3 miles island nuclear accident
How long did the clean up take? How much did is cost?
12 years and $936 million
What is the half-life?
12.32 years
What caused this accident?
2 water pumps were shut down and 50-60 thousand gallons of radioactive water escaped into reactor buildings and it penetrated through the walls. The steam than escaped into the atmosphere from an open valve, that workers thought was shut.
Where did the 3 miles nuclear accident take place?
A nuclear power plant near South Central, PA
Which accident had the same technology the 3 miles island had?
When did the 3 mile island accident take place?
March 29th, 1979
Pros of the accident:
No deaths, injuries, or explosion People who evacuated came home Tourist area now Help make nuclear plants safer Lesson learned to not repeat Emergency plans put in place
How was this waste disposed?
So the reactor melted uranium fuel, which was shipped to Idaho national lab where the radioactive waste can decay
What was the purpose of this power plant?
the water pumps were used to help cool the radioactive fuel in the reactor core
Cons of the accident:
toxic waste released Dangerous if another problem occurred radioactive gases