5.1.1 The atmosphere

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an atom with an electrical charge that has gained or lost one or more electrons


microscopic organisms that float in the atmosphere

compare the oxygen in the ozone to the oxygen used for respiration

ozone is a toxic and explosive form of oxygen. The oxygen molecules used in respiration contain two oxygen atoms, but ozone molecuels contain three. This three-atom structure is unstable and can be easily destroyed by incoming radiation. HOwever, ozone formation also depends on such energy from the sun.

explain the purpose of the ozone layer

A layer of gas calledozone protects all life on earth from UV radiation. The ozone layer acts like a tent for the earth to shield it from Harmful UV raditaion. Although the ozone layer protects livilng things from most Uv radiation, it is only a thiny fraction of the atmosphere. The layer is about 20km thick and it is not very dense.

Summarize how solar wind affects the magnetosphere

As the earth soars through space, it is bombared by solar wind-the continous flow of plasma, or superheated gases composed of the electrically charged particles , from the sun. The earth's magnetic field repels the solar wind, protectin the earth from the wind's harmful effects. The effect of solar wind creates an area surrounding the earth that is shaped like a comet. The winds on the sun side press against the magnetosphere to compress it. Then it spreads outo on the other side of th earth.

Illustrate how the levels of oxygen and nitorgen are maintained. Is it correct?

Because nitrogen is nonreactive, it helps maintain the proper concentraion of oxygen, the gas most people associate with the atmosphere. God designed the atmosphere to maintain a constant 21% concentration of oxygen through the photosynthesis of green plants, algae, and diatoms in spite of forest fires, burning fuels, and the weathering of rocks, which also use oxygen. Both too much or too little oxygen would be disastrous.

theorize the relationship between CFCs and the hole in the ozone

CFCs is a synthetic compound consisiting of carbon,fluorine,and carbon. CFCs were first synthesized in 1928 as a safe alternative to tozix gases . CFCs were also widely used for air conditioning in homes, businesses,and cars. During the 1970s,scientists beg questioning wether emissions from high altitude jets or spacecraft would damage the ozone layer. two cemists teamed upand showed that CFCs could damage the atmospheric ozone. Concern about tohe use of CFCs increased in the 1980s when scientist in the British antartic survey published a paper claiming ot have discovered a hole in the ozone.THe seasonal thinning of the ozone over Antarctica, then became known as the hole in the ozone. In 1987, as a result of the research 46 countries signed the montreal protcol, an agreement to stop using ozone -damaginf chemicals by 1996.Scientist believe the ban has helped the ozone hole shrink. Others believe the area's size fluctuations are strictly seaonsal and have litle to do with CFCs.

Relate the benefits of the atmosphere to how God sustains life on earth. not sure if its right.

God created the world so prefectly that every single layer of the atmosphere has a purpose and benefit to the human life such as without the atmosphere the world would be below freezing. God also created a layer that protect the human life from harmful ultra violet radiations from the sun. None of this could've happened by chance or by an explosion, there had to be a creator.

Explain the purpose of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.

Most atomspheric gas is nitrogen. Living things need nitrogen. Animals need nitrogen to form amino acids to build proteins. Nitrogen is a key ingredient in chlorophyl, which plants use in photosynthesis. Nitrogen is recycled from the atmosphere to the soil and back into the atmosphere through the nitrogen Cycle. Animals, plants, bacteria, and microorganisms need oxygen for respiration , the process that produces energy for life. Without Carbon dioxide, plants could not photosynthesize , so there would be no oxygen. Carbon dioxide is also important because it traps heat in the atmosphere, warming the earth. A small amount of carbon dioxide is necessary to keep the planet from freezing.

identify the benefits of the atmosphere

SOme benfits of the atmosphere is that without it the earth would be below freezing so it keeps the earths temperature balanced. the atmosphere also protects living things on earth from the suns harmful uv radiations, the ozone layer filter these rays. The atmosphere also allows ions to create an electrical layer that reflects radio waves. Short wave radio signals bounce off the ionized air and return to earth, making possible tobroadcast radio signals beyond the horizon.

compare the layers of the atmosphere

The atmosphere is divided into two main parts. The lower part of the atmosphere is called homosphere because it is the same throught. THe homosphere extends from the surface of the earth upward about 80 km. the upper level of the atmosphere is called the heterosphere because the gasses there are not mixed, but are seperated. The homosphere and heterosphere can be further divided according to the temperature, composition and density. the three layers within the homosphere are the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere is the closest to the earth. All life exists in the troposphere. its average height is about 12 km. Weather occurs in the troposphere like hurricanes, tornadoes, rainstorms , blizzards and more. The boundary between the turbulent and troposphere and the next layer is called the tropopause. The air temp remains fairly constant in the tropopause at about -60c. The stratosphere is the layer of the atmosphere above the troposphere. It is 12-50km above the earth. The stratosphere has very little vertical movement. Jets that fly in the stratosphere take advantage of the calm, thin air and leave white trails of fine, white crystals across the sky are called contrails. The top of the stratosphere is called the stratopause, it contains the ozone layer. The layer above the stratosphere is the mesosphere, which is 50-80 km above the earth. With temps that can drop to -100C , the mesosphere is the homosphere's coldest layer. The outer two layers of the atmosphere are part of the heterosphere. Beyond the mesopuase is the thermosphere. It reaches more than 227C at night and steadily rises to 1700 C during the day , probably because free atoms of oxygen there absorb heat from the sun. the lower region of the thermosphere at 80-300km above the earth is called the ionsphere. HEre the air is extremelt thin. UV radiations from the sun bombards the molecules here, smashing them apart into Ions.finally the outermost region of the heterosphere is called the exosphere. the exosphere is the atmosphere's hottest layer.

List the Components of the atmosphere and their concentrations.

The components and concentrations of the atmosphere are nitrogen which is 78 percent , oxygen 21 % and 1% of other trace gases such as carbon dioxide. Inside the one percent is Argon(0.9340%), and inside carbon (.0407%) is Neon(.001818%), Helium(.00054%), Methane (.00054%), Krypton (.000114%) and Hydrogen (.000055)

compare the two theories about the electric current in the core

The dynamo theory supposes the magnetic field is the result of processes that are currently happening. according to this theory, the rotation of the earth and the convection currents in the mantle keep the motion within the outer core going. thsi motion produces and miantains the electric current necessary to maintain a magnetic field. The dynamo thoery does not explain the origin or creation of the mafnetosphere, however. the dynamo theory assumes that the earth is old. The rapid- decay theory assumes the magnetic field is the result of the earth was created. According to this theory, the process of creation generated the motion necessary to create the electric current that results in the magnetosphere. As the motion of the earth and its core continues , the flow of electricity is resisted and the magnetosphere decays, or becomes weaker.

illustrate the structure of the magnetosphere.

The magnestosphere has two poles; the north magnetic poles and the south magmetic poles. Lines of force extend between these poles which produce a magnetic field around the earth. The area around the earth that is affected by the earth's magnetic field is called the magnetosphere.


a mixture of gases that sorrounds the earh


a superheated gas composed of electrically charged particles.


a three atom form of oxygen gas(O3) that protects earth from UV radiation


synthetic compounds consisting of carbon, fluorine, and chlorine

solar wind

the continous flow of plasma form the sun

Infer the benefits of the magnetosphere

the magnetospheres beneits to the earth is that it shields earth from solar and cosmic particle radiatoin, as well as erosion of atmosphere by the solar wind , the constant flow or changed particles streaming off the sun.

atmospheric pressure

the pressure exerted by Earth's atmosphere at any given point


ultraviolet radiation from the sun

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