5th Grade Bible Unit 3

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had to humble himself and obey Elisha's instructions to dip in the Jordan River to be healed of his leprosy

Hophni and Phinehas served as __________ but continued to disobey Eli and God


They may make _________ for themselves and others as they ask God to provide for their needs.


God called Hophni and Phinehas

sons of Belial


the architect or designer


the building or temple for the Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ

the foundation


the plan


told the people that if they did not repent in forty days God would destroy them.

During the battle, __________ captured the ark of the covenant, but they later returned it to Israel after God punished them with disease.

tribe of Judah

______ was/were commanded by God to prophesy to the people of Nineveh

Both Jonah and Nahum

After becoming president, ____________ Daniel kept his consistent testimony of prayer despite the disapproval and hatred shown by the other leaders.


Hannah prayed and dedicated ___________ to the Lord before he was _______

Samuel, born

Hophni, Phinehas, and Eli _________ , just as God had prophesied through Samuel.

died on the same day

God desires Christians to grow closer to Him through prayer and Bible study. The Ten Commandments are given in Scripture as a ___________ for daily living and as a basis for human laws.


Not knowing that Queen Esther was a Jew, _________devised a plan to have all the Jews killed because he hated ______________

Haman, Mordecai

Who is the perfect example of godly living for all Christians?

Jesus Christ

________ ran from God's command and headed for Tarshish in a ship.


King Ahasuerus was reminded that ________ had saved his life and wanted to honor him. Even though he hated Jews, Haman obeyed the king and Honored _________as he was commanded

Mordecai, Mordecai

Christians should recognize that their _________ are put in place by God, and they should respond to them immediately with respectful attitudes.



became greedy and lied to Naaman to get the gifts. God gave him leprosy as punishment


knew the healing came from God and refused Naaman's gifts of thanks

As Christians pray, their words of devotion show their ________ to God

love and loyalty

Mordecai had raised Esther and taught her to obey and make the right choices. Esther's _____ helped her to become the wife of King __________

obedience, Ahasuerus

Samuel did not follow the sinful examples of Eli, Hophni, and Phinehas but chose to ______________ and live a godly life

obey God

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