60s Final Terms - Osman

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2. De facto vs de jure segregation

"by law" vs. "by fact." Segregation in the south was "de jure" - jim crow laws/white and colored signs (clear targets sit on counters). North segregation was "de facto" - no laws more murky. Issue on how to target and overcome the segregation in north.

18. Kwanzaa

(cultural wing) a pan african holiday to replace consumerism and racism of christmas.

19. Black Arts Movement

(cultural wing) created by Amiri Baraka. The Black Arts repertory theatre.

20. Amiri Baraka

(culture wing) Black Arts Repertory Theater. Search for black-forms of art, poetry, theater

17. Ron Karenga

(rev wing) Founder of US organization. Advocates 'cultural revolution' - new black cultural consciousness. Re-root American blacks in African culture. Independent black schools, black studies departments

13. Black Power - at least three themes

1) Belief that CRM in late-1960s needed new direction. Lots of legislation -little change. Young activists exhausted and frustrated "We are tired of begging for 'good will' of sympathetic whites" "Unified, strong power must force change." 2) Critique of CRM's over-emphasis on integration Argue that CRM leadership = Af-Am. middle class. Integrationist rhetoric often - black neighborhoods 'bad' black institutions 'dysfunctional' black schools 'tragic' what about black culture? 3) Decolonization of black communities (drawing from anti-colonial struggles around the globe) Self-Help, Self-Determination, Self-Defense. 4) Decolonization of the mind - Black consciousness (psychological liberation from racism.) Awakening of Black Pride, Black Love

12. "I am a Man"

1300 sanitation workers walk off the job in protest. MLK marches with them as part of labor organization.

94. 1920s as early "golden age" for gay and lesbian urban life. vs 1940s-1950s as a time of repression

1920s: urbanization, jazz age - flappers, wild experimentation and surprising freedom, boundaries were broke, emergence of early gay and lesbian spaces such as bohemian and red light districts, little police presence in gay bars. 1940s: mcCarthyism, lavender scare, executive order 10450 more federal employers fired from being gay than communists in the 50s, prohibition had ended. death of legal bar culture more regulations by government expeditors. crack down on gay activity - lose liquor license. Arrest for being gay, lose job, institutionalized. traditional nuclear family and strict gender rules. era of the scientists so doctors had increased authority. attempts to diagnose and treat homosexuality in horrific ways. many believed they were alone and books described them as illnesses.

88. 1950s attitudes about the environment (ex role of scientists, the suburban home...)

1950s was the era of the scientist because they had complete authority. They believed that their power was limitless. The 1950s suburban home had scientifically processed foods, plastic kitchenware, and chemical cleaning supplies. There were no pollution laws in the 50s, and the industry dumped waste in the river.

33. Second Wave Feminism

1960s and 1970s. Formed of two early wings - "liberal" vs. "radical" feminists.

1. "long hot summers" (refers to what?)

1965 to 1970 riots in over 200 cities. Summer of 1967 riots in 163 cities. Epicenter of 1968 'MLK riots.' Shift in the civil rights movement from South to Urban North. Race riots.

7. Chicago Freedom Movement

1965-67 MLK leads nonviolent protest campaign. Tries to replicate strategies of Southern movement - marches, sit-ins, voter registration. Goal was "End Slums" But didn't work because it was de facto segregation so it was hard to dramatize and the media got bored quickly and there was no "bull o'connor"

35. Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

1972 congress approves ERA. It's designed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex; it seeks to end the legal distinctions between men and women in terms of divorce, property, employment, and other matters. Not ratified by states.

36. Title IX of the Higher Education Act

1972 outlaws sex discrimination in education.

37. Third Wave Feminism

1990s-today. "Choice feminism" -more pluralistic. Feminism = you can choose how you want to behave. Much less fearful than older generation about male 'objectification.' More engaged with multiculturalism and global issues. Gender, war, poverty in the global south, immigration.

59. Conscience of a Conservative

A book written by Barry Goldwater. It contained clear, elegant language which criticized centrists and pragmatism of Nixon. Laid out conservative principles and called for morality in the government.

91. Stewart Brand "Why haven't we seen a photograph of the whole Earth yet?" campaign

A campaign which advocated for the release of the photo of the earth from Space.

64. New Deal Coalition (or FDR Coalition or JFK/LBJ Coalition)

A coalition that voted for Democrats from 1932 till the lates 60s.

87. Gifford Pinchot

A conservationist. He believed that nature isn't just scenery, and that it should be used by humans, but used wisely. He was friends with Teddy Roosevelt, who created the US forest service.

92. Whole Earth Catalog

A counterculture catalog published by Stewart Brand. It campaigned for the release of the photo of the earth from space.

90. Rachel Carson - Silent Spring

A marine biologist. Silent Spring was a book about the powerful expose about DDT and the adverse effect it had on the environment. It was considered a "miracle" pesticide used by the military in WWII. It was also popular in the 1950s. She wrote the book while dying of breast cancer. Silent spring is meant to describe a spring with no birds chirping.

86. John Muir

A preservationist who was a writer and an explorer. He believed that nature was pristine and fragile, and that the wilderness was separate from human kind. He explore the west and wrote a beautiful description, in which the public was in awe.

60. Richard Nixon (Last of Liberals or First Conservative debate)

A strategic centrist who was apart of the new conservative movement.

78. The National Review

A unifying magazine that helped unify the divided liberals and traditionalists.

96. Eisenhower's Executive Order 10450

An executive order passed by Eisenhower that said that Gay or lesbian workers are to be considered security risks and should be fired. In the 1950s, more federal employees were fired for being gay than being communist.

85. Anthropocentric vs Ecocentric environmentalism

Anthropocentric- Human centered. Nature should be protected because it helps humans. If humans deplete the earth, than we die. Ecocentric-Nature centered. Nature should be protected because of its intrinsic value, regardless if it is helpful to humans or nots. Most humans are anthropocentric.

27. Robert F. Kennedy

Antiwar candidate. Wins california primary. He can unie anti-war college students, african american and latinos and white blue collar workers. Assassinated minutes after his victory speech.

80. "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!.....Tolerance in the face of tyranny is . no virtue"

Barry Goldwater quote defending extremism after beating Rockefeller in the primary.

71. New Right (1960s-2018?)

Birthplace was in the Sunbelt. They were young white collar workers and had no connection to a political machine. They searched for "authentic politics." There were fusionist themes in the New Right. They thought the war against communism was "Good vs. Evil" and supported free markets. They were against the counterculture and for "traditional families."

15. Differences between three wings of Black Power - Revolutionary Socialist vs. Cultural Nationalist vs. Black Capitalism

Black-inflected marxism - decolonization, anti-capitalism, anti-racism vs. Cultural nationalists - Emphasis on cultural empowerment - black pride, black consciousness vs. (black capitalism) Believe 'black power' -black owned businesses, black econ. empowerment

66. Reagan Democrats

Blue collar union workers in the North who voted for Reagan

44. "Our Bodies Ourselves."

Boston Women's Health Book Collective, feminists critiques of medical system. 1971. contains information related to many aspects of women's health and sexuality, including menopause, birth control, childbirth, sexual health, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental health and general well-being

100. Three sparks for new gay militancy in the 1960s

CRM/antiwar/women's movement- The gay participants of these groups were radicalized, and they began to develop protest experience. They would apply these ideas to their own experience. "Maybe we need gay power." Counterculture-Started to break strict gender norms in the 50s.(hair length) There was a sexual revolution and new freedoms within the counterculture movement. WWII/Korean War/Vietnam war- War was a coming out experience, as gay people would meet each other within the military. There was the growth of bohemian and red light districts in Navy port towns. San Francisco emerged as the center for postwar gay life.

75. Milton Friedman

Capitalism and Freedom: A University of Chicago professor who attacks keynesian economics. Considered to be the father of "free market economics" Capitalism and Freedom discusses the important role of capitalism in a liberal society.

65. Archie Bunker

Character on sitcom "All in the family" He was a lovable bigot. The "Archie Bunker vote" is used to describe a group of people who votes in elections. Trump had the Archie Bunker Vote.

89. First groups in the 1960s who started the new environmentalist movement (at least two)

Concerned scientists- Concerned about what their peers were doing to harm the environment. Middle-class suburban women- They were housewife activists who were worried about toxins near home. Counterculture- back to the land communes (people should grow food on their land, whether it be for themselves or for others.

62. George Wallace

Democratic governor of Alabama. Although he was considered a conservative because conservatism in the 60s was considered to have many different wings. He was angry, and had populist backlash. Resisted the CRM.

47. Feminist economics

Econ assumes natural categories such as a household, but ignores labor within home. Labor relations within home (chores, childbearing)

51. Christian Feminism

Feminist theology, seek to recover non-patriarchal roots of early Christianity, strong role of women in early Christian church, revive and rescue egalitarian message of religious texts, search for gender-neutral ways to worship

73. Young Americans for Freedom

Formed in 1960, it was part of the New Right movement. Consisted of college students.

98. Mattachine Society

Founded in 1950, one of the early roots of the Gay rights movement. Started discussion groups, goal was to end isolation.

99.Daughters of Bilitis

Founded in 1955, it was also one of the earliest roots of the lesbian rights movement. It was the very first lesbian civil rights group formed in the United States.

77. William F Buckley

Founder of the National review, which brings together liberal and traditional writers.

93. Stonewall Rebellion

Four days of rioting. It was an explosion of emotion, anger and joy. Gay people in New York were tired of being discriminated against and cracked down in New York City. It was a slow build up of frustration, as they were not going to take it anymore.

54. 1976 DeGraffenreid v. General Motors case (spark for 'intersectionality' theory)

GM says can't be discriminated because of race since there are black men in management positions. Can't be discriminated because of gender since white women in leadership positions.

53. Intersectionality (theory developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw)

Gender intersects with race and class. Can't talk about one without the others.

57. 1964 Republican National Convention

Goldwater shockingly beats Rockefeller, media and academics see Goldwater as a nutty extremist, tension between the two groups

25. 1968 Democratic Convention. What happened there? What rifts in the Democratic party did it reveal?

Growing rift in dem coalition forged by FDR 1930s: Mayor Richard Daley vs. Eugene McCarthy. Daley old dems (blue collar, unions, northern big cities, white southern democrats). and McCarthy new dems (college students, anti war movement).

101.Frank Kameny - "Gay is Good"

He was considered the founding father of gay liberation. He lead the DC chapter of Mattachine. He had radical approaches, like protesting in front of the White House. He emphasized pride and the need for psychological liberation. He coined the phrase, "Gay is Good."

42. "The Personal is Political"

Home, family, childrearing, beauty standards - these are serious political issues. unequal relationships between men and women, it underscored the connections between personal experience and larger social and political structures

61. Nixon's Realpolitik

Means "practical politics" Nixon had no ideology, only tactics of neutralizing enemies. "Tricky Dick"

34. National Organization of Women

NOW founded by Betty Friedan. Group of women lawyers fed up by inaction of government. ("NAACP for women")

41. Patriarchy

Not just a law here or there. A deep cultural, institutional, ideological system. A male dominated society. a social system in which: males hold primary power; males predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property; and, in the domain of the family, fathers or father-figures hold authority over women and children, fought against by radical feminists.

68. 1970 Hard Hat Riot

Occured on May 8th in New York City. 200 construction workers attacked College and High School students who were protesting the Kent state shootings, the Vietnam War, and the invasion of Cambodia. Nixon tried to downplay everything, calling the invasion of Cambodia an advancement towards peace.

9. Resurrection City

Part of the poor people's campaign. A built shelter to meet the basic needs of people. Lasted about 6 weeks.

97. Atascadero State Hospital in CA (SF papers later refer to it as the "Gay Dachau" - why?)

Psychiatrists would try to cure gay people in horrific ways.

82. Ronald Reagan -- "Time for Choosing"

Reagan speech that made him a national figure. It stressed the belief that there should be a smaller government.

70. Liberal Republicans (or "Rockefeller Republicans") (1940s-1960s)

Republicans who had moderate to liberal views on domestic issues. Goldwater criticized them, calling them "dime store new dealers."

67. Southern Strategy

Richard Nixon's strategy to whitefy the electoralate so that Republicans could hold on to power in light of the demographic changes. This resulted in party realignment especially over issues of civil rights. Democrats now passed civil rights laws, while former democrats now voted republican.

74. Frederick Hayek

Road to Serfdom: An Austrian philosopher and economist who fled totalitarian 1930s Europe. Road to Serfdom warned people about the dangers of tyranny.

76. Russell Kirk

The Conservative Mind: An intellectual historian who argued that democracy was only possible in stable societies. He believes that without religion and tradition, freedom becomes anarchy. Russell Kirk wrote The Conservative Mind in 1953.

79. "Fusion" Conservatism

The combination of of traditionalist and liberals. The unifying issue was the fear of communism.

84. Earth Day 1970

The first earth day. It was the largest protest event of the decade.

6. Rift in the Civil Rights Movement outward and inward, what does mean?

The movement was heading in two directions. MLK moved outward - board interacial movement to go from civil rights to human rights (poor people's campaign, labor organization, anti war movement). Others wanted an Inward - black power.

69. Old Right (1910s-1930s)

They were for a free market, and anti-government, Extremely nationalist and isolationist. (Against the war). They were also anti-immigration and consisted of mostly rural voters.

63. Solid South

Today's red states, however in the 1960s they were blue states because they always backed the democratic party, but then the democratic party switched to the republican party

3. 1968 MLK Riots in Washington DC

U and 14th street. After assassination of MLK there was a six day race riot in DC.

28. Hubert Humphrey

Vice president to LBJ. "Old" democratic party candidate. Has support from unions, blue collar voters. He doesn't campaign.

40. Radical Feminism (who made up the majority of early members? What were their ideas and how was this different than liberal feminism?)

Young women activists frustrated by sexism in other movements (CRM, counterculture, antiwar movements). American institutions themselves need radical transformation. Used Direct action protests. Thought the entire system needed to be changed instead of lobbying. Everything needs fundamental transformation (family, parenting, sex, body image, marriage)

83. "Daisy Ad"

a 1964 ad that attacked Goldwater. It was the first TV attack ad. By Lyndon B Johnson. The ad basically said that if you vote for Goldwater, there will be a nuclear war. It was a message to Goldwater voters.

8. Poor People's Campaign

a campaign started by MLK, motivated by a desire for economic justice: the idea that all people should have what they need to live. King and the SCLC shifted their focus to these issues after observing that gains in civil rights had not improved the material conditions of life for many African Americans. Part of the campaign is resurrection city.

32. Rosie the Riveter

a symbol during WWII when there was a shortage of labor with men being shipped off to fight. Women temporarily entered field once limited to men. Expectations were raised.

4. 1968 Kerner Commission report

an 11-member commission established by President Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the causes of the 1967 race riots in the United States and to provide recommendations for the future.

95. "Lavender Scare"

an offshoot of the "red scare" A witch hunt and mass firing of homosexuals in the 1950s. There was a histeria about secret gay or lesbian federal workers Paralleled the anti-communist campaign known as Mccarthyism.


counterintelligence program. 1968 Harassed MLK scared by death threats. Mean to disrupt the activities of domestic groups such as the black panther party.

45. Feminist Jurisprudence (or Feminist Legal Theory)

critique of legal system. Critical history of marriage. the law has been fundamental in women's historical subordination. two main goals: to explain how the law has played a role in women's former subordinate status and to change women's status through a reworking of the law and its approach to gender

55. Lesbian Feminism

critiqued homophobia in the feminist movement, also alienated by male sexism in the emerging gay rights movement, Betty Friedan was extremely hostile to the movement described a "lavender menace" tried to purge lesbians from NOW

26. Eugene McCarthy

democratic anti-war candidate that ran in 1968, had the support of students, "Clean for Gene"

5. Mayor Richard J. (not his son Richard M. Daley)

democratic convention 1968 - Daley (old dems) vs. Eugene (new dems - college students, anti war movement) Part of "old democratic party" - blue collar, unions, northern big cities, white southern democrats.

38. Betty Friedan

early spark in the liberal feminism movement. Publishes The Feminine Mystique. Reveals suburban dream home has hidden depression, dissatisfaction. She was a journalist that moves to suburbs to become a housewife. Found similar trend.

30. Three specific examples of discrimination against women in the 1950s

education (medical/law school quotas for W 5%), workplace (segregated job listings/fired if become pregnant), marriage and power (husband held financial power over women/man in charge of woman), policing of single women (W couldn't purchase birth control/pregnant teens expelled from HS/college monitored students lives), Medicine and power (OBGYNs talked husbands about diagnose and treatment bc women are fragile and hysterical/knew little of own body)

50. Cultural Feminism

feminist wing of the counterculture, celebrate cultural and biological uniqueness of women, "sisterhood", describe women as nurturing, communication and collaboration rather than M individualist, competitive, violent, point to male culture as cause of war, environmental destruction, economic exploitation

21. Floyd McKissick's "Soul City"

founded in rural north carolina. A black owned planned community.

49. Marxist Feminism

group of feminists that argued sexism is a type of class exploitation, sexism is a symptom of capitalism, if you replace capitalism, you can fix sexism. Women = exploited and unpaid labor force in households.

52. Black Feminism

group of feminists that critique racism within largely white middle-class feminist movement, woman does NOT equal white middle-class woman, a working-class African American woman has different problems than Betty Friedan, also critique sexism of black men even within civil rights movement.

48. 1968 Miss America Pageant protest

group of radical feminists protested the 1968 Miss America pageant because of their critique of its embodiment of the oppressive standard of beauty

31. First Wave Feminism

late 19th and early 20th century. Links to abolitionism and temperance. Centered around single issue: women's suffrage. Ratification of 19th amendment in 1920.

72. Libertarian vs Traditionalist wings of conservative thought

libertarian wing championed free market and choice. against government regulation and Frederick Hayek warned against totalitarianism. Milton Freidman wrote capitalism and freedom, cant have a democracy without capitalism. traditionalists championed values. needs tradition and religion. russell kirk wrote the conservative mind argued w/o tradition and religion freedom becomes anarchy. democracy is only possible in stable societies.

39. Liberal Feminism (who made up the majority of members? What were their ideas?)

made of older middle class white women. Gain equality, equal access to institutions. Passing ERA. Lobbied federal government and worked through courts. More job opportunities.

56. "Choice Feminism" (Third Wave)

more pluralistic, being a feminist means you can choose how you want to express yourself, there isn't one way to be a feminist

16. Black Panthers

part of revolutionary socialist wing. Founded by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton in 1966 "Panther Patrols" Community centers, free breakfast programs. indulged in black culture. the idea that black was beautiful.

10. 1968 Fair Housing Act (also known as 1968 Civil Rights Act)

passed after the assassination of MLK, a landmark part of legislation in the United States that provided for equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed, or national origin and made it a federal crime to "by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone ... by reason of their race, color, religion, or national origin."

43. Feminist consciousness raising groups

radical feminist groups that challenged society through direct action protests

24. Tommie Smith and John Carlos

raise black power salute on podium. Black Power reaches national audience in 1968 Olympics.

58. Barry Goldwater

shocks Republican party by winning the Republican national convention, conservative insurgent/reformer, committed libertarian (even though he doesn't use the term), not an effective legislator, respected for ideological purity, uncorrupt, uncompromising, controversially opposes the Civil Rights Act of 1965 for libertarian reasons

11. 1968 Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike

sparked by death of two workers b/c of malfunctioning truck. Citing years of poor treatment, discrimination, dangerous working conditions, and the horrifying recent deaths of Echol Cole and Robert Walker, some 1300 black sanitation workers walked off the job in protest.

46. Coverture

the legal status of a married woman, considered to be under her husband's protection and authority.

22. My Lai Massacre

the mass murder of unarmed vietnamese civilians by US troops in south vietnam. The brutality of the My Lai killings and the official cover-up fueled anti-war sentiment and further divided the United States over the Vietnam War.

29. Pigasus

the yippies protest the 1968 Democratic Nat. Convention, nominating pigasus, a pig, because they think pigasus would be a more honest candidate. A form of opposition to US involvement in vietnam war.

14. Franz Fanon

writer from Martinique. Psychologist and activist against French colonialism. Gets involved with Algerian Liberation Front. Calls for psychological liberation of the mind of racism. Psychological analysis of colonialism.

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