360 final

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a person with a body weight of 160lbs would have a resting metabolic rate (RMR) of

1600 kcal (weight x 10)

The total energy yield from glycolysis from a molecule of glucose/glycogen in skeletal muscle is

38-39 ATP

The greatest energy yield for aerobic exercise metabolism in terms of number of ATP molecules comes from

triglyceride and free fatty acid

Define Anaerobic Threshold (AT), explain how we would measure it in the exercise physiology lab, and how we could use the data to help an endurance athlete with their exercise training for running, cycling, swimming or triathlon events

-Anaerobic Threshold defines the exercise intensity during an acute bout of exercise where the individual begins to rely more on anaerobic metabolism -One measures AT in the lab by collecting VO2 and VE data during incremental exercise and looking for a respiratory breakpoint where VE increases more rapidly than VO2. -By noting the exercise intensity (running, swim or cycling speed) and the subjects HR at the AT, we can then write them an exercise prescription or give them a workout to perform say exercise for 25-35 minutes at the HR for their AT which will give them a very good training stimulus. -many cases, AT is a much better predictor of endurance performance capacity than VO2 max and more sensitive to changes with training.

Where was the first human exercise physiology lab in the US, when was it opened and who was its first director? What research was the scientist famous for during his long career?

-Harvard Fatigue Lab located at Harvard college (basement of business school) ran from 1927-1947 - Was run by DB Dill - DB Dill was famous for exercise and temperature regulation research, - exercised humans and donkeys on a desert track in heat of Nevada to study the responses of the cardiovascular system (specifically what happens to blood and plasma volume)

What is Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT), does this involve exercise and would you use this technique if you were a PT, OT or personal trainer? How?

-RMT is a rehab training method where the subject breathes into a pulmonary machine that can control the resistance to breathing while the subject is at rest -Yes, a physical therapist, occupational therapist or exercise physiologist would use RMT to improve the breathing capacity of very low fit individuals and patients with COPD, so that over several months of the training the adaptations in the respiratory muscles (mostly the diaphragm) would allow them to eventually begin a low intensity aerobic exercise training program.

The respiratory capacity of human skeletal muscle is greatly increased by RVEET and is best measured in the exercise physiology lab by

-Taking muscle samples and measuring the Krebs cycle and ETC enzymes -Isolating mitochondria from a muscle sample and measuring QO2

What is an accelerometer and how is it used in exercise physiology research?

-an accelerometer is a motion sensing device that can measure linear movement in the form of accelerations -This device is used in exercise physiology research experiments to estimate 24 hour energy expenditure in terms of Kcal in large numbers of subjects,

The respiratory exchange ratio is the amount of CO2 produced divided by the 02 consumed and is

.80 at rest & up to 1.15 during max exercise

If you wanted to get the most complete metabolic profile of an athlete, what 5 exercise physiology tests would you do in the lab for this assessment?

1. Vo2 max 2. Wingate test 3. Submaximal exercise capacity (SEC) 4. AT or LT 5. exercise economy test (6. muscle biopsy)

A reasonable estimate for the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of an 84 kg male client would be about. To the RMR from the question above, you would add _____ to come up with a reasonable approximation of the persons total 24 hour energy expenditure


According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average normal weight person in the US gains about 1 pound of body weight from the week before Thanksgiving to January 4 th , equivalent to a caloric excess of 3500 Kcal. How much body weight does the average overweight/obese person gain during the same time period?

5 lbs

On average, the muscle fiber type percentage in sedentary subjects between 20-35 years is

50% Type 1, 25% Type 2a and 25% Type 2b fibers

In untrained individuals, the lactate threshold occurs at around _____ % of V02 max while in elite endurance athletes like Frank Shorter the 1929 Olympic champion he might not reach his until _____%

50, 90

During submaximal exercise like running at 7-8mph or cycling at 300-900 kpm/min an endurance trained person will have

A lower V02 than an untrained person by 15%

Characteristics of type 2 fast twitch muscle fibers include

A very large amount of muscle fibers per motor neuron???? High glycolytic capacity

In the following EM picture of skeletal muscle, what is the correct key that labels the structures in the cross sectional view of the muscle cell

A= mitochondria B=glycogen granules C=myofibrils

The Kenyan and Ethiopian distance runners who finish in the front places in the Boston marathon do so well because they have a very high V02 max and

ALL -High lactate threshold -Very good running economy -A high slow twitch fiber % (usually >85%)

Concerning adaptations in the muscles energy sources after 3-4 months of endurance exercise training, the following are true statements

ALL -The trained muscles increase the ability to oxidize fat (FFA & TG) -Endurance trained muscles store more TG then untrained muscles -In the trained state, skeletal muscles store more glycogen than in the untrained state and use significantly less glycogen during prolonged bouts of endurance exercise

If you wanted to measure the cardiovascular and metabolic capacity of these athletes and determine changes with exercise training, which of the following tests would you have the athlete perform

ALL V02 max test Lactate threshold test Exercise economy test

The degree of metabolic adaptation that occurs in the skeletal muscle after endurance/aerobic exercise is dependent on the ________ of the exercise training stimulus

ALL frequency, duration, intensity

The metabolism of glucose occurs via glycolysis where 10 enzymatic reactions can produce

ALL pyruvate, lactate, NADH, ATP

Adaptations to anaerobic training that includes high intensity sprint type exercises on a cycle ergometer or treadmill for 30 seconds to 120 seconds in duration performed 6-10 times per session include

ALL - Increase in ATP-CP system and glycolytic enzymes - Increase in muscular strength - Increase in muscle pH buffering capacity

a large survey by the American diabetes association recently estimated that the average thanksgiving meal:

ALL - contains 4,000 kcal - has 200g of fat - leads to an excess caloric intake of 5,000 calories

According to scientific studies, what can a person do to limit the weight gain that typically comes with holiday time in the US?

ALL -Eat breakfast in the AM on the day of a large meal -Exercise for at least 30 mins on the day of a meal and after the consumption food -Eat a small snack 100-200 Kcal 1 hour prior to the major meal of the holiday

As coach of an endurance runner, biker, or swimmer, you would have your athletes increase their liver and skeletal muscle glycogen stores by

ALL -Eating a high CH0 diet during training & increasing the diet prior to race -Prescribe exercise training bouts that deplete the muscle glycogen stores daily -Have athlete take a couple of easy training days prior to important race

factors that affect resting metabolic rate (RMR) include

ALL -Muscle mass of individual (> mass= increased RMR) -Age of the individual (older have lower RMR) -Recent acute exercise (acute exercise increase RMR) -Resistance and aerobic training which increase RMR 10%

a swimming flume is used in exercise physiology to:

ALL -measured the VO2 max of swimmers using a sport specific type of exercise -measure the swimming economy for various web strokes so the different competitors can be compare -give swimmers a max endurance capacity (SEC) test

The "crossroads" of exercise metabolism where the breakdown of carbs, fats, and amino acids converge to enter the Krebs cycle is

Acetyl Co-A

Which of the following parameters can we measure in skeletal muscle biopsy samples taken from humans via needle biopsy technique

All -Muscle capillarization -Muscle fiber type and size of cells -Muscle enzymes, both oxidative and glycolytic -Muscle glycogen lactate and triglyceride content

The principle of specificity of training as it pertains to skeletal muscle means that after regular vigorous endurance exercise training at progressive resistance exercise training, adaptations in the skeletal muscle

Are only in these muscle cells, motor units, and intact muscles that were recruited, activated, and caused to contract by the exercise stimulus

Most of the carbohydrate that humans utilize for energy production via cellular metabolism during moderately intense aerobic exercise is stored:

As glycogen in the skeletal muscles?????????

In exercise physiology experiments muscle biopsy specimens can be taken

Before or after acute exercise like riding a cycle ergometer or weight lighting Before and after a week long or 6 month long exercise training program

What type of patient that we talked about in lecture on Friday would have a very low EF at rest and why?

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients would have a lower than normal EF because their cardiac muscle becomes excessively stretched

The most precise research methodology used by scientists who study whole body resting metabolism in the lab is to measure Resting metabolic rate (RMR) by

Direct calorimetry using a room calorimeter over several days

Define Ejection Fraction (EF) in cardiovascular terms,

Ejection Fraction (EF) is the percentage of the volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle into the aorta compared to the amount of blood that was in the ventricle before contraction.

Which skeletal muscle fibers have the greatest capacity to exert force and power?


When muscle physiologists talk about definite fiber type conversion in human skeletal muscle after exercise training (endurance or resistance) they mean that there is evidence that

FTx muscle can be converted into FTa muscle and vice versa

what four variables are measured during GXT


Going from low intensity endurance type exercise (like walking) to high intensity activity like sprinting, the recruitment pattern of muscle fiber types (and motor units) occurs in what order?

ST -->FTa -> FTb

EF equation


Historically the needle biopsy technique that we use in exercise physiology for taking small muscle samples in humans Originally comes from

Scandinavian and metabolism lab of Dr. Bergstrom

What is the major limiting factor in using muscle biopsy specimens to characterize the skeletal muscle fiber type proportion in humans

Size of the sample

Which of the following is a correct statement relating to the above metabolic pathway (glycolysis)? `

This pathway is the Krebs cycle which is found in the matrix portion of the mitochondria

Which endurance athlete from the following list would show the greatest degree of peripheral adaptations in his/her skeletal muscle after 4-5 years of RVEET and why? Give an example of one of those specific peripheral adaptations.

Triathlete because they train in the 3 sports of swimming, cycling and running; -increases in # of new capillaries and increase in opening of existing caps, increased size of mitochondria, oxidative enzymes, myoglobin

Melegris Gallopava muscles are made of type 1 and type 2 skeletal muscle. The type 1 muscle in the legs of the holiday bird are darker in color because of ?

a higher concentration of myoglobin in mitochndira

Which of the following statements regarding muscle contractions are true?


The amount of extra oxygen consumed over and above the resting V02 during the recovery period after exercise is dependent on the exercise intensity and duration and is called the...

excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)

T/F After RVEET, v02 max and sub max endurance capacity show about the same increase


T/F Endurance exercise training performed by a sedentary individual for 3-4 months at a moderate intensity of 65-70% of VO2 max for 3-4 days per week will result in central adaptations in the heart and peripheral adaptations in skeletal muscles that will both equally contribute to the increase in V02 max


T/F If you were a trained cross country skier performing moderate to max intensity skiing in a race in the mountains of Western Maryland (altitude of 3000 ft), while exercising you would probably hyperventilate and your endurance performance during maximal exercise would decrease signif.


T/F In exercise physiology research experiments, we measure human energy expenditure during rest & exercise & acute aerobic exercise primarily by direct calorimetry because it's the most accurate and practical way to quantify metabolism


T/F Persons like the 2 male subjects (black arrow) probably would not show other positive benefits like decrease in resting BP if they were mildly hypertensive, decrease in resting & submax HR, lower blood glucose levels, and decrease in blood chol levels etc


T/F The acute force production in human skeletal muscle must is increased significantly via recruiting more motor units and recruiting larger motor units which is identical to the way force production is varied in cardiac muscle


T/F When the results from all of the studies in the exercise hypertension literature are summarized for the subjects who are moderately hypertensive/prehypertensive (SBP/DBP- 140/90 mmHg), the concensus is that most individuals will show a significant decrease of 20 and 15 mmHg respectively after the typical 3-4 months, moderate intensity RVEET program


T/F Whole body a-vO2 difference measured during maximal exercise increases more after RVEET than does SV, Q, or VO2 max when compared on percent basis.


T/F If you were at Denver Airport and had to jog with your small suitcase for 6-8 minutes to catch a plane at another gate you would probably hyperventilate and get fatigued earlier than at BWI airport because in the altitude of the mile high sity there is a lot less oxygen in the air than there is in Maryland

false (pressure accounts for difference)

B-oxidation is an important metabolic pathway in skeletal muscle cells of humans who perform endurance exercise since the pathway serves to catabolize ______ and takes place in _______ of the cell

fatty acids and the mitochondrial matrix

The factor that has the greatest impact on determining human skeletal muscle fiber type is


After a program of RVEET that is carried out over 12-16 weeks in healthy subjects with the exercise training stimulus increased every week or two, the lactate threshold (LT) measured in this lab will


Of the following muscle adaptations that are elicited in human skeletal muscles after 12-16 weeks (3-4months) of moderate intensity endurance exercise training in young and old female and male subjects, which is the most important in terms of increased ATP production in the muscle cells

increase in the size of the mitochondrial reticulum

In testing the exercise economy of 2 individuals who have the same approximate VO2 max, one could have them do sub maximal exercise for 10-15 mins on a cycle ergometer at exactly the same resistance. When we would measure their V02 during this test, we would find that the more economical person to have

lower vo2

In testing exercise economy of 2 individuals with the same V02 max, one could do submax exercise for 10-15 on a treadmill or cycle ergometer at the exact same workrate. Measuring V02 during this test would result in a more economical person having a..

lower vo2 by 10-15%

The muscle cross section staining technique that is used most commonly by scientists to determine the % fiber type distribution in human skeletal muscle biopsy specimens is based on the presence of ______ in the muscle cells

myosin ATPase

a molecule of which of the following has the potential to produce the most ATP


what happens to EF parameter when a healthy individual goes from resting to moderate exercise at an intensity of ~ 50-60% of VO2 max?

resting value 60% and EF increases

After RVEET where the person jogs at a moderate intensity for 30-40 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week for 12 weeks, the RER measured during a 45 minute bout of treadmill jogging would be ______ than the RER before training

significantly lower

During all out sprint type exercise to exhaustion lasting 15 seconds or so, the ATP levels in the muscle cell are maintained primarily by

the hydrolysis (splitting) of creatine phosphate (CP)

Blood doping by an endurance athlete like a New York Marathon runner or Tour De France cyclist where a unit of blood (~500mL) is withdrawn from the athlete and later reinfused into the vascular system would increase the O2 carrying capacity of the blood and also increase Stroke Volume (SV) and Cardiac Output (Q).


T/F A supine cycling study using echocardiography in older subjects demonstrated that common finding that RVEET for 3-4 months resulted in significant increases in the EDV, decrease in the ESV, and an increased ejection fraction after exercise training, all factors consistant with central adaptations to the heart


T/F After exhaustive sprinting cycling on a cycle ergometer (maximal lactate levels 15-16 mmol/L), the fastest recovery to bring blood lactate levels down toward resting levels (1-2 mmol/L) will occur with active recovery (@ 50% of V02 max) rather than rest because the increased blood flow helps to transport the lactate from the active muscle to cardiac, liver, and skeletal muscle cells


T/F During acute aerobic exercise up to an intensity of ~50% of VO2max in healthy subjects (not elite endurance athletes) the increase in cardiac output occurs as a result of increases in both Stroke Volume (SV) and Heart Rate (HR) while at higher exercise intensities the greater the cardiac output is due to increases in heart rate only.


T/F Endurance exercise training performed by a sedentary individual for 2-4 months will result in a significant improvement in submaximal endurance capacity most commonly measured by exercise time to fatigue at a moderate work rate that elicits about 70% of maximal heart rate.


T/F For endurance exercise at an intensity <45% of V02 max, lipid is the muscle cells preferred substrate for metabolism while CHO is used most readily at intensities >70%


T/F Human skeletal muscle contains a mixture of both ST and FT fibers throughout most of the muscles (i.e. is heterogeneous) thus making it quite different from animal cells


T/F In healthy, young and old sedentary individuals heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), and Q all increase by about the same degree (2-4 fold) when going from rest to maximal aerobic exercise


T/F In the discipline of exercise physiology and sports conditioning, exercise refers to the acute aspect of exposure to physical work where exercise training means the chronic effects of repeated bouts of exercise over time where a training stimulus elicits an adaptation in the organism


T/F Lactate threshold (LT) increases after a program on RVEET so that in trained state the individual can perform at increased work rates but all the same blood lactate levels as before training


T/F Plasma volume (PV), total blood volume (TBV), and red blood cell count increase significantly after endurance exercise training at seas level and at moderate altitudes in both sedentary individuals and trained athletes


T/F The issue of air quality was a timely one for exercise physiologists and coaches of endurance athletes for the Beijing Olympic games in 2008, where increases in pollutants such as carbon monoxide (C02), ozone (03), and sulphur dioxide (S02) were related to linear decreases in VO2 max (caused by a reduction in the 02 carrying capacity of the blood) and performance times in events lasting longer than 4-5 minutes


T/F The respiratory system can be the limiting factor for endurance exercise performance in subjects who have respiratory disease like asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and in some elite endurance athletes due to arterial hypoxemia where the 02 hemoglobin saturation falls below 90%


T/F The top 10 runners in the 2010 Boston marathon likely had increased V02 max values in the range of 60-65 ml/kg/min for women and at least 80-85 ml/kg/min for men plus an LT that occurred at a running speed that elicited at least an 85% of their V02 max


T/F The white arrow shows a female non respondent


T/F The wide variation of the responses of these subjects to a year long aerobic exercise training program is consistant with the principle of individuality


T/F The winners of the marine corps marthon last week (both male and female) likely had high Vo2 max values (>60 and 70ml/kg/min, respectively) and a very high LT.


Glycolysis as a metabolic pathway would be most active in a sprint athlete in which type of muscle

type 2 skeletal muscle

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