411 Exam 4

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People with what kind of animal are more likely to develop schizophrenia?


People with Broca's aphasia misunderstand ___________________________.Although they generally recognize what is wrong in a sentence and know some knowledge of grammar.

Complex sentences

If a cooperative person reports the presence of one stimulus, but not of a second, they were __________ of the first but not the second.

Conscious (This is the operational definition)

Primary characteristics of autism:

-deficits in social and emotional exchange -deficits in gestures, facial expressions, and other nonverbal communication -stereotypes behaviors, such as repetitive movements -reistant to change in routine -Unusually weak or strong responses to stimuli, such as indifference to pain or a panicked reaction to sound

Schizophrenic people have about twice as many _________________ occupied by dopamine as normal people.

D2 receptors

What causes Broca's aphasia?

Damage to Broca's area and surrounding areas

What kind of children benefit from learning sign language as early as possible compared to kids who learn it later?

Deaf children

Substance-induced psychotic disorder

Disorder characterized by hallucinations and delusions caused by drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine, and LSD, which increase the activity of dopamine synapses.

What contributes to reinforcement, but no longer appears to be as central as previously believed?


The areas with constant signs of abnormality include some that mature slowly such as the:

Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

It is _____________ that any individual habitually relies mostly on one hemisphere.


Split-brain people can do tasks that others find difficult like:

Drawing circles with both hands simultaneously with one hand going faster than the other

What is the most widespread view amongst nonscientists?


People with depression show:

-smaller than average hippocampus -impaired learning -smaller than average production of hippocampal neurons

What happens if two ears receive different information?

Each hemisphere pays more attention to the ear on the opposite side

Researchers found a mutation on what gene that has an impact on the development of the jaw and throat and is essential for speech?


Medications like Antabuse combat alcohol abuse by blocking opiate receptors and thereby decree the pleasure from alcohol: True or False


Wernicke's aphasia is primarily a problem of speech production: True or False


Dyslexia is more common in girls than boys: True of False

False, boys

Empathy is unique to humans: True or False

False, is not unique

All individuals can develop an addiction: True or False

False, not all

Generally, the last episode is longer than previous episodes: True or False

False, the first episode

Chimpanzees vocalize while breathing out: True or False

False: breathing in

Taste and smell are for the right hemisphere: True or False

False; Both

Children are better than adults at memorizing the vocabulary of a second language: True or False

False; adults are

Excessive activity of dopamine is the sole cause of schizophrenia: True or False

False; cannot be

Antidepressants always work for those with severe depression: True or False

False; not always

Alcohol decreases stress for most people, but more so for daughters of alcoholics: True or False

False; sons

Sometimes, the hemispheres don't learn to cooperate after surgery: True or False

False; they sometimes do learn how

Much of brain active is conscious and can influence behavior: True or False

False; unconscious

Alcoholics that develop alcohol problems before age 25 tend to have these problems:

Family history, genetic predisposition, and rapid onset of problems

Other troubles for individuals with major depression include:

Feeling worthless, sleep troubles, hard to concentrate, little pleasure from sex and food, contemplate suicide, hardly imagine being happy, cognitive problems, low motivation, impaired memory, impaired sense of smell

Beyond age 14, depression is more common in males or females?


Another word for Wernicke's aphasia?

Fluent aphasia

Most popular SSRI:

Fluoxetine (Prozac)

If seizure activity is not controlled by drug therapy, some people have surgery to remove the _________.



A class of neuroleptic drugs that includes haloperidol (Haldol).

What may play a role in depression?

A disrupted circadian rhythm

The right hemisphere is better than the left at perceiving the emotions in people's:

Gestures and tone of voice

Binocular rivalry

Gradual changes in perception when two different stimuli are presented to the two eyes

Which of the following increases the probability that someone will develop schizophrenia?

Having an older than average father

There is a positive correlation between:

IQ and Depression

Glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia:

Idea that schizophrenia results from deficient activity at certain glutamate synapses. Because dopamine inhibits glutamate activity in many parts of the brain, much of the evidence supporting the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia also supports the glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia.

What is moderately effective as a supplement to a person's commitment to stop drinking?


A drug that blocks the effects of a neurotransmitter is called a(n) _______.


What is closely aligned with consciousness?


What is more effective at relieving the positive symptoms, and to some extent, the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, but they do not improve overall quality of life more than the typical antipsychotic drug?

Atypical antipsychotics

If you do not learn language when you are young, you will forever be?


Many with dyslexia have the right temporal cortex _________ than left.


_______________ perceptions alter ______________ perceptions.

Later; earlier

Two interesting Social Neuroscience topics being studied are:

Love and Altruism

Schizophrenia is more common in:

Men than I women

What are used to reduce withdrawal and avoid the "high" of heroin and morphine? (They do not end opiate addiction, but satisfy the craving in a less dangerous way).

Methadone, Buprenorphine, and LAAM

What blocks opiate receptors and decrease pleasure from alcohol?

Naloxone and naltrexone

Another name for Broca's aphasia is?

Non-fluent aphasia

Reasons why Season-of-birth effect happens:

Nutrition during winter, viral infections, fever, and influenza

The Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis:

Schizophrenia is caused in large part by abnormalities to the nervous system during the prenatal or neonatal periods

Epileptic activity rebounds back and forth between the hemispheres and prolongs?


The left hemisphere is dominant for what kind of production?

Speech production

Data on masking studies show that consciousness of a stimuli depends on the amount and spread of ___________________.

brain activity

nucleus accumbens

brain area that is rich in dopamine and is central to the brain's reinforcement system

Other genes linked to schizophrenia are important for:

brain development, transmission of glutamate synapse, and connections between the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex

Consciousness can be driven by features of the stimulus such as:

brightness, motion, or seize, or due to "top-down" processes

When people perceive themselves as being threatened, oxytocin

calms them down

What causes Williams syndrome?

caused by a elation of several genes from chromosome 7


characterized by restless activity, excitement, laugher, self-confidence, rambling speech, and loss of inhibitions

People with late onset depression (especially after 45 to 50) have a high probability of relatives with:

circulatory problems

Approximate 5 percent of adults in the United States have a ________________________ depression.

clinically significant

SAD is most common in regions:

closest to the poles, where the nights are very long in winter and very short in the summer


condition characterized by repeated episodes of excessive synchronized neural activity

The ventromedial prefrontal cortex also seems to monitor what in one's decisions?


Deep brain stimulation

consists of a device implanted into the brain to delivery periodic stimulation to certain brain areas

Auditory information is sent to the

contralateral hemisphere more than the ipsilateral hemisphere

One gene of interest in schizophrenia is DISC1. This gene ____.

controls differentiation and migration of neurons in brain development

DISC1 gene

controls the production of dendritic spines and the generation of new neurons in the hippocampus

Prenatal genesis:

could be a virus

Some people show much more empathy than others because?

culture and family upbringing, along with biological factors

Wernicke's aphasia

damage to Wernicke's area, near the auditory part of the temporal cortex, leads to difficulty in comprehending the verbal and written communications of others. Although patients can still speak smoothly, their speech content is often nonsensical

Some addicts are able to:

decrease use or quit on their own

Most people suffering from depression have ____________ activity in the left hemisphere and ______________ activity in the right prefrontal cortex.

decreased; increased

Research is still in the experimental phase, but results are promising for:

deep brain stimulation

Those who later develop schizophrenia often have other problems in childhood like:

deficits in attention, memory, and impulse control

What was schizophrenia originally called?

dementia praecox

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD):

depression that reoccurs seasonally, usually in the winter

People with early-onset depression (before age 30) have a high probability of other relatives with:

depression, anxiety disorders, ADHD, alcohol or marijuana abuse, obsessive compulsive disorder, bulimia, migraine headaches, and IBS.

Left hemisphere is more focused on ________ and the right hemisphere is better at perceiving ______________.

details; overall patterns


difficulty recalling the names of objects

Other symptoms of Schizophrenia include:

disorganized speech, rambling or incoherent; grossly disorganized behavior; weak or absent signs of emotion, speech, and socialization

How can spatial neglect be reduced?

doing manipulations to increase attention to the left side

Nearly all abused drugs increase activity at ________ synapses.

dopamine and norepinephrine

The areas with the most consistent signs of abnormality in schizophrenics include the ____.

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Most people with epilepsy use _______ to suppress their seizure activity


Second generation (atypical) antipsychotics

drugs (e.g., clozapine) that alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia while seldom, if ever, producing movement problems. These drugs have less intense effects on dopamine type D2 receptors, but stronger effects at D4 and serotonin 5-HT2 receptors.

Antipsychotic drugs

drugs used for the treatment of schizophrenia. These drugs work primarily by blocking dopamine receptors

Types of Addiction include:

drugs, alcohol, gambling, overeating, excessive video game playing, etc

Drugs are for _________________ as therapy is to _______________ during childhood

dysthymia; abuse/neglect

Helpfulness (altruism) is dependent upon:



enhances the effects of glutamate at NMDA synapses

Short from of serotonin transporter may increase depressive reaction to stressful events -- _______________________.

especially childhood stress

ECT is usually applied:

every other day for about two weeks

How to treat SAD:

exposing person to very bright lights for about an hour either early in the morning or in the evening

drugs either _____ or ______ activity at the synapse

facilitate; inhibit


false sensory experiences

Oxytocin amplifies:


Schizophrenics have:

fewer glutamate receptors


first drug used successfully for the treatment of schizophrenia

Behavioral treatments work on the social aspects of autism like:

focusing on eliciting the child's attention and reinforcing favorable behaviors

Schizophrenia may result from a combination of:

genetic and environmental factors

Language may have evolved from communication by:


People with schizophrenia have less than average:

gray matter and white matter; along with larger than average ventricles

Dizygotic twins have the same genetic resemblance as siblings but:

greater environmental similarity, including prenatal environement

Disordered thinking may lead to:

hallucinations, delusions, and other symptoms

The immunological rejection by the mother results in:

hearing deficits, mental retardation, and twice the usual probability of schizophrenia

Dyslexia has been linked to at least four genes that produce deficits in:

hearing or cognition

Folic Acid

helps prevent birth defects of the brain and spinal cord


helps with stereotypes behavior, though with serious side effects

St. John's Wort

herb often used as a treatment for depression; nutritional supplement not regulated by the FDA; effectiveness about the same as standard antidepressant; increases the production of a liver enzyme that decreases the effectiveness of other medications

PCP produces much more severe psychosis in people with a:

history of schizophrenia

inattentional blindness

if something in a complex scene changes slowly, you probably will not notice it unless you are paying attention to the particular item that changes

phi phenomenon

if you see a dot in one position alternating with a similar dot nearby, it will seem that he dot is moving back and forth


important for synaptic plasticity

Children with careful parental supervision are less likely to develop what kind of problems, even if they have genetic predisposition?

impulse control

In order for a split-brain patient to name something, he must see it ____.

in the right visual field

Some people show much stronger _________________ than others do.

in-group biases


inability to read despite adequate vision and intelligence

Autism spectrum disorder:

includes a range of people with varying degrees of difficulty, and encompasses what used to be called Asperger's syndrome as well as autism

Increases in alertness depended on:

increased activity in the cortex

Initial recovery of consciousness depended on:

increased connectivity between subcortical and cortical areas

electroconcvulsive therapy (ECT)

inducing seizures with an electric shock to the head

Childhood infections like toxoplasma gondii

infects humans and leads to memory disorders, hallucinations, and delusions


inhibits reuptake of dopamine and to some extent norepinephrine


insistent search for something

Top-down process


Eugen Bleuler

introduced the term "schizophrenia"


is a paradox, because the pleasures decrease and the risks increase as the addiction progresses

A drugs efficacy:

is its tendency to activate the receptor

Differential Diagnosis

it is important to rule out other possible diagnoses that could present schizophrenia

Although some people suffer from long-term depression:

it is more common to have episodes of depression separated by periods of normal moods


its ability to produce new signals to represent new ideas

Genetic conditions that affect brain development can impair ___________ without affecting other aspects of intelligence.


Broca's aphasia relates to:

language and vocal muscles

damage to orbitofrontal cortex

leads to poor or impulsive decision making such as on the Iowa Gambling Task

Tolerance is in part:


Damage to the human left optic nerve before it crosses the optic chiasm would result in the loss of vision in the:

left eye

Broca's area is located in the:

left frontal lobe

People with depression show a decrease response to a _____________________.

likely reward

Cognitive symptoms:

limitations of thought and reasoning that are common in schizophrenia


makes it harder to metabolize acetaldehyde, which causes a person to feel sick after drinking alcohol

The greater environmental similarity in monozygotic twins, as compared to dizygotic twins:

may also influence concordance rates

Brain must identify a stimulus as __________ before you become conscious of it


Dogs can learn to respond to many human words. They have activity in the left hemisphere when responding to ___________ and the right hemisphere when responding to ___________________.

meaningful words; intonation


occurs when the effects of a drug (especially the pleasurable effects) decrease overtime

Alternative to deep brain stimulation:

ontogenic stimulation

Research on hemisphere dominance should not be:


Loss of consciousness was marked by decreased _____________________ and especially by decreased ___________________ between the cerebral cortex and the subcortical areas such as the thalamus, hypothalamus, and basal ganglia

overall activity; connectivity

Frontotemproral dementia:

parts of the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex gradually degenerate

With damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex:

people don't recognize or respond to others' reactions so they show little empathy

Split-brain people

people who have undergone surgery to the corpus callosum

Major depression:

people with major depression feel sad, helpless, lacking in energy and pleasure for weeks at a time

Show little interest in how others:

perceive them and don't show embarrassment

Modified hypothesis:

person with an addiction may use the substance to cope with stress


point of origin of the seizure

Optic chiasm

point where half of the axons from each eye cross to the opposite side of the brain

Factors that affect the infant's brain development:

poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy, premature birth, low birth weight, and complications during delivery

PCP induces both:

positive and negative symptoms

PCP does not produce psychosis in:


Many decisions depend on:


Research suggests that there is a genetic basis and possible _______________________ for schizophrenia.

prenatal influence

What happens when the corpus callosum is severed?

prevents the sharing of information between two brain hemispheres

flash suppression

procedure of making a stationary object impossible to see consciously by surrounding it with flashing objects

The two hemispheres of split-brain person can:

process information independently form one another

Human language stands out from others because of its


ECT is known to:

proliferate neurons in the hippocampus and increase BDNF

What causes tardive dyskinesia?

prolonged blockade of dopamine receptors in the basal ganglia

Patients suffering from Broca's aphasia speak meaningfully, but omit:

pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and qualifiers; also have trouble understanding these same kind of words


refers to the behaviors and cognitive abilities that each hemisphere specializes in

People with damage to the superior temporal cortex neglect the left side of objects:

regardless of their location

Topoisomerase genes

regulate the repair and replication of DNA and the production of certain types of RNA

Many people with SAD have a mutation on a gene responsible for:

regulating circadian rhythms

About half of those who respond well to ECT:

relapse into depression within 6 months unless given antidepressants or other therapies.

The chimpanzees used their symbols almost always to make a ___________, only rarely to ____________.

request; describe

Prefrontal cortex is responsible for :

restraining impulses

Different explanations for dyslexia include:

selects a subtle hearing impairment; caused by a problem detecting the temporal order of sounds; caused by a problem converting vision to sound or vice versa, as if one part of the brain were poorly connected to another; function of attentional differences

Some studies show that people with depression have an increase in _____________________.

serotonin release

Young adults with the short form of the ___________________ who experiences stressful experiences had a major increase in probability of developing depression

serotonin transporter gene

Experiences that release dopamine in the nucleus accumbens include:

sexual excitement, music, taste of sugar, imagining something pleasant, habitual gambling and video game playing

Many addiction-linked genes have been identified, each with a __________ effect.


Oxytocin seems to influence attention to:

social cues

as compared to a person with Broca's aphasia, a person with Wernicke's aphasia can

speak fluently and rapidly

Drugs work to increase dopamine in the area via direct (______________) or indirect (______________) means

stimulants; opiates

Long from of serotonin transporter gene less susceptible to __________________; one long and one short moderate risk

stressful events

Twin studies confirm _______________ influence of genetics on vulnerability to alcohol/drugs.



the ability to identify with other people and feel their pain almost as though it was your own


the belief that mind and body are different kinds of substances that exist independently

Later after split brain surgery:

the brain learns to use smaller connections between hemispheres to avoid potential conflicts

The brain has two hemispheres that controls:

the contralateral (opposite) side of the body

Stroop effect

the difficulty of ignoring words and saying the color of ink


the effect of a gene varies with the enviroment


the fluid-filled spaces within the brain

People with dyslexia are more likely to have abnormalities in which hemisphere?

the left hemisphere

The strongest deficits for schizophrenia are in:

the left temporal and frontal areas of the cortex

If the damage to the right hemisphere is to the inferior part of the parietal cortex:

the person tends to neglect everything to the left of their own body

People with damage seem less sensitive to:

the possible rewards at the moment

Researchers have found that the brains of schizophrenic people release lower than normal amounts of glutamate in:

the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus

Backward masking

the same method as above but only the later stimulus is presented.

Social Neuroscience

the study of how genes, chemicals, and brain areas contribute to social behavior.

Damage from frontotemporal dementia includes:

the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex

Because increasing glutamate activity in the brain would be extremely risky:

there are no drugs used to treat schizophrenia that directly stimulate glutamate activity

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

these drugs are similar to tricyclics, but are specific to the neurotransmitter serotonin.

In a moral dilemma:

they are more likely to kill one person to save 5

A person with spatial neglect is more likely to notice an object placed in the left hand if ____.

they cross their left hand over to the right side of their body

Simplest way to image how the brain makes a decision is:

to have one set of cells accumulate evidence in favor of one choice, another set accumulate evidence for the other choice, and a third set to compare the two

The DA Hypothesis

too much DA; stimulant drugs increase the amount of DA in the synapse, and these drugs produce psychotic-like behavior

Depression can be:

unipolar or bipolar


unjustifiable beliefs

Many primates show a preference for:

using either their right or left hand

People with unipolar disorder:

vary between depression and normality

Cells in the _________________ modify the responses of the basal ganglia.

ventromedial prefrontal cortex


view that everything that exists is material or physical

Identity position

view that mental processes and certain kinds of brain processes are the same thing


view that only the mind really exists and that the physical world could not exist unless some mind were aware of it

One problem of solving the mind-body problem:

we cannot observe consciousness

Theories of Language:

we evolved language as a by-prouduct of overall brain development; is we evolved language as a specialization

Making a factual decision:

we tend to weigh the evidence

Visual field

what is visible at a particular moment


when the body reacts to the absence of a drug

Most depressed people have sleep problems:

which precede with mood changes

Disordered thinking:

which results from abnormal interactions between the cortex and the thalamus and cerebellum

The right half of each retina connects to the right hemisphere:

which sees the left visual field

People with right hemisphere damage speak:

with less inflection and expression; also have trouble interpreting emotions that other people express in tone of voice

Lateralization differs in schizophrenia:

with the left hemisphere slightly larger than the right

Depression occurs in episodes so even those with untreated depression recover:

within a few months

The problem with Broca's aphasia is not just with pronunciation, but also ________________.

word meanings

One study suggests that consciousness is a:

yes/no phenomenon

What is smaller than normal for people with schizophrenia?


If mother is Rh- and baby is Rh+

The babies Rh+ blood may trigger an immunological rejection by the mother

Language ability is primarily localized in:

The left hemisphere

Season-of-birth effect

The tendency for people born in winter to have a slightly greater possibility of developing schizophrenia.

Suppose you are conscious of what you see in the right eye and not the left. Now a world slowly fades into view in the left eye. What happens?

The word grabs your attention faster if it is meaningful

Studies show that people with major depression reacted normally to sad or frightening depictions, but seldom smiled at comedies or pleasant pictures: True or False


The effects while the drug is in the brain differ from effects that occur during withdrawal, and effects responsible for cravings: True or False


The greater concordance in monozygotic twins does not necessarily mean a genetic cause: True or False


The more one experiences an episode, the easier it is to start another one: True or False


When looking at photos of someone with whom a subject is in love, they show more activation in reward areas of the brain and areas associated with memory and cognition (compared to looking at photos of another attractive person): True or False


Younger language acquisition starts, the better: True or False


Both hemispheres control what muscles?

Trunk and facial muscles


Understand more info than they produce, use symbols to name and describe objects without requesting them; request items they can't see, use symbols to describe past events, make original and creative requests

Which statement about the long-term course for people diagnosed with schizophrenia is true?

Up to one-fourth will have a serious disorder throughout their lives

The mind-brain problem asks:

What is the relationship between the mind and the brain

What tests to see if the the hemispheres have learned to cooperate?

Words that are flashed simultaneously on both sides of the visual field


a brief visual stimulus is preceded and followed by longer interfering stimuli

Langauge acquisition device

a built-in mechanism for acquiring language


a class of neuroleptic drugs that includes chlorpromazine


a disorder characterized by deteriorating ability to function in everyday life.

Phencyclidine (PCP)

a drug that blocks NMDA glutamate receptors

Broca's aphasia

a language impairment whose most prominent symptom is a deficit in language production

Williams syndrome

a rare disorder in which intellectually impaired individuals have skillful use of language, but limited abilities in other regards.

Bottom-up process

a reaction to a stimulus

Tardive dyskinesia:

a serious side effect of antipsychotics; this disorder is characterized by tremors and other involuntary movements

Corpus callosum

a set of axons that allows the two hemispheres to exchange information with one another.

Mesolimbocortical system

a set of neurons which project from the midbrain tegmentum to the limbic system.

Spatial neglect

a tendency to ignore the left side of the body and its surroundings, including visual, auditory, and touch stimuli after damage to the right hemisphere

Bipolar I disorder:

a type of bipolar disorder when the person has full-blown episodes of mania

Bipolar II disorder:

a type of bipolar disorder where the person has much milder manic phases called hypomania

What is a more reliable symptom than increased sadness for depression?

absence of happiness

People with a gene for producing less acetaldehyde dehydrogenase metabolize _____________ (from alcohol) more slowly -- Those people tend to drink less and have fewer problems with alcohol abuse.


In the first weeks after surgery, split brain people find that the hemispheres:

act like separate people sharing one body

Studies with rats show that repeated exposure to addictive substances alters receptors in nucleus accumbens and other areas so that they become less responsive to other stimuli and more responsive to _______________.

addiction-related stimuli

A drug has an _____________ for a receptor if it binds to it.




Consciousness seems to be:

all or none

Nucleus accumbens reinforce experiences of:

all types

Information presented in the right visual field:

allows patients to name or describe what they see

People with bipolar disorder:

alternate between episodes of depression and mania

From an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense to be ________________ toward your relatives, and someone who seems similar is more likely to be related to you than someone very different.


What experimental compound may be used to treat schizophrenia?

amino acide glycine


an antipsychotic drug that blocks the reuptake of DA


antagonizes NMDA type receptors glutamate receptors; produces rapid antidepressant effects in people who don't respond to other medications; not suitable but may lead to something similar

Other drug treatments for bipolar include:

anticonvulsant drugs like valproate and carbamazepine

The mesolimbocortical system is believed to bet the area in which:

antipsychotics have their beneficial effects

Lithium salts

are the most effective therapy for bipolar disorder

Social Neuroscience is a relatively new:

area of research

What are typical characteristics of Wernicke's aphasia:

articular speech, difficulty finding the right word, and poor language comprehension

Consciousness is roughly equivalent to:


What part of the brain learns which choice has the higher payoff?

basal ganglia

Self-stimulation of the brain

behavior that is reinforced by electrical stimulation of a brain area

Negative symptoms

behaviors that are absent that should be present, such as deficits of social interaction and emotional expression

Positive symptoms

behaviors that are present that should be absent


belief that the universe consists of only one kind of substance

You start by estimating the outcome each choice would bring, and then you decide with outcome seems ____________.


The brain has __________ control of the facial muscles.


There is a strong hereditary basic for:

bipolar disorder


block receptors

Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)

block reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

block the enzyme oxidase (MAO) from metabolizing catecholamines and serotonin into active forms

The doses of various drugs that are typically prescribed for schizophrenia are closely related to the strength of what effect?

blockage of dopamine receptors

Mysteries about Schizophrenia:

-Link to colon cancer and certain autoimmune disease -Characteristic body order -Deficits in pursuit eye movements

Possible diagnoses that could present like schizophrenia include:

-Substance Abuse -Brian damage -Undetected hearing deficits -Huntington's Disease -Nutritional abnormalities

For monozygotic schizophrenic twins, there is about a ________ concordance, and a _______ concordance for dizygotic twins

50%; 15%

Dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia

According to this hypothesis, schizophrenia results from excess activity at certain dopamine synapses. The primary evidence for this hypothesis is the type of drugs that relieve and aggravate the symptoms of schizophrenia.

Treatments for addicts include:

Alcoholics Anonymous and Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Sons of ___________________ show less than average intoxication after drinking a moderate amount of alcohol, and more decrease in stress as a result of drinking alcohol than sons of ________________.

Alcoholics; non-alcoholics

What type of exercise increases blood flow to the brain and provides benefits that are especially helpful to people with depression?

Regular, non-strenuous exercise

People with depression have lower than average:


The hormone oxytocin and hormone vasopressin are major parts of:

Bonding and love

Three reasons that Bonobos have better language skills:

Bonobos have more language potential than other chimpanzees, the bonobos trained so far have been very young, and the bonobos trained have learned from observation and imitation rather than formal language training.

Those who grow up in a bilingual home show substantial bilateral brain activity during speech; for _____________________. Their temporal and frontal cortex grow _______________ than average.

Both languages; thicker

Common chimpanzees cannot learn to talk:

But can learn some language skills like ASL or others visual systems

Each ear receives waves from one side of the head:

But each sends the information to both sides of the brain

What hemisphere is more adept at comprehending spatial relationships?

Right hemisphere

What supplements have been explored but the research is not conclusive?

Omega-3 and B vitamins

Information is relayed to the _____________________ which compares expected rewards compares to other possible choices.

Orbitofrontal cortex

Women release these around childbirth, and both sexes release these during sexual activity

Oxytocin and vasopressin

Patients with SAD have _________________________ whereas most depressed people have _____________________.

Phase-delayed sleep and temperature rhythms; phase-advanced patterns

What section of the temporal cortex is large in the left side for 65% of people?

Planum temporal

Repeated exposure to addictive drugs disrupts activity in the?

Prefrontal cortex

________________ alcohol exposure increases risk of alcohol addiction later in life.



Prevent the presynaptic neuron from reabsorbing catecholamines or serotonin after releasing them (this allows the neurotransmitter to remain longer in the synaptic cleft thus stimulating postsynaptic receptors).

Children have a great advantage on the learning:

Pronunciation and grammar

What is more likely to have long term benefits and reduce the likelihood of relapse?


Discovery of neuroanatomy of addiction occurred accidentally when Olds & Milner missed a target for implanting electrode in __________.


What do the drugs valproate and carbamazepine share in common with lithium?

They block the synthesis of arachidonic acid

An addict can want something without liking it: True or False


Anterior commissure, hippocampal commissure, and couple of other commissures also help with the exchange: True or False


Biochemical mechanism involved in substance abuse may also be involved in other forms of addiction: True or False


Bonobos given language training used symbols in several ways that more resemble humans than common chimpanzees: True or False


Brain attends to some things even if you are not conscious of the stimulus: True or False


Certain aspects of brain function and behavior are present from the start in people with familiar disposition to addiction: True or False


Chimpanzees lack productivity: True or False


Epileptics sometimes have their corpus callosum severed to prevent seizure activity from crossing from one hemisphere to another: True or False


Evidence of genetic or other biological predisposition to depression exist: True or False


Language requires the activation of many different areas other that the frontal and temporal cortex: True or False


Light from the right visual field shines onto the left half of both retinas; this information is then relayed to the left hemisphere: True or False


No clear evidence that nay antidepressant drug produces any different effect from any other: True or False


One should not conclude from this research that they are not good at certain things because they are either "left-brained" or "right-brained": True or False


Oxytocin can affect social relationships by increasing conformity to the opinions of the in-group but not the out-group: True or False


PCP produces a type of psychosis more similar to schizophrenia than drugs like cocaine: True or False


People differ in their predisposition to alcohol or drug abuse: True or False


People who start learning a second language beyond age 12 or so almost never reach the level of a true native speaker: True or False


People with Broca's aphasia have trouble understanding the same kinds of words that they omit when speaking: True or False


Positive symptoms fall into two clusters that do not correlate strongly with each other: True or False


Presumably because of a dominant gene, 16 (out of 30) people of normal intelligence within one family have severe language deficiencies: True or False


Schizophrenia develops at an earlier age in men and is more severe: True or False


Some of the same genes that predispose major depression also predispose bipolar disorder: True or False


Split-brain people can point to objects with their left hand (but not with their right) if visual information is presented from the left visual field to their right hemisphere: True or False


Studies followed people as they lost consciousness under anesthesia and then regained it as the drug effects wore off: True or False


Most people with schizophrenia show deficits in:

memory and attention

One common side effect of ECT:

memory loss


mimic or increase effects of a neurotransmitter

Atypical antidepressants:

miscellaneous group of drugs with antidepressant effects but only mild side effects

Chimpanzees show __________ understanding and can answer "What" and Who" questions accurately.


Antidepressant drugs produce their effects on neurotransmitters in the synapses within minutes to hours but it takes weeks before patents experience ______________.

mood elevation

Encouraging bipolar patients to keep a consistent sleep schedule may reduce the intensity of:

mood swings

ECT was invented by Ladislas Meduna and the treatment was:

mostly ineffective on schizophrenia and became overused on patients without their consent

Researchers used fMRI images to record brain activity in a young women who was in a persistent vegetative state. When she was told to imagine playing tennis, the fMRI showed increased activity in ______________ of her cortex, similar to healthy volunteers.

motor areas

Most cases of autism probably result form:

mutations or microdeltions in any number of genes

People with depression have approximately __________________ of release of neurotransmitters.

normal levels

The rats' self-stimulation of the brain increased when electrodes were in areas that increased the release of dopamine or norepinephrine in the _____________________.

nucleus accumbens

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