2181 Chapter 10, 2181 Chapter 9, 2181 Chapter 8, 2181 Chapter 7, 2181 Chapter 6

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Justice Summary

- Distributive, procedural, interpersonal, informational justice describe how fairly employees treated by authorities - WHne authority adheres ot justice rules, provides ata that authority might be trustworthy - ALL four justice forms have strong correlations with trust - Employees trust authorities who allocate outcomes fairly, make decision in consistent, unbiased accurate way, communication details in respectful comprehensive honest manner

Learning and Decision Making

Learning: - Relatively permanent changes in employee's knowledge or skill that result from experience - More they learn, more bring t table. - Big impact on decision making - Not necessarily easy, takes a lot of time to become proficient at complex jobs - 3 months to year to perform at satisfactory level, high levels of expertise take a lot longer Decision Making: - Process of generating and choosing from set of alternatives to solve a problem - More knowledge and skills, make accurate decisions - Less experienced employees lack knowledge to make decisions stepping into new roles

Communicator Competence

- Ability of communicators to encode and intercept messages - Ability differences shown to be major source of problems - No verbal cues can be ambiguous, since they can signal multiple things. - Skilled communicators should process non verbal information and extract meaning well, some better than others at using and processing verbal non verbal messages - Communication process suffers if participants lack competence Receiver who isn't skilled in listening to sender's message can misinterpret message too (TWO WAY STREET) - Emotions and motional intelligence impact how people express themselves and cloud interpretation of information received from others - Ability to regulate emotions and understand them creates clear communication with less misunderstanding - Emotions relevant to in person, computer communications, and virtual teams

Justice & Ethics

- Ceos, top management, supervisors, mangers put face of company giving employees and customers means to judge reputation. Influence on performance and commitment of employees. Trust in authority two concepts: Justice: - Perceived fairness of authority decision making - High levels, outcomes are fair, decision making designed and implemented fairly - Explains why employees judge authorities to be more trustworthy over others Ethics: - Degree tow hick behaviours of authority are in accordance with generally accepted moral norms - High levels, things being done way they should be or ought to be - Explain why authorities act in trustworthy or non manner.

Expectancy Theory

- Cognitive process that employees go through to make choices among different voluntary responses - Drawn from psychology, argues behaviour directed toward pleasure and away from pair or toward certain outcomes away from others - Choices depend on three beliefs in past learning/experience: expectancy ,instrumentality, and valence

Computed Mediated Communication

- Exchange of information and meaning using electronic, digital medium. Omnipresent and unavoidable reality of companies - Enhanced flow of communication, being used more to connect and coordinate intraorganizational activities Web 2.0: -World of websites and application that allows users t actively interact, create, collaborate and communicate - YouTUBE, Facebook, Wikipedia

Formal Networks of Communication

Communication Networks: - Ways members of a team or work unit interact and change messages - Involve elements of downward, upward, horizontal communication - One approach is to focus on extent information within network flows among members or whether communication is controlled or restricted by single person like leader - The more communication flowing thorough fewer members of the team, higher degree of centralization

Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility: - Acknowledges responsibilities of business encompass economic, legal, ethical and citizenship expectations - Maintains notion foundation of business is profitability, since they must fulfill economic responsibilities to employees and shareholders. But supplements belief by arguing company obligation don't end with profit maximization Legal Aspect: - Law represents society's codification of right and worn and must be followed - Speaks to integrity of company and suggest it has reached conventional level of moral development - Occupational health and safety protect people. Raise wariness and promote healthy/safe workplaces, ensure compliance, for internal committees of company and union reps - Committees aware of relevant safety hazards, monitoring effective of programs, investigating complaints, annual reports for other agencies. Tangible sing internally and externally company is caring about well being of employees. Ethical Aspect: - Organization have obligation to do what's right, just and fair and to avoid harm - Relevant to benevolence and integrity of company, suggests it reaches principled level of moral development - Ethics policies have guidelines for standard ethical conduct by managers and employees. With case examples, core values people use to navigate moral dilemmas daily. Required to complete online course as term of employment Citizenship Aspect: - Companies should contribute resources to improve quality of life in communities where they work - JumpStart Program - Efforts also geared toward environmental sustainability

Types of Trust

Disposition Based Trust - Personality traits include general propensity to trust others - Less to do with certain authority, more to do with truster - Guides us where we don't have data about authority Trust Propensity (Disposition) -Expectation that words, promises, statements o people and groups can be relied upon. Most obvious in stranger interaction, acceptance of vulnerability is BLIND TRUST - Propensity presents fatih in human nature, trusting people view others in more favourable terms than suspeicisou people do - High in propensity fooled into trusting others who aren't worthy of it, low in it means penalized by not trusting someone who deserves it. (BOTH SITUATIONS DAMAGING, we are doomed if we trust all and equally if we trust none) - Product of nature and untrue. IF parent suspicious, inherit tendency genetically or model it through watching them exhibit distrust - Shaped by early childhood experiences, first personality traits to develop since infants learn to trust parents to meet needs. More needs met, more trusting. more disappointed as child, less trusting we become. - Shaped later through experiences with friends school, charge, government, relevant groups - Country affects propensity. 45 societies with 90,000 people asked would you say most people can be trusted or you can't be too careful dealing with people. HIGH in Canada in reaction to Europe and South America

Heuristics and Availability Bias

Heuristics: - Confronted with times of uncertainty requiring decision, use simple, efficient rules of thumb allowing decision to be made easier. - NOT BAD since they lead to correct decision more often than not - Bias towards inaccurate decisions, like question does R come up more in first or third word. - Think rationally think through decisions prior to them, use heuristics for decisions that are less important or need to be made quickly. Awareness of decision errors helps us make them less frequently Availability Bias: - Tendancy for people to base judgment s on information easier to recall - Why people afraid of flying, since every plane crash plastered over news, making crashes more available in memory

Equity Theory

- Acknowledges motivation doesn't just depend on own beliefs and circumstances but also won what happens to other people - Employees create a mental ledger of costumes (or rewards) they get from job. Ledger is subjective to what you find valuable - Employees create leggier of inputs (contributions and investments) they bring to job specific to you. - Compare ratio of outcomes and inputs to ratio of some comparison other (another person who provides frame of reference for judging equity) Three Outcomes of Comparison to Other Cognitive Calculus Ratio outcomes to inputs is balanced between you and comparison other. Sense of equity and likely maintain intensity and persistence of effort. (Both people get playoff tickets) Ratio of outcomes to inputs es than comparison other's. Triggers Equity Distress: internal tension alleviated by restoring balance to ratios - UNDER-REWARD CASE: Distress takes form of negative emotions like anger or envy. - Restore balance by being constructive and proactive by talking to boss explaining why you deserve better outcomes that could result in growth of outcomes, restoring balance, - usually results in destructive actions and feelings of under-reward inequity among STRONGEST PREDICTORS OF COUNTERPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOUR LIKE THEFT. Can shrink inputs by lowering intensity and persistence of effort, not total outcomes or inputs that matter, only ratio Ratio of outcomes to inputs greater than comparison other's - Experience equity distress, creates negative emotions of guilt or anxiety - Restored by shrinking outcomes (taking less money, giving back to comparison other) but unlikely in most cases - Likely solution is increase inputs like intensity and persistence of task effort (extra mile citizenship) - Some point, not enough hours to increase inputs (less labour intensive means is rethink them, re examine your ledger to see if you have undersold you contributions. Might tell yourself your education or seniority is more critical than realized, skills and abilities are more vital than previously thought) Cognitive Distortion: - Re evaluation of inputs an employee brings to job, often occurring in response to equity distress - Restores balance mentally, without altering behaviour in any way Outcomes and Inputs: - Pay is Effort - Seniority is Performance - Fringe Benefits is Skills and Abilities - Status Symbols is Education - Satisfying Supervision is Experience - Workplace Perks is Training - Intrinsic Rewards is Seniority

Reducing Stressors

- After stress audit shows stress it problem ,consider courses of action - General Course: Managing stressors accomplished in two ways FIRST: - Eliminate or significantly reduce stressful demands, 19 recent of companies used job sharing to reduce role overload and create work-life balance. Job Sharing: NOT splitting one job into two, but two people share single job as they were single performing unit. - Assumption is that though businesses are 24/7, people aren't. - Used at all elves throughout company, not just low level - Enable organization to attract and retain valued employees who need more time for school or to care for family, important that sharing partners communicate and coordinate well Second: - Employee sabbaticals for time off work to engage in other activity - 11 percent of large companies have paid sabbaticals, 1/3 have non paid sabbatical - Cleaner break from stressful routine for lengthy period of time, so during sabbatical, stress quite low. But since level of stressors never changes in job, experience same level of stress upon returning.

Information Richness

- Amount and depth of information transmitted in a message - FACe to face have highest richness since senders convey meaning through words and body language, facial expressions, tone of voice - AWESOME: FACE TO FACE provides senders and receivers chance to get feedback ,allowing verification and ensuring messages are correct - TERRIBLE: Computer reports consisting of numbers mainly might include lots of information, but its quantifiable with absence of cues that provide context and meaning - IN THE MIDDLE: Personal written note. Limited to words on page, choice and punctuation add meaning beyond words. Emails interpret emotions fo sender, but derive emotion as negative more often when its not - Higher levels of richness is preferable when situation or task is complex and difficult to understand. More cues available, more likely message understood way sender intended it - May overcomplicate process when task is simple since additional information processing increases missed cues since they feel they're given mid messages - SUMMARY: Richness depends one purpose of communication and complexity of tasks. Greater complexity, benefits of richness outweigh costs.

Valence (Expectancy Theory)

- Anticipated value of outcomes associated with performance - Can be positive (prefer having outcome X to not having it) - Can be negative (I would prefer not having outcome X to having it) - Can be Zero (I'm bored are we still talking about outcome X?) - Salary increases, bonuses, informal rewarded are positively valence outcomes - Disciplinary actions, demotions, termination are negatively valence outcomes - Employees motivated when successful performance attains attractive outcomes, while avoidance of unattractive outcomes like discipline. Needs: - Outcomes deemed more attractive help satisfy needs - Cognitive groupings or clusters of outcomes viewed as having critical psychological or physiological consequences - Maslow recognized human needs for important for understanding why people drawn to different outcomes. Hierarchy of relative prepotency, when one need satisfied, outcomes with next highest level need is attractive - Food, water sex go unsatisfied, little else matters, outcomes associated with satisfaction of these have high positive valence - Once physiological needs met, outcomes lose motivational juice, Maslow shows outcomes with next highest need level have positive valance, remain until they're satisfied, continues until highest need level reached - View of needs changed, now 3 inane psych needs: COMPETENCE< AUTONOMY< RELATEDNESS - Implication for valence, what we find attractive, evident like strong need to feel competent and experience growth finds opportunity to take challenging training more attractive than opportunity to socialize with others - NOTE: higher positive valence associated with growth opportunity outcome, compared to social opportunity outcome, reversed if employee need for relatedness stronger than need for growth

Four Component Model of Ethics

- Argues ethical behaviour results form multistage sequence - Unethical behaviour triggered by characteristics of person or situation, ethical behaviour driven by god versus ad apples and good versus bad barrels - Moral Awareness, Moral Judgement, Moral Intent, Ethical Behavioural

Decision Making Problems (Escalation of Commitment)

- Decision to continue to follow failing course of action - Throwing good money after bad (common decision making error) - People have tenancy, when presented with decisions, to escalate commitment to previous one even in face of failure to avoid looking incompetent or admitting mistake. - Escalation strong when decision makers invested a lot of money in it, or project close to competition - By focusing on what you gain by moving on, rather than what you lose by quitting, reduce chances of committing escalation of commitment

Challenge Stressors

- Stressors that tend to be appraised as opportunities for learning growth and achievement - Having to deal with more responsibilities is likely perceived as having long term benefits - Exhaustive, but trigger POSITIVE EMOTIONS LIKE PRIDE AND ENTHUSIASM

Moral Intent

- Assuming you recognize moral issue exists in situations and assess cognitive oral development to choose right course of action ,last step - Want to act ethically - Reflects authorities degree Coffeys commitment to moral course of action - Distinction between awareness/judgment and intent important since unethical people know and understand what is wrong, but choose to do it anyways - Situation factors encourage people to go against moral conditions like unethical cultures where violating moral codes rule instead of exception - Economic pressures from assigned goals.specific incentives encourage people to forget moral judgement for a time Moral Identity: - Degree person self identifies as moral person - Self concepts have many components: what we do, come from, family status, culture.ethnic groups - Strong: Compassionate, generous, honest, kind, fair, hard working - Emotional well being sense of self wrapped in living up to virtues - Actions taken in daily life are as symbols of virtues - Volunteer more and donate more for charity - Moderates effects of judgment on ethical behaviour (strengthen/weakens relationship - Mangers emphasizing ethics less likely to engage in unethical behaviours (calling in sick for day off, ignoring others, unethical actions) but only if they define themselves as moral person - When not important piece of identity, more principles have NO RELATIONSHIP with be behaviour


- Assumption made about others on basis of their membership in a social group - Not all bad per se, decision making is faulty with inaccurate generalization - Can lead to illegal discrimination in the workplace - develop diversity training programs to help overcome cultural ,racial, gender stereotypes in workplace

Expectancy (Expectancy Theory)

- Belief exerting high level of effort will result in successful performance of task - Subjective probability from 0 (no chance) to 1 (mortal lock_ that specific amount of effort results in specific level of performance (E to P) - More motivated to work on assignment if confident that trying hard allows to complete it successfully Self-Efficacy: - Belief person has the capabilities needed to executive behaviours required for success - Self confidence or task specific version fo self esteem - Higher levels, perceive higher levels of expectancy, likely to choose to exert high levels of effort Factors for Efficacy: - Past Accomplishments: Degree to which they succeeded or failed in similar sorts of tasks in past - Vicarious Experiences: Observation and discussions with others who've performed the task - Verbal Persuasion: Friends, co-workers, leaders persuade employees they can get job done - Emotional Cues: Feels of fear or anxiety create doubts of task accomplishment, pride and enthusiasm bolster confidence - Together shape analysis of how difficult tasks are, how adequate they're personal and situational resources will be - Explain content of pre game speeches of coaches (past victories, pep talks (Verbal persuasion, cheers to rally (emotional cues)

Competence (Psychological Empowerment)

- Belief in his capability to perform tasks successfully - Identical to self-efficacy, employees with strong sets believe they active behaviours needed to achieve success - Sense of pride and mastery that itself intrinsically motivates you - Mangers instil by providing training and knowledge gain, giving positive feedback ,providing challenges appropriately matched for employee skill level - Employee builds own by engaging in self directed learning, seeking out feedback, managing own workloads

Instrumentality (Expectancy Theory)

- Belief that successful performance will result in some outcome(s) - Subjective probabilities from 0 (no chance) to 1 (mortal lock) that successful performance will bring set of outcomes (P to O) - Helps attain something else, evidence shows many employees don't perceive high levels of it in workplace - Survey of 10k employees showed 35 percent viewed performance as key driver of pay, 60 percent viewed seniority as key driver - Struggle to foster it in best of times, performance to outcomes difficult during economic downturn - 31 percent of companies from pay in 2009, falling to 13 percent in 2010, 2 percent 2011 - "Really a mindset that you can only do that for so long), as economy improves, good performers expect rewards, look elsewhere if company doesn't provide benefits.

Secondary Appraisal & Coping(Transactional Theory of Stress)

- Centre on issue of how people cope with stressors they face - What should I do, and What can I do? Coping: - Behaviours and thoughts that people use to manage stressful demands they face and emotions associated with stressful demands - Four Categories on Two Dimensions: Method of coping (behaviour vs cognitive) and focus of coping (problem solving or regulation of emotions)

Upward Communication

- Communications flows form bottom to top of vertical channel - Mangers at higher levels informed about activities and outcomes at lower levels, unsolved problems ,suggest for improvement, how subordinates feel about jobs Concerns: - Individuals have risk with sending messages to superior. Only when people trust superior with open and honest feedback will this approach work - Politically motivated and used as influence tactic - Best way to improve willingness to communicate is to enhance quality of downward communication ,creating conditions for effective two way stream

Summary: Why some employees more motivated than others

- Consider all energetic forces that nitrate work related effort including expectancy theory, existence of specific and difficult goals, perceptions of equity, feelings of psych empowerment. - Unmotivated employees lack confidence due to lack of expectancy or competence or assignment of unachievable goal - Feel performance not properly rewarded due to low instrumentality, lack of valence, feelings of inequity - Work simply isn't challenging or intrinsically rewarding due to assignment of easy or abstract goals or absence of meaningfulness, self determination and impact

Job Interview

- Conversation initiated by one or more persons to gather information and evaluate qualification of application for job - decision making tools, applicants assume role of sender and receiver in communication process, listen, decode, respond to requests and ask questions -Job applicant finds out as much about job, company ,career to make informed decision should offer e made - Interviewers assume role of sender and receiver as they probe prior work experience, knowledge, behaviour ,interpersonal skills. - Information in interview and inferences based on provide evidence of suitability - Misunderstandings impact impressions, learning how to manage is important since job interview is selection procedure most frequently used in Canada More than just verbal responses, nonverbal cues play role like body language, supports or undermines verbal responses - Interviewers often use nonverbal cues to make inferences about assertiveness, motivation ,self confidence, enthusiasm, sociability

The Experience of Strain

- Demands of many managerial and executives level job are excessive, negative health consequences very predictable - Mechanism within your body that gives ability to function effectively when facing stress is same one causing problems - Body has set of responses allowing it to adapt and function effusively when facing stress, but if stress doesn't ramp down or demands occur to frequently, adaptive responses become toxic - More compounds increase heart rate and blood pressure, blood redirected form vital rogans like spleen brain and skeletal muscles - IF chemicals remain elevated of prolonged or repeated exposure to stressor, body breaks down, negative consequences set in.

Motivation Overview (Motivation and Engagement)

- Derived from Latin word for movement movere - Motivated employees move faster and longer than unmotivated Motivation: - Set of energetic forces that originates both within and outside an employee, initiates work-related effort, determines its direction, intensity and persistence - Critical consideration since effective job performance requires high levels of ability and motivation - Not one thing, set of distinct forces (internal like purpose or confidence and external like goals and incentives given) - What employees do at given moment, direction effort is channeled - Once direction of effort decided, motivation determines how hard an employee works, intensity of effort, for how long persistence lasts. - Doesn't matter what time: hard for 5 minutes, or all day half capacity Engagement: - Contemporary synonym, for high levels of intensity and persistence in work effort - Invest themselves and energies into job - Outwardly, devote energy to jobs striving to take initiative and get it done - Inwardly, attention and contraption on work, becoming absorbed, involved, interested in tasks and lose track of time - Companies measure it on annual surveys, factors to faster intense and persistent effort - 30 percent of employees engaged (steady for decade), Survey of hr executives showed increased emphasis on improving engagement levels - CRITICAL since low levels are contagious

Gender Differences

- Different ways men and women process and interpret information and communicate with others - Can be serious creating misunderstanding between male and female teams, creating faulty inferences about confidence and competence especially for women - Need to be aware of differences, adapt communication style to fit demands of task Men: - Communication that helps achieve and maintain status, power and independence - Showing off ability or knowledge within meetings telling stories or jokes (Centre of attention), direct when asking someone else to do something ,taking credit for something done well Women: - Send messages that builds and strengthens relationships - Orientated toward building report like showing concern and support, saying sorry ,asking questions, asking for help or feedback ,buffering criticism with praise, using complements to build relationships, being indirect and subtle when sending messages

Motivational Force

- Direction of effort is dictated by: expectancy, instrumentality, and valence Total motivational force to perform given action formula: - Expectancy x E(Instrumentality x Valence) - E shows instrumentalities and valances judged with various outcomes in mind, motivation increases as successful performance is linked to more attractive outcomes over time - Motivational force equals zero if any one of three beliefs is zero - DEOSN'T MATTER HOW CONFIDENT you are if performance doesn't result in outcomes, doesn't matter how well performance is evaluated and rewarded if you don't believe you can perform well.

Research on Justice

- Distributive and procedure justice combine to influence employee reactions - When outcomes good, don't spend as much time worrying about fairer process - Procedural justice little impact on reactions when the outcomes favourability high - When outcome bad, procedural justice becomes super important. - Negative or unexpected events trigger thorough examination of process issues, making adherence to rules like constancy, bias suppression, accuracy more vital. - Procedural justice stronger driver of reactions to authorities than distributive justice - 183 studies showed procedural stronger predictor of satiate on with user-vision, job satisfaction, org commitment the distributive - Decisions making process more imprint the outcome since employees understand outcomes come and go, some favour some not, procedures long lasting and stay in place till company redesigns or new maturity arrives to revise it.


- Disturbing or distracting stimuli (sounds, environmental events, technical issues) that block or interfere with transmission of message - FACE TO FACE more sensitive to this - Hard to see, blaring music, crowd noise, increases effort communicators need to exert to make communication work - Sender talks, clearer, louder, alternative means like hadn't gestures - receiver listens more carefully, thinks harder to fill in spaces left by spoken words - IF ONE PARTY DOESN't put in extra effort, conversation doesn't last long.

Supervisor Feedback and Job Performance

- Downward communication in which supervisor provides information to subordinate about job performance - ON its own, weak correlation with job performance since for communication not produce change, must consider if its positive/negative. - Extremely negative feedback demoralizes and discourages subordinate, with lower performance expected - Whether feedback acceptable to them, is it relevant to job something they can change, find sure of feedback credible If feedback rejected, motivation won't increase - Ability an personality play role, consciousness employees respond more favourably to feedback If feedback accepted and wants to change, performance improvements extend, providing subordinate has knowledge, skills, abilities, personality traits, tools and equipment for higher performance - Relationship between message and performance complex, hinging on intervening process and conditions

Steps to Manage Employee Stress

- Employee stress results ins trains that cost company in reduced performance and commitment, but more important costs related to employee health - Companies provide healthcare, especially for companies attracting and retaining hard to find skilled workers - National poll asked if they would trade health benefits for payment of 8000, 75% said they'd keep plan - Health related costs driven be stress, 60-90 percent of doctor visits attributed to stress, cost of providing care with high stress is 50% higher than experiencing lower stress. - Relationship between stress and healthcare means huge dividends for company that learn how to manage stress

Social Identity Theory

- People identify themselves by the groups to which they belong and perceive and judge others by their group memberships - research shows we like categorizing people by demographics, occupational information, where they work, country of origin and anything else making sense to perceiver - No end of subgroups that people can come up with

Decision Making Problems (Faulty Perceptions)

- Employees forced to rely on perceptions to make decisions Perceptions: - Process of selecting ,organizing, storing and retrieving information about the environment - Useful since they make sense of environment, distorted versions of reality too - Dangerous to decision making, since we make assumptions based on them Selected Perception: - Tendency to see environment only as it affects you and as it consists with expectations - Only see what you want to see, affects ability to identify problems, generate/evaluate alternatives, judge outcomes - Taking shortcuts processing info Projection Bias: - False assumption that others think, feel, and act I do - People project their own thoughts, attitudes, motives onto other people - I would never do that = they would never do that - Limits ability to develop appropriate criteria fro decision and evaluate them well - Assumes everyone's criteria just like mine, every reacts to decision same as me

Psychological Empowerment

- Energy rooted in belief that work tasks contribute to some larger purpose - Form of intrinsic motivation, that merely performing work tasks provides satisfying needs for mastery, autonomy, and relatedness - IN common with discussion of satisfaction with work install, jobs with high elves of variety, significance, autonomy intrinsically satisfying - Similar set of concepts make work tasks instinctually motivatingL MEANINGFULNESS, SELF-DETERMINATION, COMPETENCE, IMPACT

Face to Face Communication

- Exchange of information and meaning occurring when two or more people physically present, communications occurs without aid of mediating technology - Natural, immediate, embody comprehensive interdependence that we act and read in real time to content and tone - Verbal (spoken/written language) and non verbal (voice inflection, gestures facial expressions) providing rich information source - GOLD STANDARD OF COMMUNICATION, engage more human senses than mediated communication - Email and mediated com reducing frequency. Unintended consequences like majority of information processed face to face is non verbal cues, that aren't present in computer tech - 70 percent of managers said company more productive if leaders use person to person more -


- Explains why people behave in manner consistent with generally accepted norms of mortality, and why they violate them - Prescriptive Lens: Scholars debating how people ought to act using various codes and principles. Dominant lens in legal ethics, medical ethics, economics - Descriptive Lens: Scientific studies to observe how people tend to act based on individual and situation characteristics. Lens in psychology - Both threads give study of ethics complexity, philosophical and empirical approaches develop complete understanding of ethics. Unethical Behaviour: - Behaviour clearly violating accepted norms of morality - Directed at employees, customers, financiers, society as a whole - 76 percent if employees observed illegal or unethical conduct in company in past year. Merely Ethical Behaviour: - Adheres to some minimally accepted standard of morality - Obeying labour laws and complying with formal rules and contracts Especially Ethical Behaviour: - Exceed some minimally accepted standard of morality - Charitable giving or whistle blowing: former or current employee's expose illegal or immoral actions by organization. - Especially ethical since whistle blowers irks potential retaliation by members of company, more true when they lack status and power - Company benefits from risk taking, as whistle blowing brings improvements-to ethical culture in organization overload ing term

Moral Awareness (Four Component Model)

- First Step occurs when authority recognizes that moral issue exists in situation or ethical code or principle is relevant to circumstance - Ethical issues rarely come equipped with red flags that mark them as morally sensitive - Companies act this way because they don't perceive moral issues relevant to situation, so ethical merits never debated. - Depends on characteristics of issue itself, some issues more built in ethical salience than others Moral Intensity: - Degree to which issue has ethical urgency Driven by two general concerns: - High if potential for harm is perceived as high. Injuring 1000 people more morally intense than injuring 10, act resulting in death more morally intense than illness - High if social pressure surrounding it. Violating clear social norms more morally intense than act seems similar to what everyone does. Moral Attentiveness (Under Intensity) - Way authorities observe and perceive events that happen around them - Degree people chronically perceive and consider issues of morality during experiences - People pay ore attention to stimuli that are signifiant, vivid, recognizable - Morally attentive authorities view world through lens of morality, giving ethical issues of significance, vividness, recognizability. - Lens colour way they identify and interpret information, shapes analysis and reflection - High Report they face ethical dilemmas in typical day, decisions face ethical consequences, regularly think about morality, enjoy pondering it.

Assessment of Stress

- First step in managing stress to assess ell and sources of stress Stress Audit - Managers ask themselves questions about nature of jobs in company to estimate if high stress levels may be problem - First category of questions involves degree organization is going through change that would increase uncertainty to employees (mergers increase uncertainty about security and career paths, employees in individual performance contributions will be recognized and rewarded) - Second Category centre on work itself (level and types for stressors experienced by employees) - Third Category involve quality of relationships among employees and employees with company (consider org politics play role in admin decisions)

Downward Communication

- Flows form top to bottom of veridical channel , reinforcing hierarchal nature of company - Mangers use to down to really directives, decisions, plans, goals, instructions to subordinates - Via written policies, procedures and rules used to increase consistency with company (attendance control to control employee absenteeism eg) - Evaluating subordinates job performance, performance appraisal process ultimately is managers responsibility to manage performance of subordinates. MAY BE two way street, but always downstream Concerns: - Volume of information flowing from top t bottom requires managers at each level to recess and filter information which causes soudoyantes to feel overwhelmed and lead them to prioritize the messages. Like too many email memos encourage ignoring or discounting them - Excessive filtering leads to misunderstandings and information gaps - Notoriously slow since filtering decisions occur at every level

Ethics Summary

- Four component model explains why authorities act in ethical/unethical manner - When morally ware, have moral judgement, possessing intent, chances actions tend to be ethical - Authorities should attend more rules of distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice, since treating employee's fairly is itself ethical - authorities viewed as trustworthy, in more awareness, judgement, and intent should increase benevolence and integrity.

Goal Setting Theory

- Goal are primary divers of intensity and persistence of effort - Goals are objective or aim of an action and refer to attaining specific standard of proficiency, within specified time limit Specific and Difficult Goals: - Assigning employees results in higher levels performance than assigning no goals, easy goals, do your best goals - Few people know what their best is (fewer mangers can tell whether employees doing best) - Gives people number to shoot for (measuring stick) to tell them how hard they work and for how long On my desk at 1030 Tuesday with < two mistakes - Easy goals, no reason to work hardest or longest = lower task effort - Moderate to difficult, intensity and persistance effort maximized, but limits of ability get reached, and self efficacy diminishes (difficult to impossible) with sense of helpless the achieving them a so effort and performance declines - DIFFICULT GOAL stenches employees to perform at max level staying with boundaries of ability - Tested in hundreds of studies using many setting and tasks - 90 percent of goal setting studies support beneficial effects of specific and difficult goals on task performance WHY SO POSITIVE FOR SPECIFIC AND DIFFICULT? - Effects of assigned goal on person effort level, persistence and task strategizing happen if assigned goal is internalized as perusal goal - You can lead rose to water but can't make drink - CRITICAL MOTIVATIONAL FACOTR is what horse intends to do, to motivate someone, what needs to change are goals people set for themselves (SELF SET GOALS) Self Set Goals: - What people use to monitor own tasks progress shown to drive motivation and behaviour - Goal setting works when assigned goal alters the level of self set goal. - If assigned goals unable to change internal goals, motivation and performance unaffected - Internal goals mobilize energy and effort,t when goals easy, not much effort required for schuss, but as self set goals more difficult, intensity effort has to increases desired desired performance - Wanting to reach specific and difficult goal cause persistance at tasks even when they experiences setbacks - Having specific and difficult goals trigger people to consider different ways of reaching it as goals get harder - People with hard, self set goals spend more time developing task streakiest than those who have easy goals - ASSIGNED GOALS MOTIVATE EMPLYOEES TO WORK SMARTER AND HARDER


- Hard to assess ability,y benevolence, integrity accurately in working early working relationship - Employees need observable behavioural evidence authority is trustworthy - Justice gives evidence, authorities who treat employees fairly judged more trustworthy FOUR DIMENSIONS: Distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational justice

Stress Overview

- High stress on job is more prevalent than ever. 1/3 of Canadian workers feel jobs are "quite or "extremely stressful" - High stress more prevalent in jobs that most graduates get (managers 21 percent more likely than average worker to get stress) - Stress greater if you take job in organization where employees cope with change and uncertainty


- Highly flexible Web 2.0 application allowing people to exchange verbal information and collaboratively solve problems, learn, mange projects, create knowledge - Similar to blogs like discussion information sites with discrete short articles - Allow anyone to edit or delete content like work of perilous authors - Wikipedia. 30 million articles, 300 languages witten and maintenant by volunteers worldwide - Explicitly controlled by one or more owners assigned by company or informally emerged around topic within community to define purpose of wiki and establish access privileges - Corporate wikis are open access , transparency for contributions, peer based management allow ones to track contributions of users Two Motives on Participation in Wiki's - Opportunity to collaborate and community is exciting and engaging way to work with others, active participation achieves personal and organizational goals. - Same group aware of risks like exposing incompetence, looking stupid in front of others which caused restrained contribution = enthusiastic, but restrained contribution - Wendy Arnott: People think carefully before sending messages knowing peers mangers, company members see it

Decision Making Problems (Faulty Attributions)

- How we explain actions' events around us - Research shows witnessing behaviour/outcome, we make judgment about whether it was internally or externally caused - Less harsh when judging ourselves Fundamental Attribution Error: - People have tendency to judge others behaviours due to internal facotrs - Judge person as low motivation, poor organizational skills, negative internal attributes Self Serving Bias: - Attribute our own failures to external factors and our own successes to internal factors - Evidence shows attributions across cultures don't work the same. Consensus Distinctiveness, Consistency Model - When people have level of familiarity with person being judged, use more detailed eosin framework - Consensus: Did others act the same way under similar situations. Did others arrive late on same day? - Distinctiveness: Does person tend to at differently in other circumstances? Does Joe have personal appointments, not just work appointments? - Consistency: Does person always do this the performing task. Have they done this before? INTERNAL ATTRIBUTION (LAZINESS OR LOW MOTIVATION): LOW CONSENSUS, LOW DISTINCTIVENESS, HIGH CONSISTENCY EXTERNAL ATTRIBUTION: HIGH CONSENSUS, HIGH DISTINCTIVENESS, LOW CONSISTENCY

Informal Communication Network Summary

- Important role clarifying and supplementing formal networks during turbulent times or when change occurring and people feel they need more info than what's provided - Good way to communicate unfiltered sensitive messages, and upward and lateral communication - Open and unregulated nature means its susceptible to misuse, spread false, misleading, distorted information - Shutting it down removes important channel employees vent stress and anxiety, translate and interrupt directives and oldies, nurture sense of unity and cohesiveness within company Manager Advice: - Pay attention o it and do better job communicating messages through formal system - More restrictive and limited formal networks, more people motivated to use informal channels - Improving quality and integrity of formal messaging, reduces need for unverified false information garnered from grapevine

Generational Studies Psych Empowerment

- Increasing interest of psychological empowerment as a motivating force - 3332 teens revealed 78 percent viewed perusal fulgent as key motivator - Younger employees entering workplace have high expectation for importance of roles, autonomy they'll be given, progress they'll make in organizational careers

Horizontal Communication

- Information flows among members of work groups ,teams, or functional units who reside at same level in company - Coordinates effort, solves problems ,shares information ,resolve conflicts, build rapport - Effectiveness linked to how members can work together as team


- Knowledge and skills that distinguish experts form movies and els experienced people - Differences between experts and novices almost always unction of learning - Learning isn't directly observed, can tell when people have learned by observing behaviour, changes in behaviour show learners gain knowledge - Can mimic behaviour once to twice, get lucky, but true learning occurs when changes in behaviour are permanent and related over time

Hindrance Stressors

- Stressors that tend to be appraised as thwarting progress toward growth and achievement - Stressful demands the people perceive as hindering progress toward perusal accomplishments or goal attainment - MOST OFTEN TRIGGER NEGATIVE EMOTIONS LIKE ANXIETY AND ANGER

How Important is Learning?

- Learning influents job performance since its moderately correlated with task performance. Difficult to fulfill duties if they don't have certain level of job knowledge. - Moderate correlation underestimates learning's importance since research linking learning to tasks performance is explicit knowledge (more practical) but hard to measure acid knowledge because of its un-unspoken nature, but still relevant - Less relevant to citizenship behaviour, counterproductive behaviour given behaviours less dependent on knowledge/expertise - Learning weakly related to commitment, higher levels of knowledge with slight increase in emotional attachment since companies with reputation for valuing learning relieve higher quality applicants - DIFFERENCE between companies offering learning chances and employees taking advantage of them actually gain knowledge - Employees with higher expertise more highly valued commodity on job market, reduce continuance commitment

How Important is Stress? (Hindrance/Challenge Stressors)

- Limit discussion to relationship with work stressors rather than non-work since this where researchers have focused most attention - Hindrance Stressors have weak negative relationship with Job Performance. - Experiencing higher levels on hindrance stressors has lower levels of task performance - Not much known about hindrance stressors and Citizenship Behaviour or Counterproductive Behaviour - Hindrance Stressors have strong negative relationship with Organizational Commitment - Higher levels of hindrance have lower levels of Affective and Normative Commitment. Relationship with Continuance Commitment is weaker - Challenge Stressors have weak positive relationship with Job Performance. Higher levels challenge stressors have higher levels of task performance. Not much known about impact on Citizenship behaviour and counterproductive behaviour - Challenger stressors have moderate positive relationship with rognaizatiovanl commitment. Higher levels of stressors have higher levels of affective and normative, continuance are weaker Explanation for Research: - Negative relationship with job performance since hindrance stressors result in strain and negative emotions reducing level of physical, cognitive and emotion energy people could bring to job/ physiological, psych and behavioural strains in illness, exhaustion, drunkenness detract form effeteness in any job, strains associated with negative emotions trigger counterproductive work - Hindrance stressors evoke strains, dissatisfying to people, since satisfaction has strong impact of how much people feel committed to company. Working at jobs causing sickness and exhaustion likely dissatisfied with jobs and feel less desire to stay and consider alternatives

Non-Work Hindrance Stressors (Work-Family Contact, Negative Life Events, Financial Uncertainty)

- Majority of people spend more time at work than anywhere else, number of demands outside work that implicate managing behaviour - Stressors outside work spill over affecting employee work Work-Family Conflict: - Special form of role conflict where demands of work role hinder fulfilment of demands of family role (or vice versa) - Both work to family and family to work higher for employees who are strongly embedded in work organizations and communities - Work to Family Conflict: Cases where work demands hinder effectiveness in family context. Trouble switching off frustration after getting home, become irritable with family and friends - Family to Work Conflict: Salesperson experiencing stress of marriage comes to work harbouring emotional pain, making it harder to interact with customers Negative Life Events: - Events such as divorce or death of family ember that are appraised as a hindrance - RESEARCH revealed number of life events perceived as quite stressful, especially when they result in significant change to person's life - MOST don't occur at work - Hinder ability to achieve life goals and associated with negative emotions Financial Uncertainty: - Uncertainty with loss of livelihood, savings, or ability to pay expenses - Highly relevant during recessions.downturns - Fear of losing jobs, homes, saving because of factors beyond control, half of respondents to surveys indicate stress was making hard for them to do job.


- Managers use many methods to induce desirable or reduce undesirable behaviour - People exhibit specific behaviours if rewarded. - Tendency to repeat behaviours resulting in consequences we like, reduce behaviours would bad consequences BF Skinner: - First to pioneer reinforcement through operant conditioning, learn by observing link between voluntary behaviour and consequences that follow Operant Conditioning Components: - Continuous cycle, repetition strengthened to degree reinforcement continues occurring. Antecedent: - Condition that precedes behaviour - Manager sets specific and difficult goals - Precede or single certain behaviour - Goals, rules, instructions, type of info showing emplyoees what's expected - Useful for motivation, sconequencs of actions still drive behaviour Behaviour: - Action performed by employee - Employee meets assigned goal Consequence: - Result that occurs after behaviour - Employee receives bonus

Summary: What is a Good Communicator?

- Mastered both sending and erecting sides of equations - Knowing themselves nada there, craft and delver meaning using channels that intended target can process and understand - Gender differences shows men and women use different communication. - Are effective listeners - Skilled receivers have to process and integrate different sources of information, confirm with senders interpretation accurate. Especially true when conveyed thorough body language since its confusing and inconsistent with verbal messages sometimes - Better communicators use skills to discern and resolve difficulties. - Use of tech doesn't improve communication all the time since people lac competence or confidence to use new meanings, creating reliance or inability to participate in collaborative efforts taking place - Better communicators appreciate context communication occurs, like intended purpose of it, nature of task, implications of message for me and others. Politicians good examples since they have clearly message, target audience, best way to communicate so intended meaning/intensity transmitted.

Goal Orientation

- People learn differently form predisposition or attitudes toward learning/performance reflected in goal orientations capturing activities and goals that's prioritized Performance orientated people work on tasks they're already good, preventing them from failing in front of others. View failure negatively as indictment of ability/competence - Research mixed, showing performance prove orientations is mixed bag, producing varying levels of performance and outcomes - Detrimental having performance avoid orientation, entering learning situation with fear of looking bad learn less and have higher anxiety - Regardless of tendency, managers can set training specific orientations toward learnings. Can instruct specific goal orientation before training sessions.

Verbal Communication (Face to Face)

- Messages sent and received using written and spoken language - When two or more people communicating verbally engage in one or more of: reading, writing, speaking, listening - Through oral and written, coordination and control of employees occurs Written Communication (Verbal) - Written communication is like written attendance policies or collective bargaining agreements - Written communications convey what's important to company like mission statement, goals and values, repost, short and long term plans. - Written communications conveying how and why thing done are job descriptions, explicit work procedures, training and operational manuals ,contracts, performance reviews, agenda minutes Oral Communication (Verbal) - Primary means people communicate within and outside the company - Verbal communication is vehicle for obtaining transferring and storing info and knowledge within company - More prevalent than written in company since managers prefer speaking to writing - More uniquely associated with oral - Speaking, listening ,responding, supported with written materials expected during face to face encounters - Can be formal and structured (job interviews meetings, reviews, presentations, possess assigning work) but informal and spontaneous like normal chit chat among co workers information exchange between two plus people during interdependent tasks

Effects of Motivation on Performance and Commitment

- Motivation has strong positive effect on job performance - Strongest for self efficacy and competence, followed by goal difficulty, valence-instrumentality-epetenacny combination, and equity - Less known about motivation one Citizenship and Counterproductive Behaviour, - Equity has moderate positive effect on Citizenship and moderate negative effect on Counterproductive Behaviour - Motivation has moderate correlation with organizational Commitment - Less down about effects, equity has moderate positive effect - Higher levels of equity have higher affective and normative, effect on Continuance weaker

How Important Is Motivation?

- Motivations isn't one thing but set of energetic forces Thousands of studies support relationships between motivating forces and task performance - Motivating force with strongest performance effect is self-efficacy.competence since people who feel sense of internal self confine outperform those who doubt capabilities - Difficult goals second most powerful motivating force, people reciting goals outperform recipients of easy goals - Motivational force created by high elves of valence, instrumentality and expectancy next most powerful motivational for task performance - Perceptions of equity weaker effect on task performance Less attention devoted to linkage between motivation and citizenship and counterproductive behaviour - Employees engage in more work related effort more likely to perform extra mile since actions require more effort, comes from research on equity since employees feeling sense of equity more likely to engage in citizenship behaviour more when behaviours aid company - Same employees less likely to engage in counterproductive behaviour that save as relation against perceived inequities - Relationship between motivation and org commitment straightforward since psych and physical withal characterize less committed employees are themselves evidence of low motivation - Equity and org commitment research clearest insigne into motivation commitment relationship. Employees having sense of equity more emotionally attached to firm stronger sense or obligation to remain.

Summary of Forms of Trust

- New relationships, trust depends solely on trust propensity, then supplemented by knowledge about ability, benevolence or integrity (cognition based trust develops) - In select few of relationships, emotional bond develops and feelings for trustee increase vulnerability acceptance - Relationships characterized by mutual investment of time and energy, sense of deep attachment, realization both parties lost if relationship dissolved - Provide three different sources of trust in particular authority - Dispositional Willingness to be vulnerable little to do with authority, more worth glees and early life experiences - Affect based trust, willingness too e vulnerable to do with rational assessment of authority merit, but emotional fondest for authority - ONLY FOR cognitions based we rationally evaluate pluses and minuses in ability benevolence and integrity - GAUGING: Use rules of justice

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

- Outcomes deemed particularly attractive likely satisfy number of different needs - Praise signals interpersonal bonds strong (relatedness need) and signalling competence (staying esteem needs) Extrinsic Motivation: - Motivation controlled y some contingency that depends on task performance - Outcomes like bonuses, promotions, praise result form other people acknowledging successful performance fosters extrinsic motivation Intrinsic Motivation: - Enjoyment, interestingness, personal expression, self generated, originating in mere act of performing task - Motivation felt when task performance serves as its own reward Together is employees total motivation level - different employees emphasize different needs - #1: Attractiveness of many rewards varies across cultures, different cultures have different motivators like giving gift card insulting since it says your bribing them to do what they already do. (good performance is trip to Vegas in Canada, but in middle east and asian trips with alcohol and gambling are taboo). India would be tickets to movie or moped for navigating congested areas. - #2: Employers underestimate how powerful a motivator pay is to them - Often put pay 5th or 6th, but studies show financial incentives have stronger impact on motivation than other sorts of outcomes since money is relevant to news lie food, housing, retirement. Conveys esteem, signalling that employees competent and well gadded, people differ in how they view the meaning of money Meaning of Money: - Degree to which they view money has having a symbolic not just comic value - Three dimensions: achievement (money is success), respect (money brings respect in community), and freedom ( money provides opportunity) -0 Men view money as representing achievement respect and freedom more than women - Higher slurred people view money in achievement related terms - Younger employees less likely to view money positively relative to older employees - Differences in education don't impact meaning of money

Why Communication Structures are Important

- Patterns have implications for how well teams coordinate activities - WhEther structure is right depends on nature of work - When work is simple, centralized structure creates faster solutions with fewer mistakes - When work complex and difficult to understand, decentralized structures more efficient since members can communicate with anyone for assistance, innovate, resolve problems - When work is simple, additional channels afforded by decentralization necessary and divert attention from task - More decentralized over past decade since social networks are inexpensive and easy to use, Web 2.0 communication increase allowing information sharing and collaboration in real time - Employees prefer decentralized network structures since they're ore satisfied with team when they're in loop even though position might not help team to perform better.

Summary: Why Some Employees More Stressed Than Others

- Pay attention to particular stressors employee has, hindrance and channeled stressors originating in work and non work domains - Depends on how stressors appraised and coped with = presence of physiological, psycho, and behavioural strains had - Whether employee is Type A and has high or low amounts of social support

Informational Justice

- Perceived fairness of communications provided to employees from authorities - Not often case comment sense prevails that companies explain decisions in comprehensive adequate manner. Sharing bad news worst part of job, distance themselves when playing the messenger. 372 professionals showed 75 % felt stress, anxiety, depression when conducting layoffs during downturns - Triggering lawsuit if comprehensively and honestly explain reasons for layoff, evaluation or missed promotion. Defence mechanism counterproductive since research shows honest and adequate explanation reduce relation responses against company. - Low levels haunt company if wrongful termination climb filed since company must provide performance valuations for terminated employee to show employee fired for performance reasons. Refrain from offering candid explanations, organization can't offer termination justification Study: - 3 paints specializing in mechanical parts for aerospace and cars. - Lost two alerts contracts forced to cut wages by 15 percent in 2/3 plants - Planned offering short impersonal explanation for pay cut to plants, voiced to offer anger more sincere explanation. Theft levels tracked before, during ,after 10 week cut. - IN plant without pay cut, no change in theft levels - In plant with short, impersonal explanation, theft rose dramatically during cut for relation for perceived inequity, being falling to previous levels once cut passed - In plant with long sincere explanation, rise in theft less significant during pay cut, falling back to norm once ended HIGHER LEVLES of information and interpersonal justice worth it from cost saving perspective, difference in speeches only couple minutes Two Rules: Justification Rule: authorities explain decision making procedures and outcomes in comprehensive and reasonable manner Truthfulness Rule: Communications be honest and candid

Distributive Justice (3 Norms)

- Perceived fairness of decision making outcomes - Pay, rewards, evaluations, promotions, assignments allocated using proper norms Proper norm: Equity, with more allocated to those who contribute more inputs. Equity norm judged to be fairest choice in situation where goal is to maximize productivity of individual employees Equality norm: judged fairer, so all members receive same rewards. Group projects were all members get same grade, regardless of individual levels. - Other allocation norm ok in situation with other goals critical. Team based, building harmony and solidarity just as important as individual productivity. Need Norm: Welfare of particular employee is critical concern judged fairer. Protect new employees form committee assignments so they get carriers off to start better.

Procedural Justice

- Perceived fairness of decision making process - Fostered the authorities adhere to rules of fair process - Rules improve employee reaction to decisions since they give them sense of ownership over them -Value voice and correctabiltiy even when they don't get outcome since they're heard. Expression of opinion valued in and to itself when they believe opinion truly considered Voice: - Giving employees chance to express opinions and views during course of decision making Correctability: - Gives employees chance to request an appeal when procedure seems to work ineffectively Fostered with adherence to four rules to create equal opportunity: - Help pelsure procedures neutraal an objectieve, not biased and discriminatory. Make interview questions and measures of job performance better - Ensures non relevant demographic characteristics don't bias decision making - Human rights acts achieve fair treatment outcomes, but even if not required by law, companies discovered these strategies to produce larger talent pools to select employees. - Wage gap due to procedural injustice with pay determine procedures functioning in inconsistent, bias,d inaccurate manner across male.female domination jobs. Narrowed, Canada women earn less on average with comparable jobs, some compares do better to haceivm quite though promoting diversity and inclusiveness in decision making. - Consistency: Are procedures consistent across people and time - Bias Suppression: Neutral and unbiased procedures - Representativeness: Procedures conservative needs of all groups - Accuracy: Are procedures based on accurate information

Interpersonal Justice

- Perceived fairness of treatment received by employees from authorities - Injustice Occurs when authorities rude r disrespectful to employees, or they refer to them with inappropriate labels - People remember unfair acts more vividly than fair ones - 41 employers surveyed o n authority interactions with positive and negative experiences and current mood - Positive interactions more common than negative interactions, but effects of negative interactions on MOOD FIVE TIME STRONGER than effects of positive interactions. Violation o respect and propriety loom larger than adherence to rules Adherence to two rules: Respect Rule: - Whether authorities treat employees in dignified and sincere manner Propriety Rule: - WhEther authorities refrain from making improper or offensive remarks Abusive Supervision: - Sustained display of hostile verbal and nonverbal behaviours excluding physical contact - 15 percent of employees victim of abuse, from angry outbursts to public ridiculing to scapegoating. - More absenteeism and lower productivity, more anxiety, burnout, strain, less satisfaction with general life. - More likely to strike back with counterproductive behaviour, spills over to co workers and organization


- Permits real time, live interaction and scission between remote individuals and individuals or groups via satellite or Internet - Options for people unable to travel due to time, cost, fatigue, but need interaction using verbal and nonverbal plus verbal communication - Communicate through microphone, webs came, instant messaging, file transfer - Cost efficient and more task oriented than face to face interactions - Tasks requiring simple information ,changes, cooperative problem solving, making routine decisions - Prevents eye contact reducing awareness of social dynamic within groups - Limits natural, informal nonverbal messaging facilitating communication process, less effective for tasks requiring communication bandwidth like bargaining, conflict resolution, negotiation, getting to know someone


- State in which individuals can express themselves freely without being observed, recorded or disturbed by other, unauthorized, individuals or groups. - Feds and provinces have raised or revising laws and commissions not regulate how personal information is collected, used disclosed. - ULTIMATE goal of legislation and corporate policies is to protect privacy rights while allowing its to benefit from new communication channels - Anonymity of internet encourages users to say visually anything, but doesn't apply within companies where its easy to detainee who said what. Messages sense through computers more guarded than face to face, downiest is mindset may undermine creative expression as communicators want to reduce perusal risk - Typical for companies to have privacy pocky defining how employee information handled


- Process by which information and meaning is transferred from sender to receiver - Assumption that people are able to communicate well, straight forward non work events impossible without some communication - Very important for highly interdependent activities performed by 2+ people. - Whether performing routine tasks, adopting to novel situation, formulating ideas, all require processing an acting upon info provided by others - Performance of solitary tasks need communication with people - Communicating helpful information to struggling teammate form of interpersonal citizenship behaviour - WIth counterproductive behaviour, communication process implied that are negative and harmful - Performance management rests on measurement, feedback, ,and management that couldn't occur without communication - Bases for different forms of commitment rest on understanding and interpretation of relationship with company and members, social influence model fo affective commitment proposes more frequent interactions increase influence of each other (connections define paths people communicate by) - Satisfaction ,stress, motivation, trust can't work without communication - Learning and decision making integrated with information processing and exchange, personal differences (personality, emotional intelligence sensory abilities) hinder/help communication - IMPORTANT FOR EVERYTHING!!!

Face to Face Exchanges Benefits

- Provide medium involving integration from verbal and nonverbal information - Tearing apart body language verbal cues in face to face is hard - research shows we evaluate and judge quality of relationships on basis of nonverbal cues, like how handshake delivered conveys relationship, using kisses to asses quality of relationship - Receivers see nonverbal messages as more credible, believable and trustworthy sources of information (especially true for verbal/ nonverbal discrepancies) - Eye contact in Canada sign of other person interest and engagement, Japanese women avoids looking boss in eye, she isn't showing lack of interest or lack of self confidence, its polite, respectful land appropriate - BETTER COMMUNICATORS pay attention to nonverbal cues and contexts information is share

Stress, Stressors, and Strains

- Psychological response to demands that possess certain stakes for the person and that tax or exceed the person's capacity or resources - Depends on nature of demand and person who confronts it - People differ in how they perceive and evaluate stressors, and how to cope. - Different people experience different stress levels when dealing with same situation Stressors: Demands that cause the stress response. Strains: Negative consequence that occurs when demands tax or exceed person's capacity or resources

Providing Resources for Stress

- Reducing stressors reduce level of stress aprons has, approach is most beneficial when focus of effort is on hindrance stressors instead of challenge stressors - Hindrance stressors like role ambiguity, conflict, politics strain and decrease commitment and job performance, whereas challenge like time pressure and responsibility cause strain, but motivating and satisfying as consequences are positively related to commitment and performance - SUPPLMENT to reducing stressors Training Interventions: - Increasing bo realtid competencies and skills - Employees possessing more competencies and skills handle more demands before e they appraise demands as overly taxing or exceeding capacity - Increasing competencies and skills beneficial to extent it promotes sense that demands more controllable, that promotes problem focused coping strategies - STUDY: examined benefits of 20 hour training where employees developed skills in stress management, supportive social network, conflict resolution ,communication, and assertiveness, seven months later, 17 organizations who went through felt they possessed more resources to cope with stress and fewer had strain than employees who didn't get training. Supportive Practices: - Help employees manage and balance demands of their different roles - Flexible hours, work from home, stay home with sick children or elderly relatives, returning from leave to build up to full schedule, managers support work life balance, no unnecessary meetings, communicate expectations clearly, allow staff to control own priorities. : Flextime: - Gives employees degree of latitude in terms of which hours they need to be present at work - Give ability to cope with demands away from work so they don't worry about demands while at work Working at home gives opportunity to put in a better position to cope with demands that might be impossible to cope with otherwise. Accommodating and supporting employees returning to work after injury or lengthy leave facilitates successful reintegration and conveys message that organizations ares about and values them - Managers trained to understand how behaviours hinder efforts to cope with stressors and balance competing work and non work demands. Minimize role stressors (overload, ambiguity conflict) mangers reduce number of meetings, clarify expectations, allow employees with latitude and control (autonomy) over day to today work - Ending supportive practices during tough time or transactions when value fo employee interaction is implied is bad. Managers attribute employees use of telecommunicating to low org commitment, and when this happens, employees less likely to receive pay raises and promotions. Supportive practices frequently under-utilized by employees

Reputation & Trust

- Reflects prominence of its brand in minds of public and perceived quality of goods and services - Intangible asset taking long time to build, aged easily (more true today since one bad experience tweeted, facebook, blogged, recorded - Reference to potential consumers, matters to employees since recruitment experts say top performers want to work for clean reputations to protect own image - 78 recent of adults work at company with excellent reputation with average salary than high salary and poor reputation - Common to see companies ranked in terms of public reputations

Changing Comparison Other (Equity Theory)

- Restoring balance regardless of under reward or over-reward - If any comparisons gives high levels of anger and envy or of guilt and anxiety, frame of reference may be shifted - Research: employees don't compares themselves to one other person, multiple comparisons to variety of others - People draw distinct between various equity comparisons, job equity most powerful driver of citizenship behaviours, occupational equity most power driver of employee withdrawal - Judging equity is very subjective, 1500 employees showed 65 percent planned to look for new job in next 3 months, 57 percent since they felt underpaid. But, 19 percent of workers really were underpaid, accounting for inputs and market conditions. 17 percent being overpaid - Subjectivity is frustration to compensation managers, but important to realize intensity and persistence of effort driven by own equity perception not others. - Grapple with concerns about equity by emphasizing pay secrecy. 36 percent explicitly discourage employees form discussing pay with co workers, most employees approve of it - Pay secrecy has someone research, pluses and minuses. Reduce conflict between employees while appealing to concerns about personal privacy but employees respond to alack of information by guessing equity levels, perching more underpayment inequity than the truth. Insistence of secrecy causes distrust with company Internal Comparison: - Refer to someone in the same company External Comparison: - Refer to someone in a different company

Why are Some Employees More "Stressed" Than Others (Transactional Theory and Primary Appraisal

- Stress in workplace has been studied by scholars for over 100 years with many different theories that describe the causes and consequences Transactional Theory of Stress - Explains how stressors are perceived and appraised and how people respond to these perceptions and appraisals - When you first encounter stressor, process of Primary Appraisal: - Evaluation of whether a demand is stressful and, if it is, the implications of the stressors in terms of personal goals and well-being - Is this stressful? Secondary Appraisal: How can I cope?

Moral Judgment (Four Component Model)

- Second step which reflects process people use to determine whether a particular course of action is ethical or not - Measured by giving people ethical dilemmas then ask questions to gain insight on decision making Kohlberg's Cognitive Moral Development: - As people age and mature, they move through stages of moral development, each more mature and sophisticated than prior - All else equal, authorities operating at matures stages of development should demonstrate better moral judgement People begin moral development at Preconventional Stage: - Right versus wrong viewed in terms of consequences of various actions - Avoiding punishment for own sake, regardless of concern about moral order - Children obey adults for own sake, regardless of respect or wisdom shown by parents - eire to obtain pleasure/avoid pain expands to helping each other exchanges, remaining self interested with little concern for loyalty, gratitude, fairness. - Harsher punishment more important question Conventional Stage: - Right versus wrong reflected to exactions of family and society - Seek approval of friends.family, conforming to stereotypes about rightness (Losing faith in me if mistake caught instead of him reporting it - Over time, emphasize on laws, rules, orders governing society, Doing one's duty.maintaining social order now valued for own sake (company policy respected by employees, regardless of role?) - MOST AUDLTS AT CONVENTIONAL STAGE, positioning relevant to companies since moral judgment can ifnleucne organizational policy, practice, norms Principled (Post Conventional) Stage: - Right versus wrong references to set of defined, established moral principles - <20 percent reach this - Moral Principles: Prescriptive guides for making moral judgements - Instead of viewing principles as single best lens for decision making, view principles as prism for shedding light on situation from different angles - Consequentionalist: Judge morality of action according to goals, aims, outcomes (teleological after Greek word goal, would reporting something be good for me or society? ) - Non-Consequentionalist: Judge morality of action solely on intrinsic desirability (ontological after Greed word duty of formalist for emphasis on formalized codes and standards. What values do I set for myself for personal code of behaviour

Nonverbal Communication

- Sending and receiving thoughts and feelings via nonverbal behaviour rather than through spoken or written words - One's deliberate or unconscious use of body language to convey information: inflection, tonne, volume, hand gestures and facia depression, posture/stance, eye contract movement, smell ,dress, appearance - Effective communications involves more than what's said or read, 70-90 percent of meaning is conveyed by body language - Universal relevance for all types of face to face interactions, ubiquitous within all forms of social interactions - Peter Drucker: Most important thing in Communication is hearing what isn't said

Self-Determination (Psychological Empowerment)

- Sense of choice in initiation and continuation of work tasks - High levels choose what asks to work on, how to structure tasks, how long to pursue them - Strong driver of instinct motivation allowing employees to pursue stuff they find meaningful and interesting - Instil by delegating work tasks, instead of micromanaging and trusting employees can come up with own approach to tasks - Employees get it by earning trust of boss and negotiating for latitude with increased trust

Impact (Psychological Empowerment)

- Sense person's actions make a different, that process being made toward fulfilling important purpose - Moving forward, being on track, getting there - Polar opposti e is LEARNED HELPLESSNESS, mens it doesn't matter what you do, nothings makes a difference (stuck in a rut, at a standstill, going nowhere) - Managers instil by celebrating millstones along journey to accomplishment for tasks spanning long time - Employees attain deeper impact by building collaborative relationships needed to speed task progress, imitating own celebrations of small wins.

Contingencies of Reinforcement

- Separate according to design that increases desired behaviours or decreases unwanted behaviours - Positive reinforcement and extinction should be most common forms of reinforcement used by mangers to create learning. Deliver intended result, do so without creating feelings of animosity and conflict - Negative reinforcement works, but bring bad consequences

Choosing a Coping Strategy

- Set of beliefs people have about how well different coping strategies can address different demands - Likely chose coping strategy they believe has highest chance of meeting demand they face (final exam studying harder than escaping the situation by partying) - Depends on degree people believe they have what it takes to execute coping streaky well. (failing first two exams despite trying, believe problem focused coping won't work, so they choose emotion focused instead) - Degree people believe strategy gives them degree of control over the stressor ( if you believe problem focused coping can address demand and have confidence this method works, you have control over situation and likely use this strategy. If people believe they can't address it with problem focused strategy or don't believe they can executive that strategy, feel lack of control over situation and tend to use emotion focused coping) Summary on Choice: - Nature of stressful demand itself - Feel less control over a stressor when they appraise it as hindrance rather than challenge - Anxiety and hopelessness triggered by erosion of sense of control over situation leads to emotion focused coping

Decision Making Problems (Overview & Limited Information)

- Since employees aren't always rational, can second guess decisions after fact - Decision look good at time made with good justification but have bad results - Easier to question decisions in hindsight, reasonability isn't to read poor decisions, but detail most common reasons for it Limited Information (Bounded Rationality) - All people, notion deism makers simply don't have ability or resources to process all amiable info and alternatives to make optimal decision - Tend to think of alternatives that are straightforward and not different form what they're already doing. No harm when decision where consequences of poorly choosing are minimal. But situations where consequences of making decision without thoroughly evaluating alternatives is problematic is damaging. Two Major Problems: - Must filter and simplify information to make sense of complex environmental and potential choices, implication creates miss information when perching problems, generating/evaluating alternatives, or judging results - Since people cannot consider every alternative, they Satisfice: Decision makers select first acceptable alternative considered

The Communication Process

- Source or sharer has information for another - Translate (encode) idea into verbal, written, non verbal message. (may use arm/hand movement conveying importance) - Encoded message transmitted to receiver, who interprets or decodes message to form understanding of information (can be written, electronic, indirect through others) Information - Sender - Encoding - Message - Decoding - Receiver - Understanding

Informal Communication Networks

- Spontaneous and emergent patterns of communication resulting from choices individuals make on their own - Rooted in personal friendships, physical proximity, shared interests - Quite small, few people or very large and ubiquitous - Information taels fast, with content often confirming, contradicting, elaborating upon information travelling thorough formal channels - Addition to filling gap within formal system, information form informal sources viewed as more believable. Sometimes more trustworthy

Supervisor Feedback and Commitment

- Strong correlation, depends on form of commitment - Accurate and timely downward communication enhances work environment and convey messages of support and confidence encouraging workers to share info, offer suggests, participate in decision making - Makes it easier to understand role ,feel valued, feel emotionally connected with work, leader, company - STRONG POSITIVE correlation for affective, less extent normative - Lower feelings of continuance commitment is to use communication skills


- Systematic effort by company to facilitate the learning of job related knowledge and behaviour - 150 billion in North America, 1252 per learner - Employees get 31.5 hours per year - Companies use many methods for acquirement of explicit and tacit knowledge - Tech changes alter methods, decline in instructor led (still majority 51 percent) online self study and tech e learning 41 percent now.

5 Functions of Nonverbal Communication

- Tell others who we are in terms of personalities, values, intentions, attitudes. Giving off signals containing info about who we are, motives, care about - Communicate dominance and establishing hierarchy within social group: talking time, eye contact, pitch, facial appearance - Facilitate working together through confidence, enthusiasm, capability encourage coordination and cooperation - Foster high quality relationships through signalling trust, willingness to be vulnerable - Display emotional states through facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice


- The primary informal communication network within a company, sued by people to circulate information about work or other people - Invisible highway where informal and unofficial messages travel, configuration is random, unsystematic, arbitrary - Source difficult to locate, often crossing hierarchal levels, functional roles, and affiliations within the company - Fast information speed (more for bad news), and 75 percent accurate - Mimics social media, but information passed verbally through word of mouth, messages transmitted without paper trail of rocked of who said what when. - Vital role for communication effectiveness, cultivating and carefully amending informal contracts imperative but research suggests opposite - Organization have no pocky dealing with it and managers don't take active role in controlling it, sometimes managers use it in spreading information that can't be shared officially or if they want subtle way to test reactions to new policies before announcements

Feedback, Task Complexity, Goal Commitment

- Three variables specifying the unassigned goals have stronger or weaker effects on task performance (moderators) Feedback: - Updates one employee progress toward goal attainment - Degree job itself provides information about how well job holder is doing Task Complexity: - How complicated the information and actions involved intake are, how much task changes - effects of specificities and difficult goals twice as strong on simple tasks as complex tasks, but effects of goals remain beneficial even in complex cases Goal Commitment: - Degree tow which person accepts goal and is determined to reach it - Assigning specific and difficult goals will have significant benefits for task performance when HIGH WHEN LOW, effects much weaker - 25-40 percent of employees working under goals that are not specified enough or not measurable enough to offer feedback, not managers trained to give five to seven SMART GOALS (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Based, Time Sensitive) OMITS ALL IMPORTANT DIFFICULT CHARACTERISTIC - Managers and employee Strategies to Increase Goal Commitment: - Rewards: Tie goal achievement to receipt of monetary or non monetary rewards - Publicity: Publicize goal to significant others and for workers to create social pressure to attain it. - Support: Provide supportive aspersion to aid employee with struggle to attain goal - Participation: Collaborate onsetting specific proficiency level and use date for goal so employee feels sense of ownership of goal. - Resources: Provide resources needed to attain goal and remove constraints that hold back task efforts.

Schedules of Reinforcement

- Timing of when contingencies are applied or removed - Variable schedules have higher levels of performance than fixed schedules - Desired behaviours disappear faster under fixed plans - Continuous or fixed schedules better for reinforcing new behaviours of behaviours that don't occur frequently. Continuous Reinforcement: - Simplest schedule and happens when specific consequence follows each and every occur acne of desired behaviour - New learning acquired most rapidly - Impractical since you can't provide reinforcement every time exhibits desired behaviour - rEsearch shows its considered the least long lasting since soon as consequence stops, desired behaviour stops too - Once behaviour acquired, intermittent scheduling is more effective Fixed Interval Schedule: - Most common schedule - Workers rewarded after amount of time, length of time between reinforcement periods stays same - Getting paycheque after predetermined period of time - Distribute reinforcement on basis of time passed Variable Interval Schedule: - Reinforce behaviour at random points in time - Waking around at different points of day since if they walked around at same time, workers more prone to exhibit good behaviour - Distribute reinforcement on basis of time passed Fixed Ratio Schedule: - Reinforces behaviours after number of them have been exhibited - Pay system where workers paid according to number of times produced - Employees know ahead of time number of items to produce to be reinforced - Based on actual behaviours Variable Ratio Schedule: - Rewards people after paying number of exhibited behaviours - Salesman compensated on commission since they receive extra pay overtime they sell item - Exhibiting good sales behaviours to multiple people to get sale - Slot machine doesn't reward for even level pull or every 10 never know when or if winning pull occurs - Based on actual behaviours


- Willingness to be vulnerable to authority based on positive expectations about authority's actions and intentions - Trusting quality, customer accepted consequences of paying money to company - Trusts management, potential recruit willing to accept consequences of becoming member of company - Declined with economic shifts and corporate scandal - Trusting reflects willingness to put yourself out there even if it means disappointment RISK: Actually making yourself vulnerable by buying products or accepting job, trust reflects willingness to take that risk

Yahoo's Stacked Ranking

- determines compensation in which mangers rank all employees within their unit form top to bottom - Employees at top end receive higher bonuses than employees at bottom, raise concerns about morale and excessive competitiveness, research shows forced instruction boosts performance of workforce especially during first few years

How Important is Trust?

- Trust affects job performance since its moderately correlated with task performance -Trust influences citizenship behaviour and counterproductive behaviour since willingness to accept vulnerability change nature of employee-employer relationships - Employees don't trust Economic Exchange Relationships: narrowly defined, quid pro quo obligations specified in advance and have explicit repayment schedule. Impersonal, resemble contractual agreements that have agreeable to fulfill duties in description for money - As trust increases, Social Exchange Relationships develop on vaguely defined obligations that are open ended and long term in repayment schedule. multi investment, employees go above and beyond to exchange for fair and roper treatment. Willing to engage in beneficial because since they rust efforts will be rewarded eventually. - Trust affects organizational commitment since trusting authority increase emotional bonding, especially if trust rooted in positive feelings for authority. Likely that sense of obligation develops, since employees more confident authority serves obligations. When negative envois occur, trusting authority has willingness to accept vulnerability that comes with employment, remaining confident that situation will improve. Eight plant study gave employees measures of trust in two authorities: plants manager and top management team. -Both trust measures signifiant predictors of employee - Ability to focus: Degree employees can devote their attention to work, opposed to covering their backside, playing politics, keeping eye on boss. Vital to task performance, more when duties become more complex

Affect Based Trust

- Trust depends on feelings toward authority that go beyond any rational assessment - Isn't rooted in reason, more emotional than rational - Trust because we have feelings of person, like them and fondness Prompt us to accept vulnerability. Trust because you like - Trust is chemical too, hug can stimulate oxytocin (cuddle chemical) causing brain to trust more - Supplement to cognition and disposition trust

Effects of Trust on Performance and Commitment

- Trust has moderate post effect on Job Performance - Employees willing to be vulnerable to authorities have higher levels of Task Performance, engage in Citizenship Behaviour more often, less likely to engage in Counterproductive Behaviour - Trust has strong positive effect on Organizational Commitment - Employees willing to be vulnerable to authorities have higher levels of affective and normative, no effect Continuance Commitment

Type A and B Behaviour Pattern

- Type of behaviour exhibited by people who experience more stressors, to appraise more demands as stressful, prone to experiencing more strains than others. - Strong sense of time urgency, impatient, hard driving, competitive, controlling, aggressive, hostile - Walk, talk, eat fast, annoyed with slow people. - influences stressors, stress and strains - Direct influence on level of stressors person confronts, since they're hard driving and desire to achieve (behaviours valued by organizations so Type A's get rewards in form of increase in amount and level of work - Aggressive and competitive, prone to interpersonal conflicts (conflicts with others are massive stressors) - Influences stress process itself. Hard driving competitiveness makes people hypersensitive to demands potentially affecting gross toward goals (appraise demands as stressful than benign - MOST IMPORTANT: directly linked to colony heart disease and physiological psychological and behavioural strains. Linkage strong enough to suggest risk of problems is significantly higher for people who engage in Type A, not strong to suggest you call 911 more Type B: - Perfectly contrasted with Type A - Patient, relaxed easygoing, lacking sense of urgency

Summary: Why Do Some employee Learns to Make Decisions Better than Others?

- Understand how they learn, knowledge they gain, use of knowledge for decisions - Employees learn from reinforcement and observation, dependent on whether learning oriented or performance oriented - Learning results in explicit or tacit knowledge gain, combine to form expertise for decision making - IF problem encountered before, decision more automatic and programmed, if no, nonprogrammed decision occurs hopefully following rational decision model - Problems hinder effectiveness like limited info, faulty ,perceptions, attributions, escalation of commitment

Managing Email

- Use labeling and filing system to sort and organize incoming mail into folders - Delete emails - To reduce junk, unsubscribe to websites sending promos, don't copy everyone on outgoing messages - Limit time on email, set aside time to process it that doesn't conflict with other work - Modest attempts to organize reduce overwhelmed feeling

Meaningfulness (Psychological Empowerment)

- Value of a work goal or purpose, relative to a person's own ideals and passions - When tasks relevant to meaningful purpose, easier to concentrate on it and get excited about it - Working on tasks not meaningful brings sense of emptiness and detachment (mentally force yourself) - Instil sense of meaningfulness by articulating exciting vision or purpose and fostering non cynical climate where employees can express idealism and passion without criticism - Employees build own sense of it by identifying clarifying their passions, (calling - something born to do)

Work Hindrance Stressors (Role Conflict, Ambiguity, Overload, Daily Hassles)

- Various roles at work are sources of different work related hindrance stressors Role Conflict: - Conflicting expectations that other people may have of us - Occurs from incompatible demands within a single role that a person holds - Emergency Dispatch: Effectiveness requires operator to spend time with callers to community well, but expected to spend as little time as possible to help other callers. Role Ambiguity: - Lack of information about what needs to be done in a role, and unpredictability regarding consequences of performance in that role. - Working on projects with few given instructions - How much to spend, how long, or what finished product should look like - Often experienced by new employees who haven't been around to receive instructions or observe and model role behaviour - Stressed since it's not clear what expectations are Role Overload: - Number of demanding roles a person holds is so high that the person cannot perform some or all of the roles effectively - Becoming very prevalent for employees in many industries, studies shown sore of stress is more prevalent than both ROLE CONFLICT AND ROLE AMBIGUITY - World for managers in investment banking, consulting, law high that 80 hour workweeks are norm - People indicate they would not be able to effectively complete most of work that's required of them, even if they worked twice as many hours Daily Hassles: - Relatively minor day-to-day demands that get in the way of accomplishing the things that we really want to accomplish. - Unnecessary paperwork, office equipment malfunctions, interactions with abrasive workers, useless communications - Extremely time consuming and stressful - 40 percent of executives spend between half a day and full day every week on communications that aren't useful or necessary

Types of Network Structures

All-Channel Network Structure: - Any member can send and receive messages from any other - All info shared equally, allows embers to verify accuracy of message received (most student teams) Circle Network Structure: - Members send and receive messages form individuals who are immediately adjacent to them - All information shared with group, but flows in serial manner form one ember to another - Concern if message becomes distorted or embellished, misunderstanding passed along, doesn't permit members to check or verify content of message with non adjectives embers, can only check would be when message originally sent eventually makes it back to you - Playing telephone, not fun in work setting if critical info is altered or committed during communication process Chain Network Structure: - Information passed for member to member, from one end of chain to other - Typical in hierarchal structures, epitomizes downward communication -0 Upward communication facilitated by chain structure - Regardless of direction, relies on each intervening member to faithfully pass info along, possible weakness or strength is receiver is dependent on adjacent person for information - Strict chain of control problems more strength depends on nature of task performed by team. Y Network Structure: - Information flows through single member - One ember controls flow of information -between one set of members (who might interact) and another - Has many centralized characteristics of well, but comms i allowed twee certain members Wheel Network Structure: - Flow throng single member - Little or no direct formal commucnaition between spokes - Person occupying central position within well controls are nformation flow and communicates, decides who receives info and who doesn't Centralized Networks: - Consist of formal leader who makes final decisions on basis of recommendations form embers who have special expertise

Decision Making Bias

Anchoring: - Tendency to rely heavily on one trait or piece of information when making decisions even when anchor is unreliable or irrelevant Framing: - Tendency to make different decisions on the basis of how a question or situation is phrased - Gas station gives discount for cash payment, discount seen as gain while surcharge is loss. Since we're loss averse, likely to give up discount (gain) and accept surcharge Representativeness: - Tendency to assess the likelihood of an event by comparing it to similar event and assuming it will be similar - Assuming because coin flipped heads ten times in a row, likelihood tails is greater than 50-50 next (Gamblers Fallacy) Contrast: - Tendency to judge things erroneously based on reference that is near to them. - Take hand out of hot water put in lukewarm water, water cold. Take hand out of bowl of cold water and in lukewarm, water is hot Recency: - Tendency to weigh recent events more than earlier events - Manager rating in evaluations on employee behaviour during prior month as opposed to entire evaluation period Ratio Effect: - Judge same probability of unlikely event as lower when probability is presented in form of ratio of smaller rather than of larger numbers - Choosing 7/100 instead of 1/10

Behavioural Description and Situational Interviews

Behavioural Description Interview: - Applicants are told about important attributes of role (teems work, sharing leadership, dealing with customer complainants) asked to reflect upon past work and describe behaviours threat demonstrate attribute in question Four ways to structure answer: - Descirbe circumstances that led up to behaviour - Describe what was done - Describe the consequences of the behaviour for team and organization - Provide name of someone who can verify information Situational Interviews: - Look to future with interviewer presenting realistic job scenarios each involving dilemmas needing resolving - Applicants asked to reflect upon problem and express true intentions, responses evaluated to scoring guide used for job context Both incorporate structure and relevance well. Both reliable and valid predictors of success, found superior to unstructured interviews

Challenge vs Hindrance Stressors & Presenteeism

Challenge stressors have weak relationship with job performance and moderate relationship with org commitment - In constant to hindrance, relationships are positive vs negative - Employees with higher levels of challenge stressors have high levels of job performance and org commitment, contrasted with lower levels of performance and org commitment with higher selves of hindrance WHY DIFFERENCE? - Challenge results in strains detracting for performance and commitment, but trigger positive emotions and problem focused coping streakiest of employees highly engaged in jobs - Net benefits of positive emotions and problem focused coping and engament outweigh added strain, therefore challenges tare beneficial to employee performance and commitment when both positives and negatives considered - Positive effects of challenge stressors demonstrated for execs, lower level jobs, and students - High levels f challenge stressors have negative consequences only apparent over long term, jobs filled with challenge experience strains resulting in illness, but since they tend to be more satisfied, committed, and engaged with job, come to work anyway = PRESENTEEISM - Presenteeism results in prolonged illness, spending illness, downward spiral of impaired performance and health, reductions in productivity resulting from presenteeism LARGER than predictions in productivity from absenteeism

Types of Knowledge

Explicit Knowledge: - Information you think about when you picture someone sitting at desk to learn - Easily communicated and large part of what companies teach during training - Putting information or knowledge in manual or write it down for someone else - Necessary to perform well, relatively minor portion of what's needed to know - what everyone can find and use Tacit Knowledge: - Employees learn only through experience - Not easily communicated, most important aspect of what's learned in company - 90 percent of knowledge occurs in tacit form - Get to be good at something that you had ability to do but couldn't explain it to someone - Know how, know what, know who acquired solely through experiences - Intuition, skills, insight, beliefs, mean models, practical intelligence - What separates experts form common people - Hard to build high elves without some level of explicit knowledge to build from - Most important strategic asset company has

Explicit vs Tacit Knowledge

Explicit: - Easily transferred through written or verbal communication - Readily viable to most - Learned through books - Conscious and accessible information - General information Tacit: - Very difficult, if not impossible, to articulate to others - Highly personal - Based on experience - Holders don't even recognize that they possess it sometimes - Typically job or situation specific


Extinction: - Removal of a positive consequence following unwanted behaviour - Purposeful or accidental - Attention form co workers when actin childish, removing attention would be purposeful act of extinction - Employee works late and finishes job tasks during busy periods, but manger stops acknowledging hard work. Even if behaviour is desirable, if not reinforced then employee thinks twice about working hard - Manger who does nothing to reinforce good behaviour deceases odds of repitition

Non-Work Challenge Stressors (Family Time Demands, Personal Development, Positive Life Events)

Family Time Demands: - Tim person must devote to family activities like travelling, attending social events, organized activities, hosting parties, planning home improvements Personal Development: - Formal education programs, music lessons, sport training, hobby self education, local government, volunteering Positive Life Events: - Addition of new family member, graduating from school even if associated with positive emotions

Types of Coping (Behavioural, Cognitive, Problem-Focused, Emotion-Focused)

First Dimension: Method Of Coping Behavioural Coping: - Set of physical activities sued to dal with stressful situations - Faced with time pressure chasing to work faster - Several daily hassles coming in late, elating early, staying home - Stress from international assignment by returning home early (increasingly prevalent, costs of early returns significant to company) Cognitive Coping: - Thoughts that are involved in dealing with stressful situations - Confronted with time pressure copes by thinking about different ways of accomplishing work more efficiently - Daily hassles might convince themselves the hassles aren't that bad, dwelling on less annoying aspects of job Second Dimension: Focus of coping (addressing stressful demand or emotions triggered by demand) Problem-focused Coping: - Behaviours and cognitions intended to mange the stressful situation itself - Although specific coping methods differ, both reacted to time pressure by focusing efforts on meeting the demand rather than trying to avoid it Emotion-Focused Coping - Ways people manage their own emotional reactions to stressful demands - Even if you change the way different situations are construed to avoid unpleasant emotions, demand that triggered the appraisal process remains. - Avoidance and Distancing Behaviours: Reduces emotional distress caused by stressful situations - Reappraisal of Demand: Make it seem less stressful and threatening - Coping strategy used how implications for how effectively people can adapt to stressors they face - Managers want subordinates to cope with stress of workload by using Problem Focused Strategy (working harder) rather than emotion focused strategy by leaving work early - Emotion focused works in some situations. Failing to make it through THE VOICE despite years of lessons and practice, if you didn't have emotionally coping (lowering aspirations) self esteem damaged creating reduced effectiveness in other jobs they have.

Compensation Plan Types

Individual Focused: Piece Rate Pay: - Specified rate is paid for each unit produced, each unit sold, or each service provided Merit Pay: - Increase to base salary is made in accordance with performance evaluation ratings Lump-Sum Bonus: - Bonus received for meeting individual goals, no change is made to base salary - Potential bounces represents at risk pay that must be re earned each year - Base salary may be lower in cases which potential bonuses are large Recognition Awards: - Tangible awards (gift cards merchandise, trips, special events, time off, plaques) or inhabile awards (praise) go one on impromptu basis to recognize achievement Unit Focused: Gain Sharing - Employees participate with managers to develop straggles for increasing performance, by usually reducing costs - Finical gains resulting fro performance improvement shared with employees of gain sharing payout - No change is made to base salary potential payout resents at risk pay needing to be earned each year. Organization-Focused: Profit Sharing: - Bonuses received when publicly reported earning of company exceed minimum else, with magnitude of bonzes contingent on magnitude of profits - No change to base salary, potential bonuses represents at risk pay must be reared each year. Base salary may lower in cases where potential bonuses high.

Different Types of Equity

Job Equity: Compare yourself to others doing the same job in the same company, with similar levels of education, seniority and performance Company Equity: Compare yourself to others in same company but in different jobs, with similar levels of responsibility and working conditions Occupational Equity: Compare yourself to others doing same job in other companies, with similar levels of education, seniority and performance Educational Equity: Compare yourself to others who have attained the same education Age Equity: Compare yourself to others of same age

Benign Job Demands

Job demands that are not appraised as being stressful

Knowledge Transfer, Behaviour Modelling Training, Communities of Practice, Transfer of Training, Climate for Transfer

Knowledge Transfer: -Exchange of knowledge between employees, often Knowledge form older, experienced workers to younger employees Behaviour Modelling Training: - When employees observe actions of others, learning form what they observe, repeat observed behaviour - Ensures employee ability to observe and learn from employees with tacit knowledge - Not always easy, especially for competitive or political environments - One key thing to help pass tacit information between workers is TRUST - Must difficult but necessary period is when they're sent outside home country to work (expatriates). Use mobility experts to help them learn how to work in new culture, cost of training less than cost associated with bad unsuccessful employee Communities of Practice: - Groups of employees who learn from one antlers by collaborating over extended period of time - Informal social learning that introduce own unique complications, but potential for transferring knowledge is significant Transfer of Training: - Occurs when knowledge skills, behaviours used on job maintained by learner once training ends and generalized to workplace once learner returns to job Climate for Transfer: - Environment that supports use of new skills - Degree manager supports importance of newly acquired knowledge and skills and stresses application to job most important - Peer support since multiple trainees learning same material reduces anxiety, allows sharing of corners and problems solving - Opportunities to use learned knowledge important, since practice is key for learning. - Huge stake in increasing and transferring knowledge between employees, creating climate imperative for successful formal learning systems

Goal Orientation (Learning, Prove, Avoidance)

Learning Orientation: - Building competence is deemed more important than demonstrating competence - Enjoy working on new tasks, even if failure occurs during early experience - Failure in positive terms that increases knowledge/skills in long run - Improves self confidence, feedback seeking behaviour, learning strategy development, learning performance - Setting learning orientated goals in training fosters more skill development than performance oriented goals Performance-Prove Orientation: - Focus on demonstrating their competence so others think favourably of them Performance-Avoid Orientation: - Demonstrating competence so others will not think poorly of them

Effects of Learning on Performance and Commitment

Learning has moderate positive effect on Performance - Employees who gain more knowledge and skill have higher levels of Task Performance - Not much known about impact of learning on Citizenship Behaviour and Counterproductive Behaviour Learning has weak positive effect on Organizational Commitment - Employees who gain more knowledge and skill have slightly higher affective commitment - Not much known about impact on continuance or normative commitment

Compensation Systems

Most important area motivation concepts applied in organizations - Element acknowledges most companies combine elements to compensate employees, descriptions of elements simplified since in reality each element implemented and excited in a variety of ways - Plans that put pay at risk instead of creating increases in base salary control labour costs - Elements stressing individual achievement believed to change composition of workforce over time, with high achievers drawn to company while less motivated selected out - Plans that reward unit or org performance reinforce collaboration, information sharing, monitoring amongst employees, regardless of motivation impact One way to judge motivational impact to consider whether elements provide difficult and specific goals channeling effort - Merit pay and profit sharing offers title in way of difficult and specific goals because they challenge employees to make next year as good or better than last - Lump sum bonuses can gain sharing give forum for assigning difficult and specific goals, lump sum at individual level and gain sharing at unit, both credited with improvement s in productivity Another judging method: consider correspondence between individual performance level and individual monetary outcome - Correspondence influences perceptions of instrumentality and equity - Profit sharing unlikely to be strong motivational consequence since individual employee does little =to improve profitability of company regardless org job performance - Instrumentality an equity achievable with gain sharing since relevant unit smaller and relevant outcomes more controllable - HIGHEST INSTRUMENTALITY AND EQUITY LEVELS BE ACHIEVED THROUGH INDIVIDUAL FOCUSED COMPENSATION ELEMENTS LIKE PIECE RATE OR MERIT PAY OF two individual focused elements, merit pay most common, given its occult to apply peace rate plans outside of manufacturing, sales service contexts - Merit pay 90 percent or organizations, criticisms focus on smaller than expected differentiation across employees - Pay incases for top performers (5.6 recent) modestly greater the navy increase for average performers (3.3 percent). Differences incapable of creating linkage between performance and outcomes, though merit reviews have indirect effect on pay by triggering promotions. Factors that constrain instrumentality and equity on Merit Pay: - Budgetary constrains, with limitations or freezes during downturns - Accuracy of actual performance evaluation, experts say employees be evaluated on behaviours controllable by employees, observable by managers critical to firm strategy - Mangers need to be trained in how to conduct them, gaining knowledge f relevant behaviours ahead of time, taught of keep records of employee behaviour between evaluations - Even if evaluated right things by bosses with good grip, other factors affect accuracy like giving inaccurate evaluation due to workplace politics, desire to to make waves - 70 recent of mangers have touron giving poor rating to underachieving employees, damage instrumentality and equity since it fails to separate star employees from failures - Hindering effectiveness or merit pay is once a year schedule. How long a shelf life can motivational benefits of salary increase have. Some supplement compensation elements with widespread use of recognition awards.

Negative Reinforcement

Negative Reinforcement: - Unwanted outcome is remover following a desired behaviour - Performed task for not getting yelled at - Job requires but don't enjoy, if manager removes these because you perform well at other tasks - Designed to increase desired behaviour

Methods of Decision Making (Non-programmed)

Nonprogrammed Decision: - Situation arises that is new, complex, not recognized - Organizations are complex and changing environment, workers face uncertainty on daily basis so need to make sense of environment, understand problems and come up with solutions - Moving up corporate ladder, larger percent of decisions become less and less programmed Rational Decision Making Model: - Makes decisions maximizing outcomes by examining all alternatives - Relevant when people don't recognize problem they haven't dealt with before - Assume people are perfectly rational, but problem arise when examining assumption model makes about humans - Assumes clear and definite problem to solve, people have ability to identify what problem is - Assumes decisions makers have perfect info, know and can identify alternatives and outcomes associated with alternatives - Assumes time and money not issues when making decision, diction makers choose solution to maximize value, act in best interests of company Steps (Rational) - Identify criteria that are important in making decision taking into account all parties - Generate list of all alternatives that are potential solutions (evaluating alternatives not necessary now, all solutions listed) - Evaluation of alternatives against criteria from first step (cost, result of choice, side effects) - Select alternative resulting in best outcome (given costs/benefits org alternatives, which is most valuable) - Implement Alternative

Types of Strain (Physiological)

Physiological Strain: - Result for stressors occur in four systems of human body (harm the human body): - Reduce effectiveness of immune system making it harder to ward off illness and infection (during or after final exams) - Harms cardiovascular system causing racing heart, increased blood pressure, creates coronary artery disease - Cause musculoskeletal system problems like tension headaches, tight shoulders, back pain linked to stressors - Cause gastrointestinal problems like aches, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation - Likelihood of serious illness is low for people in 20s and 30s - Research shows dismissal is mistake, high pressure work deadlines increase cane of heart attack within next 24 hours 6x - Negative physiological effects of stress persist over time and might not show up until into the future - Study showed eye problems, allergic complaints, chronic diseases attributed to stress measured 8 years later - Higher mortality rates for employees in stressful jobs where demands are high AND where there s little discretion or control

Good Privacy Policies and Privacy Techniques

Policy: - Ensure company and members comply with legislation - Clarify expectations of privacy - Define what information is personal - Explains why information is collected and how its used - Describe employee monitoring activities, expectations with respect to notification and consent What I should do: - Never expect absolute privacy. rEad privacy statement and policies since sites allow registration for users to view information posted on site, with no exceptions - Before joining site and posting profile, find out if you can join closed network where only those with email form school can register - Find out if site allows others to see your profile without consent - Choose highest and restrictive security setting amiable and don't give information lie birthday, full name, phone, SIN, or address - Think before posting about yourself and fiends since it could be online forever - Even sites with privacy options require making personal information available to authorized persons like law enforcement

Email (Computer Mediated Communication)

Popular method of exchanging written digital messages from author to one or more recipients - preferred communication method for co workers, customers, colleagues Challenges: - Lacks richness as face to face conservation or phone call - Immediacy and informal nature encourages cryptic, idiosyncratic messages that's hard to interpret - Text based verbal email messages communicate messages with emotional content, since email lacks nonverbal cues needed to convey feelings - Intended tone doesn't equal tone understood by recipient - Likelihood of conflicts and misunderstanding increase amount people limited to email like virtual team embers - Reliance on it shown to impact personal relationships poorly, university study found as email increases, all other forms of communication decreased like casual face to face talk which leaves employees less connected - Volume of email and spam contributes to information overload

Postive Reinforcement

Postive Reinforcement: - Positive outcome follows desired behaviour - Most common type, employee relieves reward like increased pay, promotions, praise, public recognition the given as result of behaviour exhibited - Employees need direct link between behaviour and desired outcome (if consequences aren't realized until long after behaviour, odds they link the two are smaller) - Doesn't have to be in material rewards, could be praise, feedback, public recognition, small celebrations - Designed to increase desired behaviour

Dimensions of Moral Intensity

Potential For Harm: Magnitude of Consequence: How much harm done to others? Probability of Effect: How likely is it act with actually occur and that assumed consequences will match predictions? Temporal Immediacy: How much time will pass between act and onset of consequences? Concentration of Effect: Will consequences be concentrated on limited set of people, or more far reaching? Social Pressure: Social Consensus: How much agreement is their proposed act would be unethical? Proximity: How near (in psychological or physical sense) is authority to those who will be affected?

Examples of Coping Strategies

Problem Focused Behavioural Methods: - Working harder, seeking assistance, acquiring additional resources Problem Focused Cognitive Methods: - Strategizing , self motivation, changing priorities Emotion Focused Behavioural Methods: - Engaging in alternative activity, seeking support, venting anger Emotion Focused Cognitive methods: - Avoiding, distancing, ignoring, looking for positive in negative, reappraising

Methods of Decision Making (Programmed)

Programmed Decisions: - Decisions somewhat automatic because people's knowledge allows them to identify situation and course of action needed taking. - experts respond to problems by realizing they've dealt with it before, realization triggers programmed decision implemented and evaluated according to ability to deliver expected outcome - Experts possessing high explicit and tacit, decisions they face are programmed, not that they're easy, but experience and knowledge allows recognizing problem easier and easier time implementing Intuition: (Program Decision) - Emotionally charged judgments arisen quickly, conscious, and holistic associations - Unanimous consent that intuition is function of learning (tacit knowledge thorough reinforcement, observation and experience allowing quick and confident decision) - Since its tacit, exerts can't explain why problem exists, why solution works, how its accomplished. - Difficulty when trusting gut or not, should ask how much expertise you have about subject of judgment - Intuition very effective in making decisions, but only decisions with high level of domain expertise Criss Situation (Program Decision) - Intuitive decision more important during crisis - Change weather sudden or evolving, resulting in urgent problem needing addressing immediately - Anything with potential to cause sudden/serious damage to employees, reputation or bottom line - Decision needs to be made quickly, unless some form of specific cpreplanenign of crisis, Managers (who have most tacit knowledge) use intuition instead of lengthy time to consider other options - Using intuition during crisis, followers misinterpret intent since mangers can't put reason for defections into words (no time). - Two Questions: How can they ensure others follow their lead during unclear path, how they confirm intuition isn't faulty

Types of Strains (Psychological and Behavioural)

Psychological Strain: - Depression, anxiety, anger, hostility, reduced self condense, irritability, inability to think clearly, forgetfulness, lack of creativity, memory loss, loss of sense of humour - Not isolated incidents, reflect a more general psychological condition = Burnout - Burnout: Emotional, mental and physical exhaustion results form having to cope with stressful demands on ongoing basis Can lead to decision to quit job or change careersPossible exhaustion and reduced commitment - Changes of heart aren't unusual after someone retires from exciting job due to BURNOUT< break for stressors gives person chance to rest, provides free time to think about excitement and challenge of job. Behavioural Strains: - Patterns of negative saviours associated with other strains like grinding teeth, overly critical and bossy, excessive smoking, gum chewing, alcohol, compulsive eating - Unknown why exposure to stressors causes this, undesirable from personal and organizational perspectives


Punishment: - Unwanted outcome follows unwanted bheaviour - Employees given something they don't like as result of performing behaviour company hates - Suspending employee, assigning tasks seen as demanding, firing for misconduct - Designed to decrease undesired behaviour

Rational Decision Making Vs Bounded Rationality

Rational Decision Making: (WE SHOULD) - Identify problem thoroughly examining situations and considering all parties - Develop exhaustive list of alteranatives - Evaluate all alternatives simultaneously - Use accurate info to evaluate alternatives - Pick alternative that maximizes value Bounded Rationality (WE'RE LIKELY TO) - Boil down problem so its easily understood - Come up with few straight word solutions that are familiar, similar to what's currently being done - Evaluate alternatives as soon as we think of it - Use distorted and inaccurate info during evaluation - Pick first acceptable alternative (satisfice)

Reducing Strains

Relaxation Techniques: - Progressive muscle relaxation, mediation, calming activating like walks, writing in journal, deep breathing - Teach people who to counteract effects of stressors engaging in activities that lower heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure - Herbert Benson: people under stress repas a word, sound prayer, phrase or motion for 10 to 20 minutes once or twice a day, and ignore other thought - Mental Aerobics: Breaks every hour to stretch and do deep breathing, shorten naps for energy, say no politely to crazy demands Cognitive-Behavioural Techniques: - Help people appraise and cope with stressors in rational manner - Self talk, people learn to say things about stressful demands that reflect rationality and optimism - When faced with stressful demand, trained to say this demand isn't tough If i work hard i can accomplish. - Instruction about tools fostering coping: prioritize demands, manage time ,communicate needs, seek support Health and Wellness Programs: - 64 percent of employers offer at least one wellness initiative - Improve health and foster sense of well being like smoking cessation, stress management, weight control, fitness, nutrition, cardio, hypertension,diabetes awareness, back care

Reliability and Predictive Validity

Reliability: - Extent job interview is free from random error Predictive Validity: - Degree to which job interview rating predict future on job performance Both improve when the conversation structured rather than unstructured - Structured is standardized set of questions with coring keys that are job relevant on carful analysis of demands skills, whereas unstructured is free wheeling ,conversational style.

Summary: Why Some Authorities Trusted More than Others?

Requires understands about sources where trust is rooted: dispositions, cognitions and affect Disposition: Rooted in individual trust propensity Affect: Rooted in fondess for authority Cognition: Driven by perceptions of trustworthiness, attempting to assess ability, benevolence and integrity. - Hard to gauge trustworthiness accurately, employees look to observable behaviours used as indirect evidence centred on justice (distributive, procedural, interpersonal, information) - Justice and trustworthiness explained by authority moral awareness, judgment, intent.

Rumours and Gossip (Grapevine)

Rumours: - One message that travels along the grapevine - Its of messages lacking evidence to truth or validity, yet explain confusing events and flourish in atmosphere of secrecy and competition - Unverified statements being circulated, informational in nature (merger with company) or personal Gossip: - Rumours about other people - Rarely viewed positively, associated with idle chit chat - Informal and evaluative talk in company, among not more than few people ,about natter members f company not present - Interpersonal focused counterproductive behaviour, spread through grapevine, reputations ,careers, lives destroyed easily

Observation (Social Learning Theory and Behavioural Modelling)

Social Learning Theory: - In addition to learning through reinforcement, people in companies have ability to learn through observation of others - Primary way employees gain knowledge in company - Employees hav ability to see link between own behaviour and consequences, can observe others behaviours and consequences Behavioural Modelling: - When employees observe actions of others, learn from watching the behaviour, repeat the observed behaviour - Best way to acquire tacit knowledge since its difficult to communicate - Continual process used at all levels of companies - Choosing good model important since not all models good - If managers demonstrate unethical behaviour, employees looking up to them imitate it - Employees will behaviour model counterproductive behaviour like aggression and absenteeism when others in company do. Steps of Behavioural Modelling - Learner must focus attention on appropriate model and accurately perceiving critical behaviour model exhibits. Can be supervisor, co worker, or subordinate - Learners must remember exactly what model behaviour was and how they did it. Very difficult when watching experts, since a lot is unspoken and occurs rapidly - Undertake production recesses, actually able to reproduce what model did. Have requisite knowledge and physical skills, translate what's been observed into actions. Lots of info to process, years ob observations put into action (driving for first time eg) - Reinforcement from observation, diet experience or both. Observe consequences of model having exhibited behaviour (post reinforcement or punishment) helps ingrain desirability performance. Receive reinforcement after replication of behaviour, if newly acquired behaviour positively reinforced, continued behaviour increases

Social Support (Instrumental and Emotional)

Social Support: - Help that people receive when they're confronted with stressful demands, at least two types - Can come from co workers and supervisors, but also family, friends outside context of stressful demand - Influences stress process in many ways (similar to Type A), research focuses on how social support buffers relationship between stressors and strains - High levels of support provides instrumental or emotional resources to cope with stressor, which reduces harmful consequences of stressor. - Low levels doesn't ave extra coping resources available, so stressor has more harmful effects - Moderator of relationship between stressor and strains (affects strength of relationship). Weaker at higher levels of social support and stronger at lower levels of social support - Not every study has found support for buffering social support, majority of research is supportive Instrumental Support: - Help people relieve used to address the stressful demand directly - Overloaded with work, co worker takes some work or offering suggestions about how to be more efficient Emotional Support: - Addressing emotional distress accompanying stressful demands - Supervisor shows interest one employee situation and being understanding and sympathetic

Effects of Communication on Performance and Commitment

Supervisor Feedback has weak positive effect on Job Performance - Strength of relation depends on nature and source of feedback ,complexity of tasks, whether feedback is combined with other performance management interventions Supervisor Feedback has strong positive effect on organizational commitment. - stronger for affective and normative commitment, weaker for continuance

Ronald Riggio Interview

Three categories of nonverbal cues needing attention and practice Poise: - Applicant is confident, comfortable, in charge - Effort to control nervousness, appear attentive and ready to take on the world - Comes with repeated practice Interest: - Body language shows interest no yawning, look gin bored, looking away - Make eye contact (not too much), attentively,e learn forward slightly Expressiveness: - Body language exhibiting positive energy (not too much) emotion by smiling occasionally at appropriate times.

Work Challenge Stressors (Time Pressure, Work Complexity, Work Responsibility)

Time Pressure: - Strong sense that amount of time you have to do a task isn't enough - Most people appraise situations with high times pressure as stressful, appraise as more challenging than hindering - Something worth striving for because success in meeting demands is intrinsically satisfying - Outcome of having stress if satisfying since you get to see the product of labour, making you feel your part of something Work Complexity: - Requirements of work in terms of how much KSA tax or exceed the capabilities of the person who is responsible for performing the work - Organizations train future leaders through development practices involving giving people jobs requiring skills and knowledge they don't have, like managing a poorly performing facility, which might be stressful, but managers report that being stretched beyond capacity is well worth discomfit felt. Work Responsibility: - Nature of the obligations a person has toward others - Level of responsibility higher when number, scope, and importance of obligations in job is higher - Ari traffic controllers are high - Even if odds of **** up are rare, possibility weights heavily on minds of worker which hurts combined with extreme work loads, los of concentration and equipment malfunction - Makes demands on people that they evaluate as both stressful land potentially positive

Cognition Based Trust

Trust is rooted in rational assessment of authority trustworthiness Trustworthiness: (Cognition) - characteristics or attributes of a trustee that inspires trust - Trust begins to be based on conditions developed about authority, opposed to personality or dispotion - Driven by authority's track record. Shown to be trustworthy, vulnerability to it accepted - Poor track record, trust isn't warranted - GAUGE ON THREE DIMENSIONS: Ability, Benevolence, Integrity Ability: (Cognition) - Skills, competencies, areas of expertise enabling authority to be successful in specific area - Listing specific area important since you wouldn't trust mechanic to perform surgery or doctor to fix car - Ability of business authorities considered on many levels, lee not only according to functional expertise to vocation but on leadership and general business sense Benevolence: (Cognition) - Belief that authority want to do good for truster, apart from selfish or profit centred motives - Care for employees, concerned about well being, sense of loyalty to them - Mentor protege relationship, best mentors go out of way to be helpful apart from financial awards Integrity: (Cognition) - Perception that authority adheres to set of values and principles that truster finds acceptable - Having it, sound character, good intentions and strong moral discipline - Alignment between words and deeds, authorities keep promises, walk the talk, do what they say - 20 percent of American workers view senior managers as following words - Beyond senior management, rank and file employees lie more frequently when communicating by email (no shifty eyes) to give them away. Lie via email more than writing letter - Email more fleeting that paper, ability to delete what you write, makes you choose words more casually. - Lies begin before being hired, 49 percent lie on resume

Formal Communication (Vertical and Horizontal)

Vertical Channels: - Information flowing along lines of authority and reporting relationships - See pathways by looking at org chart - Chart shows reporting relationships like who reports to who Horizontal Channels: - Information flowing between people who work at same level within organization but in different functional areas (marketing production) Official channels necessary for coordination as company grows and task become more compel and interdependent

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