23.3 - Napoleon Forges an Empire

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How did other European countries react?

Britain, Austria and Russia joined forces to try to drive Napoleon from power. Napoleon fought all 3 countries, eventually signing peace agreements with all three.

What did the other European countries do?

Britain, Russia, Austria and Sweden joined forces to defeat Napoleon.

What happened in 1800 (related to the French Constitution)?

Napoleon held a Plebiscite to as the people to vote on and approve his new Constitution. They approved his Constitution giving a majority of the power to the First Council (him). He assumed the powers of a dictator (absolute ruler).

Did the Catholic Church gain control of France by the Corcordat?


Was Napoleon a constitutionally elected leader of a Free French Republic?

No. But he pretended to be.

Did Napoleon return France to a Monarchy?

No. In general, Napoleon supported laws that strengthened the central government and helped to achieve some of the goals of the French Revolution.

Was Napoleon happy to be Emperor of France?

No. Napoleon wanted to control the rest of Europe and re-assert France as a power in the American colonies.

What was the Napoleonic Code?

The Napoleonic Code was a comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for France by Napoleon. Preserved many of the rights of the people gained by the French Revolution.

T/F: After abandoning the America's, Napoleon wanted to conquer Europe.


How did Napoleon improve the French economy?

(1) Set-up an efficient method to collect taxes. (2) Established a national banking system

What is a coup d'état?

A coup d'état is a "blow to the state"; the sudden overthrow of a government by force

What is Plebiscite

A direct vote in which a country's people have the opportunity to approve or reject a proposal.

What is a lycee?

A lycee is a government-run public school in France. Napoleon set lycee's up to train government officials (men only).

At what age did Napoleon's parents send him to military school?

Age 9. He finished school at age 16.

How was Nelson able to defeat Napoleon's navy?

He was able to split the French fleet into smaller groups and then attacked the smaller groups.

How did Napoleon first become a National Hero?

In 1795, Royalists loyal to the king marched on France's National Convention. Napoleon was ordered to defend the Delegates and his gunners unleashed cannon fire on thousands of Royalists, who fled in panic. Napoleon was hailed a hero and savior of the French Republic.

What happened in 1804?

In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France. The French people supported him.

Where was Napoleon Bonaparte born?

Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 on an island called Corsica in the Mediterranean sea.

What happened to Napoleon over the next few years.

Napoleon lead the French army in wars with Austria and Sardinia, and won a series of victories. Next, he led an expedition to Egypt. There, he didn't really win, but he was able to keep that news from reaching the French and remained a National Hero.

After the failure in Saint Domingue, Napolean decided to leave the Americas and sell all of the French held land in the Louisiana Territory. What was the Lousiana Territory?

Napoleon sold this land in North America to the United States in 1803 for $15 million; Napoleon saw a twofold benefit of the sale: (1) he would gain money to finance military operations in Europe (2) He strengthened the US and ensured that Britain would have a rival power.

What did Napoleon do after seizing power in the coup d'état?

Napoleon took control of France in a coup d'état and created a three person executive body called the Consulate, of which he was First Consul. He restored order to France.

In 1801, what happened in the colony of Saint Domingue (now Haiti)

Napoleon wanted to take back this colony and restore its sugar industry. However, disease devastated the French military and the rebel forces were able to fight the French off.

What was interesting about Napoleon Bonaparte's height?

Napoleon was a very short man. Only 5'3".

What happened in this war?

Napoleon was able to conquer Russia, Austria and Sweden. He had built the largest empire since the Romans. The only enemy left undefeated was the great naval power, Britain.

What happened to Napoleon's Empire?

Napoleon was able to hold the empire together for only 5 years. It was huge, but unstable. Its downfall was caused by Napoleon's own actions.

What was the Battle of Trafalgar?

The Battle of Trafalgar was an 1805 naval battle in which Napoleon's forces were defeated by a British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson. This battle ended Napoleon's plans to invade Britain.

What was the Concordat?

The Concordat was an agreement made between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII by which Napoleon acknowledged Catholicism as the religion of most French cities, and the church gave up claims to property in France that had been seized and sold during the Revolution.

What happened when Napoleon returned from Egypt?

The French government had become weak and Napoleon's friends urged him to seize power. His troops surrounded the national legislature and drove most of its members away. The remaining legislatures voted to dissolve the government.

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