3rd Nine Weeks Review

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Franklin Roosevelt

(1882-1945)-32nd president of the United States; has close ties to Georgia and died at his Georgia home," The Little White House," in Warms Springs.

Carl Vinson

(1883-1981)-Georgia Congressman who was an advocate for a strong US military--"father of two-ocean navy"; served 25 terms (50 years) in the US House of Representatives

Herman Talmadge

(1913-2002)-segregationist Georgia governor and US senator; son of governor Eugene Talmadge

World War II

(1939-1945)- the most destructive war in human history; America entered the war in 1941 after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941

Lend- Lease Act

(1941)-act that allowed the US government to send billions of dollars in supplies military equipment to Allied countries in exchange for US rights in their military bases

What amendments were used to justify Plessy vs. Ferguson?

14th and 15th

Atlanta Race Riot of 1906

48 hour riot in Atlanta caused by economic competition and false newspaper accounts of African-American men attacking white women; several African-Americans were killed during the riot

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

A New Deal program that hired unemployed young men to work on public works projects.

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

A New Deal program that paid farmers a stipend not to grow crops in order to increase the price of agricultural products.

Stock Market Crash of 1929

A factor that led to the Great Depression. A major stock market collapse that led to investors losing over 40 billion dollars.


A factor that led to the Great Depression; farmers continued to produce record numbers of crop yield through the demand for agricultural products was limited; this drove the cost of these products down.

Name 2 ways Ivan Allen contributed to Atlanta's growth

Adding professional sports teams; construction of rail systems (MARTA) and highway systems

What was the outcome of King v. Chapman in regards to Georgia?

African Americans were able to vote in the 1946 primary in Georgia

1946 Governor's Race

Also called the three governors controversy. Due to the death of the 1946 governor's race winner Eugene Talmage and recent changes to Georgia's constitution, three men had a legitimate claim to the office; The matter was settled by the Supreme Court in a special election in 1948.

Pearl Harbor

American Naval base in Hawaii; a surprise attack on the base by Japanese forces on December 7, 1941 resulted in the US entering World War II


Atlanta's Major League Baseball team; moved to Atlanta under governor Ivan Allen, Jr. from Milwaukee, WS


Atlanta's NBA team; play at Phillips Arena


Atlanta's NFL team owned by Arthur Blank, co-founder of The Home Depot

Why did Marietta, GA become a booming town?

Bell Aircraft built a production facility here

What bills did Carl Vinson pass which helped the economy in Georgia?

Bills to increase the production of warships and airplanes

Who were the three members of the Bourbon Triumvirate?

Brown, Colquitt, Gordon (BroCoGo)

How were children most likely to help with the war effort?

By working in victory gardens

Roosevelt, Franklin D. (1882-1945)

Commonly known as FDR, was an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 until his death at Warm Springs, Georgia in 1945; visited Georgia more than 40 times for his treatment of polio at Warm Springs.

Bell Aircraft

Factory located in Marietta, Georgia, that produced B - 29 bombers for the US war effort

Talmadge, Eugene (1884-1946)

Four time Georgia governor that fought against Roosevelt's New Deal policies.

Warm Springs

Georgia city that was home to Roosevelt's "Little White House"; site's warm water mineral springs were used as rehabilitation center for polio victims.

Warm Springs

Georgia city that was home to Roosevelt's "Little White House;" site's warm water mineral springs were used as a rehabilitation center for polio victims.

Richard Russell

Georgia governor and influential long term US senator; father of school lunch program and brought CDC and military bases to state

Fort Benning

Georgia military base that was the largest and viewed as the best infantry training facility in country during WWII

Why did Georgia feel the effects of the Great Depression before it struck other states?

Georgia was dependent on a single crop which was destroyed by the boll weevil.

Interstate highways

Georgia's are I-95 (E coast), I-75 (N/S), I-20 (E/W), I-85 (NE/SW), I-16 (Savannah to Macon)

Savannah and Brunswick Ship Yards

Georgia's two deep water ports; during World War II,187 Liberty Ships were constructed there

Savannah and Brunswick

Georgia's two deep-water ports

Axis Powers

Germany, Italy, Japan

Ellis Arnall

Governor of Georgia for one term; defeated Eugene Talmadge to become the youngest governor of Georgia; ended up losing to Eugene Talmadge in his quest for reelection due to his progressive moves such as eliminating the white primary and repealing the poll tax


Great Britain, France (until take over by Hitler), USSR, US

Why did W.E.B. DuBois criticize of Booker T. Washington?

He argued that African Americans should focus on establishing themselves in society through hard work and education.

How did Senator Richard Russell's economic policies impact Georgia?

He helped establish several important military bases in the state.

What was Franklin D. Roosevelt's relationship with the town of Warm Springs, GA?

He helped name the town, he lived in the "Little White House", he died in Warm Springs

What was William Hartsfield's impact on public education?

He integrated public schools in Atlanta.

How did Governor Eugene Talmadge react to the New Deal programs?

He publicly opposed the programs and refused to cooperate.

How did Richard Russell's policies help Georgia?

He used his influence to secure increased military investment in the state.

What was unique about Alonzo Herndon's success?

He was a former slave who used his wealth to build businesses and owned a mansion in Atlanta.

Why was Carl Vinson able to help GA be successful at building ships during the war?

He was able to get Congress to pass a bill that made it easier to get ships built faster.

In the newspapers, how was Leo Frank portrayed?

He was convicted in people's minds before it ever went to trial

How did the Leo Frank trial conclude (end)?

He was found guilty and sentenced to death even though the evidence was falsified and conflicting.

Boll Weevil

Insect whose larvae feed on cotton crops; decimated cotton production in the southeastern United States.

World War I (1914-1918)

Major war primarily between European powers; U.S. entered the war in 1917.

Who was recruited to work in the shipyards in Savannah and Brunswick?

Men and women with no experience needed

Why was the Rural Electrification Administration important to Georgia?

Much of the population lived in rural areas and lacked electricity

Dust Bowl

Name given to a period of time in the Midwest (1930-1936) characterized by drought, gigantic dust storms, and major agricultural damage.

New Deal

Name given to a series of federal programs spearheaded by President Franklin Roosevelt in order to help the nation recover from the Great Depression.


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

What was Carl Vinson's focus area which let to the creation of thousands of jobs in Georgia?

National Defense

Social Security Act (SSA)

New Deal program that provided retirement and unemployment insurance for American taxpayers.

Bank Failures

One of the factors that led to the Great Depression; when a bank ran out of reserves to pay customers who wanted to withdraw their deposits.

Drought of 1924

One of the worst droughts in Georgia's history; led to a depression in the state that predated the Great Depression.

What were the economic issues surrounding the Leo Frank case?

Poor Georgians resented northern businessmen who came to the South to make money

Who were the two people responsible for expanding and keeping the military in Georgia?

Richard Russell and Carl Vinson

What was the result of the Plessy vs Ferguson Supreme Court case?

Separate but Equal applied to public facilities

Which New Deal program still exists today?

Social Security

What was a negative impact of military bases built in GA before and during WWII?

Some people were forced to sell their homes to the government to make room for the bases.

Tom Watson

Started the RFD system and the Populist Party; originally a friend to blacks but turned against minorities

Plessy v. Ferguson (1892)

Supreme Court case that established the separate but equal doctrine thus promoting segregation

White primary

Tactic used by whites in Georgia to prevent blacks from voting in the Democratic Primary; because Georgia was a one-party state, this prevented African-Americans from having a voice in the elections

What caused a dramatic shift in the public opinion regarding military intervention in WWII?

The Japanese attacked the US on its own soil.

Rural Electrification Act (REA)

The New Deal program designed to build the capabilities to bring electricity to rural areas.

Due to the invention of the cotton gin, Georgia became dependent on cotton. What event crippled this economy?

The boll weevil infestation in the 1900s

What was one effect of the 1906 riot in Atlanta?

The city became more segregated

Why was the Supreme Court needed to help with the election of 1946?

The constitution in Georgia did not have clear rules about the line of succession for the office of governor


The genocide of over 6 million Jews along with gypsies, homosexuals, and political prisoners by Nazi Germany

Why was the Lend-Lease Act signed into law?

The government feared that the Allied Powers would be defeated by the Axis Powers.

What caused a shift in Georgia's economy during WWII?

The move to industrial development

How did the economy change in Savannah and Brunswick during WWII?

The need for Liberty ships created thousands of jobs in the shipyards.

What was the effect of the Bell Bomber plant in Marietta, Georgia?

The plant transformed the city into one of the major industrial centers in the United States.

How did wartime production in the communities near Savannah and Brunswick grow economically?

The shipyards provided thousands of jobs which led to increased income which was then spent in the communities.

What was the reason that Franklin D. Roosevelt visited Warm Springs?

The springs helped him battle the effects of polio.

What did Richard Russell and Carl Vinson have in common?

They were both in the US Congress as representatives from Georgia and they created jobs for Georgians during WWII

Why were the AAA and REA popular in rural Georgia?

They were proposed by FDR to provide pensions for senior citizens whose farms had failed.

Why would a poster with "Avenge December 7" be popular in 1942?

To increase public support for the war against Japan

Why was the naval base at Pearl Harbor bombed by the Japanese?

To make it difficult for the US to protect its naval power in the Pacific Ocean

Populist Party

U.S. political party formed in 1892 representing mainly farmers,

Liberty Ships

US cargo ships made during World War II. In all 187 of these ships were made in Georgia in Savannah and Brunswick

What prompted (caused) a significant increase in manufacturing in Georgia?

US involvement in WWII

The Talented Tenth

W.E.B. Dubois' concept of an elite group of college educated African-Americans who would use their talents and position to eradicate segregation in American society

Which event was the most important to the industrial development of GA and ended its dependency on agriculture?


How were W.E.B DuBois and Booker T. Washington's views different?

Washington was tolerant (accepting) of racial discrimination while DuBois argued that they should demand equal treatment

What action resulted from the Lend-Lease Act?

Weapons were transferred to Great Britian

Were military bases still segregated during WWII?

Yes, bases were racially segregated.

Poll tax

a charge that many poor blacks and whites could not pay in order to vote; a method of disenfranchising

Literacy Test

a disenfranchising tactic that required voters to pass a reading and writing test in order to vote

Reduction in Purchasing

a factor that led to the Great Depression; economic fears caused consumers to stop buying manufactured products, which led to companies losing money and laying off more employees.

Neutrality Act

a series of laws enacted in 1935 and 1936 to prevent U.S. arms sales and loans to nations at war

International Cotton Expositions (ICE)

a series of three large events (1881, 1885, 1895) established to display Atlanta's growth and industrial capabilities and to lure Northern investment to the region

What foreign policy change happened due to the Lend-Lease Act?

a shift away from isolationism


a volunteer army

What was the focus of Booker T. Washington's ICE speech in 1895?

advancement through education

What was the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy vs. Ferguson?

allowed racial segregation of public facilities

What were three reasons why Georgia was a great location for military bases?

ample land, warm climate, low construction costs

What would have been the most effective way to combat the arrival of the boll weevil in the 1900s?

an insecticide to destroy the boll weevil

How did bank failures contribute to the Great Depression?

bank customers lost all or part of their savings, businesses were unable to secure loans, people resisted making new investments

Name the three factors that contributed to Georgia's economic transformation.

boll weevil infestation, population moved to cities, WWI and WWII production of goods

W.E.B. DuBois

civil rights leader and college professor who fought for immediate social and political rights for African-Americans

Name three reasons businesses were attracted to Georgia

climate, low business tax, nonunion workers

What was the role of unemployment in the Great Depression?

companies lowered wages and laid off workers, people had less money to buy goods, factories overproduced, prices dropped

Adolf Hitler

dictator who rose to power in Germany and started World War II in Europe?

Grandfather Clause

disenfranchisement law that said if a person's father could vote before the Civil War they would be able to vote as well

During which war did Georgia experience the largest economic growth?

during WWII

What policy would the Bourbon Triumvirate have likely supported?

expanding railroads and mining


fake, not real

What had the greatest impact on Georgia's economy during World War I?

farms, textile mills and military training camps

Why was Tom Watson critical of Henry Grady?

for supporting industry over farming

GA Supreme Court

group responsible for the ultimate decision in the 3 Governor's Controversy

What was the cause of Ellis Arnall's defeat in the 1946 election?

he did not fight a court ruling that the white primary system was unconstitutional

What was the reason for Eugene Talmadges success in the 1946 election?

he reinstated the white primary

What are three factors that contributed to the Great Depression?

investors overvalued the stocks they purchased, farmers overproduced crops, people borrowed more money than they could repay

Why was ICE (International Cotton Exposition) an important success for Georgia?

it attracted northern industry

Jim Crow laws

laws created by state legislatures to deny African-Americans citizenship rights


legal forgiveness of a crime

Rural Free Delivery Act

legislation proposed by Georgia Congressman Tom Watson that provided free mail delivery to rural areas of the country

William B. Hartsfield

longest-serving mayor of Atlanta; known as the Father of Aviation because he brought airlines to Atlanta; also helped make Atlanta become known as the City too Busy to Hate

Henry Grady

managing editor for the Atlanta Journal who promoted the concept of the "New South"

Ivan Allen, Jr.

mayor of Atlanta; brought major league sports teams to Atlanta; helped desegregate Atlanta's city hall

What two factors caused the population to shift away from the rural areas to the cities?

migration of African-Americans to northern cities; increase in demand for factory labor

What was Georgia ranked #1 in during WWI?

military training camps

What was one of the effects of the boll weevil infestation?

millions of African Americans migrated (moved) to the north


murder by a mob

How did the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy vs. Ferguson impact society in the South?

nearly every aspect of life throughout the region became segregated along racial lines

rayon and nylon

new synthetic fibers that reduced the need for cotton and changed the crops GA farmers grew

tractors and harvesters

new technology that allowed farmers to increase the amount produced

New South

period after Reconstruction where political and community leaders in the South sought to diversify Georgia's economy and bring Northern technology and/or investments into the state

Who was hurt the most by Governor Eugene Talmadge's opposition to the New Deal?

poor rural farmers

What political influence did the Bourbon Triumvirate have in Georgia?

restrictions on the rights of African Americans

How did agricultural advancements after WWII help Georgia's population?

rural populations decreased since workers were not needed; people moved to the cities

What was the impact of write-in votes in the 1946 gubernatorial election in Georgia?

segregationists wrote in Herman Talmadge's name to prevent Ellis Arnell from being reelected.

How would the growth of Atlanta after WWII be described?

shift towards industry and away from agriculture

What were three outcomes of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

significant casualties, declaration of war against Japan, the sinking of warships including the USS Arizona

What did Henry Grady use his newspaper to support?

southern industrial growth

Alonzo Herndon

successful black entrepreneur; owner of Atlanta Life Insurance Company and richest black man in Atlanta at the time of his death

How did Henry Grady contribute to Georgia's economic transformation after Reconstruction?

support for vocational education and industry

Which New Deal program was responsible for the construction of the airports in Atlanta and Macon?

the Civilian Conservation Corps

What group reemerged after the Leo Frank case?

the Ku Klux Klan


the ability to read and write

What two developments caused Georgia to shift away from cotton production?

the arrival of the boll weevil and droughts

What was the primary benefit to having major sports teams in Atlanta?

the city gained national recognition

How did technological advancements during WWII help Georgia's population?

the demand for farm labor decreased in rural areas and people moved to the cities

What factor changed the way elections were held in the 1940's?

the end of the white primary system

Melvin Thompson

the first person elected to the office of lieutenant governor of Georgia; served as the state's governor in 1947-1948. He is best remembered for his fight with Herman Talmadge over the governorship after the death of Governor-elect Eugene Talmadge in 1946.

What was the most significant impact of the Civilian Conservation Corps on the state of Georgia?

the improvements to the state park system

What did the organizers International Cotton Exposition hope to achieve?

the recovery of Atlanta from the Civil War

What was one of the effects of the early droughts in the 1900s in Georgia?

the state needed to diversify its economy

Compare Ivan Allen and William Hartsfield

they expanded the city, improved infrastructure, promoted transportation, and were supporters of civil rights

Bourbon Triumvirate

three powerful Georgia politicians (Joseph E. Brown, Alfred H. Colquitt, and John B. Gordon) who dominated Georgia politics for over 20 years. They served as U.S Senator and as Governor of Georgia.

major league sports

three professional teams in Atlanta including the Braves, Falcons, and Hawks

What was one purpose of the Lend-Lease Act?

to assist with the war effort without having to send troops


to deprive a person the right to vote or rights of citizenship

What was Alonzo Herndon's goal in the early 1900's?

to help African Americans succeed in business

What was the ultimate purpose of the Social Security Act of 1935?

to help Americans in need of work find jobs in their community

What was the purpose of the Jim Crow laws that were passed during Reconstruction?

to keep the same social order as it was before the war

Why did southern legislatures enact Jim Crow laws during the New South Era?

to prevent African Americans from exercising their rights

What was the purpose of Jim Crow laws?

to racially segregate public facilities

What was the main goal of the AAA?

to raise farm prices by paying farmers to grow less food

Leo Frank Case

trial where a Northern Jewish pencil factory manager was accused of murdering 13 year old Mary Phagan;


types of planes built at Bell Aircraft in Marietta

The Social Security Tax created

unemployment insurance

What did Franklin D. Roosevelt speak out against that angered many Georgians?

unfair labor practices in the textile industry

Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport

world's busiest airport named for two mayors of Atlanta; located just SW of Atlanta

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