 1 : a Zuñi Indian clown society whose members wear the mask of the mudhead and are credited with curing illness by their dancing and clowning 2 : a member of the koyemshi


kōkǝn noun Hindi 1 : an East Indian timber tree (Duabanga sonneratioides) of the family Sonneratiaceae


kōlǝ͵si'stitǝ͵dēz, 'käl- noun plural New Latin 1: inflammation of the gallbladder


kōnǝ͵pid, 'kän- adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Conopidae


kōr͵ȯid, 'kȯ͵rȯid noun New Latin 1 : the choroid coat of the eye -- see EYE illustration


kō͵hȯrn noun Dutch 1 : a small bronze mortar that was mounted on a wooden block with handles and used for throwing light shells

kopeck ( V : kopek or copeck )

kō͵pek noun Russian 1 : a Russian unit of monetary value equal to 1/100 of a ruble 2 : a coin originally of base silver representing one kopeck


kō͵wī noun Maori 1 : a shrub or small tree (Sophora tetraptera) of Australasia and Chile that yields a hard strong wood


kůl'tů(ǝ)r͵krīzǝ noun plural German 1 : a culture complex developing in successive epochs from its center of origin and becoming diffused over large areas of the world


kůrbǝrə̇l, |kůrbǝ|ril noun French 1 : a West Indian locust tree (Hymenaea courbaril) with a very hard tough wood 2 or courbaril copal : the resin from the courbaril tree


kǝ'bämbǝ noun New Latin 1 : a small genus of American aquatic plants comprising the water shield and having minute white or yellow flowers and submerged dissected leaves as well as peltate floating ones


kǝ'bā͵kär noun Spanish 1 a : a Chibchan people of eastern Costa Rica b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Cabecar people


kǝ'kästēǝn noun New Latin 1 : a fish of the genus Coccosteus or family Coccosteidae


kǝ'limǝ(͵)nē noun New Latin 1 : a genus of trilobites of the Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian periods


kǝ'linzkē, -n(t)skē noun Russian 1 or kolinski \'\ a : any of several Asiatic minks (especially Mustela sibirica) b : the fur or pelt of any of these minks -- called also red sable, Tatar sable 2 : LEAFMOLD


kǝ'lirǝ͵wē noun New Latin 1 : a small genus of No. American herbs (family Malvaceae) having usually red or purple flowers, truncate petals, and beaked carpels 2 -s : any plant of the genus Callirrhoë, several species of which are cultivated


kǝ'mē(͵)nō noun Spanish 1 : CUMIN : a dwarf plant


kǝ'prilik, (')ka|p- adjective Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : relating to caprylic acid 2 [capri- + -yl + -ic] of an odor : suggesting an animal body in rank pungency

capot ( H : cappo )

kǝ'pō noun French 2 : an old large worthless bud or fruit of the caper

keratto ( V : karatto )

kǝ'rat(͵)ō noun probably native name in the West Indies 1 : any of several West Indian agaves 2 : the fiber from any of several West Indian agaves


kǝ'razmēǝn adjective Geographical 1 : of or relating to a province of ancient Persia


kǝ'ridǝl͵ēn, -ǝlə̇n noun German 1: a bitter crystalline alkaloid obtained from the root of species of Corydalis


kǝ'rēǝ͵fȯrm adjective Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : resembling chorea


kǝ'süm noun Hindi India : SAFFLOWER : an Old World herb (Carthamus tinctorius) that resembles a thistle, is widely grown for its oil, and has large vivid red or orange flower heads


kǝd'yak-, -yäk noun Geographical 1 : a brown bear (Ursus middendorffi) of Alaska that is larger and has shorter thicker claws than the grizzly and feeds largely on salmon


kǝrn, 'kǝin noun French 1 : a part of the face of a typecast letter that projects beyond the body (as the upper or lower extremity of f or the tail of Q) 2 : a corresponding part of a printed letter


kǝ|li.trǝ|kāshǝs, |kalǝ.- adjective New Latin 1: of or relating to the genus Callitriche


kȯ(r)'del, '⸗͵⸗, '⸗dǝl noun French 1 : a towline especially as used on keelboats on United States and Canadian rivers


kȯ(ǝ)rdēǝ noun plural Latin 1 : HEART

Corse ( A )

kȯ(ǝ)rs noun Middle English 1 archaic : a dead body : CORPSE


kə̇'kü(͵)yü, kē'- noun 1 a : a Bantu-speaking agricultural negroid people of Kenya b : a member of such people 2 : a Bantu language of the Kikuyu people


kə̇'tüpǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of large chiefly tropical owls that is closely related to Bubo and contains various fish owls 2 : any of various fish-eating owls of the Old World


kə̇͵tridē'ōsə̇s noun Eponym 1 : a disease caused by a chytrid


lapǝn noun by alteration 1 : the meat of a castrated rabbit


lapə̇n noun French 1 : RABBIT; specifically : a castrated male rabbit


lepǝdə̇d, -͵did adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to a family of goose barnacles


lesǝ͵thȯid adjective Late Latin & Greek 1 : resembling a cylindrical or round and squat vase used by the ancient Greeks for oils and ointments


leů noun Romanian 1 : the basic monetary unit of Romania 2 : a coin representing one leu

Limmu ( H )

li(͵)mü noun Assyrian 1 : an Assyrian official whose name was used in chronology of the period 893 - 666 B.C. to designate his year of office


lim͵fad noun Scottish Gaelic 1 : a small one-masted galley 2 : a heraldic representation of a lymphad


lin(d)lēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or devised by the English botanist John Lindley


listǝl noun French architecture : a narrow band or list : FILLET


litǝ noun Latin 1 : a fibrous and cartilaginous rod lying within the longitudinal axis of the tongue in many carnivorous mammals (as the dog) 2 capitalized [New Latin, from Latin] : a widespread genus of blister beetles (family Meloidae) containing the Spanish fly -- compare CANTHARIS


läkrǝm noun Middle English 1 : a coarse plain-woven linen of French origin formerly used in England (as for clothing) 2 or lockrum \'\ dialect : NONSENSE


lätǝ noun Malay 1 : a neurotic condition marked by automatic obedience, echolalia, and echopraxia observed especially among Malays


lē'gäs noun Tagalog 1 : a poisonous Philippine tree of the family Anacardiaceae that has hardwood and yields an illuminating resin


lē'ädǝsə̇d, -͵sid adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to a family of polychaete worms related to the Nereidae


lēvǝ(r), -vr(ǝ), -v(rǝ) noun French 1 : a former French unit of value worth a pound of silver in the reign of Charlemagne 2 or livre tournois \-tůrn'wä\ : the livre of Tours that from 1667 until replaced by the franc in 1795 was the only legal French livre and consisted of 20 sous of 12 deniers each


lī'sēnə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the family Lycaenidae


līkǝ͵päd noun New Latin 1 : a plant of the genus Lycopodium or of the order Lycopodiales


līmǝ͵nīt noun German 1 : a naturally occurring hydrous ferric oxide that was formerly thought to be a distinct mineral but that is now known to have a variable composition and to consist of a mixture of several minerals (as geothite, lepidocrocite, hematite) with or without presumably adsorbed additional water, that may in some cases be principally goethite and in other cases essentially ferric oxide gel, or that may be bog iron ore or a brown, yellow, or red ocher in which impurities are very common


līrǝ͵fȯrm adjective French 1 : shaped like a lyre ( a stringed musical instrument of the harp class used by the ancient Greeks)


lōǝl also 'lōil noun Geographical 1 : a cheap cotton cloth made in Lowell, Mass., in the 19th century 2 : to make a sound suggestive of the lowing of cattle


lǝ'brǝskǝ adjective New Latin 1 : of, relating to, or derived from an American fox grape (Vitis labrusca) that has been important in the development of hardy cultivated grapes


lǝ'mōnǝ noun Geographical 1 : an American breed of white, short-legged domestic fowls 2 -s often capitalized : any bird of the Lamona breed


lǝ'sinē'āshǝn noun New Latin 1 : LACINIA : a narrow incised segment in a leaf or similar structure 2 : the quality or state of being laciniate


lǝ'sinē͵āt adjective Eponym 1 : bordered with a fringe : cut into deep irregular usually pointed lobes : narrowly incised with divisions coarser than fimbriate


lǝ'wā noun Geographical 1 : a monetary unit of Angola equal to 1/100 kwanza 2 : a coin representing one lwei


lǝŋgǝn noun Chinese 1 : a pulpy fruit related to the litchi and produced by an East Indian tree (Euphoria longana) 2 : a tree that bears the longan


lǝ͵bül'bēnēǝ, ͵la͵b-, ͵lä͵b- noun New Latin 1 : the type genus of the family Laboulbeniaceae


lȯiktǝn͵bǝr͵gīt noun German 1 : a clinochlore that often resembles talc and contains little or no iron


lə̇'thōsēǝn adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Lithosiidae

muenster ( V : munster )

m(y)ünztǝ(r), 'můn-, 'mǝn-, 'min-, 'mueligaturen-, -n(t)st- noun Geographical 1 : a semisoft cheese that may be bland or sharp in flavor depending upon the length of cure


mal͵brůk noun French 1 : a West African arboreal monkey (Cercopithecus cynosurus)


man'dē͵izǝm noun French 1 : the beliefs of the member of a Gnostic sect

Manitou ( V : manitu )

manǝ͵tü noun Ojibwa 1 a : one of the Algonquian deities or spirits dominating the forces of nature b : an image or spirit of such a deity 2 : a supernatural force or spiritual energy which gives power to spirits, deities, and natural forces


masǝm noun Geographical 1 : a British crossbred mutton sheep


mat͵ȯid noun Italian 1 : a borderline psychopath

Melilite ( V : mellilite )

melǝ͵līt noun French 1 : an often honey-yellow mineral occurring in small tetragonal crystals that is a silicate of sodium, calcium, aluminum, and iron; especially : a member of the series consisting of an isomorphous solid-solution series between gehlenite and akermanite


metǝ(r)|nikēǝn adjective Eponym 1: of, relating to, or suggestive of Metternich or his political ideas or diplomatic policies


miksǝ͵gastǝ(r) noun New Latin 1 : an organism of the class of organisms of uncertain systematic position that are sometimes considered to be protozoans : MYXOMYCETE


min'grēlēǝn, miŋ'- noun Unknown Origin 1 a : a people of the Kutais region of the Caucasus related to the Georgians whose physical beauty they share b : a member of such people 2 : the South Caucasic language of the Mingrelian people


min͵yän, in sense 2 mēn'yōn or 'mēn͵yōn noun French 1 : a moderate purple that is duller and slightly bluer than heliotrope (sense 4a), bluer and paler than average amethyst, bluer and less strong than manganese violet or cobalt violet, and bluer and duller than average lilac (sense 3a) 2 [by shortening] : FILET MIGNON


mirǝ'thirēǝm noun New Latin 1 : a genus of Upper Eocene and Oligocene northern African mammals (order Proboscidea) that are about as large as tapirs and have a short proboscis and mastodont teeth including enlarged second incisors which are considered precursors of the tusks of later related forms (as mastodons and elephants)


mitǝlə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Mytilidae

mullerian ( V : muellerian )

myü'lirēǝn, mi'-, mů'-, ͵mǝ'-, mueligature'- adjective Eponym 1 : discovered by or named after the German physiologist Johannes Peter Müller 2 : discovered by or named after the German anatomist Heinrich M. Müller 3 : discovered by or named after the German zoologist Fritz Müller

Mews ( H )

myüz noun plural Middle English 1 : GULL; especially : the common European gull (Larus canus)


mä'hwäŋ noun Chinese 1 : any of several Chinese plants of the genus Ephedra (especially E. sinica) yielding ephedrine


mälik noun Hindi 1 : a chief or leader (as in a village) in parts of the subcontinent of India : HEADMAN 2 : a collector of revenues from the cultivators of the land of a specified district for the government of India during the period of Muslim rule : ZAMINDAR


mänt'brēsh(ē)ǝ noun New Latin 1 : a plant of Tritonia or the closely related genus Crocosmia; especially : a hybrid cormose plant (Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora) that is widely cultivated for its spikes of showy yellow or orange flowers


mänǝ͵min noun Ojibwa : a tall aquatic No. American perennial grass : WILD RICE 1


mänə̇gǝn, -nǝhǝn, -nə̇kǝn adjective Geographical 1 : of or from County Monaghan, Ireland : of the kind or style prevalent in County Monaghan


mär'tinēǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : the type genus of Martyniaceae comprising annual or perennial downy and clammy herbs with a bell-shaped bladdery calyx, spreading corolla tube, and a 2-beaked capsule 2 -s : any plant or flower of the genus Martynia


märshǝl(͵)sē noun Middle English 1 : a former English court held before the lord steward and the knight marshal of the royal household originally to administer justice among the sovereign's domestic servants


mä͵nüs noun Geographical 1 a : a people inhabiting Manus Island b : a member of such people 2 : an Austronesian language of the Manus people


mü'sharǝbē noun French 1 : a Moorish projecting oriel window or enclosed balcony of which the enclosure is largely made up of carved wooden latticework


mürē͵nȯid adjective Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : of, relating to, or resembling the Muraenidae


mürǝ noun Portuguese 1 a : an Indian people of northwestern Brazil b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Mura people that constitutes the Muran language family


mü͵smīs noun Algonquian 1 : a genus of trees and shrubs


mē'an͵drȯid adjective New Latin 1 : a large genus of massive reef-building corals including many brain corals


mē'mänsǝ noun Sanskrit 1 : an orthodox Hindu philosophy concerned with the interpretation of Vedic texts and literature and comprising one part dealing with the earlier writings concerned with right practice and another part dealing with the later writings concerned with right thought


mē'ātǝl adjective Late Latin + Middle English 1 : of, relating to, or forming a meatus ( natural body passage : canal, duct)


mēdēǝ͵brōm noun Latin + Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a process for altering tone values, removing distracting parts, and shifting emphasis in monochrome photographic prints by the use of oil paints

meagre ( V : maiger )

mēgǝ(r ) noun French 1 : a large European marine food fish (Sciaena aquila) 2 : a member of the percoid family Sciaenidae : CROAKER 2, DRUM 5

miosis ( V : myosis )

mī'ōsə̇s noun New Latin 1 : excessive smallness or contraction of the pupil of the eye


mīsə̇s noun New Latin 1 : the type genus of the family Mysidae 2 or mysis stage -es : a larva of higher crustaceans (as macrurans and peneids) having all the thoracic appendages biramous


mīǝ͵lizǝm noun 1 : a cult among West Indian Negroes akin to obeah and prob. of West African origin


mō'chilǝ noun Spanish 1 : KNAPSACK, HAVERSACK; specifically : a saddle pouch 2 : a square leather saddle covering having openings for the horn and cantle and sometimes equipped with saddlebags


mōē noun Annamese 1 : a group of Veddoid or Indo-Australoid peoples living in the mountain uplands of Annam 2 : a member of a Moi people


mǝ'büyǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of insectivorous lizards (family Scincidae) common about houses in Central and So. America 2 -s : a lizard of the genus Mabuya

machan ( V : machaan )

mǝ'chän noun Hindi India : a platform (as in a tree) used for observation in tiger hunting


mǝ'dīǝlǝ(r) adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the modiolus of the ear


mǝ'dīǝlǝs noun New Latin 1 : a genus of sea mussels (family Mytilidae) including the horse mussels


mǝ'herə̇n noun Geographical 1 a : an Iroquoian people of the Meherrin river valley in Virginia and North Carolina b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Meherrin people

macaasim ( V : makaasim )

mǝ'kä͵sēm noun Tagalog 1 : any of several chiefly Philippine hardwood trees of the genus Eugenia 2 : the hard heavy fine-grained durable wood of a macaasim tree


mǝ'kȯlē͵izǝm noun Eponym 1 : a Macaulayan style or turn of phrase


mǝ'läwēǝn adjective, Eponym 1 : a native or inhabitant of Malawi

manaus ( V : manaos )

mǝ'naůs adjective Geographical 1 : of or from the city of Manaus, Brazil : of the kind or style prevalent in Manaus


mǝ'rāvēǝn, mȯ'-, mō'-, -vyǝn noun Eponym 1 : a native or inhabitant of Moray, Scotland


mǝ'tēpǝ, me'- noun German + Middle English+ Int. Sci. Vocab + New Latin + German 1: an insect chemosterilant that is a methyl derivative of tepa

morphean ( A )

mȯ(r)fēǝn adjective archaic : of, relating to, or producing sleep


mȯrǝ͵nel, 'mär- noun New Latin 1 : a plover (bird) of Europe and Asia formerly common in England : DOTTEREL


mə̇'thōnēǝm noun New Latin 1 : any of several bivalent doubled substituted ammonium ions (as decamethonium or hexamethonium) in which the two quaternary nitrogen atoms are separated by a polymethylene chain

neume ( V : neum or pneume )

n(y)üm noun French 1 : a symbol in the musical notation of the middle ages derived from the Greek system of accents, indicating from one to usually four notes, and showing only relative pitch 2 : one of the square symbols in the plainsong notation of the Roman Catholic Church 3 : PNEUMA 2a - neumic \-mik\ adjective


ne'stōrēǝn noun Middle English 1 : a member of the Church of the East that originated in the ancient Persian Empire, rejected the condemnation of Nestorius by the Council of Ephesus in 431, and survives among Assyrians in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and the United States 2 : an adherent of Nestorianism 3 : ASSYRIAN 3


ni(͵)kō noun 1 : CHINA BLUE : a grayish to moderate blue


nipǝ(r)kə̇n noun Unknown Origin 1 : a liquor container or vessel with a capacity of a half pint or less 2 : a quantity of liquor contained in or able to be contained in a nipperkin


nän(t)sā noun American Spanish 1 : a large genus of tropical American trees or shrubs 2 : the fruit of a nance and especially of the golden spoon (Byrsonima crassifolia)


närē adjective Middle Englsih 1 : KNOTTY, GNARLED


när͵gēl noun Persian 1 : the Indian coconut


nā'a͵sēn noun Late Greek 1 : a member of one of the Ophite group of Gnostic sects noted for its worship of the serpent as the principle of generation


nē'ätǝ͵sīt noun Swedish 1 : a mineral consisting of a hydrous silicate of manganese and iron but having an uncertain formula


nī.trə̇l noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a synthetic fiber composed chiefly of a long-chain polymer of vinylidene dinitrile

Novocain ( H: novocaine )

nōvǝ͵kān trademark trademark 1 : used for a preparation containing procaine hydrochloride


nō͵vē, -͵vī noun plural New Latin 1 : a star that suddenly increases its light output tremendously (as 10,000 times or more within a few days) and then fades away less rapidly and reaches its former obscurity in a few months or years

naggar ( H : nuggar )

nǝ'gär noun Arabic 1 : a cargo boat used on the upper Nile river


nǝ'hisǝn noun Unknown Origin 1 a : a Siouan people in the James river valley, Virginia b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Nahyssan people

Napierian ( V : naperian )

nǝ'pirēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or discovered by Scottish mathematician


nǝ'tästrǝkǝn adjective or noun New Latin 1 : an order of small freshwater crustaceans (subclass Branchiopoda) having a shield-shaped carapace, sessile paired eyes, vestigial antennae, and 40 to 63 pairs of trunk appendages


nȧvet noun Middle French 1 : an annual herb (Brassica napus) of European origin but known only as a cultigen that differs from the cabbage in its deeply lobed leaves which are not hairy like those of the turnip and is widely grown in the Old World as a forage crop for sheep and in the U.S. chiefly as a forage crop for hogs and sheep, as a cover crop in orchards, or for its seeds which yield rape oil and are a food for birds


nə̇'mēzh(ē)ǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of African herbs or subshrubs (family Scrophulariaceae) having variously colored, irregular, slightly spurred, mostly racemose flowers 2 -s : a plant of the genus Nemesia

padda ( H )

padǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of birds consisting of the Java sparrow


pam'pütē noun 1 : a shoe of untanned cowhide worn in the Aran islands, County Galway, Ireland


pan.'täkrǝtǝ(r) noun Medieval Latin 1 : the omnipotent lord of the universe : almighty ruler


pantǝ'mī͵mī, 'paan- noun plural Latin 1a : a solo dancer of imperial Rome acting all the characters of a story (as of tragic love) usually from myth or history by means of steps, postures, and gestures alone with the help of changes of mask and costume, a chorus singing the narrative usually in Greek, an orchestra, and sometimes an assistant b : a performance featuring such a dancer 2 archaic : PANTOMIMIST 1 3 a : an 18th century French or English ballet modeled on the Roman pantomime with subjects from classical mythology b : an 18th century English harlequinade originally burlesquing the pantomime ballet, performed by dancing comedians, and serving as an interlude or afterpiece c : a British theatrical extravaganza of the Christmas season based on a story now usually adapted from a traditional nursery tale, featuring topical songs, tableaux, dances, and similar entertainments in a blend of broad humor, fantasy, melodrama, sentimentality, and morality, and formerly incorporating a harlequinade introduced by a scene in which the persons of the tale are magically transformed into those of the harlequinade 4 : a sequence of movements or actions not accompanied by speech or seen from beyond earshot


pan͵jī noun Bugi 1: a Malayan tree having seeds that are edible after long boiling to remove their poisonous principle


pasǝrǝ͵fȯrm, pǝ'serǝ͵- adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the largest order of birds


pepsǝ͵gäg also -gȯg adjective German + French & New Latin 1: inducing the secretion of pepsin


perǝ͵särk noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : the outer usually chitinous integument of a hydroid


pes(y)ǝlǝs noun Latin 1 : a bony or cartilaginous bar crossing the lower end of the windpipe of a bird dorsoventrally at its division into bronchi


pikə̇tǝ(r) noun French 1 : one who bunches artificial flowers


pirǝ͵lȯid adjective New Latin 1 : related to or resembling the genus Pyralis : PYRALIDID


piŋkǝ(r)tǝn, -)tǝn or -)tǝn noun Eponym 1 : a person concerned with the maintenance of lawful conduct or the investigation of crime or other irregularities either as the regular employee of a private interest (as a hotel or store) or as contractor for fees


plaz'malǝjə̇n, -͵jen noun French + Middle English + French 1 : a phosphatide that is the precursor of plasmal in tissue

Pliocene ( pleio- + -cene )

plīǝ͵sēn adjective Greek + Greek 1 : of or relating to a subdivision of the Tertiary


plů͵rē, -͵rī, 'plü- noun plural Medieval Latin 1 a : either of a pair of two-walled sacs of serous membrane each lining one lateral half of the thorax, having an inner layer closely adherent to the corresponding lung, reflected at the root of the lung to form a parietal layer that adheres to the walls of the thorax, the pericardium, upper surface of the diaphragm, and adjacent parts, and containing a small amount of serous fluid that minimizes the friction of respiratory movements b : the membranous tissue making up the pleurae 2 [New Latin, from Greek] : a laterally located body part; specifically : PLEURON


pritǝnē noun Greek 1 : the presidential office of the Athenian senate held successively during the year by each of the ten sections into which the senate was divided 2 : one of the ten divisions of the Athenian senate during its presidency 3 : the period during which a section of the senate held the office of president


prävēǝnt noun German FOOD, PROVISIONS : PROVENDER 1

provand ( A )

prävǝnd noun Middle English 1 archaic : supply of food : PROVISIONS 2 chiefly dialect : PROVENDER 2

provant ( A )

prävǝnt noun Middle English 1 archaic : supply of food : PROVISIONS 2 chiefly dialect : PROVENDER 2


prüstēǝn adjective Eponym 1: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of Proust or his writings


prē'ses, preə̇'s- intransitive verb back-formation 1 : to progress with a movement of precession


prī'apyǝlə̇d adjective New Latin 1: of or relating to the Priapuloidea : a group of marine worms of obscure position that are classed as a division of Gephyrea and that somewhat resemble the Sipunculoidea from which they are distinguished by the absence of tentacles and usually by the presence of caudal gills


prī'āpēǝm noun New Latin 1 : PHALLUS : a symbol or representation of the male organ of generation


prō'prīǝ.trə̇s noun Middle English + Middle English 1 : a female proprietor


prōtəˈzōəsīd noun New Latin + English an agent that destroys protozoans


prō|nātō'fleksǝr noun New Latin 1 : one of a group of muscles on the volar aspect of the forearm acting both as pronator and flexor


prǝ'telə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Protelidae


pyü'pipǝrǝs adjective New Latin 1 : producing mature larvae that are ready to pupate at birth 2 : of or relating to a division of Diptera in which the young are born as mature maggots ready to become pupae (as of the sheep ked or horse tick)


pyülǝ͵gȯl, -gōl noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a viscous liquid alcohol C10H17OH obtained by reduction of pulegone; 2-isopropylidene-5-methyl-cyclohexanol


pädǝ'kärpǝs noun New Latin 1 : a genus of evergreen trees widely distributed in the southern hemisphere and having a pulpy fruit with one hard seed

polymorphean ( A )

pälē|mȯrfēǝn adjective Greek 1 archaic : POLYMORPHIC

pollan ( V : pollen )

pälə̇n noun Unknown Origin 1: a whitefish (Coregonus pollan) of Irish lakes

Pom ( H )

päm noun by shortening 1 : an ornamental ball or tuft (as of yarn, feathers, leather, paper) used on clothing especially of women and children and on caps and fancy dress costumes 2 : of or relating to the region Pomerania in northern Europe bordering on the Baltic sea and lying from the west of R*gen Island to the Vistula river


päm'päŋ gǝn noun Geographical 1 a : a Christianized people of central Luzon, Philippines b : a member of such people 2 : the Austronesian language of the Pampangan people


pänjə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Pongidae


pän͵gäsē'nän noun Unknown Origin 1 a : a Christianized people in central Luzon, Philippines b : a member of such people 2 : the Austronesian language of the Pangasinan people


päsǝn.trē noun Dutch : a tropical American tree : SANDBOX TREE


pünā.ā noun Hawaiian Hawaii : a movable couch


püŋgē noun Hindi 1 : a Hindu reed pipe with a globular mouthpiece and often a drone

paly ( H : palely )

pālē adjective Middle English heraldry : divided into four or more equal parts by perpendicular lines and of two different tinctures disposed alternately

palaetiology ( V : paletiology )

pālē͵ē]tē'älǝjē noun Greek + Medieval Latin 1: explanation of past events (as in geology) by the laws of causation

piaster ( V : piastre )

pē'astǝ(r) noun French 1 a : a Spanish dollar : PIECE OF EIGHT 2 a (1) : any of several monetary units of some Middle Eastern countries (as Turkey, Egypt, or Syria) equal to 1/100 pound 3 a : a monetary unit of Cyprus equal to 1/9 shilling or 1/180 pound sterling b : a coin representing this unit 4 a : the basic monetary unit of French Indochina and (1956-75) of the Republic of Vietnam b : a coin or note representing one piaster


pē'ä, 'pyä noun Burmese 1 : a Burmese monetary unit equal to 1/100 kyat 2 : a coin representing one pya


pēn noun Middle French 1: a heraldic fur consisting of ermine spots of gold on a black field

peavey ( V : peavy or peevy or pevy )

pēvē noun Eponym 1 : a stout lever used in lumbering that is like a cant hook but has the end armed with a strong sharp spike [peavey illustration]


pī'lēǝ͵lī noun plural New Latin biology : a small pileus


pī'rōlǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus (the type of the family Pyrolaceae) of short-stemmed perennial herbs that have basal persistent leaves and racemes of white, pink, or purple pentamerous flowers containing 10 straight or declined stamens and that are natives of temperate or cool regions 2 -s : any plant of the genus Pyrola

pyemia ( V : pyaemia )

pī'ēmēǝ noun New Latin 1 : septicemia accompanied by multiple abscesses and secondary toxemic symptoms and caused by pus-forming microorganisms (as the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus) - pyemic \(')pī|ēmik\ adjective


pī(ǝ)l adjective by shortening + Middle English 1 : of or relating to the delicate and highly vascular membrane of connective tissue investing the brain and spinal cord, lying internal to the arachnoid and dura mater, dipping down between the convolutions of the brain, and sending an ingrowth into the anterior fissure of the cord


pō'li͵stēz noun New Latin 1 : an extensive genus of social wasps that have a spindle-shaped abdomen and wings which fold like a fan, are mostly black with yellow or brown markings, and make nests consisting of a single comb of papery material suspended by a peduncle and having no envelope


pō'lēzhǝn noun Eponym 1 : a member of a people inhabiting the eastern European district of Polesie and being dialectally Belorussian


pō'nä(͵)mü noun Maori 1 : NEPHRITE : a compact tremolite or actinolite constituting the less valuable kind of jade and formerly worn as a remedy for kidney diseases 2 : a Maori weapon or implement made of nephrite


pō'tirēǝm noun New Latin 1 : a small genus of thorny shrubs or herbs (family Rosaceae) with pinnate leaves and greenish flowers


pōrtǝ͵tīl adjective Medieval Latin 1 : PORTABLE — used of an altar


pǝ'gōnyǝ, -nēǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus comprising terrestrial orchids of the north temperate zone that have a slender rootstock, one or few leaves, and a solitary terminal flower with a crested tip and being sometimes extended to include forms usually placed in the genera Isotria and Triphora 2 -s : any orchid of Pogonia or a closely related genus


pǝ'hē noun Tahitian 1 : a large seagoing Polynesian canoe or ship often consisting of two connected hulls


pǝ'nejǝrə̇s, -nēj- noun Eponym 1 : an ancient Greek public assembly; especially : a festival honoring a god


pǝ'nōnēǝn adjective Latin 1 : of or relating to Pannonia, a Roman province in what is now western Hungary, northern Yugoslavia, and eastern Austria, bounded north and east by the Danube


pǝ'nȯrkǝn noun New Latin 1 : an obsolete 17th century cittern


pǝ'pilēǝnə̇d, -lyǝ-, -͵nid adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Papilionidae


pǝ'pilēǝ͵nȯid, -lyǝ͵- adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Papilionoidea


pǝ'pȯftsē noun plural Russian 1 : a member of one of the major groups of the Raskolnik in Russia which maintains the hierarchical structure of episcopate and priesthood and is thereby distinguished from the priestless branch of the Bezpopovtsy


pǝ'pȯvə̇ts noun Russian 1 : a member of one of the major groups of the Raskolnik in Russia which maintains the hierarchical structure of episcopate and priesthood and is thereby distinguished from the priestless branch of the Bezpopovtsy


pǝ'ragǝ͵nīt, 'parǝg- noun German 1: a mica corresponding to muscovite but with sodium instead of potassium


pǝ'ridǝ|titik adjective French 1 : any of a group of granitoid igneous rocks composed of olivine and usually other ferromagnesian minerals but with little or no feldspar and usually occurring in dikes or small intrusive bodies


pǝ'rilǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of Asiatic mints having four didynamous stamens, a bilabiate fruiting calyx, and rugose nutlets


pǝ'ripǝ͵tȯid adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the genus Peripatus 2 : resembling a peripatus

Passewa ( H )

pǝ'sāwǝ noun Hindi 1 : a viscous extract from the capsules of the poppy that is obtained after the seeds are removed, hardens on exposure, and is used in making coverings for opium cakes


pǝ'tǝksǝnt noun 1 : an extinct Algonquian Indian people formerly dwelling in Calvert county, Maryland 2 : one of the Patuxent people

pattu ( V : pattoo or puttoo )

pǝ(͵)tü noun Hindi 1 : a homespun woolen fabric resembling tweed that is woven usually of goat hair in northern India 2 : a blanket or wrap of pattu


pȯmǝ(r) noun German 1 : the bass member of the shawm family


pə̇'detə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the genus Pedetes or the family Pedetidae


pə̇'k(y)ülēǝm noun Latin 1 : the property held by a person (as a wife, child, slave) under the potestas, manus, or mancipium of another as his own private property either by the permission of the paterfamilias or master or by the rules of law but becoming with certain exceptions the property of the paterfamilas or master at his pleasure 2 : a fund or property held by one as his own exclusive possession or for his own private use (as the salary of a Roman soldier or the separate personal property of a wife in Scotland)


pə̇'nakēǝ͵līt noun German 1 : a magnesium and manganese borate occurring in small black tabular crystals


pə̇'rōnēǝn noun Eponym 1 : PYRRHONIST : a follower of Pyrrho or an adherent of Pyrrhonism


pə̇'sōnē noun Spanish 1 : an Indian people of northeastern Mexico perhaps related to the Janambre 2 : a member of the Pisone people


pə̇'täspǝrǝm noun Greek 1 : a genus (the type of the family Pittosporaceae) of evergreen trees and shrubs of Asia, Africa, and Australasia that have often fragrant white or yellow flowers succeeded by berries with seeds embedded in a viscous substance 2 -s : any tree or shrub of the genus Pittosporum


rafǝ͵nās noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of raffinose and occurs in various molds (as Aspergillus niger) and yeasts

Rackan ( D )

rakǝn noun Middle English 2 dialect chiefly England : a hook for hanging pots over a fire

rhamphoid ( V : ramphoid )

ram͵fȯid adjective 1 : shaped like a beak


rid͵bǝrg noun Eponym 1 : the Rydberg constant especially when expressed in energy terms with maximum possible value of about 2.179 x 10-11 ergs


rilǝ͵wä noun Sinhalese 1 : TOQUE MACAQUE : a small reddish or brown macaque (monkey) of southeastern Asia


rälǝ͵wā noun Unknown Origin 1 : a white-bearded monkey of western Africa


rästǝ͵lāt, (')rä|stelə̇t adjective New Latin 1 : having a rostellum


rü'elēǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a very large genus of chiefly tropical American herbs and shrubs (family Acanthaceae) that have showy solitary or paniculate flowers with the simple or 2-lobed style recurved at the apex and the ovary 2-celled 2 -s : any plant or flower of the genus Ruellia


rütelə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Rutelidae


rē'(y)ü(͵)kyü, rə̇'- noun Geographical 1: the language of the Ryukyuan people that is related to Japanese

rhaetian ( V : rhetian )

rēsh(ē)ǝn noun Eponym 1 : a native or inhabitant of ancient Rhaetia 2 : RHAETO-ROMANIC


rī'ānēǝ noun New Latin 1 : an insecticide made of a mixture of alkaloids from the ground stems of a tropical So. American shrub (Patrisia pyrifera syn. Ryania speciosa) and used especially against the European corn borer 2 : the plant that yields ryania


rībǝ͵til noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : the univalent radical formed by removal of one of the terminal hydroxyl groups of adonitol


rōb͵spirə̇st, -bz͵pyer- noun French 1: a follower or supporter of Robespierre


rōmǝ͵nȯf noun Eponym 1: a Russian breed of prolific strong-wooled sheep 2 -s often capitalized : any sheep of the Romanov breed


rōnēǝ͵graf, -rȧf transitive verb 1 : RONEO : to produce (printed copies) on a duplicating machine that is similar in principle to the mimeograph


rů(ǝ)r noun Afrikaans 1 : a heavy long-barreled gun formerly used for hunting big game in southern Africa


růsǝl, 'rȯsǝl noun Yiddish 1 : vinegar made of fermented beet juice and used during Passover


rȯi'stōnēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of chiefly West Indian pinnate-leaved palms with smooth often spindle-shaped stems and large graceful leaves 2 -s : any palm of the genus Roystonea


rə̇'spän͵dē noun Latin Scots law : an entry formerly made in a book of record in chancery of a nonentry or relief duty payable by an heir taking a precept from chancery; also : the amount of the duties in such an entry


sabǝ'tīǝn noun Eponym 1 : a follower of the cabalist Sabbatai Zebi who proclaimed himself the Messiah and was accepted as such by many Jews


sac'brüd noun French + Middle English 1 : a virus disease of the honeybee affecting the larvae and causing them to shrivel and become scalelike

sagger ( V : saggar )

sagǝ(r) noun 1 a : a box made of fire clay in which delicate ceramic pieces are placed while being fired either for biscuit or for glaze b : the clay of which saggers are made 2 : a box in which cast-iron articles are packed in contact with hematite ore or mill scale to be converted to malleable cast iron in an annealing furnace


saltǝ͵grād, 'sȯl- adjective Latin 1 : having the feet or legs adapted to leaping -- usually used of spiders (as members of the family Salticidae)


salvǝ(r)͵fȯrm adjective Modification of French + Middle English 1 : tubular with a spreading limb


samǝr͵kand also 'sämǝr͵känd or 'sä͵mär͵känd sometimes ͵⸗(͵)⸗'⸗ noun Geographical 1 : a medium-sized oriental rug from Chinese Turkestan usually tied in Sehna knots and made with a field typically blue, red, or golden brown, often with a fretwork effect and five medallions in the corners and the center, and with Chinese motifs (as dragons or stiff floral forms)

Sandarac ( V : sandarach )

sandǝ͵rak noun Latin 1 : REALGAR : an orange-red mineral As4S4 or AsS that consists of arsenic sulfide and that occurs in monoclinic crystals or in granular or compact form, has a resinous luster, and burns with a bluish flame giving off arsenical and sulfurous fumes while burning (hardness 1.5*2, specific gravity 3.56) 2 : a large cypress pine of northern Africa that yields a hard durable fragrant wood much used in building 3 a : a brittle faintly aromatic translucent resin obtained especially from the African sandarac tree usually in the form of small pale yellow dusty tears and used chiefly in making varnish and as incense


sasǝbē noun Tswana 1: a large So. African antelope (Damaliscus lunatus) similar to the hartebeest that is dark purplish red with the back and face nearly black and has regularly curved horns


saŋdǝn noun Nepali 1 : an East Indian timber tree (Ougeinia dalbergioides) of the family Leguminosae, having hard wood, yielding a valuable red gum, and having bark that is used in various native remedies

Sangar ( V : sungar )

saŋgǝ(r), 'sǝŋ- noun Hindi 1 also sanger \'\ : a small breastwork or rifle pit to hold a few men often constructed of boulders around a natural hollow 2 : a primitive wooden bridge with stone piers


sen.'tesǝ͵mō noun Spanish 1 : a unit of value equal to 1/100 balboa (Panama) or 1/100 peso (Uruguay) -- see MONEY table 2 : a coin representing one centesimo

Cenobitic ( V : coenobitic )

senǝ,bitə̇k adjective French 1 : of or relating to a member of a religious group living in common


septǝ'lǝm noun New Latin 1 : a small septum


sepǝ͵lȯid adjective New Latin 1 : resembling or having the nature of a sepal


serǝ|zem noun Russian 1 : any of a group of zonal soils that are brownish gray at the surface and lighter colored below, based in a carbonate layer or a hardpan layer, and characteristic of temperate to cool arid regions with mixed shrub vegetation


sevə̇n trademark trademark 1 : used for an insecticide consisting of a preparation of carbaryl


shastǝn noun Unknown Origin 1 : a language family of the Hokan stock in northern California and southern Oregon comprising Achomawi, Atsugewi, and Shasta


shaŋǝn noun Scottish chiefly Scotland : a cleft stick to fasten to the tail of a dog


sha͵lü noun Marathi 1 : any of various grain sorghums usually held to constitute a distinct variety (Sorghum vulgare roxburghii), introduced into the United States from India, and having slender dry stalks, large open pale yellow heads, and small hard seeds that are exposed at maturity

shelleyan ( V : shelleian )

shelēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the poet Shelley or his writings


shiŋkǝn noun Eponym 1: a language family of uncertain relationships comprising the Xinca language

chott ( H, V : shott )

shät noun French 1 : a shallow saline lake of northern Africa; also : the dried bed of such a lake

Shul ( V : schul )

shůl sometimes 'shül noun Yiddish 1 : SYNAGOGUE : a Jewish local community under religious and more or less civil jurisdiction


shǝ'mi(ǝ)r, 'shä͵m- noun Hebrew 1 : a very hard precious stone believed to have been used in building Solomon's temple 2 : a tiny worm believed capable of splitting the hardest stone


shə̇'mōsǝ noun Eponym 1 : a Japanese explosive composed chiefly of picric acid

sere ( V : sear )

si(ǝ)r, -iǝ adjective Middle English 1 : dried up : WITHERED 2 archaic : worn thin : THREADBARE


silfēǝm noun Latin 1: an extinct umbelliferous plant of the genus Ferula not definitely identifiable as to species but well known to the ancient Greeks and used by them medicinally 2 : a large genus of tall No. American perennial herbs (family Compositae) having coarse heads of yellow flowers with fertile rays and broad flat winged achenes


silvǝ͵nīt noun 1 : rock that contains chiefly potassium chloride though in an impure state

syllis ( H )

silə̇s noun New Latin 1 capitalized : the type genus of Syllidae 2 -es : any worm of the genus Syllis


sintǝnǝs adjective Greek 1 : possessing a temperament normally rsponsive and adaptive to one's social or interpersonal environment 2 : of or relating to resonance; especially : having the same resonant frequency


sinə̇ps noun New Latin 1: a genus (the type of the family Cynipidae) of small gall wasps including a number that form galls on oaks

cerion ( H )

sirē͵än noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus (family Cerionidae) of pupa-shaped land snails that are confined to the West Indies and the southern tip of Florida 2 -s : any mollusk of the genus Cerion : PUPA SHELL


sirǝ͵ped adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Cirripedia


sirǝ͵pēd adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Cirripedia

cerin ( H )

sirə̇n noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a crystalline triterpenoid C30H50O2 that is extracted from cork 2 : a solid fatty acid occurring usually as an ester in most waxes (as Chinese wax, beeswax, montan wax) and some fats


skat, usu -at+V noun Old Norse 1 : a crown tax in the Shetland and Orkney islands for the use (as for pasturage) of commons

skivvy ( V : scivvy )

skivi noun Unknown Origin Britain : a female domestic servant


skwamyǝlǝ͵fȯrm adjective Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : resembling a small scale


skā noun Afrikaans 1 : one of four slightly wedge-shaped bars that pass down through an ox yoke one on each side of the neck of an ox to hold the yoke in place and that are notched at the bottom for the riem


skǝtǝ͵rǝ͵dīt noun German 1 : a mineral (Co,Ni)As3 that consists of a native arsenide of cobalt and nickel and is isomorphous with smaltite, nickel-skutterudite, and chloanthite

Sleekit ( D )

slēkə̇t adjective Scots 1 chiefly Scotland : SLEEK, SMOOTH 2 chiefly Scotland : CRAFTY, DECEITFUL


smō]t, usu ]t+V verb Middle English 1 a : to strike usually hard especially with the hand or something held in the hand b : to knock down c archaic : to strike or pluck (as the strings of a harp) to produce musical sound d : to shine upon suddenly 2 a : to kill or severely injure by or as if by smiting : afflict with sudden calamity, destruction, or injury b : to inflict punishment (as destruction, death, or severe injury) upon as if by a stroke c : to attack or afflict suddenly and injuriously 3 : to cause to strike 4 : to affect as if by striking forcefully or abruptly : impress suddenly


smǝrnēǝn noun Latin 1 : a native or inhabitant of the ancient city of Smyrna in Asia Minor


snükiŋ, -kēŋ noun Afrikaans 1: fishing for any of several vigorous active marine fishes

spreath ( D, H : spreagh )

sprēk noun Scottish 1 Scotland : PREY, BOOTY; especially : cattle carried off in a raid 2 Scotland : a cattle raid : FORAY


spädǝ͵sȯl, 'spōd- noun Greek 1 : any of a group of podzols especially of cool humid regions that have a horizon below the surface composed of an illuvial accumulation of humus with iron or aluminum or both


spärtē͵ēn, -tēə̇n noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a liquid tetracyclic alkaloid obtained especially from the tops of the common broom and used in the form of its crystalline sulfate especially formerly in the treatment of tachycardia and other irregularities of the heart


spī'jēlyǝn, -lēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : relating to or discovered by the Flemish anatomist Adriaan van den Spieghel


spōrǝdə̇n noun New Latin 1 : a vermiform extracellular fully grown gregarine trophozoite that usually lacks an epimerite


spōrǝ͵dezǝm noun New Latin + Greek 1 : a multicellular spore body or chain of independent spores


spǝ'raksə̇s noun New Latin 1 : a small genus of bulbous plants (family Iridaceae) that are native to the Cape of Good Hope and include several which are cultivated for their brilliantly colored flowers borne in fringed spathes 2 plural sparaxis : any plant, flower, or bulb of the genus Sparaxis


spə̇'ner(y)ǝlǝ(r); 'spinǝr͵yül-, -nǝ͵rül- adjective Middle English + French & Latin + Middle English 1 : of or relating to one of many small tubes on the spinnerets of spiders for discharging the secretion of the silk glands

standpattism ( V : standpatism )

stand͵pat͵izǝm noun 1 : the policy of standing pat : resistance to change : reluctance to take positive action


stefǝ͵nōm noun Greek + Greek 1 : an instrument for measuring the angular dimensions of fogbows and halos


stemǝ noun New Latin 1 a (1) : one of the simple eyes of an insect : OCELLUS (2) : a facet of a compound eye of an arthropod b : a tubercle on which an antenna is borne 2 a : a scroll (as among the ancient Romans) containing a list of family names with indication of genealogical or other relations : FAMILY TREE, PEDIGREE b : a tree showing the relationships of the manuscripts of a literary work


steriŋk noun probably modification of New Latin 1 : a silvery gray antarctic seal subsisting largely on crustaceans


stif͵nāt noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1: a salt of styphnic acid


stə̇'fānēǝn, -nyǝn adjective French 1 : of or relating to a division of the Carboniferous -- see GEOLOGIC TIME table


swä]th also -wȯ] or ]th noun Middle English 1 a (1) : the whole sweep of a scythe or a machine in mowing or cradling (2) : the path or the breadth of a path cut in one course b : a windrow of cut grain or grass left by a scythe or mowing machine c : a crop or row of grass or grain ready for reaping or haying 2 : a long broad strip or belt 3 : a stroke of or as if of a scythe 4 : a collection or a space emptied of a collection destroyed as if by a scythe


swänǝ͵mōt noun Middle English 1 : a court formerly held before foresters, verderers, and other forest officers to try offenses against vert and venison and to hear grievances against forest officers

Swage ( V : suage or swedge )

swāj noun Middle English 2 : any of several variously shaped or grooved tools: as a : a tool used by metalworkers to shape material to a desired form b : a tool used to set the teeth of a circular or band saw c : a tool used to form bullets d : a tool used to straighten damaged casing or pipe in a drilled oil well


säl'īǝn also 'ī͵än noun Middle English + Greek 1 : an electronic detecting and amplifying device whose operation depends on the movement of ions in a solution


sän'dēǝ noun Geographical 1: WATERMELON


sänǝn, 'zä- noun Geographical 1: a Swiss breed of white or light-colored usually hornless short-haired dairy goats 2 -s often capitalized : an animal of the Saanen breed

sarcee ( V : sarsee or sarci or sarsi )

särsē noun Unknown Origin 1 a : an Athapaskan people of the upper Saskatchewan and Athabaska river valleys in Alberta, Canada b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Sarcee people


sü'dāmǝn noun New Latin 1 : a transient eruption of minute translucent vesicles caused by retention of sweat in the sweat glands and in the corneous layer of the skin and occurring after profuse perspiration


sübyǝlǝ͵kȯrn, 'sǝb-, -ǝ͵lāt adjective Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : having or being subulate antennae

suman ( H : sumen )

sümǝn adjective 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Sumo people 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Sumo language


sā'känē noun Unknown Origin 1 a : an Athapaskan people of the upper Peace river drainage, British Columbia b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Sekani people


sāb.üǝn noun Spanish 1 a : a Bisayan people inhabiting Cebu b : a member of such people 2 : the Austronesian language of the Cebuans


sādē noun Twi 1 : the basic monetary unit of Ghana 2 : a note representing one cedi


sāsǝ͵tīt noun French 1 : a variety of diatomaceous earth: : an earthy form of opal : RANDANNITE


sēlǝ noun native name in Burma 1 : rice that is heated before milling

simal ( H : semul )

sēmǝl noun Hindi 1 : an East Indian silk-cotton tree (Bombax malabarica) that yields a fiber inferior to kapok 2 : the fiber of the simal tree


sēvǝ͵izǝm noun Eponym 1 : a sect comprising the worshipers of the god Siva


sēä(͵)fü noun Swahili 1 : an African driver ant especially of the genus Anomma


sē͵brīt noun Eponym 1: an old British breed of rose-comb bantam fowls with dark-laced silvery or golden feathers 2 : any bird of the Sebright breed


sī'kōdǝ noun New Latin 1 : the type genus of Psychodidae


sī'lästrǝ(͵)fē noun New Latin 1 : a genus of herbs or low shrubs (family Compositae) of the rangelands of southwestern United States having persistent papery yellow flowers


sī'täfǝlǝs, sə̇'t- noun New Latin 1 : a widely distributed genus of weevils containing two (S. granarius and S. oryzae) that are highly destructive to grain


sībǝ(r)t͵īt noun French 1: a basic aluminosilicate of the clintonite group consisting of calcium, magnesium, and aluminum, occurring in monoclinic crystals and foliated masses and having a reddish brown, copper red, or yellowish color and submetallic luster (hardness 4-5, specific gravity 3-3.1)

cypris ( H )

sīprə̇s noun New Latin 1 : a genus (the type of the family Cyprididae) of small ostracod crustaceans that live in stagnant fresh water


sī͵wȯsh, -wäsh noun Chinook 1 Northwest : AMERICAN INDIAN 2 : the jargon used by and in talking with Siwashes


sǝ'belǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus (the type of the family Sabellidae) of tube-dwelling marine polychaete worms with the prostomial palps modified into semicircular plumose gills 2 -s : any worm of the genus Sabella


sǝ'bāsh(ē)ǝ, -batēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of smooth slender No. American herbs (family Gentianaceae) with opposite leaves and showy white or rose-pink cymose flowers


sǝ'gī noun Unknown Origin 1 : a group composed of the Beltir, the Koibal, and other peoples on the Abakan river that speak a Turkic dialect 2 : a member of the Sagai people


sǝ'lal, sa'l- noun Chinook 1 : a small shrub (Gaultheria shallon) of the Pacific coast of No. America having edible dark purple berries about the size of a common grape


sǝ'lā transitive verb alteration of Middle English 1 : to cut (a bream) into serving portions


sǝ'mō(͵)hü noun native name in So. America 1 : a thorny deciduous tree of the family Bombacaceae that is native to Brazil and Argentina but often cultivated in warm regions for its large solitary pink flowers which appear while the tree is leafless and that is the chief source of vegetable silk 2 : the ashy gray light soft lumber of the floss-silk tree


sǝ'rēdē͵ȯid adjective New Latin + Middle English 1 : having the form or nature of a soredium : resembling or functioning as a soredium


sǝ'rī noun Turki 1 : an inn in eastern countries where caravans rest at night that is commonly a large bare building surrounding a court 2 : a palace or residence of a sultan


sǝ'tǝrnēə̇d adjective New Latin 1: of or relating to the Saturniidae


sǝr͵bās noun Middle English + Middle English 1 : a molding immediately above the base of a wall (as of a wainscoted room) 2 : a cornice or a series of moldings at the top of the base of a pedestal or podium


sȯrǝn.͵tēn, sǝ'ren.- adjective Italian 1 : relating to, situated in, inhabiting, or coming from Sorrento


sə̇'la(a)rēǝn adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Scyllaridae


sə̇'nē͵sizǝm noun Greek 1 : a joining together : UNION; specifically : a uniting of several towns or villages into one community (as in ancient Greece) 2 : the condition of being synoecious


sə̇'risə̇d, 'sirǝsə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Siricidae


sə̇'rä(͵)nō noun American Spanish 1 : a Shoshonean people of southern California 2 : a member of the Serrano people


sə̇'rätǝnǝs, se'r- adjective Latin 1 : SEROTINAL : of or relating to the latter and usually drier part of summer : occurring in the latter half of summer


sə̇'rō.'fēnishǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to the Roman province of Syrophoenicia 2 : of or relating to Syrophoenicians


sə̇'silyǝn, -lēǝn noun Latin 1 : a native or inhabitant of Sicily 2 : the Italian language as spoken in Sicily


sə̇'süvēǝm noun New Latin 1 : a small genus of fleshy maritime herbs (family Aizoaceae) widely distributed especially in tropical regions and having opposite leaves and reddish flowers with a 5-lobed calyx and five stamens


sə̇'tarēǝs adjective New Latin 1 : resembling a bristle : ARISTATE


sə̇|lēnǝ.'sirēǝs noun New Latin 1 : a genus of mostly epiphytic climbing cacti ranging from southern Texas to Argentina and having ribbed or angled and not very spiny stems and immense white night-blooming flowers that are much prized in northern greenhouses


sə̇͵nōvē'ōmǝ noun New Latin 1 : a tumor of a synovial membrane

teuk ( D )

t(y)ük noun imitative 1 dialect England : a common Old World limicoline bird


tafrə̇l; 'ta͵frāl, 'tai͵f- noun Dutch 1 : the upper flat part of the stern of a wooden ship often ornamented with carvings 2 : a rail around the stern of a ship


tak(ǝ)mǝ͵hak noun Spanish 1 : an aromatic oleoresin used in ointments and plasters and for incense: as a : the product of any of several tropical trees of the genera Protium (especially P. heptaphyllum and P. altissimum) and Bursera 2 : a tree yielding tacamahac; especially : BALSAM POPLAR

tamboura ( V : tambura )

tam'bůrǝ noun Persian 1 : an Asiatic musical instrument of the lute type but without frets used only to produce a drone accompaniment to singing


tam(͵)bō, 'täm(͵)bō noun American Spanish 1 : an Inca inn or way station on the highroads of ancient Peru 2 : a wayside tavern in modern Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia


tanə̇͵stōm noun French 1: an insect of the division Tanystomata


temnē noun Unknown Origin 1 a : a people of the interior of Sierra Leone in western Africa b : a member of the Temne people 2 : a West-Atlantic language of the Temne people


tenǝzə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the family Ctenizidae


teptē͵är noun Unknown Origin 1 : a Tatar people of central Asia related to the Kazaks and Bashkirs 2 : a member of the Teptiar people


te͵stē, -stī noun plural New Latin 1 : the hard external coating or integument of a seed


th(y)üjə̇l noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a univalent radical C10H17 derived from thujyl alcohol


th(y)ǝ'rinj(ē)ǝn noun Eponym 1 : a member of an ancient Germanic people established in a kingdom near the center of Germany and overthrown by the Franks in the 6th century 2 : a native or inhabitant of the kingdom, principality, region, or state of Thuringia


thēshǝk noun Irish Gaelic 1 Irish : PRIME MINISTER

tikor ( H )

tikǝr, 'tēk-, -͵kȯ(ǝ)r noun Hindi 1 : a starch or arrowroot made from the tubers of an East Indian herb (Curcuma angustifolia) 2 : a plant that yields tikor


tilyǝ(r) noun Hindi : a glossy black chiefly Asian bird : ROSE-COLORED STARLING


timǝ͵līn adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the genus Timalia or the family Timaliidae


ti͵rēn, tə̇'r- adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to the Tyrrheni


trazǝ͵dōn noun 1 : an antidepressant drug C19H22CIN5O that is administered in the form of its hydrochloride and inhibits the uptake of serotonin by the brain


tremǝlǝnt noun Italian 1 : an organ pipe having a tremolant note 2 : a device to impart a vibration causing a tremolant sound in a musical instrument


tremǝ͵lith, 'trēm- noun Greek 1 : a minutely punctate coccolith


tripkē͵īt noun German 1 : a tetragonal arsenite of copper of unknown formula characterized by short often bent prismatic crystals which can be broken into flexible fibers because of the excellent prismatic cleavages


trätskēə̇st noun Eponym 1 : a follower of Trotsky : an adherent of Trotskyism


trōt intransitive verb French 1 : to cry in rutting time

trollopian ( V : trollopean )

trǝ'läpēǝn, -'lōp-, |trälǝ|pēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the works or the style of the English novelist Anthony Trollope


tsin͵väl͵tīt noun German 1 : a pale violet, yellow, brown, or dark gray mineral K2(Li,Fe,Al)6(Si,Al)8O20(OH,F)4 that consists of mica containing iron and lithium


tsämǝ noun Afrikaans 1 Africa : WATERMELON


twē'let noun French 1 : a small tuille for protecting the hip

tock ( H )

täk noun Portuguese 1 : an African hornbill of the genus Tockus


tälē͵gǝnj adjective Geographical 1 : of or from the city of Tollygunge, India : of the kind or style prevalent in Tollygunge


tälǝrē noun Arabic 1 : an old silver coin of Ethiopia last minted in 1904


tärsēǝ, ⸗'⸗⸗ noun Italian 1 : INTARSIA 1 : a mosaic usually of small pieces of wood which are inserted and glued into hollows of a wooden support that was popular in 15th century Italy for decoration featuring especially scrolls, arabesques, architectural scenes, and flowers


tä͵ků(ǝ)r noun Hindi 1 : a member of the Kshatriya caste among the Hindus


tülē, -li noun Spanish 1 : any of several large New World bulrushes (Scirpus californicus, S. acutus, and S. (lacustris) or cattails that grow abundantly on overflowed land and are sometimes used for making native reed products (as mats or rafts) 2 : land on which tules are the dominant or characteristic native plant 3 : a Cunan people of the islands off the north coast of Panama


tēnēǝ͵dänt noun New Latin 1 : a mammal or fossil of the order Taeniodonta


tēˈa(a)|(ə)r, -ˈe|, |ə noun French any of several fragrant-flowered shrubs of the genus Gardenia found in Pacific islands

tyigh ( H : tie )

tī noun Unknown Origin 1 : a Shahaptian people of west central Oregon 2 : a member of the Tyigh people


tīrǝ͵sēn, -_sə̇n , 'tir-, noun 1 : a crystalline phenolic alpha-amino acid HOC6H4CH2CH(NH2)COOH obtained in its levorotatory L form by the hydrolysis of proteins (as casein or fibroin) and also made synthetically in the racemic form; para-hydroxy-phenylalanine 2 : either of two crystalline acids that are ortho and meta isomers of tyrosine


tī͵märkē noun Greek 1 Aristotelianism : a stage of political development in which political and civil honors are distributed according to wealth : TIMOCRACY

tole ( H )

tōl French 1 : a decorative japanned or painted tin or other metal finished in various colors (as black with gilt designs) and used especially for trays, lamps, and boxes


tōl͵wa(a)](ǝ)r noun French + Middle English 1 : ware made of tole


tōr͵ȯid noun New Latin 1 : a surface generated by the rotation of a plane closed curve about an axis lying in its plane and not intersecting it 2 : a body whose surface has the form of a toroid


tůr'känǝ noun Unknown Origin 1 : a people resembling the Masai and living between Lake Rudolf and the Nile in East Africa 2 : a member of the Turkana people


tǝ'läkǝ͵chä noun Bengali 1 : a tropical Asiatic vine : IVY GOURD


tǝ'män noun Persian 1 a : an old Persian unit of monetary value equal at one time to 10,000 dinars b : a Persian gold coin issued up to 1927 2 : a military division of 10,000 men among the Mongols and Tatars


tǝ'nädǝ noun Spanish 1 : a Spanish folksong especially of meditative character


tǝ'renchǝn, te'r- adjective Latin 1: of or relating to Terence or having qualities (as refinement and poetic finish) like those of his comedies


tǝ'räfǝrə̇d, (')te|r-; |terǝ|fȯr- adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Pterophoridae


tǝ(r)'fez noun French 1 : the edible fruit of a fungus (genus Terfezia) of the desert regions of Africa, Asia, and southern Europe


tǝnuē noun French 1 : BEARING, CARRIAGE, DEPORTMENT 2 : mode of dress


tǝrpə̇th noun alteration of Middle English 1 : the root of a tropical Asiatic and Australian vine formerly used in medicine as a purgative; also : the plant itself 2 : white tasteless salt


tǝrǝm noun native name in Australia 1 : a large Australian trevally prob. of the genus Caranx


tǝ|mandǝ|wä, -njǝ-, ⸗'⸗⸗_wǝ noun Portuguese 1 -s a : a prehensile-tailed arboreal anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) of Central and So. America that is smaller than the ant bear and much more variable in marking, being sometimes gray striped with black and sometimes straw-colored and unstriped b : an edentate anteater 2 capitalized [New Latin, from Portuguese tamanduá] : a genus comprising the tamandua

taurean ( V : taurian )

tȯrēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : TAURINE : of or relating to a bull : BOVINE


tə̇|lütǝ'sōrǝs, tə̇l|yü-+ noun New Latin 1 : TELIUM : an aggregation of teliospores often stalked and either forming a subcuticular or subepidermal cushion or rupturing the host tissue to form an open sorus

Tyrolienne ( H )

tə̇|rōlē|en, |ti͵r-, (|)tī|r- noun French 1 : a Tyrolean peasants' song or melody characterized by the yodel


vavǝ͵sōre noun Old French 1 : the tenure of a fee or the lands held by a vavasor


venjǝnt adjective Middle English 1 : that exacts satisfaction for (a wrong) by punishing the injurer


vilgǝ͵rōt noun Eponym 1 : a modified Willgerodt reaction in which the ketone is heated with sulfur and a dry amine in an open apparatus provided the amine (as morpholine) is sufficiently high boiling


vi͵tāt adjective Latin 1 : bearing or containing vittae 2 : striped longitudinally


välshǝn noun Latin 1 : a member of the Volsci 2 : the Italic language of the Volsci


vē'et|käŋ, 'vyet-, -kȯŋ, also |vēǝt- or 'vēt- noun Unknown Origin 1 : an adherent of the Vietnamese communist movement supported by North Vietnam and engaged especially in guerrilla warfare in South Vietnam


vī'bäs(h)ə̇kǝ noun Sanskrit 1 : a Hinayana Buddhist philosophical school of realism derived from the Sarvastivadin and found chiefly in Gandhara and Kashmir


vī'verə̇d, və̇'v- adjective New Latin 1: of or relating to the Viverridae


vī͵smä͵nizǝm, 'wīsmǝ͵n- noun Eponym 1 : the theories of heredity and development proposed by August Weismann; especially : the concepts of continuity of the germ plasm and dichotomy of germ and soma with their correlates of germinal transmission of hereditary qualities and absence of inheritance of acquired characters


vō'kizh(ē)ǝ, -izēǝ, -is- noun New Latin 1 : a genus (the type of the family Vochysiaceae) of tropical American tress and shrubs having showy fragrant flowers with a single stamen


vōl'färtēǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of larviparous sarcophagid flies that commonly deposit their larvae in wounds or on the intact skin of man and domestic animals causing severe cutaneous myiasis 2 -s : any fly of the genus Wohlfahrtia

vosgian ( V : vosgean )

vōzhēǝn adjective French 1 : of or relating to the Vosges mountains


vǝ'lench(ē)ǝn, -n(t)sēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Valencia province or city 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Valencians


vǝ'ranjēǝn adjective Middle Greek 1: of, relating to, or characteristic of the Varangians


vǝlpǝ͵nīt noun German 1: a mineral consisting of a scaly granular grayish white variety of anhydrite


və̇'rämǝ noun Sanskrit 1 : a mark added to a consonant sign in Devanagari and related alphabets to indicate that the consonant sign stands only for a consonant and not for a combination of consonant plus following vowel

walhalla ( H )

wal'halǝ, wäl'hälǝ noun Geographical 1 : a place of honor or glorification : SHRINE


wapǝn͵shȯ noun Middle English 1: an exhibition of arms according to individual rank formerly made at various seasons in each district of Scotland


wesə̇ksmǝn noun Eponym 1 : a native or inhabitant of Wessex

wether ( H )

wethǝ(r) noun Middle English 1 : a male sheep castrated before sexual maturity usually when only a few weeks old and before the development of secondary sex characters 2 : a male goat castrated when young


wilǝ͵mīt noun German 1 : a mineral Zn2SiO4 consisting of zinc silicate, occurring in hexagonal prisms and in massive or granular forms, and varying in color from white or greenish yellow to green, reddish, and brown


wä'hē(y)ǝ noun Mexican Spanish 1 : either of two honey plants from Texas and adjacent Mexico: a : a spiny shrub (Pithecolobium brevifolium) b : a sweet-scented shrub (Acacia berlandieri)


wächə̇t also 'wȯch- noun Middle English 1 : a light blue color 2 archaic a : a light blue cloth b : a light blue angler's fly


wāliŋ transitive verb Middle English 1 : to mark (as the skin) with welts 2 a : to wattle (as the web of a gabion) especially with more than two rods at once b : to furnish (as a basket) with wales 3 : to fasten or brace with a constructional wale


wē'pē(͵)lās noun plural Mexican Spanish 1 : a straight slipover one-piece garment that is made by folding a rectangle of material end to end, sewing up the straight sides but leaving openings near the folded top for the arms, and cutting a slit or a square in the center of the fold to furnish an opening for the head, is often decorated with embroidery, and is worn as a blouse or dress by women chiefly in Mexico and Central America

waqf ( V : wakf )

wǝkf noun Arabic 1 : an Islamic endowment of property to be held in trust and used for a charitable or religious purpose 2 : a Muslim religious or charitable foundation created by an endowed trust fund


yasht, 'yǝsht noun Avestan 1 : one of the hymns to angels or lesser divinities forming part of the Avesta


ye'sēth͵kůn(d)mǝn noun Old English 1 : a man of the rank of a wellborn companion or attendant of an Anglo-Saxon king


yägǝn noun Eponym 1 a : a nomadic hunting and fishing people of Tierra del Fuego b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Yahgan people


yütǝz noun plural New Latin 1 : a large genus of iguanid lizards found from New Mexico to Lower California -


yü͵kīt noun Late Greek 1 : one of an ecstatic mendicant vagrant Christian sect of the 4th to the 8th centuries in Mesopotamia, Syria, and Asia Minor that believed man's congenital devil could be expelled only by unremitting prayer 2 : one of an 11th century Thracian sect similar to the Euchite and probably descended from it through 8th and 10th century migrations


yü͵lō noun probably from Chinese 1 : a Chinese sculling oar with a fixed fulcrum


yō'kīchē adjective Geographical 1 : of or from the city of Yokkaichi, Japan : of the kind or style prevalent in Yokkaichi


yǝ'himbā, -bē noun Bantu 1 : a tropical African tree (Corynanthe yohimbe) of the family Rubiaceae the bark of which yields yohimbine


yǝ'redǝnǝs, -rēd- adjective New Latin 1 : of, relating to, or being fungi of the order Uredinales


yǝ'rästē͵än noun New Latin 1 : a median ossification at the back of the lophosteon in the sternum of some birds


yǝ'rālēǝn, yü'r-, -ral- adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to the Ural mountains or to the people dwelling in or near them 2 : constituting or relating to the Finno-Ugric or the Finno-Ugric and Samoyed languages


zan'thäksǝ͵nīt noun New Latin + Middle English 1 : a mineral consisting of a basic hydrous calcium ferric phosphate and occurring in thin yellow monoclinic plates


zan(t)thǝ͵krȯid, zan'thä͵k- adjective New Latin relating to or belonging to the caucasoids having light hair and fair skin


zin'jan(t)thrǝ͵pǝs noun plural New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of fossil hominids based on a skull found in eastern Africa, characterized by very low brow and large molars, and tentatively assigned to the Lower Pleistocene


zinfǝ'nē͵ si- noun German 1 : SYMPHONY : a consonance or harmony of sounds


ziŋgǝnǝ noun Italian 1 : any of various African timber trees (genus Brachystegia) with pale golden heartwood uniformly striped with dark brown or black: ZEBRAWOOD 1f


zäpǝ͵tek, 'sä- noun Geographical 1 a : an Indian people of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico b : a member of such people 2 : a Zapotecan language of the Zapotec people


zī'jēnə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Zygaenidae


zō'an(t)thǝ͵dēm noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : the aggregate of zooids in a compound anthozoan


zǝ'fren.͵tȯid adjective New Latin 1 : resembling or related to the genus Zaphrentis or family Zaphrentidae


zȯrǝ noun American Spanish 1 : any of several coarse tropical grasses


zȯsh'nirēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a small genus of California perennial herbs (family Onagraceae) with scarlet racemose flowers like those of fuchsia and comose seeds 2 -s : any plant of the genus Zauschneria


|'lipǝ|kāik, 'lī- noun Eponym 1 : a lipotropic preparation from the pancreas


|'nōtǝ|edrik adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to a genus of mites 2 : caused by mites of the genus Notoedres

aphaeretic ( V : apheretic )

|afǝ|retik adjective Greek 1 : of or relating to aphaeresis : formed by aphaeresis : consisting of aphaeresis


|agrō|mīzə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Agromyzidae


|alǝ͵lü|yatik adjective Medieval Latin 1 : of or relating to a religious alleluia


|anǝ|kräjǝnǝs adjective Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : having the archegonia arising below the apex of the stem and not involving the apical cell 2 : having indeterminate growth of the gametophyte


|apǝ|rīǝ͵līt noun Middle English + German 1: a rock consisting of a felsite whose structure shows it to have been originally vitreous like some rhyolites

apothegmatic ( V : apophthegmatic )

|apǝ͵theg|matik adjective Greek 1 : relating to or characteristic of apothegms : given to apothegms : characterized by apothegms


|aŋ|gǝstǝ|rä͵strāt adjective probably from Latin + Latin 1 : having a narrow rostrum or snout


|a͵nak͵sagǝ|rēǝn, |anə̇k- adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to the philosophy of Anaxagoras who taught that the world is composed of many qualitatively different substances that developed from homogeneous particles under the impetus of nous


|a͵nī͵sī|känik adjective New Latin 1 : a defect of binocular vision in which the two retinal images of the same object are of unequal size

bateleur ( V : bataleur )

|batǝl|ǝr(.)\ noun French 1 : a short-tailed African eagle (Terathopius ecaudatus) that is basically black with ruddy chestnut back, reddish tail, legs, bill, and cheeks, a silver-gray patch at the bend of each wing, and a white undersurface with a black margin along the hind edge of the wing


|besǝ|rābēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a region of southeastern Europe 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Bessarabians


|bländə̇|net noun French 1 : a breed of small plump show pigeons that are bred in several colors usually with the plumage more or less laced with white and with the feathers somewhat frilled 2 -s sometimes capitalized : a bird of the Blondinette breed


|brakē.mī'ätik adjective New Latin 1 : marked by or relating to brachymeiosis


|brakē.mī'ōsə̇s noun New Latin 1 : a second reduction division following the usual two meiotic divisions reputed to occur in the ascus of certain fungi; also : the entire meiotic process when involving double reduction that has been suggested as an explanation of the restoration of the haploid condition in fungi in which double fertilization has produced a tetraploid primary ascus nucleus


|bōrǝ|rōǝn adjective Portuguese 1 a : a people of southern Brazil b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Bororo people constituting the Bororoan language family of the Borotuke stock


|bə̇gə̇|nēz, -ēs noun Dutch 1 a : an Indonesian people of the southern part of Celebes island, Indonesia b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Buginese people


|desǝ|tēn noun Russian 1 : a Russian unit of land area equal to 2.7 acres


|dī(ǝ)mǝn.|tif(ǝ)rǝs, |dēǝm- adjective French 1: DIAMONDIFEROUS diamantiferous


|dǝrmǝ|nisə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Dermanyssidae


|ekmǝn- noun Eponym 1 : a dredge that has opposable jaws operated by a messenger traveling down a cable to release a spring catch and that is used in ecology for sampling the bottom of a body of water


|filō|karə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Phyllocarida


|flů(ǝ)(͵)rō.'yůrǝ͵sil noun French + Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a fluorine-containing pyrimidine base used to treat some kinds of cancer; 5-fluorouracil


|gwīǝ|kän noun Spanish 1 : any of several So. and Central American timber trees typically with strong dense hard wood: as a : any of certain lignum vitae of the genus Guaiacum (especially G. sanctum) b : any of certain trees of the genus Tabebuia c : an Argentine tree (Caesalpinia melanocarpa) yielding a timber used for railway ties, paving, and heavy construction d : GUAIACUM WOOD 2 : GUAIACUM 2


|hildǝ|brandə̇n, -n͵dīn adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to Hildebrand especially with reference to his drastic reforms of church government and his assertion of papal supremacy over the lower clergy and civil authorities 2 : adhering to the principles of Hildebrand


|hälōsē|nätik, |hōl- adjective 1 : acting in concert


|jabǝ|rü noun Portuguese 1 : a large stork (Jabiru mycteria) of tropical America 2 a : WOOD IBIS 1 b : the saddle-billed stork of Africa or a related stork of the genus Xenorhynchus of the East Indies and Australia


|jinshē|en adjective Eponym 1 : of or from the city of Chinchow, Manchuria : of the kind or style prevalent in Chinchow


|kabǝ(r)|nā noun French 1 : a dry red California table wine like claret with medium body and fruity flavor


|kaůshē|ůŋ, |gaů- adjective Geographical 1 : of or from the city of Kaohsiung, Formosa, China : of the kind or style prevalent in Kaohsiung


|käksǝ|nelə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Coccinellidae

kalumpang ( V : calumpang )

|kälǝm|päŋ noun Tagalog Philippines : a large tropical Old World tree (Sterculia foetida) having foul-smelling blossoms that are followed by red pods enclosing oil-rich and protein-rich seeds sometimes used as food and yielding light soft wood that is sometimes used for carving


|kōkǝ|nükǝn adjective Unknown Origin 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Coconuco peoples 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Coconuco language


|kō͵bȯlt|'a͵mēn noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : any of numerous ammines of cobalt


|kǝ'ridēǝ noun plural New Latin 1 : a tribe of decapod crustaceans containing most shrimps, prawns, and related forms in which the lateral plates of the second abdominal segment overlap those of the first


|lepǝ|sästēə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Lepisosteidae


|liksǝ'flāvə̇n also -lav- noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a yellow crystalline compound C17H20N4O6 isolated from heart muscle and stereoisomeric with riboflavin but derived from lyxose


|lükǝ͵sär'kōmǝ'tōsə̇s noun New Latin 1 : lymphosarcoma accompanied by leukemia


|madrǝ|pōrēǝn adjective French + Middle English 1 : any of various stony reef-building corals : MADREPORIC


|manǝ|tōbǝ adjective Geographical 1: of or from the province of Manitoba : of the kind or style prevalent in Manitoba : MANITOBAN


|me]z.͵ā͵ȯ(r)'tītə̇s, |mē], ]s+ noun New Latin 1 : inflammation of the middle layer of the aorta


|misǝ|li(ǝ)r sometimes -izǝ|- noun Latin + Middle French 1 : one who helps to design, build, or operate guided missiles : MISSILEMAN


|mänǝ|gask adjective French 1 : of or relating to the principality of Monaco : MONACAN


|mī(͵)ō.jēō.sinklīn noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a comparatively stable geosyncline in which sediments accumulate without contemporaneous volcanism


|mīrǝ'sidēǝm noun New Latin 1 : the free-swimming ciliated first larva of a digenetic trematode that seeks out and penetrates a suitable snail intermediate host in which it develops into a sporocyst


|mīō'lesǝthǝl adjective probably from New Latin + Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : having little yolk : ALECITHAL : MICROLECITHAL


|mȯsǝ|lēǝn, -ȯzǝ- adjective Latin + English 1 : like, relating to, or being a mausoleum


|n(y)ü.trō|klüzhǝn noun Late Latin + New Latin 1 : the condition in which the anteroposterior occlusal relations of the teeth are normal


|niktǝ|ribēə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Nycteribiidae


|paflǝ|gōnēǝn, -nyǝn noun Latin 1 : a native or inhabitant of Paphlagonia


|pegǝ|sēǝn, pə̇'gāsēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or resembling the mythological winged horse Pegasus; especially : SWIFT 2 : of or relating to poetic inspiration : HIGHLY IMAGINATIVE : poetic


|pelō'therǝpē, -pi, |pēlō+ noun Int. Sci. Vocab + New Latin 1 : the therapeutic use of mud; specifically : treatment by mud baths


|pistǝ|rēn noun modification of Spanish 1 : an old Spanish 2-real piece circulating in Spain, the West Indies, and the United States at the debased rate of 1/3 the piece of eight or 20 cents and in the United States after 1827 at 17 cents


|platik|tēn adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Platyctenea


|päkǝ|wän noun Unknown Origin 1 : a presumed language family: COAHUILTECAN


|pälē|kētǝs adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to the Polychaeta


|pǝr|pyůrēǝl adjective Eponym 1 : PURPLE


|rarǝ|täŋgǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to the island or language of Rarotonga


|rümǝnō.sentēsis noun New Latin 1 : puncture of the rumen with a trocar and cannula to permit the escape of gas

rucuyen ( V : roocooyen or roucouyenne )

|rü͵kü|yen noun Unknown Origin 1 a : a Cariban people of the Tumuc-Humac mountains between Brazil and the Guianas b : a member of such people 2 : a language of the Rucuyen people


|sakō|mī|ȯidēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : GEOMYOID : a family of New World rodents having fur-lined external cheek pouches, large eyes, well developed ears, elongated hind limbs and tail adapted to leaping and balancing, and the ability to live on dry food and depending on metabolic water to survive under extreme desert conditions

satinay ( H )

|satǝn|ā noun French 1 : the wood of an Australian tree (Syncarpia hilii) of the family Myrtaceae resembling satine in color and grain and being used for veneer and fine furniture


|seltǝ|birēǝn, |ke-, -l͵tī|- adjective Latin 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Celtiberia, a mountainous district of ancient Spain 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the people of Celtiberia


|senǝ|mānēǝn, -nyǝn adjective French 1 : of or relating to the division of the European Upper Cretaceous between the Albian and the Turonian


|servǝl|ye(ǝ)r noun French 1 : a close-fitting steel cap sometimes worn under a hood of mail or a helmet in medieval and later armor


|shamǝ|sal noun American Spanish 1 : a California chaparral of chamiso


|sidǝ|ritik adjective Middle French + Middle English + Middle English 1: of, relating to, or containing siderite


|sifǝ(͵)lō͵fōbēǝ noun New Latin 1 : abnormal dread of syphilis or fear of being infected with it


|skwāmǝ|penə̇t adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Squamipennes


|sälǝ|nāsh(ē)ǝn, |sōl- adjective New Latin 1 : of, relating to, or resembling the Solenidae


|sü(͵)dō'jǝr͵vēn, -_və̇n noun Middle English + New Latin 1 : a crystalline alkaloid C29H43NO7 resembling jervine and occurring with it


|südǝ.͵'mōtǝ(r), -ōtǝ- adjective Latin + Latin of nerve fibers : controlling the activity of sweat glands


|sīkō|pa|nikēǝn noun 1 : PSYCHOPANNYCHIST : one who believes in or supports the doctrine of the theological doctrine that the soul falls asleep at death and does not wake until the resurrection of the body


|te.trǝ|benǝ͵zēn noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a serotonin antagonist that is used especially in the treatment of psychosis and anxiety


|tenǝ|sōnēǝn, -nyǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the poet Tennyson or his writings


|tersǝ|rȯn noun American Spanish 1 : the offspring of a mulatto and a white person : a person of one-quarter Negro ancestry : QUADROON


|thigmǝ|taktik adjective New Latin 1 : of, relating to, or involving a taxis in which contact especially with a solid body is the directive factor


|tiflǝ|sōlǝ(r) adjective 1 : of, relating to, or constituting a typhlosole


|tēnēǝ|sōmǝs adjective New Latin 1: of, relating to, or resembling the Taeniosomi


|tīkōtǝ'rij(ē)ǝl, (')te|r- adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to a ptychopterygium


|tǝrbǝ|la(a)rēǝn adjective New Latin 1: of or relating to the Turbellaria


|vitgǝn|s(h)tīnēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein or his methods of linguistic analysis


|yerǝ|vän adjective Geographical 1 : of or from the city of Yerevan, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics : of the kind or style prevalent in Yerevan


|yü͵pälǝ|dēǝn, |yüpǝl-; |yüpǝ|lidē- noun Greek 1: the characteristic meter used by Eupolis composed of two polyschematist choriambic dimeters the second of which is catalectic (as oooo


|zōǝn|tha(a)rēǝn adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Zoantharia


|äksē.͵kalǝ'rimǝtǝr noun French + Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a calorimeter in which the energy content of a substance is determined by the direct measurement of the oxygen consumed


|älə̇gō.hī'dramnēäs, ǝ|ligǝ- noun New Latin 1 : deficiency of amniotic fluid sometimes resulting in embryonic defect through adherence between embryo and amnion


|ämǝ|tidēǝl adjective 1 : of, relating to, or having ommatidia


|ärmǝn|yak noun French 1 : a brown dry brandy from the department of Gers in southern France distilled from grape wine and aged in oak barrels


|ätǝ|rī noun Spanish 1 a : an Arawakan people of the headwaters of the Essequibo river in British Guiana b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Atorai people


|ēfü|gaů noun Spanish 1 a : a people inhabiting northern Luzon, Philippines b : a member of such people 2 : the Austronesian language of the Ifugao people


|ēgǝ|gräpǝlǝs adjective New Latin 1 : a ball of hair or a concretion found in the stomach of the goat and other ruminants 2 : a ball-shaped mass of hairlike filaments formed by some algae (as certain species of the genus Cladophora)


|ēpǝrē|nä noun Unlnown Origin 1 a : an Arawakan people of northwestern Brazil b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Ipuriná people


|ēvǝ|tän noun native name in the Batan Islands 1 a : a people inhabiting the Batan islands of the Philippines b : a member of such people 2 : an Austronesian language of the Ivatan people


|͵gläsǝ'fōnēə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Glossiphoniidae


|͵parǝ|di]sēǝn, -|dī], ]zē- adjective Eponym 1 : relating to birds of paradise


ä'strāshǝn adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Ostraeacea


äl͵rü]t noun Hindi 1 : an East Indian shrub or small tree


är'jemǝnē; 'äjǝ͵mōnē, ͵⸗⸗'⸗⸗ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of American herbs (family Papaveraceae) having yellow sap, prickly leaves, and showy white or yellow flowers 2 -s : a plant of the genus Argemone

archaeoastronomy ( V : archeoastronomy )

ärkēōǝ'stränǝmē, -i, ärkēǝ- noun Greek + Middle English 1 : the study of the astronomy of ancient cultures - archaeoastronomer also archeoastronomer \'+\ noun


ärkǝ͵län noun New Latin 1 : a genus of very large extinct marine turtles from the Cretaceous of So. Dakota having a well-developed plastron but poorly developed carapace


ärz'rü͵nīt, ärts'- noun German 1 : a mineral consisting of a basic copper sulfate with copper chloride occurring as bluish green incrustations

orache ( V : orach )

ärǝch noun Middle English 1 : a plant of the genus Atriplex; especially : GARDEN ORACHE


ästǝ͵māt noun Int. Sci. Vocab. + Middle English : a person who has undergone an ostomy


ätē'üǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of or concerning the island of Atiu


ä͵sta(a)rēō'fīsǝn noun New Latin 1 : a fish of the order Ostariophysi


ü͵lō noun Inupik 1 : an Eskimo woman's knife resembling a food chopper with a crescent-shaped blade


ābē͵ēz, 'ab- noun New Latin 1 : a genus of north temperate evergreen trees which are the true firs (family Pinaceae) distinguished from spruces by flattish leaves, smooth circular leaf scars, and erect cones 2 plural abies : a tree of the genus Abies


ē'kēt(͵)ō noun American Spanish 1 : a Zaparo people of the upper Amazon 2 : a member of the Iquito people


ē'lät noun unknown Origin 1 : an originally nomadic Sunnite people of Persia 2 : a member of the Ihlat people


ē'thālē͵ȯid adjective New Latin 1 : resembling or belonging to an aethalium


ējǝ|nētǝn adjective Latin 1 : of or relating to the island or ancient Greek state of Aegina or its inhabitants


ēkwēǝn adjective Unknown Origin 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Aequi people 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Aequian language


ī'jīǝ(͵)lō͵sȯ(ǝ)r noun New Latin 1 : an animal or fossil of the genus Aigialosaurus or family Aigialosauridae

iridian ( irid- + -ian )

ī'ridēǝn adjective Latin + Middle English 1 : of or relating to the iris of the eye : IRIDIC 2 a : resembling a rainbow b : having the colors of the rainbow 3 : containing iridium

aissor ( H : icer )

īsǝ(r) noun Unknown Origin 1 : a people in parts of Asiatic Turkey and in Persia calling themselves Syrians and believed to be descended from the Chaldeans 2 : a member of the Aissor people


ō'lin(t)thǝs noun New Latin 1 : a young calcareous sponge immediately after fixation of the free larva where it resembles a vase in form and has a simple and asconoid body wall -- compare ASCON


ō'pǝnch(ē)ǝ, -ntēǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a very large genus of cacti comprising the prickly pears, being native to America but naturalized in most warm regions, having flat or terete joints usually studded with tubercles that bear sharp spines, prickly hairs, or both, and producing mostly yellow flowers followed by pulpy edible fruits 2 -s : any cactus of the genus Opuntia


ōdǝn͵izǝm noun Eponym 1 : worship of Odin : the Odinic cult


ōrǝ noun Old English 1 : a money of account introduced into England by the Danish invaders and valued in A.t 920 at 2 1/2 shillings and in the Domesday Book of 1086 at 20d sterling


ǝ'dipǝ͵mīd, -_mə̇d noun Latin + German 1 : the crystalline diamide of adipic acid that is best known in the form of its polymerized hexamethylene derivative


ǝ'fākēǝ, a'- noun New Latin 1 : absence of the crystalline lens of the eye; also : the anomalous state of refraction resulting therefrom


ǝ'kēmǝnə̇d, a'-, -kem-, -͵nid noun Greek 1 : a member of the ruling house of ancient Persia from 553 B.C. during the reign of Cyrus the Great to the overthrow of Darius III in 330 B.C.


ǝ'lizǝ͵rēn noun probably from French 1 : an orange or red crystalline compound C14H6O2(OH)2 formerly prepared from madder and now made synthetically from anthraquinone that with different mordants produces on cotton the Turkey reds and other shades (as pink and chocolate) but that is used now more in making red pigments than in dyeing; 1,2-dihydroxy-anthraquinone 2 : any of a group of acid, mordant, and solvent dyes derived like alizarin proper from anthraquinone and used to produce various hues 3 : any of various dyes not derived from anthraquinone but somewhat similar to alizarin in dyeing properties

alumen ( H )

ǝ'lümə̇n noun Latin 1 : either of two colorless or white isomorphous crystalline double sulfates


ǝ'lēzē͵ā noun French 1: a shrub bearing cymes of white flowers and bluish black drupes: BLACK HAW 1 2: a No. American shrub or small tree having white flowers in flat cymes : SHEEPBERRY 1a


ǝ'nätǝnǝs, a'- adjective Latin 1 biology : one year old


ǝ'plizh(ē)ǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus (the type of the family Tethyidae) of large often conspicuously colored sluglike marine mollusks having a pair of lateral swimming lobes on the foot and four tentacles, occurring chiefly in the warmer seas, and including forms that emit a purple fluid when disturbed


ǝ'päkrǝtǝ New Latin synonym of CLISTOGASTRA : a suborder of Hymenoptera including the ants, typical wasps, and bees, all having a legless grub as larva and a constricted second abdominal segment that forms a narrow waist or petiole


ǝ'sidēǝn noun New Latin 1: a simple or compound tunicate of the order Ascidiacea suggesting as a larva a minute active tadpole with an elongated tail that contains a distinct notochord and dorsal nerve chord showing obvious relationship to the vertebrates but as an adult lacking the tail and being reduced to a sessile saclike form with an anterior branchial opening through which water passes to a branchial sac having perforated walls which strain microscopic food into the digestive tract before the water emerges by way of an atrium and dorsal atrial opening; broadly : TUNICATE

Aspar ( D )

ǝ'spär adverb Middle English + Middle English 1 chiefly Scotland : wide apart


ǝm͵brē, -brī noun plural Latin 1 a : GHOST, PHANTOM b : one that tags along with another : SHADOW 10a 2 : a shaded area : DARKNESS 3 a : a shadow excluding all light from a given source; specifically : the part of the shadow of a celestial body having all the light from the primary source geometrically excluded and having a conical shape in bodies of the solar system 4 : any of several food fishes of the genus Umbrina; especially : a Mediterranean food fish (U. cirrhosa) that is much esteemed as a market fish


ǝ|sklēpēǝ|dēǝn adjective Late Latin 1 : relating to the Greek poet Asclepiades of Samos 2 : relating to, containing, or consisting of asclepiads


ǝŋ'günē noun Unknown Origin 1 a : a prominent people of the region of Lake Nyasa in south central Africa b : a member of such people 2 a : a group of closely related Bantu languages consisting of Zulu, Xhosa, and Swazi b : a dialect of Zulu more or less mixed with adjoining languages spoken in Nyasaland and Tanganyika

Aboiteau ( H )

ȧbwȧtō noun Canadian French Canada : a tide gate or dam to prevent the overflow of water into marshland


ȯ'rē(y)ǝ noun Unknown Origin 1 a : a chiefly Hindu people of Orissa, India b : a member of such people 2 : the Indic language of Orissa


ȯ(r)'nithǝ'delfēǝn noun Eponym 1 : one of the lowest order of Mammalia consisting of the only surviving representatives of the subclass Prototheria


ȯlztǝ͵nēn, -lst- noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : an alkaloid C21H20N2O4 found in the bark of a tree (Alstonia constricta)


ȯs͵fȯ(ǝ)rm, -ȯ(ǝ)m transitive verb French + Middle English 1: to subject (steel) to deformation and then to quenching and tempering in order to increase the strength, ductility, and resistance to fatigue failure


ə̇'desǝn, ē'- adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to a city of ancient Mesopotamia


ə̇'lēnēǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of small crested insectivorous birds (family Tyrannidae) of tropical America and the West Indies 2 -s : any bird of the genus Elaenia


ə̇'näm͵där noun Hindi 1 : the holder of a grant of land to be held rent free or on favorable rent; specifically : such a grant in perpetuity


ə̇'pīrə̇d adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Argiopidae


ə̇'rastēǝn, ē'r-, -schǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of or relating to the physician and theologian Erastus or his doctrines 2 : of, characterized by, or advocating Erastianism


ə̇'rethik, e'r- adjective French + Middle English 1: of, relating to, or tending to produce erethism : RESTLESS


ə̇'rükǝ noun Latin 1 : the elongated wormlike larva of a butterfly or moth : CATERPILLAR 2 : a small genus of Old World herbs (family Cruciferae) distinguished by a short 4-angled silique


ˈbü-ē, ˈbō-ē noun Eponym 1 : a large hunting knife adapted especially for knife-fighting and common in western frontier regions and having a guarded handle and a strong single-edge blade typically 10 to 15 inches long with its back straight for most of its length and then curving concavely and sometimes in a sharpened edge to the point 2 Scotland : any of various shallow wooden bowls or dishes 3 Scotland : a bucket or pail made of wood

kelpie ( V : kelpy )

ˈkelpē, ˈkeu̇p- noun perhaps from Scottish Gaelic 1 : a water spirit usually equine in form that is held especially in Scottish folklore to delight in or bring about the drowning of travelers

Palla ( H )

ˈpäyə noun Spanish 1 : an Incan princess


ˈtreflē adjective French 1 : of a cross : having a cluster of three balls or knobs at the end of each arm 2 : ornamented with trefoils along the edge


ˈvyȯl noun Eponym 1 : a photometric unit that is the luminous intensity of a square centimeter of platinum at the temperature of solidification and equals about 20 candles


ˈē(ˌ)āˈē(ˌ)ā noun Hawaiian 1: a Pacific Islands screw pine (Freycinetia arborea) having prop roots which yield a fiber 2: a mat or basket made of the fiber of the ie


͵akrō'kȯr͵dīt noun Greek 1 : a mineral MgMn4(AsO4)2(OH)4.4H2O(?) consisting of a hydrous basic manganese magnesium arsenate occurring in reddish brown rounded aggregates (hardness 3, specific gravity 3.2)


͵albǝ'kǝrkēǝn also -byǝ- noun Eponym 1: a native or resident of Albuquerque, N. Mex.


͵alē'üt, 'alē͵üt; a'lüt, a'l- also al'yüt or al'y- noun Russian 1 a : a people of the Aleutian and Shumagin islands and the western part of Alaska peninsula b : a member of such people 2 : an Eskimo-Aleut language of the Aleut people


͵alǝ'kāzh(ē)ǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of tropical Asiatic herbs (family Araceae) with basal long-petioled often showy leaves, a glaucous boat-shaped spathe, and reddish berries 2 -s : a plant of the genus Alocasia


͵an(t)thǝ'rēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of large moths (family Saturniidae) including the American polyphemus moth and several Asiatic species with larvae that produce silk of high quality -- see TUSSAH


͵antə̇'kretik, -ētik adjective New Latin 1 : a mortgage contract by which the mortgagee takes possession of the mortgaged property and has its fruits or profits in lieu of interest


͵anyǝ'rētik, -nǝ'- adjective New Latin 1 : retention of urine in the urinary bladder : failure or inability to void urine -- compare ANURIA


͵anǝl'īə̇d noun New Latin 1 : a snake of the family Aniliidae


͵anǝ͵filǝ'täksə̇n noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a hypothetical substance formerly regarded as responsible for the symptoms of anaphylaxis


͵apǝ'thīǝ noun Greek 1 : freedom or release from emotion or excitement


͵arǝ'mēnǝ noun Portuguese 1: the fiber of the Caesar weed


͵arǝ'tāiks noun plural but singular in construction Eponym 1 : science of virtue


͵astǝ.'kyůrǝn adjective or noun New Latin 1 zoology : a tribe of Reptantia that includes the freshwater crayfishes and the true lobsters both formerly placed in the suborder Macrura


͵azǝ(r)͵bī'jänē, ͵äz- noun Geographical 1 : a member of a Turkic-speaking people of the Azerbaidzhan Soviet Socialist Republic or the province of Azerbaijan in northwestern Iran 2 : the Turkic language of the Azerbaijani


͵aŋglǝ(͵)sē, 'aiŋ-, -ǝsi adverb Medieval Latin 1 : in English; especially : in readily understood English

blennorrhea ( V : blennorrhoea )

͵blenǝ'rēǝ noun New Latin 1 : an excessive secretion and discharge of mucus - blennorrheal also blennorrhoeal \|⸗⸗|rēǝl\ adjective


͵brōdē'ēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of western No. American bulbous plants (family Liliaceae) with basal leaves like grass and variously colored flowers 2 -s : a plant of the genus Brodiaea


͵bämbǝ'käpsə̇s noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of large trees (family Bombacaceae) with capsular fruits that burst when dry or release a soft brown wool surrounding the small brown seeds 2 plural bombacopses : any tree of the genus Bombacopsis


͵bär'täkyǝn, -tȯk-, -kēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or suggestive of Bela Bartók or his musical compositions


͵bärthǝlə̇'nī͵tēz, -rtǝl- noun plural New Latin 1 : inflammation of the glands of Bartholin


͵bäzə̇'gär noun Hindi 1 : a gypsylike nomadic Muslim people in India 2 : a member of the Bazigar people


͵bǝlbǝ'kōdēǝm noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a monotypic genus of bulbous herbs (family Melanthaceae) native to the Mediterranean region and having purple flowers that resemble crocuses 2 -s : any plant of the genus Bulbocodium


͵chatə̇'nügǝn, -atə̇n|ü-, -atə̇|nü- noun Eponym 1 : a native or resident of Chattanooga, Tenn.


͵chitǝ'mäshǝ noun perhaps Choctaw 1 a : an Indian people of the Mississippi delta b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Chitimacha people


͵chōrǝ'tāgǝ noun Spanish 1 a : a people of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica b : a member of such people 2 : the language of the Chorotega people


͵dasǝ'lirēǝn noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of plants (family Liliaceae) related to Yucca and Dracaena that are native to Mexico and the southwestern United States and have a woody stem, stiff sword-shaped leaves, and small white flowers 2 -s : any plant of the genus Dasylirion


͵embē'ätǝsə̇d; -ēǝ'täsə̇d, -tōs- noun New Latin 1 : a fish of the family Embiotocidae


͵em͵präs'thätǝnǝs noun New Latin 1 : a tetanic spasm which bends the body ventralward


͵endǝ'bē(͵)lē noun Unknown Origin 1 a : a Bantu people of the northern Transvaal and Southern Rhodesia 2 : a dialect of Zulu spoken by the Ndebele people


͵erǝ'sī(͵)fē noun New Latin 1 : a genus of powdery mildews (family Erysiphaceae) having perithecia with several asci and with usually unbranched appendages resembling hyphae


͵erə̇k'tīt(͵)ēz, ͵e͵rek- noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of coarse herbs (family Compositae) commonly with whitish discoid flower heads and a silky pappus that facilitates their wide distribution as weeds 2 plural erechtites : any plant of the genus Erechtites

Phagedena ( V : phagedaena )

͵fajǝ'dēnǝ noun Latin 1 : rapidly spreading destructive ulceration of soft tissue


͵fāzē'anə̇d, -'ān- noun New Latin 1 : a bird of the family Phasianidae


͵gläsō͵pala'tī͵nī, -tē͵nē noun plural New Latin 1: a thin muscle arising from the soft palate on each side and inserted into the side and dorsum of the tongue


͵gänǝ͵käk'sēmēǝ noun New Latin 1 : the presence of gonococci in the blood

gardai ( H: gardy, guardee )

͵gär'dē noun plural Irish Gaelic 1: a policeman in the Republic of Ireland


͵hipē'astrǝm noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of tropical American bulbous plants (family Amaryllidaceae) that are widely cultivated for their showy white to crimson flowers and that are sometimes included in the genus Amaryllis 2 -s : any amaryllis of the genus Hippeastrum


͵hēmǝ'temǝsə̇s noun New Latin 1 : the vomiting of blood


͵hīdǝ'tidǝ͵sēl noun New Latin 1 : a tumorous condition of the scrotum caused by local infestation with echinococcus larvae


͵idē(͵)ōsǝ'pīǝ͵dē noun plural New Latin 1 : a family of squids that includes a single tiny squid (Idiosepius pygmaeus or Idiosepion pygmaeum) of the Indian ocean which lacks an internal shell and is considerably less than an inch in length


͵in͵kär'vilēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of Asiatic herbs (family Bignoniaceae) with racemose trumpet-shaped flowers 2 -s : any plant of the genus Incarvillea


͵ipǝ'mēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of herbaceous vines (family Convolvulaceae) having showy campanulate or funnelform flowers with capitate stigmas 3 : the dried root of a a twining plant


͵jaŋgǝ'dā(͵)rō noun Portuguese 1 : a Brazilian fisherman who sails a jangada


͵jench(ē)ǝ'nāsē͵ē noun plural New Latin 1 : a large nearly cosmopolitan family of chiefly herbaceous plants (order Gentianales) that usually have showy flowers with tubular or segmented calyx and lobed corolla -- see GENTIANA


͵jēvǝn'můktǝ noun Sanskrit Hinduism : one who has attained jivanmukti


͵kafǝ'rētǝ noun blend 1 : a hybrid between kafir and feterita


͵kalə̇p'trēǝ͵dē noun plural New Latin 1 : a family (order Pectinibranchia) of limpetlike marine gastropod mollusks having a curved internal lamina in the shell


͵karǝ'drīǝ͵dē noun plural New Latin 1 : the family of Charadrii consisting of the plovers, turnstones, and surfbirds and sometimes the related snipes, sandpipers, and woodcocks (family Scolopacidae)


͵karǝ'zhůrǝ noun Portuguese 1 : a Brazilian plant (Bignonia chica) that is the source of a red dye 2 : the red pigment extracted from the leaves of the carajura


͵kavǝ'yädǝ, -abǝ-, -ē'y- noun Spanish West : REMUDA : the herd of saddle horses from which are chosen those to be used for the day by the ranch hands : a relay of remounts


͵kevǝ'ziŋ(͵)gō, ͵kāv- noun native name in western Africa 1 : any of various African bubingas of the genus Copaifera 2 : the wood of a kevazingo used especially for decorative veneers


͵klamə̇'h(y)üə̇t noun Unknown Origin Scotland : BLOW, DRUBBING


͵klōrǝ'lō͵sān noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : CHLORALOSE : a bitter crystalline compound C8H11Cl3O6 formed by heating chloral with dextrose and used as a hypnotic


͵kriptǝ'kȯrǝ͵nē noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of aquatic herbs (family Araceae) that have broad leaves and long slender spathes and are often used as aquarium plants 2 -s : any plant of the genus Cryptocoryne


͵kristǝ'l(y)ůrēǝ noun New Latin 1 : the presence of crystals in the urine indicating renal irritation (as that caused by sulfa drugs)


͵kräkǝ'dīlǝs noun New Latin 1 : the type genus of Crocodylidae


͵kräsǝ'd(y)ůrǝ,͵krōs- noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus including the Old World house shrew or musk shrew


͵krēǝtə̇'n(y)ůrēǝ noun New Latin 1 : the presence of creating in urine; especially : an increased or abnormal amount of it therein


͵kwintǝ'dēn noun New Latin 1 : a pipe-organ stop of narrow covered metal or wood pipes giving with its own fundamental a pronounced harmonic fifth in the second octave above and of 4-foot, 8-foot, or 16-foot pitch


͵kwinǝl'inēǝm noun New Latin 1: a univalent ion [C9H7NH]+ that is analogous to ammonium and is derived from quinoline


͵kwǝrsǝ'tajǝ.trə̇n noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a crystalline glucoside obtained from African marigolds that yields quercetagetin on hydrolysis


͵kägnǝ'wägǝ noun Mohawk 1 : a native or inhabitant of Caughnawaga, a settlement founded by the French near Montreal, Canada, for Mohawk converts to Christianity


͵käkǝ'jē noun Irish Gaelic 1 : a cider apple formerly popular in England 2 : cider made from the coccagee


͵kämpǝdǝ'nāsē, -āzē noun Italian 1 : the dialect of southern Sardinia


͵känǝ'räshǝs adjective New Latin 1 : a family of mostly tropical climbing shrubs or small trees (order Rosales) closely related to the Leguminosae but lacking stipules


͵kär(͵)benə̇'silə̇n noun French + Int. Sci. Vocab. + New Latin 1: a broad-spectrum semisynthetic penicillin C17H18N2O6S that is effective against gram-negative bacteria (as pseudomonas) and that acts especially by inhibiting cell-wall synthesis


͵kīǝnō'däksǝ, kī͵änǝ'd- noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of small bulbous herbs of the family Liliaceae having narrow leaves and the perianth segments united below 2 -s : any plant of the genus Chionodoxa


͵kōkǝ'nu(͵)kǝ noun Spanish 1 a : a group of Chibchan peoples of the department of Cauca, Colombia b : a member of any people in this group 2 : the language of the Coconuco people constituting a language family of Chibchan stock


͵kōrē|äl, '⸗⸗͵⸗ noun American Spanish 1: a Guianan native dugout canoe


͵kůrǝ'tärē noun New Latin 1 : a tropical So. American tree of the family Lecythidaceae 2 : the laminated inner bark of the couratari that occurs in the form of thin whitish sheets and is used for rough clothing, wrapping, and cordage


͵kȯrǝ'līnǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of red algae typifying the family Corallinaceae


͵laspǝ'rēzh(ē)ǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus of olethreutid moths containing many pests (as the pea moth)


͵latǝ'mirēǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of living coelacanth fishes that is the type of the family Latimeriidae 2 -s : any fish of the genus Latimeria


͵lepǝ'spändǝl, ' ⸗ ⸗ ͵ ⸗ ⸗ noun New Latin 1 : an amphibian of the order, subclass, or other division Lepospondyli


͵letǝ'vi͵sīt noun German 1 : a mineral consisting of an acid ammonium sulfate


͵lithē'äfǝ͵līt noun 1 : a mineral LiMnPO4 consisting of a phosphate of lithium and manganese usually containing iron and being isomorphous with triphylite


͵lükǝsō'lēnēǝ noun New Latin 1 : a genus (the type of the family Leucosolenidae) of small ascon sponges that grow in colonies on rocks near the seashore


͵melǝ'nēsə̇d noun Eponym : a member of the dominant native group of the islands in the Pacific ocean northeast of Australia


͵mänē'ü noun American Spanish 1 : a Patagonian timber tree (Saxegothaea conspicua) of the family Taxaceae that yields wood valued for interior work


͵mänǝ'māǝ noun Samoan 1 : a Samoan pigeon (Didunculus strigirostris) that has a bill superficially resembling that of the extinct dodo, a chiefly chestnut brown body with a greenish black head and neck, and a lower mandible with several notches near the end

nutraceutical ( V : nutriceutical )

͵n(y)ü.trǝ'sütə̇kǝl noun blend 1 : a foodstuff (as a fortified food or a dietary supplement) that is held to provide health or medical benefits (as the prevention or cure of disease) in addition to its basic nutritional value


͵nabǝ'kōvēǝn, -'kȯv-, -'kȯfēǝn adjective Eponym 1 : of, relating to, or suggestive of Vladimir Nabokov or his writings

nabataean ( V : nabatean )

͵nabǝ'tēǝn noun Eponym 1 : an Arab of an ancient kingdom of Palestine that lasted from about 312 B.C. to A.t 106 when it was made a Roman province 2 : a dialect of Aramaic spoken by the Nabataeans as shown in their inscriptions


͵nikǝ'dē͵mīt noun Eponym 1 : a secret follower or adherent; specifically : a 16th century Protestant Christian who to escape persecution concealed his Protestantism while living in a Roman Catholic country


͵nirǝm'bǝrjēǝ, -rgēǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of tropical American creeping herbs (family Solanaceae) having solitary white or purple flowers and a slender corolla tube bearing five exserted stamens at its apex 2 -s : any plant of the genus Nierembergia


͵pa.trǝ'pasēǝn, ͵pā.- noun Late Latin 1: one who defends or advocates Patripassianism


͵parǝ͵le'lämǝtǝ(r), -lǝ'lä- noun Latin + Middle English + French 1 : a device that is used to test the parallelism of flat surfaces


͵pe.trō'mī͵zänt noun New Latin 1 : a cyclostome of the family Petromyzontidae : LAMPREY


͵piksǝ'dan(t)thǝrǝ noun New Latin 1: a monotypic genus of low evergreen shrubs (family Diapensiaceae) containing solely the pyxie


͵pithē'ambik, -͵thī'a- noun New Latin 1 : an epodic distich in Greek and Latin prosody composed of a Pythian verse and an iambic dimeter or trimeter


͵plīǝ'me.trik ' adjective perhaps irregular from Greek 1 : exercise involving repeated rapid stretching and contracting of muscles (as by jumping and rebounding) to increase muscle power


͵prāzē(͵)ōdī'dimēǝm noun New Latin 1 : PRASEODYMIUM


͵prō͵perǝ'spämǝnǝ, -spōm- noun plural Greek 1 : a word having the circumflex accent on the penult


͵pälē'ȯ(r)kǝ͵dizǝm noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a condition of having more than two testes


͵pärtǝ'men.͵tō noun Italian 1 : a musical exercise in contrapuntal improvisation of the 17th and 18th centuries, generally played or written on a figured bass


͵pätsǝ'länǝ noun Italian 1 : an aggregate material (as volcanic ash, tuff) used by the ancient Romans as an ingredient of mortar 2 : any pulverulent siliceous or siliceous and aluminous substance that reacts chemically with slaked lime at ordinary temperature and in the presence of moisture to form a cementitious compound 3 : a mortar or hydraulic cement consisting essentially of pozzolana and slaked lime


͵pīlǝ'kärpǝ͵dēn, ͵pil-, -_də̇n noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : a liquid alkaloid C10H14N2O2 closely related to pilocarpine and occurring with it in the leaves of jaborandi (Pilocarpus jaborandi)


͵pǝrmə̇'tivǝtē noun Latin + Middle English + Middle English 1: a measure of the ability of a dielectric material to store electrical potential energy under the influence of an electric field, measured by the ratio of the capacitance of a condenser with the material as dielectric to its capacitance with vacuum as dielectric


͵ravǝ'nālǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of tropical woody plants (family Musaceae) having tall trunks, oblong distichous very long-stalked leaves, and large flowers with three sepals and three petals followed by woody 3-valved capsules 2 -s : any plant of the genus Ravenala


͵retǝnō͵papǝ'lītə̇s noun New Latin 1 : inflammation of both the retina and the optic papilla


͵räjǝ'stänē noun Hindi 1 : the Indic colloquial language of Rajasthan


͵rümǝ'nītə̇s noun New Latin 1 : inflammation of the rumen


͵rütǝ'bůrē noun Mexican Spanish 1: a ritual round dance of the Mexican Tarahumara Indians


͵rāzǝ'nā noun French 1 : a preserve especially of pears with quinces or of grapes with quinces cooked slowly in sweet wine or cider


͵rīpǝ'rägrǝfǝ(r), ͵rip- noun Greek 1 : a painter who practices rhyparogaphy


͵rīzō͵päd adjective New Latin 1 : of or relating to the Rhizopoda


͵salǝ'mänə̇kǝ noun Spanish 1 : a twisted architectural column


͵santǝ'līnǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of Mediterranean undershrubs (family Compositae) having dissected leaves resembling those of the yarrow and clustered flower heads that lack ray flowers 2 -s : any plant of the genus Santolina

Sanatarium ( H: sanitarium )

͵sanǝ'ta(a)rēǝm, -'ter-, -'tār- noun New Latin 1 : an establishment that provides therapy by physical agents (as hydrotherapy, light therapy) combined with diet, exercise, and other measures for treatment or rehabilitation


͵serǝ'nätǝ noun Italian 1 a : SERENA : an evening love song b : SERENADE : music sung or played especially for gallantry in the open air at night 2 : a cantata or secular ode of a pastoral or dramatic character usually composed in honor of an individual or event


͵setǝ'chentə̇st noun Italian 1 : an artist, poet, or student of the 18th century period in Italian literature and art


͵sifǝ'lōmǝ noun New Latin 1 : a syphilitic tumor : GUMMA


͵sim(p)fǝrǝ'kär͵päs noun New Latin 1 : a small genus of No. American shrubs having bell-shaped flowers in axillary racemes succeeded by fleshy white or red 2-seeded berries


͵siŋgyǝ'lektǝmē noun New Latin + New Latin 1 : surgical destruction of all or part (as the base of the crown of a tooth) of a medial gyrus of each cerebral hemisphere that partly surrounds the corpus callosum


͵spǝrmē(͵)ō͵tēlē'ōsə̇s, -tel- noun New Latin 1 : SPERMIOGENESIS 1 : transformation of a spermatid into a spermatozoon


͵sümǝ'rälǝjē noun French + Middle English 1 : the study of the history, language, and archaeology of the ancient region of lower Babylonia


͵sǝk'tōrēǝn noun New Latin 1 : a suctorial animal 2 : one of the Suctoria


͵sǝlf'hīdrə̇l noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : the mercapto group


͵te.trǝ'hīmǝnǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of free-living ciliate protozoans much used for genetic and biochemical research 2 : a ciliate protozoan of the genus Tetrahymena


͵terǝ'pōdēǝm noun New Latin 1 : a pteropod's foot


͵thēǝ'dōshǝn noun Eponym 1: a follower of Theȯus of Constantinople


͵thīsǝ'näptǝrə̇st, ͵this- noun New Latin 1 : a specialist in the Thysanoptera


͵trītǝl'īǝ, -'ē(y)ǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of American bulbous herbs (family Liliaceae) that have grasslike leaves and umbels of white, blue, or violet flowers with the stamens borne on the tube of the perianth in two series and are sometimes included in Brodiaea 2 -s : any plant of the genus Triteleia


͵tänǝ'kä(͵)hä noun Maori 1 : CELERY-TOPPED PINE


͵tǝrbǝ'dimǝtǝr noun Int. Sci. Vocab 1 : an instrument for measuring and comparing the turbidity of liquids by viewing light through them and determining how much light is cut off by them 2 : NEPHELOMETER


͵vǝrbǝ'sīnǝ, -sēnǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a small genus of herbs (family Compositae) having yellow or white heads of tubular and radiate flowers 2 -s : any plant of the genus Verbesina


͵zhümǝ'nō noun Unknown Origin 1 : a Uto-Aztecan people of northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico, and prob. a subdivision of the Suma 2 : a member of the Jumano people


͵älə̇gōkrō'mēmēǝ, ǝ͵ligǝk- noun New Latin 1 : deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood


͵ästrǝ'sīǝ͵dē New Latin synonym ofOSTRACIONTIDAE : a family of marine fishes (order Plectognathi) comprising the boxfishes


͵ä͵pȯlē'tē͵kyȯn noun Middle Greek 1 : the concluding hymn sung in the Eastern Church at the end of offices (as matins and vespers) and varying from day to day according to the calendar


͵āmǝ'lōǝ, ͵em- noun Hawaiian 1 : a rough tufted tall Hawaiian grass (Eragrostis variabilis)


͵ēdǝ'gōnēǝm noun New Latin 1 : a genus (the type of the family Oedogoniaceae) of freshwater green algae that have long unbranched filaments usually free-floating when mature but attached by special basal cells when young


͵īmǝ'rīǝ͵dē noun plural New Latin 1 : a family of coccidia that includes several genera (as Eimeria and Isospora) of medical or veterinary importance and with minor families constitutes a suborder of the order Coccidia


͵īsō.'tretǝ͵nȯin, -'tret- noun Middle English + Latin 1 : a cis isomer of retinoic acid that is a synthetic derivative of vitamin A, that inhibits sebaceous gland function and keratinization, and that is used in the treatment of severe inflammatory acne but is contraindicated in pregnancy because of implication as a cause of birth defects

Uppowoc ( A )

͵ǝ'pō͵wäk noun Algonquian 1 archaic : TOBACCO


͵ǝr'jinēǝ noun New Latin 1 capitalized : a genus of bulbous herbs (family Liliaceae) native to the Old World and especially to the Mediterranean region with a deciduous perianth and 3-angled capsule -- see SQUILL 2 -s a often capitalized : the younger bulbs of a plant (Urginea indica) that have action and uses which are the same as those of squill -- used in the British Pharmacopoeia b : any plant of the genus Urginea

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