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Labor systems

- industrial factories needed more Ron materials and demand for labor in cash from plantation spite -Labor came from slaves while there was an abolition movement calling for slavery to end demand for all materials meant that people migrated to other places for work -Indians went to British colonies around the world -Chinese went to California and British Malaya -Japanese went to Hawaii Peru and Cuba to work sugar plantations

Penal colony

-Australia was a colony for convex that would work hard labor like building railroads and then they will go back home to British -Devils Island in French Guiana were prisoners were under Fred and did hard work

Italians in Argentina

18th and 19th centuries only the US neat Argentina in a number of immigrants it attracted 1853 Argentine constitution encourage European immigration and guaranteed to foreigners the same rights as Argentine citizens late 19th and early 20th century Italians made up almost half of the European immigration to Argentina today they make up 55% of the population Italians influence argentine culture language Argentine Spanish absorbed many Italian words Argentina was under populated and had fertile land and wages were higher than they were in Italy which attracted Italian farmers

What is the effect of global capitalism?

Accumulation of wealth by the middle and upper classes, while the working classes in the industrial economies found themselves in direct competition for jobs with immigrants from nonindustrial economies

Prejudice and regulation of immigration in Australia after the gold rush

After the gold rush many Chinese stayed in Australia and Chinatown developed in cities across Australia eventually anti-Chinese sentiment grew again because Chinese artisans will work for less than white Australians anti-Chinese league began to develop sixth of governing bridge colonies in Australia united under a single centralized government in 1901 new Parliament light Congress took action to limit non-British immigrantion stated that the government policy with the preserve white Australia white Australia policy remain in effect until the mid-1970s

Indentured servitude

Attracted poor laborers because the agreement allows them to pay away to the new land once they finished with their work they went to the new land in with some money to their families influence culture by Indian traveling to Fiji Mauritius leaving food and their language

Changes in home societies

Between 1750 to 1900 most migrants that moves for labor were men which created demographic changes in a change in gender roles in society they left women either gain more freedom/autonomy or put under the watch of a close male relative

Explain how this resistance to westernization is also seen in China.

Boxers attempted to rid China of Western Influence, especially from Christian missionaries.

Indian enclaves

British Empire abolished slavery in 1833 and Indians became the first indentured servants sent to work in British colonies Went Mauritius off of East Coast of Africa and worked on sugar plantations Hindus and Muslims Indians migrate to south Africa were divided by class language and religion Mohandas Gandhi arrived in South Africa and faced racial discrimination and founded Natal Indian Congress to expose discrimination against Indians in South Africa South east Asia Malaya where indentured laborers then created Kangia systems where entire families worked on coffee and rubber plantations

Contract labor

British bright Chinese and Indian workers who were work for very low wages and they did the work of former slaves in the sugarcane fields -by 1877 laws were made to protect the workers that were being taken advantage of


Came to the US during gold rush in 1849 worked on mines and build transcontinental railroad Chinese males went to Cuba and Peru they either built railroads or worked in guano mines

China migration

China except an indentured servant today because of poverty and famine and they went to the US to build the transcontinental railroad

How did industrialization lead to more availability of goods and lower prices?

Due to increased automation, use of interchangeable parts, the division and specialization of labor and the assembly line, the efficiency of industrial production increased. This led to greater output. As the supply of consumer goods increased, availability of goods rose and the princes fell.

Who was moving to the US and Canada? What roles did they take?

Europeans moved to the US and Canada for economic opportunities. Made up a large proportion of the Industrial workforce

Distribution of wages (a wage gap) decreased TRUE OR FALSE


If factoring in pollution, crowded cities, and war, standard of living still rose for all TRUE OR FALSE


Unfortunately, what did many immigrants have to deal with?

Faced discrimination based on race, religion, or other factors.

Overall, who did imperialism benefit specifically (which countries) and who did it hurt?

Hurt--colonies in Africa and Asia due to their reliance on cash crops, which were introduced by the imperial powers. Cash crops left them vulnerable to natural disasters and volatile markets Benefitted US, Western Europe, Japan--gaining cash crops, exporting goods, increasing global trade Able to gain this territory through technology from Industrial Revolution (military, ship building, medicine)

As western imperialism takes hold, resistance and rebellion begins to grow. Explain how this is seen in South Asia.

Indian Soldiers known as Sepoys rose up in rebellion against the British East India Company. The rebellion was brutally suppressed by British soldiers and led to the direct rule of India by the British government, starting a period known as the British Raj

Indian immigrants

Indian had lots of poverty and mass migration offered and then just servitude and it was five years and some left

Why did industrialized economies look to increase exports of their products? What issues did this create?

Industrialization created overproduction of goods and domestic (in the country) markets could no longer consume the amount of goods being produced. As a result, international trade transformed economies from mercantilist to capitalist.

Irish in North America

Irish enclaves in North America after American revolution 1783 Irish immigrants who came to the US settled in northern cities like New York by 1830 most Irish immigrants were Catholics and work in factories they struggled with the wages helped construct the canal system many face anti-Catholic discrimination and nativism spread culture like St. Patrick's Day some second generation Irish became stars of the new culture of the 19 century boxers baseball players Irish family such as the Kennedys became wealthy

Irish migration

Island moved for political reasons the UK abolishing Irish Parliament and discrimination because of them Being Catholics and there was a famine and potatoes crop of four years and then moved to the US to work in factories but they still faced discrimination

Settler colonies

Made for people to live in British established colonies in Canada New Zealand South Africa Australia a large portion of the population were engineers and geologist because the colonial powers wanted to extend industrialization and western technology into the territory many engineers mood enough or a diss a diaspora South African engineers build railroads and worked on mapping the land and finding locations for raw materials Japan attempt to colonize in Mexico A mini move there and Hawaii and south us

What is one of the most significant effects of modern imperialism?

Migration from dependent or less industrial areas of the world to the dominant industrial economies. People migrated from rural areas to urban areas within countries and from less developed to more developed areas of Europe

Challenges of migration

Move because home situation was bad Diaspora mean scattered population who's origin lies in a different geographic location

As production increased, more and more resources were needed. What were these resources and how does it lead to imperialism?

Natural resources like cash crops, coal, iron, rubber, and copper Desire to gain these resources led to the expansion of imperialism Industrialized countries (Western Europe, US, and Japan) saw the benefit of controlling trade and resources of other areas of the world

Chinese Enclaves

South east Asia many Chinese right under colonial rule in the trainer French encourage them to engage in trade/commerce Malaya they manage opium farms and controlled opium distribution to the British by 19 century Chinese controlled trade in Southeast Asia

After 1819 wages accelerated, leading to higher standards of living for all wage groups TRUE OR FALSE


Effects of immigrants on receiving nations

When migrants a ride they created ethnic enclaves neighborhoods of people from the same foreign country these are formed in major cities around the world

In addition, increased global production led to greater...

competition and variety of goods.

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