5A - Bid Document

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Which document requests that additional information be submitted by the bidder within 48 hours of bid opening? A. Proposal Supplements. B. Instructions to Bidders. C. Noncollusive Affidavit. D. Pre-qualification Forms.


What is the name of the law principle for referring the Contractor to other documents that are not contained in the package provided? A. Order of Precedence. B. Incorporated by Reference. C. Standardized General Conditions. D. Shop Drawings and Reference Standards.


Which document applies to the Contractor and the Subcontractors and describes the administrative, procedural and temporary procedures on the job site? A. General Conditions. B. General Requirements. C. Instructions to Bidders. D. Supplementary Conditions.


What types of projects establish prevailing wage rates? A. Union projects. B. Merit Shop Projects. C. Privately Funded Projects. D. Federally Funded Projects.


What is the term called which requires all Bidders to include in their bid a specified amount or unit price for a particular item? A. Plug. B. Alternate. C. Contingency. D. Cash Allowance.


. Which document makes changes, modifications and corrections prior to bid opening? A. Addenda. B. Change Directive. C. Proposal Supplements. D. Contract Change Order.


Which document describes the duties and responsibilities of each party and the business procedures for administering the contract? A. General Conditions. B. General Requirements. C. Instructions to Bidders. D. Supplementary Conditions.


Which document issued by the Architect illustrates what is to be built? A. Plans. B. Shop Drawings. C. Product Data Sheets. D. Schematics Drawings.


Which document specifies the Regulations required such as soil erosion or minorities? A. General Requirements. B. Technical Specifications. C. Supplementary Conditions. D. Information Available to Bidders.


Which document specifies the temporary facilities needed on a project? A. General Requirements. B. Technical Specifications. C. Supplementary Conditions. D. Information Available to Bidders.


Which of the following documents are submitted by the Contractor at bid opening? A. Proposal Form, Bid Breakdown, Addendum, Bid Bond & Noncollusive Affidavit. B. Proposal Supplements, Performance Bond, Payment Bond & Insurance certificate. C. Prequalification Forms, Alternates, Cash Allowances, Prevailing Wages, Deposit. D. Agreement, Regulatory Requirements, Shop Drawings, Product Data & Samples.


Which of the following documents is normally incorporated by reference? A. General Conditions. B. General Requirements. C. Instructions to Bidders. D. Supplementary Conditions.


Which document contains a description of the alternate(s)? A. General Conditions. B. General Requirements. C. Instructions to Bidders. D. Supplementary Conditions


Which document describes quality of work and the quality of the materials and the construction execution procedures? A. Agreement. B. General Requirements. C. Technical Specifications. D. Supplementary Conditions.


Which document establishes the forms, content and procedures for submitting the bid proposals? A. General Conditions. B. General Requirements. C. Instructions to Bidders. D. Supplementary Conditions.


Which document is submitted by each bidder stating that their bid was arrived at without any conferring with other prime bidders? A. Proposal Supplements B. Instructions to Bidders. C. Noncollusive Affidavit. D. Owner/Contractor Agreement.


Which document describes the business procedures for a specific project and they change the initial procedures? A. General Conditions. B. General Requirements. C. Instructions to Bidders. D. Supplementary Conditions.


Which document establishes the labor rates on a project? A. General Requirements. B. Instructions to Bidders. C. Proposal Supplements. D. Prevailing Wage Rate Schedule.


Which document is submitted to the Owner for bid consideration before the Contractor can receive the bidding documents? A. Proposal Supplements. B. Instructions to Bidders. C. Noncollusive Affidavit. D. Pre-qualification Forms.


Which document specifies the existing soil conditions? A. General Requirements. B. Technical Specifications. C. Supplementary Conditions. D. Information Available to Bidders


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