21.1 The Conservative Order

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Where did the principle of legitimacy occur?

*France and Spain:* Bourbons restored in power -Ferdinand VII on Spanish -Louis XVIII on France -Rulers restored in some Italian States

Who opposed Louis XVIII?

*Liberals:* Wanted to extend revolutionary reforms in France *Ultraroyalists:* didn't want the king to compromise and keep so many aspects of the Napoleonic Reign -wanted to go back to the monarchy with privileged aristocracy and Catholic Church influence

How did the Congress of Vienna strengthen borders around France?

-*Allied treatment of France:* Allowed to be a to be a great power = surrounding country borders were strengthened so France couldn't expand

Describe the European intervention in Greece?

-*Britain* = involved due to economic and romantic interests = wanted to keep their trade lines open -*Russia:* Wanted more territory

Describe the Italian States?

-9 Italian States = created by the *Congress of Vienna* -Most Controlled by Austria and Austria is against Liberal and Nationalistic views -Italians were against the Bourbon Monarchies bc the King is not Italian (king is Spanish) -Italians have more nationalistic Revolution

How did Charles X compromise with the liberal newspapers?

-Accepted *ministerial responsibility:* ministers were responsible to the legislature -King protested, dissolved legislature and called for new elections (brink of another revolution)

Who was Nicholas I?

-After Alexander I's death -came to power -didn't like change like his brother

What was De Maistre's Conservatism?

-An influential spokesman for a counterrevolutionary and authoritarian conservatism -Thought hereditary monarchy as a divine institution and the only thing that would help avoid chaos -wanted a monarchy = only way to maintain a connection to the past

Describe the government in Great Britain?

-Both Houses and parties of the British Gov were ruled by the landowners

Describe the Repression in Central Europe?

-Central Europe = Dominated by aristocrats and centralized monarchies -Liberalism and nationalism started = weak forces -Meternich's spies are everwhere (against this)

What did conservative governments work towards?

-Conservative government worked hard to maintain the old order in their countries

Who was Edmond Burke?

-Conserve = reaction to the French Revolution -Idea that what was happening in the France - due to quick sudden changes -Had an obligation to its people = can't allowed one group to take control of the state and radically lead it in another direction -Liked the *limited monarch* system in England -Though society in a contract with the state -No generation has the right to destroy the partnership and they should preserve and transmit it to the next - Did not like sudden change (Ex Revolution) but gradual change

What happened during during the 2nd and 3rd meetings of the Concert of Europe?

-Dealt with the outbreak of revolution in Spain and Italy -Spanish Revolt against new Bourbon King (Ferdinand VII) -Ferdinand VII = tore apart the constitution that was put there under Napoleonic code -Had to agree to uphold the constitution but then eliminated the parliament and constitution -military and upper middle class revolted *Revolt in Southern Italy:* against Bourbon king Ferdinand I spread to Piedmont and northern Italy

In what areas was the Principle of Legitimacy no instated?

-Did not occur in the creation of new "independent" small area of Poland -Poland was controlled by Russia (The Romanov Dynasty) -Austria and Prussia were compensated for their loss with other territories -Metternich = had spies everywhere = able to control the other states and subside nationalism to maintain peace

How did Napoleon's escape impact the Congress of Vienna?

-Didn't impact anything in the Congress -Congress of Vienna punished France's reaction to his return -Pushed back their boarders to 1790 original boarders = Forced to pay the congress and be occupied for 5 years -At first France = was allowed to keep its land - but when France welcomed back Napoleon - EU alliance took away land -Congress of Vienna = created policy that avoided General Conflict for over 100 years

Describe how Conservatism liked change?

-Didn't like sudden change -wanted deliberate and slow change -Don't want nation to mirror the French Government = smashing the Government in one day -Must consider the past, present, and future = present has the ability to change quickly

Describe the changes that occurred in the Netherlands?

-Dutch and Austrian Netherlands combined under William I of Orange -No more Austrian Netherlands = just Netherlands

Who wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France?

-Edmond Burke's Conservatism

What was the Concert of Europe?

-Europeans powers created the Concert of Europe and Agreed to meet frequently to discuss common interests and international affairs (like the UN today) *Afraid of revolution and war:* -Prevent war in Europe for 99 Years -Confirmed the Quadruple Alliance: Britain, Prussia, Austria, Russia -Metternich Dominated the Concert of Europe -Wanted a European alliance so there was no more revolutions

Who liked Conservatism?

-Favored by the Upper class (not the lower class) -created more separation in class

How did Prussia Expand?

-Given the eastern portion of the Rhine -There was a powerful presence on the Northern border of France -Created a Germanic confederation to replace the Napoleonic Confederation of the Rhine

Describe the Greek Revolt?

-Greeks = Oppressed by the Ottoman Turks = so the Concert of Powers helped defeat the Turks *Principle of Intervention:* meant that EU powers would support some revolutions (only successful revolution) -Ottoman empire = has been weakening and Empire is non-Christian -Greeks identified as Europeans instead of Muslim or Asian -Greece became an independent state and had its own dynasty -Conservative dominions are still largely intact -People believed they are fighting for a noble cause = fighting for the Europeans

Describe the House of Commons election in GB?

-Growing industrial areas had no representatives -landowners used pocket and rotten boroughs to control seats -power held by the ruling party in parliament

What were the Reforms made in Prussia?

-King Frederick William III (Prussia) made reforms 1. Abolition of serfdom 2. self government through town councils 3. expansion of schools 4. universal military conscription 5. No legislature of representative government -After 1815 = grew more content to follow Metternich's lead -Reforms made Prussia strong = but still absolutist -Monarchs were scared of the French Revolution happened in their country -Metternich recommended a conservative rule in order to hold power in Prussia

Describe the revolt of Latin America?

-Latin America controlled by Spain and Portugal (weakened when Napoleon toppled their monarchies) -many of the enlightenment ideas spread here -Gave educated people like *Simon Bolivar* of Venezuela and *Jose de San Martin* liberated the southern part -Defeated Spaniard forces in Andes Mountain and Peru together *1807-1824:* Series of long revolts *1823-1825* Central American States became independent

What was the liberal/national movements in the German states?

-Limited to University professors and students -Organized *Burshcenschaften* Student societies fostering the goals of a free, united Germany -Inspired by Jahn who organized gymnastic societies to promote regeneration of German youth -Encouraged nationalism and disrupting conservative lectures -burned books of conservative authors -When people were more active in politics = Karlsbad decrees shut it down

What are the Karlsbad decrees?

-Made by Metternich for the Germanic Confederations (1819) -wanted to maintain conservatism -Closed the Burschenshaften -Censorship of press -Universities controlled and closely watched

What is Conservatism?

-Metternich (Austria) = power in Conservatism - has power and influence for a long time -King Frederick William III (Prussia) -Czar Alexander I = Russia *Tallyrand:* France = people didn't blame France for Napoleon -Metternich = Religious institutions, monarchs, government bureaucracies, and aristocrats all agreed with this view = pervaded after 1815 -Conservatives = big fan of Private Property -Laissez Faire -Wanted to preserve the past = didn't like sudden government changes because he doesn't want to change the traditional ways

What is the Principle of Legitimacy?

-Metternich leads the Congress -Wants to restore legitimate monarchs to preserve traditional institutions and establish peace and stability

How did Continental powers try to stop the revolts in Latin America?

-Monroe established Monroe doctrine = warned them not to interfere -British Ships did more work of stopping countries from getting to Latin America

Describe the reforms that Tsar Alexander I made?

-More willing to make reforms 1. Relaxed censorship 2. Freed political prisoners 3. Reformed education *Didn't abolish serfdom bc wanted Nobles to like him*

What was the German Confederation?

-N Rulers -38 states in a German Confederation send delegates -All sent to a diet (Federal Diet = legislative Government - useless) -Powerless Organization as all the states had to agree with one another -Mostly made up of smaller government *Largest states:* prussia and Austria

Describe Community over Individual Rights?

-No freedom or speech and press = no civil liberties (dangerous and could disturb order) -Free press could criticize the government = against civil liberties

What is the Decembrist Revolt?

-Northern Union rebelled against Nicholas' ascension -Shot down the revolt -Transformed Nicholas from a *conservative* to a *super reactionary* against revolts -didn't want the same revolts happening in his own countrys = willing to use Russian troops

What were the general ideas of conservatism?

-Obedience to political authority (absolute or limited) -Organized religion -did not like a revolution -unwilling to accept liberal demands for civil liberties and representative governments -did not like nationalism of the French Revolution -Ordered societies -Didn't like sudden change -Community over individual rights -Tradition is the best guide for order

How did GB support Latin American Revolutions?

-Old Patterns reemerged = Britain moved in and took over (they are sort of independent but not really) -Industrialization decreased as they imported materials and exported raw goods -Kept the South American countries dependent on other countries

What happened in Europe after defeating Napoleon?

-Peace settlement = want Europe to return to the old Order

Who was in charge of the Congress of Vienna?

-Prince Klemens von Metternich (Austrian Minister) led the Congress -Foreign minister for Austria = host of the Congress of Vienna

What is the principle of intervention?

-Proposed by the Metternich -The great powers o Europe had the right to send armies into countries where there were revolutions to restore *legitimate monarchs:* -Italian revolts threatened Austrian control of the peninsula -Leaders looked at Europe as an Alliance - if one member doesn't act in the way people like = need to use military force

Who was Louis XVIII?

-Restored order to France after Napoleon (1814) -Bourbon Family head = Moderate and compromising -Accepted the Napoleonic Civil Code -Protected property of those who purchased land during the Revolution -Bicameral Legislature -*Chamber of Peers:* Chosen by the king -*Chamber of deputies:* chosen by wealthy, selective electors

What did the Quadruple Alliance accomplish?

-Restored the Bourbons (Louis XVIII) to the Throne -Agreed to meet at the Congress of Vienna (Sept 1814) for a final peace settlement

Why did Alexander I adopt more conservative values?

-Reversed his reforms back to strict and arbitrary censorship -Due to fear of Russia becoming like France

How did Russia help the Greek cause?

-Russians want to help Greece as there are slavic people in the area -Russia = wants more power in the Black sea Area = moldavia and Wallachia -Russia became the protectorate of Greece

What was the Carbonari?

-Secret nationalistic society (Italy) = formed planning for a revolution -Secret society dedicated to Italian Nationalism -Italian has never been United = want to bring staes together

What was the Northern Union?

-Secret society that opposed Alexander -Young aristocrats who served in the Napoleonic Wars and had seen what the outside world -Russians were lacking intellectually bc of censorship -wanted a constitutional monarchy and abolition of serfdom

Who was Ferdinand VII?

-Spain (Bourbon Dynasty) restored in Spain -Agrees to follow the Constitution with an elected Parliament = *Cortes* -Ferdinand = does not follow his promise = Tore up the Constitution, dissolved the Cortes, persecuted it members -Promised to keep old Napoleonic Code = doesn't follow -The people rebelled so the King gave in and allowed the Constitution and Cortes Bck -France had to send troops in and monarchy is restored

How was Nicholas an ultra conservative?

-Strengthened government and secret police = gave them both a lot of power -Deported and suspicious and dangerous people -maintains close surveillance of foreigners -reported regular to the tsar -Nicholas = absolute monarchy -secret policy monitoring the peopel

Who was Charles X?

-Succeeded Louis XVIII = under the influence of ultraroyalists -religious policy reestablished Catholic Control over Education -Public outrage, by Liberal papers = forced the king to compromise

Why didn't Britain agree with the principle of Intervention?

-Thought Nations didn't have the right to interfere in the internal affairs of states except France -Britain pulls out of the European Concert -Austria, Prussia, and Russia Ignored and met at Laibach -Authorized Austrian troops to Italy = crushed the rebellion there -*Met at Verona:* = authorized France to invade Spain and restore the Bourbons Britain kept EU from interfering with revolts in Latin America

What are the Corn laws (1815)?

-Tory government established the Corn Law (1815) bc of falling agricultural prices and economic difficulties -Imposed high tariffs on foreign gran, made price of bread go up -people were discontent and turned to protesting (*Peterloo Massacre*) -Parliament responded by repressing them more *Parliament Response:* -Restricted large public meetings and the spreading of pamphlets among the poor -*1820s:* = minor reforms, Tories manage to avoid meeting for electoral reform -Voting reforms in the 1830s

Describe the two parties in Parliament?

-Two parties both ruled by landed classes -*Whigs:* receiving support from the middle class -*Tories:* Dominated until 1830 -Did not want to change existing political and electoral system

How did the Congress of Vienna create a balance of power in Europe?

-Wanted to keep one state from dominating Europe Ex: Prussia and Austria Gained land because Russia gained Land

How was Alexander I a enlightened absolutist?

-advocated for civil liberties = due to occupation of paris by Russian Troops -Russian Troops brought back ideas from Paris -Paris = much more cultured than moscow -Moscow (before) had no newspapers or political clubs -Soldiers brought back enlightened ideas

Describe the Concert of Europe: First Meeting at Aix-La Chapelle

-was nice and friendly = there were four meetings between 1818-1822 -Add on France at the first meeting

What were some established religions that the conservatives liked?

Christian duty following what God wanted in life (purpose, morals, ethics) = providing a method to live a good, godly life -Conservatives want good morals to live by -Set routine for religion = Roman Catholic -England - anglican -Lutheran - became established and organized -Russian Orthodox

What was the Quadruple Alliance?

Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain -wanted to ensure the peace after the war with Napoleon

Why didn't Britain want Spanish and Portuguese Control in South America?

SA = raw resource provider for GB -GB = contradictory say they don't want to interfere in politics but do any way -Latin America = producers of timber, Sugar -Buy all their goods from GB = economically good for Britain

What happened to the Holy Roman Empire under Napoleon?

Was dissolved = confederation of the Rhine

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