626 chapters 16-20

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A Sikh temple.

•Men are more likely than women to engage in (3), and less likely to engage in health-promoting behavior. •Men in the United States are a heterogeneous group of people who vary in terms of age, sexual orientation and identity, racial and/or ethnic background, socioeconomic background and/or status, and power.

risk-taking behavior, abuse alcohol and drugs, commit suicide

Problems of male clients •Problems that seriously motivate men -A (3)concerns -Experiencing ___&___ •Issues that often accompany men (5)

romantic relationship, problems at work, and sexual performance depression and anxiety -Difficulty expressing emotions (alexithymia) -Struggles with intimacy -Social isolation -Feeling shame for needing help -Uncomfortableness being in a counseling relationship


thoughts placed in one's head by Satan

Human Service Providers/ Counselors Working with a Deaf Person •Vasquez -Two interpreters §_________(ORID) educates people about interpreting. §_______ (CID) to facilitate communication between a Deaf person and other parties

Oregon Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Certified Deaf Interpreters


Socialist communities in Israel that are intentionally antithetical to Eastern European Jewish culture (Diamond, 1957).

Dominant culture:

The Northern European culture present in the United States.

Human Service Providers/ Counselors Working with a Deaf Person •Larson -Not speaking about the deaf person, but rather___&___ the deaf individual -The term Deaf with a (3) rather than hearing impaired or exhibiting a loss of hearing -Politically and socially active in the deaf would call themselves as big D or capital D deaf. -______ hearing loss would be small d deaf.

to and with capital D, deaf, and hard-of-hearing Audiological

Working therapeutically with men •Engaging with a counselor who expresses ____&_____ with the client can have a positive impact on the counseling relationship. •Ways to share power (4)

unconditional positive regard and a willingness to share power -Involving men in any decisions about the counseling process. -Self-disclosure -Equalize the power within the counseling relationship. -Normalize the issues the client is facing

Role of socioeconomic issues •Money and wealth can bring a sense of ___&___to one's life. •The circumstances can reduce one's feelings of ____ and hope in developing a more prosperous life. •Additional issues to gain greater status in society (2)

power and status manliness -Being accepted into a group -Gang involvement

Human Service Providers/ Counselors Working with a Deaf Person •Larson -____ percent of deaf children are born to hearing persons. -________ program trains professionals speech-language pathology and audiology.

90 Communication Disorders and Science

American Sign Language (ASL):

A manual/visual language used by Deaf communities in the United States.


A psychoanalytic term that refers to a therapist's unconscious personal reactions to aspects of the client.


A set of assumptions and beliefs about how the world works that structures a person's perception and understanding of reality. Personal paradigms of reality are largely shaped by the culture in which one is raised


In Hindu culture, the idea of destiny.

National Association for the Deaf (NAD):

The foremost civil rights organization for the deaf in the United States.


in Hindu culture, the hierarchal organization of human beings.

Human Service Providers/ Counselors Working with a Deaf Person •Larson -Interpreters follow a code of_____ or code of ethics. -Important standard is _____. -Role of interpreter *Conduit of _____ between all parties *Should not interject or offer any (3)

professional conduct confidentiality information opinion, counseling, or advice


work that precedes psychological analysis or in some cases avoids confrontations that may be generated in the family when forbidden content is brought to consciousness

Important Information to Collect from a Male Client •Questions in accessing male clients (7)

-How congruent is the way he currently sees himself with the person he wants to become? -How long does he plan to stay in counseling? -Who are the men he admires? -What is his history of loss? -What is his depression level? -What is his risk for suicide? -What is his risk for harming others?

Important Information to Collect from a Male Client •Questions in accessing male clients (8)

-Is he taking care of himself? -What is his social support system? -Is he able to access that support? -What is his current romantic and/or sexual relationship status? - How is he coping with stress? -What is his drug and/or alcohol use? -What provides him meaning in his life? -What are his strengths and growing edges?

What resources do you suggest to human service providers to learn more about Deaf culture and clients? •Vasquez: The top two priorities would be to have a ______ as well as ______that could provide various resources and networking opportunities. Contacting them would be very beneficial. In addition, having _______.

-Statewide commission for the deaf and hand-of-hearing -Statewide services -State agencies for the deaf

•___ percent of women and ___ percent of men are raped in their lifetime. •Men represent ___ percent of the adults incarcerated in state and federal institutions. •In general population, men of color, particularly African American and Latino men, are _____ in the U.S. prison population.

20; 1.7 93 overrepresented

•Men are responsible for ___ percent of the sexual violence that occurs in the United States. •Issues other men faced -Strong reluctance to seek ___, difficulty ____, and feeling conflicted about_____ •He used power and privilege as a male psychologist to reduce _____

95 help crying and/or expressing deep emotion romantic intimacy sexual violence.


A therapeutic group method developed by Cobbs (1972) to explore and change negative attitudes about one's own race and ethnicity.

Human Service Providers/ Counselors Working with a Deaf Person •Vasquez -The National Association for the Deaf (NAD) and the American Sign Language Teachers Association (ASLTA) differentiate between big D and small d deaf. -______—the technical term for a particular ASL hand position -Big D Deaf people rely on their____ to communicate. -Little d deaf people tend for hearing and then going to the _____ for speaking.

Five handshape eyes mouth

South Asian Americans:

Individuals who identify as South Asian typically come from the current countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

White ethnics:

National immigrant groups of Eastern and Southern European descent who share a common experience of immigration to the United States and a history of oppression. Included in this designation are Italians, Poles, Greeks, Armenians, Jews, Irish, and various ethnic groups making up the Russian Republic (e.g., Czech, Lithuanian, Russian, Slovak, and Ukrainian).

•In U.S. history until 1950s, men's primary goals -(4) •Throughout the history, women's goals are -Taking care of household duties, including (3) -They did not gain the right to vote until ____ years ago. •Gender role socialization -Men's physical strength and stature, and the role of being a provider gave men control over their ___,___,&_____ in American society.

Provider, responsible for hunting, farming, and/or producing income. gathering, gardening, and raising children. 100 families, power, and privilege

Resources to Human Service Providers •Vasquez -Gallaudet University and National Technical Institute for the Deaf have (4), and other resources for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing population. They offer undergraduate and graduate programs in ___&____fields

Research, readings, articles, publications counseling and human services fields

What are the 5 basic tenets of the Muslim religion? The Pillars of Islam

Shahada: Oral testimony that there is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet Salah: Ritual prayer performed five times per day Diyam: Fasting during the month of Ramadan Zakah: Giving alms to the poor Haj: Pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime

Gender groups •After ten years as a minister, my father developed health issues and had to leave the ministry. •Parents had a very nontraditional relationship. •Davies learned the traditional aspects of masculinity. -(3) from my mother -(3) from my father •After graduating from college, his older brother came out as a gay man. -Contracted AIDS and died in 1991

Stoicism, assertiveness, and taking charge Feelings, being warm, and relationships

Deaf culture: .

The language (ASL) and identity (values, perceptions, beliefs, and social norms) that make Deaf people a unique group.

Capital D Deaf:

The term referring to a culturally Deaf person who predominantly uses ASL to communicate and is politically and socially active in the Deaf community.

Small d deaf:

The term referring to people who have some hearing loss, but predominantly identify with the hearing culture.

-Men who come from marginalized groups §Men of(5) have fewer constructive options to achieve a strong sense of manhood. -The American Psychological Association (APA) §Examining and enhancing men's health, known as the _____ -Males are challenging some of the harmful____ and are striving to find healthier ways of being men.

color, gay, bisexual, or transgender, as well as lower-class men Society for the Study of Men and Masculinities masculine norms

Resources to Human Service Providers •Larson -Make sure coursework at postsecondary institutions includes ___&____ from a knowledgeable professional. -Don't lump____ &____ under general Disability Studies

deafness and Deaf culture deafness & Deaf culture

•Reasons for men's absence -High _____ and tendency for the children to reside with their mother -Men adopt a view of masculinity that values their success as a _____ -Some men who are unable or unwilling to meet the responsibilities of fatherhood due to (4)

divorce rate provider. mental illness, substance abuse, incarceration, and/or lack of a sense of responsibility.

•In 1960s, women's ability to ____ and have access to _____ significantly changed their roles in society. •Women's Rights Movement in 1970 -____ rates increased -Experienced a rapid change in their _____

earn money;birth control Divorce gender roles

Interaction Between Deaf Culture and Ethnic Culture •Depends on people's ______ as well as whether they have a hearing family or a deaf family •Deaf families from Mexico, where the parents and the kids are deaf, when they come here to America, they do have some ____ in their singing.

educational background accents

•At birth, male babies are more _____ than female babies. •____ often becomes the only acceptable emotion that boys and men can express. •Boys are reinforced for taking (4). Much time and energy in youth are spent "proving one's manhood." •_____ can interfere with young men's ability to navigate life transitions.

emotionally expressive Anger risks, being competitive, and aggressive and initiating sexual contact Societal restrictions

Rapport with men •A(3) approach is helpful. •Displaying materials that portray a____ of men -Men of color and gay, bisexual, and/or transgendered men can help create a ___&____ space. •A significant number of men prefer to see ____ therapists. •Heterosexual males have concerns about relationships with women, and female therapists can be seen as a ___&____ source of feedback.

friendly, accepting, and nonjudgmental wide range welcoming and inclusive female valuable and trusted

•Rigid adherence to masculine norms can result in an emotional condition known as men's______ (GRC). -State of ____ that occurs from a gender role conflict. -Discrepancy between a man's ___& his_____ •Male Power and Privilege -As of 2018, there has not been a female president in the United States, and ____ percent of senators and representatives are male.

gender role conflict tension self-perception and his masculine ideal 80

Would you give a brief overview of "Deaf culture", including your participation and relationship to Deaf culture? •Vasquez: this relates to language as well as (5) •Vasquez participates through Oregon Association of the Deaf (OAD), Oregon Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (ORID), and socializing with members of the Deaf community •The ASL sequence and the ASL culture course is part of _____ minor. He's involved in the Disability Studies Advisory Board.

identity, values, perceptions, beliefs, and social customs Disability Studies


in Hindu culture, the idea of living life in accordance with the principles that order the universe.

Human Service Providers/ Counselors Working with a Deaf Person •Deaf persons are ____ •They are ___&____ •Comfortable socializing with the hearing community •Human service providers should be aware of _____ -Interpreter has to be a good fit for that deaf person's language needs.

individualized. bilingual and bicultural. interpreting needs.

•To increase men's ____& reduce_____, counseling must be implemented. •Psychologists have called for the development of counseling strategies that are congruent with the culture of men and _____

life expectancy and reduce violence masculinity.

•Mr. Vasquez and Ms. Larson focusing on their experience as members of the Deaf community •Counselors know their resources and seek_____ regarding the Deaf and hard-of-hearing population.


Similarities or Differences Deaf Culture and Ethnic Culture Similarities are language aspect and that goes into culture whether it be (5) . •Real difference is the____&____ language of sign.

literature, sports, music, values, perceptions, beliefs spoken language and the manual language

Men at risk •Men who are ____ often feel they have less power, privilege, and status than white, heterosexual men. •Men of color are more apt to experience the effects of ___&____ •(4) men are at risk for experiencing homophobia. •Men of color and GBTQ men have greater risk of being ___&_____

marginalized racism and xenophobia. Gay, bisexual, transgendered, or queer ostracized and being a victim of violence.

Factors Influencing How Men Seek Mental Health Services •Men underutilizes ___&_____ care. •Reasons for avoid seeking help (3) •This issue is addressed to reduce the ___&____ that often accompanies mandatory counseling.

medical and psychological -Fear of appearing weak -Being judged or misunderstood by the care provider -Financial cost of services ambivalence and possible resistance

Resources to Human Service Providers •Larson -Verify if there is ____ in the budget for an interpreter. - Taking coursework in _____and/or ______, and working as a professional with Deaf clients.

money American Sign Language and/ or American Deaf culture

•Cultural values are first learned through interactions with _____ •Masculinity is largely a social construct, based more on what one's culture ______, as opposed to reflecting actual biological or genetic differences between genders. •Over ____ million children, specifically boys, grow up without a biological father in the household.

one's family. believes a man should be 23

Working therapeutically with men •Other suggestions -Be a _____ for men -Not assuming men share the same _____ you hold -Man may be a survivor of ___&/or___or_____ -Man may not be _____ -Ability to understand and accept their _____ -Offer _____ experiences for men -Encourage ______

positive role model conceptualization of masculinity sexual and/or physical abuse or domestic violence heterosexual diversity group multidirectional mentorship

Resources to Human Service Providers •Vasquez -I encourage professionals to___&____ on working with the Deaf and hard-of-hearing population available to counseling and human service providers.

read and collect information

Case study •He entered individual counseling for support. -Started to (3) his feelings -Developed a new group of friends who _____, participated in___&____, and eventually developed a _________ -Developed a new image of ______ •He reconnected with his family and challenged himself to grow in his career by creating opportunities to teach part-time at a community college and eventually becoming a supervisor.

recognize, accept, and express valued him as a person; group sports & activities; long-term romantic relationship manhood

Rapport with men •Gaining insight into the _____ for one's behavior and more deeply understanding one's _____ can be very helpful for men. •An_____ approach can help male clients understand their relationship patterns. •The majority of men value (3) •_______ can enhance men's involvement in treatment.

underlying motivation; relationship patterns interpersonal process equality, justice, and being helpful to others. Mental health organizations

•Men avoid seeking help in the fear of appearing _____ •When men do seek help, their issues tend to involve difficulty (4)

weak. expressing emotions, issues with social isolation, struggles with intimacy and sexual performance, and difficulty asking for help.

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