427 AI lecture 1 & 2 quiz

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4 views of AI

-Think like a human -Act like a human -Think Rationally -Act Rationally

typical unsupervised ML

-clustering -matrix factorization -graphical model

Key Ingredients in machine learning

-data: collected from past observation -modeling: devised to capture patterns in the data -prediction: apply model to forecast what's going on

classification algorithms

-decision tree -naive bayes -neural networks -support vector machine -logistic regression

regression alogirthms

-linear regression -regression tree -SVM regression

AI history

1943 boolean circuit model of brain mculloch and pitts 1950 Turing "computing machinery and intelligence" imitation game 1956 birth of Ai Dartmouth meeting w/ John , minks & Claude shannon 1955-65 create enthisum (newell & Simon): general prob solver gelertner: geometry theorem prover McCarthy: invention of LISP 1966-73 reality dawns-> realize many AI problems are intractable 1969-85-> success of rule-based expert systems & dev knowledge-based sys 1986-rise of machine learning & neural nets return to popularity 1990 role of uncertainty bayesian networks as knowledge rep framework 1996 AI as science-> integration of learning, reasoning, knowledge rep etc 2001-present resurgence of neural net & dev learning

machine learning

AI technique allows computer to learn without being explicitly programmed

Acting Rationally

Computational intelligence is the study of the design of intelligent agents. -use of decision theory/economics -set of possible actions an agent can take

components of AI

Engineering cognitive science philosophy

big Ai milestones

IBM deep blue beat world chess championion 2003-2007 robot driving drape challenge 2006 face recognition software in cons cameras 2010 ibm beat jeopardy 2016 alpha go beat world champion lee

Ways to evaluate AI

Turing Test Loebner Prize

Act like a human

behaviorist approach -don't care about results as long as you exhibit the same behaviors

challenges with think like a human

challenges -reverse engineer how we reason but thats hard -brain hardware is diff from computer program

Who beat the Turing test?

chatbot named Eugene goostman -calaimed to be 13 year old from Ukraine made by Vladimir and eugeun convinced 33% of judgeds that it was human

typical supervise ML algorithms

classification regression

Think like a human

cognitive science approach

Loebner prize

formal instantiation of the Turing test, held annually with a 100,000 acash prize


gain to an agent for each action/state pair

how can knowledge bottleneck be solved?

in AI may be solved by learning methods instead of hand coded knowledge engineering

turing test

proposed by Turing in 1950 as way of dealing w/ the question whether machines think

problems with thinking rationally

rational agent is predictable & determinstic Deons't act for uncertainty

Thinking Rationally

represent facts about the world via logic -use logical inference as a basis for reasoning about these facts can be useful approach to AI


stubborn; obstinate; hard to move forward

Supervised vs. Unsupervised learning

supervised ML w/ training examples vs. unsupervised ML: raw data w/o ground truth

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