301 exam 1

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An unfit individual and a fit individual who both exercise at a level of 5.0 METs will most likely be working at equal intensities relative to their maximal MET capacity. -true -false


If a workout will be shorter than usual, the warm-up and cool-down should be omitted, allowing for an extra 5 to 10 min for the body of the workout. -true -false


Vigorous exercise can both increase and modify risk factors, while light to moderate exercise can improve risk factors without significantly affecting . In relation to the dose-response curve of exercise, this concept is termed -potency -variability -maximal effect (efficacy) -slope

-maximal effect (efficacy) -slope

When the increments between the stages of the GXT are large or the person is somewhat unfit, oxygen uptake will not keep pace with each stage of the test. In these cases, the equations ___________ the actual measured oxygen uptake. -overestimate -underestimate -cannot estimate -accurately estimate


If a fit individual does 60 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, how many minutes of moderate-intensity activity would that equate to?

120 minutes

In regard to moderate-intensity physical activity, what is the amount of physical activity recommended for realizing substantial health benefits?

150 min per wk of moderate-intensity physical activity

An exercise dose is described by four distinct variables. Name and define them.

F- frequency - how often an activity is done. This can be expressed in days per week or number of times per day. I- intensity- how hard the activity is. Intensity can be described in terms of %VO2 max, %maximal HR, RPE, and LT. T- time- the duration of the activity. This is typically expressed as the number of minutes of activity. T- type- the mode or kind of activity done. This could simply refer to whether the exercise is resistance versus cardiorespiratory endurance, or within the latter, swimming versus running versus rowing.

A 60-yr-old male participant has a measured maximal HR of 170 beats · min-1 and a resting HR of 65 beats · min-1. What is his THR range as calculated by the Karvonen (HRR) method?

HRR= 170 beats/min - 65 beats/min = 105 beats/min 60% of 105 beats/min = 63 beats/min 80% of 105 beats/min = 84 beats/min 63 beats/min + 65 beats/min = 128 beats/min for 60% VO2 max 84 beats/min + 65 beats/min = 149 beats/min for 80% VO2 max

What is the definition of a sedentary lifestyle?

Not participating in at least 30 min of moderate-intensity (40%-59% VO2) aerobic physical activity on at least 3 days per week for at least 3 months.

Note when individuals with known metabolic disease (type 1 or 2 diabetes) warrant medical clearance before participation in regular exercise.

Subjects with either type 1 or 2 diabetes who don't perform planned structured physical activity at least 30 minutes a day at a moderate intensity for at least 3 days a week need medical clearance.

Health has long been defined as what?

a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

What is the one variable that decreases CVD risk and if present allows a fitness professional to subtract one risk factor from the sum of positive risk factors?

high HDL-C is greater than or equal to 60. (=60 mg · dl-1 (1.55 mmol · L-1))

VO2 max values measured for the arms are expected to be less than 70% of those measured with the legs in an unfit, elderly, or diseased population. -true -false


Approximately what grade should be set on a treadmill to achieve an energy cost of 10 METs for someone who is running 6 mi · hr-1? -0 -2 -4 -6


The oxygen cost (in ml · kg-1 · min-1) of walking 1 m · min-1 on a horizontal surface is about -0.1 -0.2 -0.9 -1.8


During stepping activity, the oxygen cost (in ml · kg-1 · min-1) of stepping back and forth on a flat surface is -0.1 -0.2 -1.8 -0.9


The oxygen cost (in ml · kg-1 · min-1) of running or jogging 1 m · min-1 up a grade is -0.1 -0.2 -0.9 -1.8


Regarding apparently healthy individuals, the risk of cardiovascular (CV) events during physical activity is -5 to 10 per 1,000,000 participant hours -1 to 3 per 1,000,000 participant hours -20 to 30 per 1,000,000 participant hours -100 to 150 per 1,000,000 participant hours

-1 to 3 per 1,000,000 participant hours

The oxygen cost (in ml) of completing 1 kgm of work on the cycle (leg ergometry) is -0.2 -1.8 -3.5 -7.0


Among people with established CHD, the incidence of a coronary event during exercise is estimated to be ____ times greater than that of healthy adults. -5 -10 -15 -20


What is the approximate energy requirement in METs for someone who runs at 161 m · min-1 on a flat surface? -6 -8 -10 -12


When calculating HRmax, the formula 220 - age yields a standard error of estimation of approximately plus or minus ________ beats · min-1. -5 -10 -15 -20


In general, when working with sedentary people to help them become active, a reasonable rate of progression (in terms of the number of additional minutes done per week) would be to increase time by about -10% -15% -20% -25%


The oxygen uptake calculated from the metabolic equations in chapter 6 carries a standard deviation (from the actual measured value) of approximately -0% -3% to 5% -10% -15%


It is estimated that an RPE value range (using the scale of 6 to 20) of _____ approximates 40% or 50% to 84% HRR. -8 to 12 -10 to 14 -12 to 16 -14 to 18

-12 to 16

What level of the Borg RPE scale should be used to approximate 40%/50% to 84% of HRR or 60%/65% to 90% of HRmax? -5 to 10 -10 to 12 -12 to 16 -15 to 17

-12 to 16

Use the Karvonen (HRR) method to calculate the target heart rate (THR) zone for 60% to 80% of for a 50-yr-old man who weighs 193 lb (87.5 kg) and has a resting heart rate (HR) of 70 beats · min-1. -70 to 90 beats/min -90 to 100 beats/min -102 to 136 beats/min -130 to 150 beats/min

-130 to 150 beats/min

Approximately how many kilocalories does an 80 kg man expend if he walks at 3.5 mi · hr-1 for 30 min? -130 -150 -170 -190


Convert 3.6 L · min-1 to kcal · min-1. -8 kcal · min-1 -18 kcal · min-1 -28 kcal · min-1 -38 kcal · min-1

-18 kcal · min-1

The percentage of all deaths that are attributed to tobacco use is -18% -47% -65% -78%


How much greater is the net oxygen cost of running 1 m · min-1 on a flat surface compared with walking? -3.0 times as great -2.0 times as great -0.9 times as great -they are equivalent in oxygen cost

-2.0 times as great

Approximately what grade should be set on a treadmill to achieve an energy cost of 5 METs for someone who is walking at 3.7 mi · hr-1? -2.5% -4.5% -6.5% -8.5%


The old PAR-Q resulted in almost ____% of individuals being referred to medical personnel before being cleared for physical activity participation rather than only ___% for the present version (PAR-Q+). -20; 1 -30; 5 -10; 2 -4; 15

-20; 1

A 55 kg woman walks at 80 m · min-1 on a 7.5% grade. What is the energy requirement in ml · kg-1 · min-1? -6.4 -18.8 -22.3 -32.5


A 90 kg man works at 150 W on a cycle ergometer. What is the approximate energy requirement in ml · kg-1 · min-1? -15 -20 -25 -40


Which of the following represents moderate-intensity activity? -1 to 2.9 METs -3 to 5.9 METs -6 to 8.9 METs -9.0 METs or greater

-3 to 5.9 METs

1 MET is equal to ________ ml · kg-1 · min-1 and _______ kcal· kg-1 · hr-1. -1; 1 -3.5; 1 -3.5; 3.5 -7.0; 3.5

-3.5; 1

What is the approximate energy requirement in METs for someone who walks at 90 m · min-1 on a flat surface? -3.6 -2.6 -7.2 -12.5


A 65 kg woman runs at 130 m · min-1 on a 2% grade. What is the approximate energy requirement in ml · kg-1 · min-1? -32 -34 -36 -38


You are calculating an exercise intensity for a client with a of 53.5 ml · kg · min-1. If he wanted to work at 65% of his , what level of intensity, in ml · kg · min-1, would you suggest for him? -30 -35 -43 -48


Studies suggest that gains in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) associated with exercise training increase with the frequency of exercise but level off at about _______ days per wk. -2 -3 -4 -6


You do some testing on a 75 kg man and determine that his is 55.5 ml · kg-1 · min-1. Convert this value into L · min-1. -4.2 -42 -420 -4,200


An 80 kg man has a of 15 METs. If he exercises for 30 min at 70% of his , what is his approximate net caloric expenditure (in kilocalories)? -200 -300 -400 -500


Approximately what work rate (kgm · min-1) should be set on a cycle ergometer to achieve an energy cost of 5 METs for a 70 kg man? -200 -400 -600 -800


Approximately how many kilocalories does a 70 kg man expend if he runs 7.5 mi · hr-1 for 30 min? -160 -260 -360 -460


The health-related gains that occur with physical activity are realized when the volume of physical activity is between _________ and 1,000 MET-min per wk.


According to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, substantial health-related benefits occur at a volume of physical activity that is in the range of ____ MET-min per wk. -1,500 to 2,000 -1,000 to 1,500 -500 to 1,000 -0 to 500

-500 to 1,000

The U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines indicate that when people regularly accomplish ____________ MET-min of physical activity per week, substantial health benefits are realized. -210 to 600 -150 to 300 -500 to 1,000 1,500 to 2,000

-500 to 1,000

According to physical activity patterns of U.S. adults in 2011, what percentage of adults met the 2008 physical activity guideline for aerobic activity? -35.4% -51.6% -20.6% -29.3%


Carbohydrate provides about _____% more energy per liter of oxygen than fat provides. -2 -6 -9 -50


Compared to the 220 - age formula for estimating HRmax, the 208 - 0.7 age formula yields values that are approximately ________ beats · min-1 higher for 60-yr-olds and ________ beats · min-1 lower for 20-yr-olds. -5 -10 -6 -20


Which of the following defines the threshold for vigorous-intensity activity? -1 to 2.9 METs -3 to 5.9 METs -6 METs or greater -9 METs or greater

-6 METs or greater

Due to a rise in obesity in the United States, the Institute of Medicine recommends ___ minutes per day of moderate-intensity exercise to prevent weight gain and achieve full health benefits. -30 -45 -60 -150


In regard to physical activity and obesity, the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans endorses the International Obesity Task Force's recommendation of ___ min of exercise per session in order to prevent weight regain in those who have lost a great deal of weight. -30 -45 to 60 -60 -60 to 90

-60 to 90

The optimal range of exercise intensities associated with increasing CRF in most people who are cleared to participate in structured exercise is -30% to 39% HRR -40% to 49% HRR -50% to 59% HRR -60% to 80% HRR

-60% to 80% HRR

Using the HRR (heart rate reserve) method, the optimal intensity threshold range for most of the population is -40% to 59% HRR -60% to 80% HRR -75% to 90% HRR -none of these; there is no optimal intensity threshold range

-60% to 80% HRR

How many kcal would a typical adult with a VO2 max of 10 to 12 METs expend in 1 hr when working at ~70% VO2 max? -200 to 300 kcal -600 to 700 kcal -900 to 1,000 kcal -1,300 to 1,400 kcal

-600 to 700 kcal

Approximately how many kilocalories does a 60 kg woman expend if she performs a stepping routine at 20 steps · min-1 on a 12 in. (30 cm) step for 10 min? -65 -95 -125 -155


What is the approximate energy requirement in METs for a 60 kg woman who works at a power output of 600 kgm · min-1 on a cycle ergometer? -5 -7 -9 -11


The acclimatization process, needed for reducing the risk of heat injury, occurs after exercising in the heat for approximately _____ days. -1 to 3 -4 to 8 -7 to 14 -14 to 21

-7 to 14

Using the %HRmax method, the optimal intensity threshold range for most of the population is -55% to 74% HR max -75% to 80% HR max -75% to 90% HR max -none of these; there is no optimal intensity threshold range

-75% to 90% HR max

The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans indicate that strength is an important factor in maintaining health benefits. According to these guidelines, resistance training should be performed in sets of ___ repetitions in order to increase muscular strength and endurance. -3 to 15 -6 to 20 -10 to 15 -8 to 12

-8 to 12

The volume of physical activity attained by an individual who exercises at a level of 7 METs for 35 min · day-1, 4 days · wk-1 would be equal to ______ MET-min per wk. -140 -280 -560 -980


A 30-yr-old woman with a maximal HR of 180 beats · min-1 and a resting HR of 60 beats · min-1 needs help calculating a THR range using the %HRmax method. What is her THR zone at 55% to 75% of her HRmax? -99 to 135 beats/min -112 to 148 beats/min -125 to 163 beats/min -126 to 150 beats/min

-99 to 135 beats/min

According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines, which of the following lab values would meet the threshold criteria for dyslipidemia? -LDL-C of 115 mgXdl^-1 -HDL-C of 47 mgXdl^-1 -total cholesterol of 192 mgXdL^-1 -LDL-C of 143 mgXdl^-1

-LDL-C of 143 mgXdl^-1

The direct method to determine the appropriate exercise intensity is to use a percentage of -HRmax -HRR -VO2max -a or b

-VO2 max

According to the ACSM, which of the following individuals would be assigned the positive risk factor of prediabetes? -a 42 year old with fasting blood glucose readings of 95 and 92 mgXdl^-1 and a BMI of 24 kgXm^-2 -a 37 year old runner with an unknown glucose value and a BMI of 23 kgXm^-2 -a 25 year old mother with unknown glucose values who has a BMI of 27 kgXm^-2 and had a gestational diabetes 2 years ago while pregnant with her son -a 65 year old with glucose levels of 138 and 126 mgXdl^-1 1 hour after eating lunch 2 days in a row

-a 25 year old mother with unknown glucose values who has a BMI of 27 kgXm^-2 and had a gestational diabetes 2 years ago while pregnant with her son

According to the ACSM guidelines, which of the following individuals meets the threshold criteria for age to be considered a positive risk factor? -a 52 year old female -a 47 year old male -a 45 year old female -a 43 year old male

-a 47 year old male

The caloric equivalent of 1 L of O2 -is 4.7 kcalXL^-1 when fat is the only fuel used -is always equal to 3.5 kcalXmin^-1 -is 5.0 kcalXL^-1 when carbohydrates is the only fuel used -a and c

-a and c

If you set energy expenditure goals for your clients in kcal, a lighter individual will need to exercise for _________ than a heavier individual to achieve the goal. -less time -an equal time as long as they are both walking -a longer time -an equal time as long as they are both running

-a longer time

According to the ACSM guidelines, which of the following meets the threshold criteria for physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle? -a female who is sedentary at work but has been attending a spinning class 4 days a week, 35 mins a session for the last 8 months -a male who has been taking his new puppy out on brisk walks for 30 mins daily for the last 5 months before heading to his job as a janitor -a male who is sedentary at work but started walking for 30 mins, 3 days a week last month -a sedentary female computer operator who has been running 40 mins, 3 days a week for the last 4 months to prepare for an upcoming 10K race

-a male who is sedentary at work but started walking for 30 mins, 3 days a week last month

According to the ACSM, which of the following individuals would meet the threshold criteria to count cigarette use as a positive risk factor? -a man who smoked for 20 years but quit 2 years ago -a female who smoked on the weekends but quit when she got out of college 1 year ago -a male who smoked for 3 years but quit 2 months ago -a female who smoked for 30 years but quit 5 years ago

-a male who smoked for 3 years but quit 2 months ago

According to the ACSM guidelines, which of the following individuals meets the threshold criteria for counting family history as a positive risk factor? -female whose maternal uncle had a heart attack at the age of 58 -a male whose mother had coronary bypass surgery at the age of 70 -a female whose father died at the age of 63 from a heart attack -a male whose father had a heart attack at the age of 48

-a male whose father had a heart attack at the age of 48

According to the ACSM guidelines, which of the following individuals meets the threshold criteria for obesity? -a male with a waist circumference of 42 in. (107 cm) -a female with a waist circumference of 78 cm -a male with a BMI of 27.9 kgXM^-2 -a female with a BMI of 23.6 kgXm^-2

-a male with a waist circumference of 42 in. (107 cm)

If you wanted to compare oxygen uptake values for people of differing body weights, which of the following could you use? -express in mlXkg^-1Xmin^-1 -express in METs -express in LXmin^-1 -a or b

-a or b

In regard to progression, it is generally best to focus on increasing _________ before increasing __________. -duration; intensity -intensity; duration -intensity; frequency -frequency; intensity -a or d

-a or d

According to the ACSM, which of the following individuals would meet the threshold criteria for the risk factor of hypertension? -a teenager whose last two blood pressure (BP) readings were 112/84 mmHg and 124/88 mmHg, controlled with medication -a male whose last two BP readings were 110/70 mmHg and 114/66 mmHg -a grandmother whose last two BP readings were 156/84 mmHg and 132/80 mmHg -a father whose last two BP readings were 128/86 mmHg and 136/80 mmHg

-a teenager whose last two blood pressure (BP) readings were 112/84 mmHg and 124/88 mmHg, controlled with medication

When used to monitor physical activity, which of the following can provide information about the intensity of the activity being performed? -accelerometer -pedometer


Once a person reaches steady-state oxygen uptake, the energy (ATP) supplied to the muscles is derived from -protein breakdown -glycolysis -aerobic metabolism -anaerobic metabolism

-aerobic metabolism

Which of the following is considered personal health information and is therefore protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)? -prescribed medications -fitness test results -b and c -all of these

-all of these

According to the ACSM guidelines, which of the following laboratory values would meet the threshold criteria to count HDL-C as a negative risk factor? -an HGL-C value of 34 mgXdl^-1 -an HGL-C value of 44 mgXdl^-1 -an HGL-C value of 51 mgXdl^-1 -an HGL-C value of 67 mgXdl^-1

-an HGL-C value of 67 mgXdl^-1

To maintain up-to-date records of the participant's health status, it is recommended that the preactivity screening questionnaire and fitness tests be readministered _________ and semiannually, respectively.


The AHA and ACSM recommend that individuals always obtain medical clearance before they participate in an exercise program if they demonstrate which of the following? -two or more primary risk factors for CHD -any signs or symptoms suggestive of CV, metabolic, or renal disease -three or more primary risk factors for CHD -hypertension

-any signs or symptoms suggestive of CV, metabolic, or renal disease

________ is used on a limited basis as a GXT to evaluate cardiovascular function. -cycle ergometry -arm ergometry -treadmill walking -treadmill running

-arm ergometry

Which of the following are components of health-related fitness? Choose all correct answers. -cardiorespiratory endurance -power -muscular endurance -speed

-cardiorespiratory endurance -muscular speed

Which of the following is not a component of health-related fitness? -coordination -muscular strength -flexibility -body composition (relative leanness)


A diagnosis of what disease is considered a CHD equivalent? -abdominal obesity -diabetes -prediabetes -elevated heart rate


In the year 2011, which disease was the leading cause of death in the United States? -cancer -hypertension -diseases of the heart -chronic lower-respiratory diseases

-diseases of the heart

What is the last step in the fitness professional's preactivity health appraisal of participants? -medical history review -administering of fitness tests and evaluation of results -evaluation of progress with follow-up tests -setup of exercise prescription

-evaluation of progress with follow-up tests

During exercise, the body's main method of heat dissipation is through -evaporation -conduction -radiation -convection


A participant's fitness test results do NOT constitute personal health information. -true -false


An individual who meets the threshold criteria for the risk factor of prediabetes should be considered to have a metabolic disease. -true -false


In cycle ergometry, the work rate is determined by the pedal rate, the resistance on the wheel, and the body weight of the individual. -true -false


It has been shown that when is estimated based on the steady-state equations, it is systematically lower than what is actually measured. -true -false


Medical clearance is always necessary before starting a participant on an unsupervised exercise program. -true -false


Most of the five leading causes of death are chronic degenerative diseases whose onset cannot be delayed or prevented. -true -false


Physical activity is a subset of exercise. -true -false


RPE consistently translates to the same intensity for different modes of exercise. -true -false


The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that for improving muscular strength and endurance three sets of each exercise are mandatory. -true -false


The PAR-Q+ is the only preactivity screening questionnaire available for those who are seeking to engage in moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity. -true -false


The energy cost of walking 1 mi (1.6 km) is equal to that of running the same distance. -true -false


The risk of musculoskeletal injuries decreases with the amount of activity done. -true -false


The term relative intensity is used to denote the amount of energy expended per minute. -true -false


A completed HRA will contain a significant amount of personal health information, which is protected under the -family educational rights and privacy act (FERPA) -belmont report -privacy act of 1974 -health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 (HIPAA)

-health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 (HIPAA)

The most common way energy expenditure is measured is by using -indirect calorimetry -accelerometry -HR monitoring -direct calorimetry

-indirect calorimetry

For many segments of the population (e.g., older adults) a large fraction of total physical activity is classified as -moderate -vigorous -light -sedentary behavior


Recently, increased sedentary behavior has been related to a higher risk of chronic diseases; however, when researchers controlled for the ____________________, almost all of the biomarker links to sedentary behavior disappeared. -light-intensity activity -moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity -light-, moderate-, and vigorous-intensity activity -vigorous-intensity activity

-light-, moderate-, and vigorous-intensity activity

What is the first step in reactivity screening? -risk factor assessment -establishing whether medical clearance is necessary -setup of exercise prescription -making a classification whether or not the subject is physically active

-making a classification whether or not the subject is physically active

____________is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscle that results in energy expenditure (i.e., it can be associated with occupation, leisure time, household chores, and sport). -exercise -physical fitness -physical activity -skill-related fitness

-physical activity

Which behavior is the second-leading actual cause of death? -alcohol use -poor diet and physical inactivity -stress and pressure to succeed -smoking

-poor diet and physical inactivity

In relation to the dose-response curve of exercise, the ability of exercise to bring about a certain result is termed -potency -variability -maximal effect (efficacy) -slope


Regarding short- and long-term physiological responses to exercise, benefits that occur early and plateau are considered -acute responses -rapid responses -linear responses -delayed responses

-rapid responses

The THR should not be used as an intensity guide for -walking -resistance training -swimming -dancing

-resistance training

After performing a medical history review on Kate, you find that she has had a heart attack (i.e., she has CV disease) but walks four times a week for 45 minutes. She denies any signs or symptoms of any other CV, metabolic, or renal diseases. Given this information, which of the following is true in regard to the need for medical clearance in order for her to participate in exercise at your facility? Risk classification is no longer a part of the preactivity screening process, so this question was altered in accordance with the new preactivity screening protocols. -she can exercise at any aerobic exercise intensity without medical clearance -she must obtain medical clearance before pursuing any aerobic exercise intensity -she may perform moderate-intensity aerobic exercise without medical clearance -she can perform aerobic exercise at only a light intensity without medical clearance

-she may perform moderate-intensity aerobic exercise without medical clearance

In relation to the dose-response curve of exercise, the magnitude of effect that comes from a change in exercise dose is termed -potency -variability -maximal effect (efficacy) -slope


Members of a fitness program should be educated about all heat-related factors. Which recommendation is most important? -learning about the symptoms of heat illness (e.g. cramps, lightheadedness) and how to deal with them -drinking water before, during, and after exercise and weighing in each say to monitor hydration -wearing only shorts and a tank top in order to expose as much skin as possible, but being careful to use sunblock to reduce the chance of getting skin cancer -taking HR measurements several times during the activity and reducing exercise intensity to stay in the THR zone

-taking HR measurements several times during the activity and reducing exercise intensity to stay in the THR zone

A 60 kg and a 90 kg person exercise at a work rate of 300 kgm · min-1 on a cycle. Which of the following statements is true? -the O2 cost in LXmin^-1 is lower for the 90 kg person -the O2 cost in LXmin^-1 is higher for the 60 kg person -the O2 cost in mlXkg^-1 is higher for the 90 kg person -the O2 cost in mlXkg^-1 is higher for the 60 kg person

-the O2 cost in mlXkg^-1 is higher for the 60 kg person

Medical clearance is necessary before fitness testing or exercise participation if... -the patient is overweight -all patients require physician consent before exercise -the participant is of normal weight but has not exercised in 6 months and is starting a new type of exercise program -the patient has chronic signs or symptoms of CV or metabolic or renal disease that increases the risk of cardiovascular events during exercise

-the patient has chronic signs or symptoms of CV or metabolic or renal disease that increases the risk of cardiovascular events during exercise

A fitness facility can make minor alterations to the Health Risk Appraisal so that it is more applicable to their participant population. -true -false


A person weighing 220 pounds (100 kg) expends twice as many kcal per minute as a person weighing only 110 pounds (50 kg) when walking at the same speed (i.e., 6.2 vs. 3.1 kcal/min at 3.5 mph). -true -false


Exercise in wet-bulb globe temperatures of (WBGT) 50 °F (10 °C) or less is associated with risk of hypothermia. -true -false


Fitness facilities have the option of denying participation to individuals who choose not to complete a preactivity screening form or sign the waiver or release. -true -false


HRmax is affected very little by regular endurance exercise. -true -false


In a 2005 study titled "Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Mass Index as Predictors of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Among Men With Diabetes," it was found that the relative risk of dying from CVD was lower in those with higher cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), even when body mass indexes (BMIs) were elevated above the normal range. -true -false


People who have at least one of the big three diseases and do not exercise regularly require medical clearance. -true -false


Recent work shows that a change in fitness, not fatness, is the best predictor of future health outcomes. -true -false


Resting metabolic rate is smaller in females than in males and decreases with age. -true -false


The degree of increase for multiple risk factors is determined by their combination and severity. -true -false


The energy requirements for submaximal exercise remain the same despite changes in temperature, relative humidity, pollution, and altitude. -true -false


There are no universal guidelines regarding when to refer an individual to a supervised exercise program. -true -false


In relation to the dose-response curve of exercise, the understanding that changes that occur in one individual may not be of equal magnitude to the changes in others is termed -potency -variability -maximal effect (efficacy) -slope


The Harvard Alumni study shifted the focus of physical activity guidelines toward all of the following EXCEPT -vigorous-intensity physical activity -amount of leisure-time physical activity -health outcomes -volume of physical activity

-vigorous-intensity physical activity

For properly screening an exercise participant, name the two commonly used preactivity screening questionnaires.

1. PAR-Q+ 2. HSQ

What are the factors to keep in mind when considering arm ergometry?

1. VO2 max for the arms is only 70% of that measured with the legs in a normal healthy population and is less in an unfit, elderly, or diseased population 2. the natural endurance of the arm muscles is less than that of the legs 3 the HR and BP responses are higher for arm work than for leg work at the same 4. there is no need to account for unloaded arm cycling, but the oxygen cost of doing 1 Kim is about 3 ml O2Xkgm^-1 for arm work because of the inefficiency of the action

List the five performance-related (skill-related) components that are linked with sport.

1. agility 2. power 3. balance 4. coordination 5. speed

Name three signs or symptoms suggestive of undiagnosed cardiovascular (chronic) disease.

1. angina with exertion - in the chest, neck, jaw, arms or other areas 2. palpitations or tachycardia 3. unusual shortness of breath at rest or with mild exertion other signs/symptoms are: 4. dizziness or syncope 5. unexplained ankle edema 6. intermittent claudication 7. irregular heart rhythm

List two insulating factors that affect the rate at which heat is lost from the body.

1. body fat (subcutaneous fat) 2. clothing

List three factors that can influence resting HR.

1. caffeine 2. lack of sleep 3. dehydration 4. emotional state 5. training

One of main objectives of the medical history review is to identify the presence of which three common chronic diseases?

1. cardiovascular disease (CVD) 2. metabolic disease 3. renal disease

The term performance carries with it two very different goals. Name two of the goals of performance that are mentioned in your book.

1. completing daily tasks 2. achieving desired sport performance

Name four conditions or populations for which a supervised exercise program would be more appropriate than an unsupervised program, at least initially.

1. diabetes 2. hypertension 3.asthma 4. coronary heart disease

Name five factors that influence an individual's susceptibility to heat injury.

1. fitness 2. acclimatization 3. hydration 4. environmental temperature 5. clothing 6. humidity 7. metabolic rate 8. wind

What are the three possibilities for distinct goals of an exercise program?

1. health (avoidance of disease) 2. fitness 3. performance

Name two physiological changes that are most responsive (i.e., are seen with fewer minutes per week) to exercise at 60% to 70% of maximum work capacity.

1. increase in insulin sensitivity 2. decrease blood pressure

Risk factors associated with chronic diseases can be divided into what three categories?

1. inherited or biological factors 2. environment 3. behaviors

The volume of energy expended per week in physical activity is the product of which three factors?

1. intensity 2. frequency 3. duration

What are three advantages to using the THR to set exercise intensity?

1. it has built-in individualized progression (i.e. as people increase their fitness, they have to work harder to achieve the THR). 2. it accounts for environmental conditions (e.g. a person decreases the intensity while working in hot temperatures). 3. it is easily determined, learned, and monitored.

List the five components of health-related fitness.

1. muscular strength 2. muscular endurance 3. cardiovascular fitness 4. flexibility 5.body composition

Name three of the four common air pollutants.

1. particulate matter 2. ozone 3. sulfur dioxide 4. carbon monoxide

List one potential adverse side effect of exercise.

1. risk of injury

List two major objectives of the medical history review.

1. screen for the three major chronic diseases (cardiovascular, metabolic and renal disease) 2. identify signs and symptoms suggestive of underlying chronic disease

Name one physiological response that exhibits a delayed response (i.e., may require higher total minutes per week) to exercise at 60% to 70% of maximum work capacity.

1. serum lipid changes (HDL increases)

The metabolic formulas for arm and leg ergometry look similar, but what are the two major differences?

1. there is no unloaded component in arm ergometry. 2. the O2 requirement to do 1 kgm with the arms is 3.0 ml · kgm-1 versus 1.8 ml · kgm-1 for the legs.

Why is it important to query clients about their current medications?

1. to become familiar with the purpose of the medication 2. to document timing of the medication 3. to understand and be aware of the potential effects on physiological responses to exercise 4. encourage them to alert you to changes in their medication regimen

For most of the population, the optimal intensity threshold is in the following ranges: __________% of VO2 max, HRR, and VO2 max, and _______________% of HRmax.

60 to 80; 75 to 90

In regard to vigorous-intensity physical activity, what is the amount of physical activity recommended for realizing substantial health benefits?

75 min per wk of vigorous-intensity physical activity

Briefly define the public health recommendation for physical activity for (a) moderate and (b) vigorous physical activity.

A- moderate physical activity: 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week. (also 2 days per week of resistance training). B- vigorous physical activity: 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week. (also 2 days per week of resistance training).

Briefly define what an adverse event is, and list three distinct steps to take in order to minimize them.

Adverse events are injuries or medical complications that can result from an increase in physical activity levels. Three distinct steps to take in order to minimize them are: 1. screen individuals using health-risk questionnaires 2. measure important physiological variables at rest before taking exercise tests 3. gradually progress a sedentary person through a physical activity program

A client tells you that he will be leaving his home (at 1,200 ft [366 m] of elevation) and traveling to an altitude of 8,000 ft (2,438 m) to do some hiking. He wants to know what he should expect in terms of his response to exercise and whether or not you have any special instructions for him. What do you tell him?

At this elevated altitude, he should expect higher HRs at the same work intensity due to the lower partial pressure of O2 at that elevation. He may find that he cannot maintain the same intensity of hiking at this altitude, and he should decrease his intensity if needed. He will need to maintain hydration status as well because the dryer, cooler air will facilitate evaporation of fluid even in cooler temperatures.

Explain the 2014 edition of the ACSM Guidelines acronym FITT-VP.

F- frequency - how often an activity is done. This can be expressed in days per week or number of times per day. I- intensity- how hard the activity is. Intensity can be described in terms of %VO2 max, %maximal HR, RPE, and LT. T- time- the duration of the activity. This is typically expressed as the number of minutes of activity. T- type- the mode or kind of activity done. This could simply refer to whether the exercise is resistance versus cardiorespiratory endurance, or within the latter, swimming versus running versus rowing. V- volume- product of frequency x intensity x time. P- progression- transitioning from easier to harder exercise over time.

How has the focus of the physical activity guidelines shifted over the past 40 years?

In the 1970s the guidelines focused on fitness. From the late 1970s to mid-1990s the guidelines focused on public health outcomes, and now in the 2000s the guidelines are focused on preventing and reducing obesity.

A client hands you the results of a graded, submaximal treadmill test that was taken at another facility. Using the data from this test and the ACSM metabolic equations, her VO2 max was predicted to be 48.3 ml · kg-1 · min-1. She informs you that she was allowed to hold on to the treadmill railing throughout the test. With this in mind, what conclusion would you most likely come to regarding the accuracy of her predicted VO2 max? Be specific in your answer.

It is most likely overestimated because holding on to the rails during testing lowered the work output required from her at all stages of the test. This allowed her to continue with the test for longer than if she had not held on to the rails. The ACSM formula assumes that the client is not allowed to hold on to the rails during testing. Separate formulas exist to calculate the VO2 max values for individuals who use the rails during testing.

Using the acronym MR. PLEASE, identify the category of the health appraisal that is represented by each letter.

M- make a classification regarding if the subject is a regular exerciser or not R- review medical history for established CV, metabolic, or renal disease P- pertinent signs and symptoms for CV, metabolic, or renal disease L- level of desired aerobic exercise intensity E- establish if medical clearance is necessary A- administration and evaluation of fitness tests S- setup of exercise prescription E- evaluation of progress with follow-up tests

What does the acronym MR. PLEASE stand for, and what does it help fitness professionals do?

MR. PLEASE helps fitness professionals remember the recommended health appraisal categories and the order in which they are performed. M- make a classification regarding if the subject is a regular exerciser or not R- review medical history for established CV, metabolic, or renal disease P- pertinent signs and symptoms for CV, metabolic, or renal disease L- level of desired aerobic exercise intensity E- establish if medical clearance is necessary A- administration and evaluation of fitness tests S- setup of exercise prescription E- evaluation of progress with follow-up tests

List the positive and negative risk factors for CHD.

Positive: 1. Age 2. Family history 3. Smoking 4. Sedentary lifestyle 5. Obesity 6. Hypertension 7. Dyslipidemia 8. Prediabetes Negative: 1. High serum HDL-C

How does regular physical activity influence the leading cause of death?

Regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure (BP), improving the lipid profile, and increasing CRF.

How does a fitness professional choose a preactivity screening questionnaire?

The fitness professional has the choice of what questionnaire will be used based on the characteristics (age, disease state, etc) of the patient they are going to be exercising.

When estimating the total oxygen cost of walking up a grade, what variables do you need to add together?

You add the net oxygen cost of the horizontal walk (one component) to the net oxygen cost of the vertical (grade) walk (one component) to the resting metabolic rate (one component), which is taken to be 1 MET (3.5 ml · kg-1 · min-1).

A client completes an exercise session by working at a 3 MET level on an arm ergometer. The following day, he works for the same duration at a 3 MET level on a leg cycle ergometer. Would you expect a higher or lower BP and HR response while working on the arm ergometer?


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