4. NFS 2030 Chapter 4

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The downside of refining grains is that.....

the bran and germ which get separtated from the endosperm contain the majority of healthful vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber.

After chewing a piece of bread for a while, you begin to experience a slightly sweet taste. This taste results from ________.

the liberation of maltose from starch


the sweetest monosaccharide, is found in fruits, some vegetables, and honey. Fructose is also used along with glucose to sweeten foods and beverages by food manufacturers who process corn to create high-fructose corn syrup

___ _______ _______ ________, a nongovernmental organization funded by food companies, created the Whole Grain Stamp. Used in 36 countries, the Whole Grain Stamp is a front-of-package icon that tells consumers that a product contains 50% (at least 8g) whole grain or 100% (at least 16g, a whole serving) whole grain

the whole grains council

__% of people have had cavities that developed at 18 years and older.


What is the minimum DRI amount of carbohydrate needed to fee the brain and ward off ketosis? a. 130 grams per day b. 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day c. 15% of total calories per day d. 45 to 65 grams per day


Hormones play an important role in regulating blood glucose levels. What is an example of this?

Epinephrine increases breakdown of liver glycogen to provide glucose in times of danger.

Bonds between Glucose units in Cellulose can be broken by human enzymes T or F


When blood glucose concentration rises, the pancreas secretes ________, and when blood glucose levels fall, the pancreas secretes __________.

Insulalin, glucagon

What are the only 2 protein foods that contain carbohydrates?

Nuts and legumes

contain 3-10 linked monosaccharides


Complex carbohydrates are composed of three or more monosaccharides linked together. They often take the form of long or branched chains. there are two types and they are called

Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides

______ _____ dissolves in water, often forming viscous gels, and it is typically readily fermented (broken down) by bacteria in the colon

Soluble fiber

Select the best example of a polysaccharide.


_______, or "table sugar," is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose.


- A main task of the human digestive system is to convert starch and sugars to glucose for absorption. - Other body systems transport and store glucose; all cells can split glucose for energy. T or F


- Few people consume sufficient fiber. - The best fiber sources are whole foods from plants. - Fluid intake should increase along with fiber. - Very-high-fiber all-plant diets can pose nutritional risks for people who are old or malnourished, and for young children. T or F


_______ include polysaccharides cellulose and hemicellulose, which make up plant cell walls and impart structure to the plant. Fiber-rich foods are numerous and include whole grains and vegetables such as winter squash and beans and fruits such as raspberries and pears. Humans lack the digestive enzymes to break down plant fiber, so it passes undigested through the digestive tract.


An excess of ____ in sports drinks may leave the small intestine undigested and cause bloating and gas in the colon.


The three most abundant monosaccharides are

fructose, glucose, and galactose.

Which monosaccharide rarely occurs freely in nature but is tied up in milk sugar until it is freed during digestion?


Which part of a grain is especially rich in vitamins and minerals?


Hours after you've eaten and levels of glucose in the blood have fallen, the pancreas releases another hormone, _______, which signals liver cells to release glucose into the blood to maintain blood glucose levels.


When blood glucose drops, ____ is released to stimulate the release of glucose stored as ____ glycogen.

glucagon, liver

What population group is the top sugar consumer, taking in more than a half cup of added sugars in foods and beverages each day, or almost 90 pounds of sugar per year?

adolescent boys

Of the several monosaccharides released from carbohydrates through the process of digestion and then absorbed into the blood, _______ is the one that every cell in our body can use as fuel. Fructose and galactose are taken up from the blood primarily by the liver, where they can be converted into _______. They then may be exported back into the blood for distribution to cells throughout the body.


As exercise intensity decreases, the proportion of energy that is derived from fat decreases, and the proportion from carbohydrate increases.


Glucose and galactose are monosaccharides, whereas fructose and lactose are disaccharides.


Insulin stimulates cells to release glucose, whereas glucagon stimulates cells to take in glucose from the blood.


Normal concentrations of fasting blood glucose is 100-130 mg/dL.


To maximize the rate at which muscle glycogen is replaced, carbohydrate consumed within 12 hours of finishing the exercise bout has shown to be just as effective as carbohydrate consumed within 2 hours.



glucose and fructose


glucose and galactose

Which two monosaccharides constitute maltose?

glucose and glucose

Monosaccharides include?

glucose, fruitose, galactose

Polysaccharides are made up of ____ and are found in foods such as ____.

glucose; potatoes and grains

What is the storage form of glucose in the body?


Which carbohydate is NOT Found in foods from plants?


sucrose, lactose, and maltose are broken down by the enzymes

sucrase, lactase, and maltase

How many calories do Carbohydrates give us

4 calories per gram we eat.

how much energy does a carbohydrate provide?

4 kcal of energy per gram

One typical symptom of hypoglycemia is ________.

rapid heartbeat

All of the following are symptoms of hypoglycemia, EXCEPT: a. anxiety b. trembling c. sweating d. hunger e. slowed heartbeat


refining the grain served two purposes, they were

(1) It helped keep flour from spoiling—because if not removed, the oily germ would quickly turn rancid when exposed to air and (2) it provided a desirable consistency—in white bread, a soft and smooth texture.

what are the two types of artificial sweeteners

(1) those that are a source of calories, the nutritive sweeteners, and (2) those that are not, called the nonnutritive sweeteners.

popular items with added sugar

(a) 12-ounce soda: 132 calories of added sugar (b) 1 cup canned peaches in heavy syrup: 115 calories of added sugar (c) 1 donut: 74 calories of added sugar (d) ½ cup vanilla ice cream: 48 calories of added sugar

Three types of carbohydrates

-monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide -simple, complex(starch and fiber) -sugar, fiber, starch

If Gatorade G Series, Endurance Formula, contains 14 grams of carbohydrate per 8 ounces, how many ounces should a basketball player consume during the hour-long game?

0-16 ounces

Cynthia, a 55 kg woman, is training to run a marathon. How many grams of carbohydrate does she need during periods of heavy training?

440-550 grams per day

How many grams of carbohydrates does the DRI recommend the average-sized person consume each day?

130 g

How many grams of carbohydrates per day?

130 grams per day

Which breakfast would provide the most soluble fiber?

2 ounces of oat bran cereal with nonfat milk

A person with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes has just been advised that he should begin a 2,100-calorie diet with 45 percent of the energy coming from carbohydrates. How many grams of carbohydrates would that be?

236 grams

How many grams of fiber per day do the Dietary Reference Intakes suggest for an average adult (man or women) under age 50?

25 for a woman; 38 for a man

Most Americans consume too much added sugar, eating on average about ___ calories per day, or 13% of total calories. it is recommended you eat less than 10%


The Health and Medicine Division (HMD), the health arm of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, recommends that men younger than 50 years consume __ grams of fiber per day and women younger than 50 years consume __ grams of fiber a day. Only about 5% of Americans meet these goals, consuming an average of 17 grams of fiber a day.

38 25

Which of the following is NOT a health-related effect attributed to dietary fibers? a. may raise blood cholesterol b. may prevent diverticulosis c. improve the body's handling of glucose and the hormone insulin d. aid in maintaining a healthy body weight



A double sugar molecule made of two monosaccharides bonded together through dehydration synthesis. Example Maltose, Sucrose , and Lactose

health benefits of soluble fiber

A higher intake of soluble fiber has been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Diets high in soluble fiber also slow the emptying of food from the stomach into the small intestine, which may extend the sensation of fullness following a meal. Many soluble fibers also slow digestion and absorption and reduce the rise in blood glucose following a carbohydrate-containing meal, which may improve blood glucose control in those with diabetes


A storage polysaccharide in plants consisting entirely of glucose.

health benefits of soluble and insoluble fiber

Another bonus is that a high intake of foods rich in both insoluble and soluble fibers may reduce risk of some types of cancer. In addition, nutrition surveys demonstrate that high-fiber diets are more likely to be nutrient-dense and lower in saturated fats, sodium, and added sugar

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) Carbohydrates

At a minimum, adults and children need 130 g/day to provide glucose to the brain. For optimal health, most people should consume between 45 and 65% of total calories from carbohydrates. Choose nutrient-dense grains, fruit, starchy vegetables, legumes, and milk to meet the day's total carbohydrate intake.

All of the following are characteristics of a diet recommended for a diabetic EXCEPT: a. it is low in saturated fat. b. it is high in protein. c. it is moderate in added sugars. d. it has the right amount of fiber.


All of the following are consequences of consuming a diet that produces chronic ketosis EXCEPT: a. loss of bone minerals. b. decreased blood cholesterol level. c. deficiencies of vitamins and minerals. d. an impaired mood.


All of the following statement about sugar alcohols and nonnutritive sweeteners are true, EXCEPT: a. Products sweetened with sugar alcohols are safe in moderation. b. Sugar alcohols provide about half the calories of sugars and trigger a higher glycemic response. c. Sugar alcohols are safer for teeth than sugars. d. Side effects from sugar alcohols include gas, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea.


How many grams of fiber per day does the Dietary Reference Intakes suggest for an average adult? a. 10-20 grams per day b. 25-38 grams per day c. 35-45 grams per day d. 5-10 grams per day


Once in the bloodstream, the absorbed carbohydrates travel to the liver, which converts them to: a. sucrose. b. glucose. c. fructose. d. resistant starch.


Which of the following carbohydrates is NOT found in foods from plants? a. fructose b. glycogen c. sucrose d. starch


Which of the following foods provides almost no carbohydrates? a. nuts b. fish c. beans d. fruits


Which of the following statements about diabetes is incorrect? a. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease resulting in destruction of pancreatic beta cells. b. Type 1 diabetes is the predominant form of diabetes. c. Prediabetes is indicated by a fasting blood glucose level just slightly higher than normal. d. Diabetes is a leading cause of death in the United States.


All of the following are warning signs of diabetes EXCEPT: a. drowsiness. b. itching. c. reduced urination. d. frequent infections of the skin, gums, vagina, or urinary tract.


High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) contributes about ________ of the added sugars in the U.S. food supply. a. one-third b. two-thirds c. one-half d. one-quarter


Which of the following are the monosaccharides? a. galactose, lactose, and glucose b. lactose, maltose, and sucrose c. fructose, glucose, and galactose d. sucrose, glucose, and fructose


Which of the following diet recommendations is NOT recommended for those with diabetes? a. Diet should be low in saturated and trans fat b. Diet should be controlled in total carbohydrates c. Diet should be adequate in supplements to avoid deficiencies d. Diet should be adequate but not too high in protein


Which of the following monosaccharides rarely occurs freely in nature but is ties up in milk sugar until it is freed during digestion? a. fructose b. lactose c. galactose d. glucose


Which of the following parts of a wheat kernel is especially rich in vitamins and minerals? a. bran b. husk c. germ d. endosperm


Which of the following sugars needs no digestion and can be absorbed directly into the blood. a. lactose b. maltose c. fructose d. sucrose


The brain and nerve tissues prefer _________ as fuel, and red blood cells can use nothing else.


What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are molecules made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen arranged as one or more sugar units

Select the list of foods that would all rank low on the glycemic index.

Corn, strawberries, yogurt

As they age, upwards of 75% of the world's people lose much of their ability to produce the enzyme ________ . a. amylase b. sucrase c. maltase d. lactase


The first organ to respond to a rise in blood glucose levels is the: a. gall bladder. b. liver. c. stomach. d. pancreas


Today, each person in the United States uses up on average almost ________ of added sugars in his or her foods and beverages every day. a. ½ cup b. ¼ cup c. 1 cup d. ¾ cup


What percentage of total calories is recommended to be provided by carbohydrates? a. 15-25% b. 10-35% c. 60-80% d. 45-65%


When the body faces a severe carbohydrate deficit, it is forced to turn to ________ to make glucose for energy. a. vitamins b. minerals c. fat d. protein


Which chemical floods the bloodstream when the blood glucose concentration drops and cells need energy? a. glycogen b. galactose c. glycemic d. glucagon


Which of the following cells depends exclusively on glucose? a. nerve cells b. brain cells c. t-cells d. red blood cell


Which of the following vegetables would provide the most carbohydrate? a. half-cup carrots b. half-cup tomatoes c. 1 cup salad d. half-cup cooked dry beans


______ _____is undigestible carbohydrates that are present naturally in intact plant foods.

Dietary fiber

Added sugars are an important part of the diet and provide essential nutrients for the body.


For the general population, it is healthy to reduce carbohydrate intake to less than 130 g in order for the body to use protein and excess fat for fuel.


The liver's capacity to store glycogen is virtually unlimited.

False (limit is 2,000 calories)

Type 1 diabetes is often prevented by successful weight-loss management.

False (type 2 diabetes)

health benefits of insoluble fiber

Fiber (particularly insoluble fiber) is healthful in part because it softens stools and thereby helps maintain regular bowel movements and reduces the risk of hemorrhoids and diverticular disease. Insoluble fiber has also been shown to decrease the risk of diabetes.


Fiber and Starch

Which sugar needs no digestion and can be absorbed directly into the blood?


______ ______ is nondigestible carbohydrates that have been added to a food product and have health benefits that are similar to those of dietary fiber. Examples of ________ ______ are psyllium seed husks and pectin isolated from fruits.

Functional fiber

define simple carbohydrates:

Simple carbohydrates, also known as sugars, are made up of one or two sugar units molecules.

The monosaccharide __________ is used for energy by all the body's tissues.


________ is the most important monosaccharide in the body and is the primary source of energy for all the body's tissues.


Monosaccharides from which all simple sugars are made

Glucose, Galactose, Fructose

Identify the three monosaccharides.

Glucose, fructose, and galactose

___________ occurs in type 2 diabetes because the body's cells are unresponsive to ___________ in the body.

Hyperglycemia, insulin

What are important functions of fiber in the body? Choose the most correct answer. I. Helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. II. Contributes to the development of diverticulitis and other bowel diseases. III. Supports healthy bacteria in the colon. IV. Contributes to satiety.


Which statement best defines insoluble fibers?

Insoluble fibers support digestive tract health.

chains (or polymers) of more than 10 monosaccharides.


Which enzyme is associated with lactose intolerance?


Diasaccharides include?

Maltose sucrose lactose

Protein foods provide almost no carbohydrate to the U.S. diet, with these exceptions:

Milk, nutes, legumes

_________ is the process by which plants combine carbon dioxide, water, and the sun's energy to form glucose.


complex sugars

polysaccharides(many unites linked)

-In lactose intolerance, the body fails to produce sufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, needed to digest the sugar of milk, leading to uncomfortable symptoms. -People with lactose intolerance or milk allergy need alternatives that provide the nutrients of milk. T or F


-Whole-grain flours retain all edible parts of grain kernels. -Refined grain products are less nutritious than whole grains. T or F


A diet with adequate fiber-rich whole foods may help to manage body weight. T and F44


Adequate dietary fiber may reduce the risks of colon and rectal cancers. T or F


Bonds between Glucose units can be broken by human enzymes T of F


Both soluble and insoluble fibers ease elimination by enlarging and softening stools, and maintain digestive tract health. T and F


Carbohydrates are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen held together by energy-containing bonds: carbo means "carbon"; hydrate means "water." T or F


Fibers lend structure to plants and perform other functions. T or F


Glucose is the most important monosaccharide in the human body. T or F


Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in the body. T or F


Human digestive enzymes cannot break the chemical bonds of fibers. T of F


Intakes of refined carbohydrates should be limited. T or F


Monosaccharides can be converted by the liver to other needed molecules. T or F


Plant foods supply fiber, nutrients, and phytochemicals that oppose cancers in many ways. T and F


Soluble fibers help to sustain intestinal colonies of beneficial bacteria. T or F


Some fiber is susceptible to fermentation by bacteria in the colon. T or F


Starch is the storage form of glucose in plants and also yields glucose for the body's use. T or F


The body tissues use carbohydrate for energy and other critical functions. T or F


The brain and nerve tissues prefer carbohydrates as fuel, and red blood cells can use nothing else. T or F


Through photosynthesis, plants combine carbon dioxide, water, and the sun's energy to form glucose. T or F


the recommended amount of carbs percentage wise is

The HMD recommends that people consume carbohydrates within a certain range, the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) of 45-65% of total calories, which is associated with a reduced risk of chronic disease while providing adequate amounts of essential nutrients

Which of the following statements about diabetes is true?

The body produces insulin in type 2 diabetes, but the cells fail to respond.

Carbohydrate Is Made by Photosynthesis

The sun's energy becomes part of the glucose molecule—its calories, in a sense. In the molecule of glucose on the leaf here, black dots represent the carbon 6 atoms; bars represent the chemical bonds that contain energy. Light energy from the sun drives the photosynthesis reaction. The light energy becomes the chemical energy of the bonds that hold six atoms of carbon together in the sugar glucose. Glucose provides energy for the work of all the cells of the stem, roots, flowers, and fruit of the plant. For example, in the roots, far from the energy-giving rays of the sun, each cell draws upon some of the glucose made in the leaves, breaks it down (to carbon dioxide and water), and uses the energy thus released to fuel its own growth and water-gathering activities. Plants do not use all of the energy stored in their sugars, so it remains available for use by the animals or human beings that consume the plants. Thus, carbohydrates form the first link in the food chain that supports all life on earth. Carbohydrate-rich foods come almost exclusively from plants; milk is the only animal-derived food that contains significant amounts of carbohydrate.

where do we get our carbohydrates

They are abundant in grains and other plant foods, as well as in milk and some milk products

Foods rich in soluble fiber lower blood cholesterol.


Fruit punch sweetened with grape juice concentrate can contain as much sugar as fruit punch sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup.


Hypoglycemia among healthy people is relatively rare.


In the United States, diets high in refined carbohydrate intakes, particularly added sugars from soft drinks, are often associated with increased body fatness.


____________ is a complication associated with blood glucose regulation that is often associated with obesity.

Type 2 diabetes

What is the best example of a long-term risk associated with eating a diet that produces ketosis?

Vitamin deficiency, Elevate blood cholesterol, loss of bone mineral, All Answers are correct

how do we digest disaccharides

We must digest disaccharides into their component monosaccharides before they can be absorbed by cells of the intestines.

Which of the following is the healthiest source of glucose?

Whole Food

A diet rich in __________ is associated with reduced risks of overweight and certain chronic diseases.

Whole Grains

What is the effect of fructose consumption on blood glucose levels?

a lower glycemic response as compared to the glycemic response to glucose

You are trying to decide which type of food from the fruit group to choose for a snack, and you want to choose the one that has the greatest nutritional value. Your best choice would be ________.

a whole orange

When searching for whole-grain bread, a consumer should search the labels. a. for words like multigrain, wheat bread, brown bread, or stone-ground b. for the order in which whole grains appear on the ingredients list c. for the word unbleached, which indicates that the food is primarily made from whole grains b and c

a. for the order in which whole grains appear on the ingredients list

A different approach, advocated by the ________ _____ _______, is to look for products with a total carbohydrate-to-fiber ratio of less than 10:1—the approximate ratio of carbs and fiber in whole wheat flour. Most white all-purpose flour has a ratio of over 20:1. The carbohydrate-to-fiber ratio is intended to help consumers identify healthier whole grain foods without having to memorize long lists of specific ingredients

american heart association

Both types of starches are long chains composed only of linked glucose molecules, but they differ in that amylose is a ________ _______ whereas amylopectin is a ________ ________

amylose is a straight chain, amylopectin is a branched chain

Insulin is a potent _______ hormone in that it stimulates the synthesis of a larger molecule from smaller ones, enabling the liver and skeletal muscles to use this excess glucose to synthesize and store it as the polysaccharide glycogen. Skeletal muscles use this glycogen to fuel muscle contractions during intense exercise.


Nonnutritive sweeteners include the widely used _______ products (such as Nutrasweet and Equal). Aspartame is made by linking two amino acids, and like protein, it provides 4 kcal per gram. However, it is so intensely sweet (about 200 times sweeter than sucrose) that very little is used to achieve the same level of sweetness as sucrose; consequently, aspartame does not significantly increase the amount of calories in a food


Whole-grain rice, often called brown rice,. a. can be recognized by its characteristic brown color b. cannot be recognized by color alone c. is often more refined than white rice b and c


Carbohydrates are made in plants, which use all of the following to trap energy in the bonds of carbohydrates, EXCEPT: a. air b. soil c. water d. sunlight

b. soil

soluble fibers are most commonly found in?

barley legumes citrus fruits oats okra

Complex carbohydrates contain all of the following, EXCEPT: a. fiber b. minerals c. excess calories d. vitamins

c. excess calories

Distance athletes can avoid muscle fatigue by maximizing glycogen stores through ____.

carbohydrate loading

The brain and nerve tissues prefer ______as fuel, and red blood cells can use nothing else. -vitamins and minerals -carbohydrates -protein -fat


Which recommendation would you make to a person with lactose intolerance?

choosing yogurt with live cultures

eating pattern that provides _______ carbohydrates can help regulate a healthy body weight


Most individuals that consume diet beverages do so to limit calorie intake and reduce the risk of weight gain. Surprisingly, several recent studies have found that obese individuals _______ ____ ____ ________ than do healthy weight individuals, but these studies do not demonstrate that diet drink consumption actually causes obesity.

consume more diet beverages

How does regular aerobic exercise training increase oxidative capacity of muscle? a. increase in the number of mitochondria b. increase in the size of mitochondria c. increase in the oxidative enzyme activity d. all of the above (CORRECT)

d. all of the above

Of course, eating too much added sugar promotes cavities, also known as ______ ______

dental caries

carbohydrates made up of two sugar molecules are called


In grains, most of the starch is contained in the _______, which, if the seed is planted, will provide energy to the growing plant embryo, or germ. The energy is not readily accessible to humans when they consume the grain whole, however, because the endosperm is surrounded by the nondigestible fibrous bran coating. That's why, for millennia, humans have crushed, cracked, popped, pulverized, milled, or otherwise modified whole grains to expose the inner ________.


What stress hormone, secreted by the adrenal glands, is also known as adrenalin?


What cells are incapable of metabolizing glucose aerobically?


he storage form of carbohydrates in animals is called _______. Like starch, it is made up of linked glucose sugars but is the most extensively branched of the polysaccharides. _______ is made and stored primarily in the liver and muscles


Carbohydrates are made up of?

hydrogen oxygen carbon

_______ _____ does not dissolve in water and is typically poorly fermented. It passes through the gastrointestinal tract relatively intact.

insoluble fiber

After we eat, levels of glucose in our blood rise. This stimulates the pancreas to secrete the crucial hormone ______, which directly stimulates the cells in skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and adipose tissue (but not other tissues) to take up glucose from the blood.



is one of the two monosaccharides (the other is glucose) that make up the disaccharide found in milk. (lactose)


is the most abundant sugar in our diet because it is part of all disaccharides, starches, and many fibers.

When added sugar is consumed in excess of calorie need,

it alters blood lipids in potentially harmful ways.

Maldigestion of the carbohydrate ____ can result in calcium deficiency.


The mammary glands of humans and other mammals synthesize _________ (galactose and glucose), which is incorporated into milk to feed offspring


The disaccharides are made up of pairs of monosaccharides and there are three what are they

lactose, maltose, and sucrose.

Surprisingly, sucrose, lactose, and fructose and foods that contain these sugars (such as candies, dairy foods, and fruit) often produce_______ _______ _______ in blood glucose than do starchy foods.

less dramatic rise. This is because fructose and galactose have no immediate impact on blood glucose levels until they are converted to glucose in the liver.

groups who may not be able to eat enough fiber in a day to meet fiber and nutrient needs?

malnourished, elderly and young children who adhere to all plant diets

_________ is composed of two glucose molecules and is produced when starch is broken down in digestion.


the alcohol form of mannose


A bread labeled "high-fiber". -may not be a whole-grain food -is a good substitute for whole-grain bread -is required by law to contain whole grains -may contain the dangerous chemical cellulose

may not be a whole-grain food

carbohydrates made up of one sugar molecule are called


simple sugars

monosaccharides(single sugar units) disaccharides(double sugar units)

Digestible carbohydrates are absorbed as _________ through the small intestinal wall and are delivered to the liver, which releases ________ into the bloodstream.

monosaccharides, glucose

do added sugars include those naturally occurring in fruit and milk


A good source of carbohydrate for an athlete is ____ because _____.

oatmeal; it a whole grain food that contains fiber

The _______ monitors blood glucose and adjusts its concentration with two opposing hormones, insulin and glucagon.


In the small intestine, the enzyme _______ ______ digests starch into oligosaccharides and maltose.

pancreatic amylase

The energy found in carbohydrates comes, ultimately, from the Sun. _________ enables plants to capture the energy of sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in the form of glucose and fructose. Plants then link glucose molecules together to form starch and some dietary fibers.


Most complex carbohydrates in our diet come from ______


Nutritive sweeteners include the ______, which are alcohol forms of sugars. Sorbitol (the alcohol form of glucose) and mannitol (the alcohol form of mannose) are made from naturally occurring sugars in plants, and because they are poorly absorbed by the body, they provide fewer than 4 kcal per gram. Because of their poor absorption, excessive consumption of sugar alcohols often causes gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea.


For example, starches in foods can be partially "trapped" in the physical structure of grains or in the internal portion of larger food particles. These physical structures can make it difficult for digestive enzymes to gain access to the starch, slowing digestion and the subsequent appearance of glucose in blood. These starches that remain undigested and enter the large intestine are called _______ _______. Diets high in _______ ______ may improve our responsiveness to insulin and make people feel full for longer periods. Examples of foods high in resistant starches include beans, underripe bananas, whole grain kernels, and pasta.

resistent starches

In the mouth, the enzyme ______ ______ breaks down starch molecules into shorter polysaccharides

salivary amylase

Glucose and galactose are absorbed by ________, whereas fructose is absorbed by __________.

secondary active transport; facilitated diffusion

the alcohol form of glucose


polysacharides include?

starch glycogen fiber

_______ are polysaccharides that serve as stored energy for the plant and include amylose and amylopectin, which are found in grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables such as peas, potatoes, and corn.


fibers of a plant that contribute to structures of plant?

stem leaves seeds

Another popular nonnutritive sweetener is ______ extract (Truvia), made from the sweet leaves of subtropical stevia plants. Examples of other nonnutritive sweeteners found in foods and in the "sugar" bowl at your restaurant table include _______ (Splenda) and _______ (Sweet'N Low).

stevia sucralose sacchrine

what are some of the reasons we need carbohydrates

they are the exclusive source of energy for red blood cells and provide the vast majority of energy needed by the brain under normal circumstances. Consuming adequate carbohydrate in our daily diet also reduces the use of amino acids to synthesize glucose, thereby sparing proteins from being broken down for this purpose.

A 60 kg cyclist should consume 456 to 610 g of carbohydrate daily (8 to 10 g/kg/day).


After absorption, fructose is transported to the liver where it is converted to glucose.


Despite the high carbohydrate requirement by athletes, much of the carbohydrate-containing food consumed should be whole grain, rich in fiber, and nutrient dense.


Endurance athletes likely need to consume 8 to 10 g/kg of carbohydrate per day to maintain high levels of muscle glycogen over weeks and months of rigorous training.


Glucagon stimulates gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis to maintain blood glucose levels during exercise.


Humans and animals store glucose in the form of glycogen, a highly branched glucose chain.


Humans lack the enzymes needed to break down fiber.


The daily carbohydrate intake recommendation for athletes ranges from 3 to 12 g/kg of body weight and is dependent on factors such as age, gender, and training type, intensity, and duration.


When glucose is taken up by a cell, it either can be used immediately for energy or stored as glycogen for later use.


Whereas digestion of carbohydrates starts in the mouth with salivary amylase, digestion of carbohydrates occurs predominantly in the small intestine.


The disaccharide maltose consists of ____.

two glucose molecules

What situation is least likely to lead to hypoglycemia?

well-controlled type 1 diabetes

Dietary fiber is found naturally in ____.

whole grains

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