6.7 Manifest Destiny in California and the Southwest

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General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Mexican general who fought Zachary Taylor at Buena Vista

What two systems of water rights developed in California?

First, based on common law, water rights went to the people who lived in the place were the water existed (missions and pueblos mostly). Second, in the mining areas, water was like gold and whoever found it - owned it. This led to conflicts as water was siphoned off leaving those downstream out of luck and mining polluted water. The conflict over water still exists today between farmers, residents and businesses.

"As I was taking my usual walk... my eye was caught with the glimpse of something shining in the bottom of the ditch... I reached my hand down and picked it up, it made my heart thump, for I was certain it was gold."

John Marshall

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

Treaty between Mexico and the U.S. officially ending the Mexican War in 1848. The U.S. agreed to pay $15 million and Mexico was forced to cede all of California and the New Mexico Territory.

What were some negative effects of Manifest Destiny?

As white Americans moved west they believed they were superior to the Indians and the Mexicans already living on the land. They used this belief to justify taking the land they wanted in the west.

What long term effect did the migration to California have on the state?

California has a large, diverse population. It has a thriving agriculture and oil businesses as well as some mining interests. Its cities continue to grow.

What changes occurred in California due to the gold rush?

Changes to California due to the gold rush included huge population growth, lawlessness in the mining camps and the growth of cities like San Francisco. It also led to California becoming a state but not after much debate in Congress over the slavery issue. California was at the center of the Compromise of 1850 and was admitted as a free state (31st).

James Polk

Democrat elected President in 1844; he supported annexation of Texas and wanted to acquire Oregon for the U.S.

Battle of Cerro Gordo

Fought between General Winfield Scott on his way to Mexico city and the Mexican army; the Mexicans after heavy losses were forced to return toward their capital.

Joseph Smith

Founder of the Mormon church; he was a farmer from NY. He moved his followers to Nauvoo, Illinois and founded a community there. The locals did not like Smith and his Mormons and attacked them killing Joseph Smith in 1844.

What happened to African-Americans in California?

Free blacks rushed to California and some started businesses. By the 1850s, California had the wealthiest population of African Americans in the United States.

General Winfield Scott

He attacked the Mexican port of Vera Cruz and then marched an army toward Mexico City.

General Stephen Kearny

He captured Santa Fe and then marched his army to San Diego; he fought several battles in southern California and won control of it by 1847.

John Sutter

He established a saw mill on the American River near Sacramento, California in 1848. He hired John Marshall to supervise construction of the mill and he later discovered gold in the area.

John C. Fremont

He led the revolt against Mexican rule in northern California which declared independence on June 14, 1846; they nicknamed their new nation the Bear Flag Republic

Brigham Young

He took over leadership of the Mormons after the death of Joseph Smith. He moved them to the area around the Great Salt Lake and founded a new Mormon community. Soon other Mormons and settlers began moving to the area and in 1896 Utah became a state

Gadsden Purchase

In 1858, the U.S. paid Mexico for land on the southern Arizona and New Mexico Territory borders for $10 million. This marked the final addition to the continental United States and the fulfillment of Manifest Destiny.

Why was there a conflict over water in California?

In southern California, water was scarce as the cliimate is very dry. As the population grew, people quarreled over water allocation.

Why did many Americans support the concept of Manifest Destiny?

Many Americans thought westward expansion would lead to new opportunities. Fertile farmland and natural resources would lead to more prosperity.


Members of the Church of Latter Day Saints who settled in the Southwest (Utah); their beliefs differed from those of other Christian churches so they were forced to leave New York were they were founded.

Mexican Cession

Mexican agrees to turn over the land in California and the New Mexico Territory for $15 million

What tensions existed between Mexico and the United States in the 1840s?

Mexico resented the annexation of Texas and also feared the U.S. would encourage rebellion by settlers in California and New Mexico. Many Americans felt Mexico's rejection of offers to buy California and New Mexico (for $30 million) stood in the way of Manifest Destiny.

Manifest Destiny

Newspaper editor John O'Sullivan coined the phrase in the 1840s to capture the mood of the United States that it was meant to spread across the country from sea to sea. Manifest means clear or obvious. Destiny means something that is fated to happen. Americans believed they had the right and duty to spread their culture across the continent.

Forty Niner

Nickname given to the some 80,000 persons who migrated to California in the 1849 gold rush.

Bear Flag Republic

On June 14, 1846 California won independence from Mexico and established a new nation. It was nicknamed the Bear Flag Republic; the rebels were led in northern California by John C. Fremont.

General Zachary Taylor

Ordered by Polk to occupy disputed land in Texas. He was then ordered across the Mexican border and attacked Santa Anna at the Battle of Buena Vista. Santa Anna was forced to retreat.

How did American feel about the Mexican War?

Southern and western Americans supported the war as a chance to add new lands. Northerners opposed it as they felt it was a plot by the South to add slave states. The general population supported the war.

Battle for Fort Chapultapec

Teenage Mexican cadets (soldiers in training) defended the approaches toward Mexico city; although defeated by the American army these cadets are considered heroes in Mexico. Shortly after Mexico City, the capital, was in American hands and the war ended.


Term meaning the dividing up of something for a specific purpose; California settlers in the south argued over the dividing up of water as it was scarce.


Term which means as a result; as the gold rush brought thousands of settlers to California the result was the territory needed law and order and an organized government in 1849

What effect did the mass migration to California have on the American Indians who lived there?

The American Indian population in California in 1850 was about 100,000 but by the 1870s only about 17,000 were left. Many died from disease and some starved as they lost their means to provide for themselves when the land was taken.

How did war with Mexico begin?

The U.S. and Mexico both claimed the land between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande in Texas. When Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to set up army posts on the land, Mexican soldiers crossed the Rio Grande and attacked. This led to Polk asking Congress for war.

Why did the U.S. annex Texas in 1845?

The U.S. feared annexation would lead to war with Mexico but when Texans threaten to ally with Britain, Congress agreed to bring it into the union.

Who were the candidates in the 1844 Presidential election and what was the main issue in the campaign?

The Whigs selected longtime Congressman Henry Clay who opposed the annexation of Texas. The Democrats picked little known James Polk from Tennessee. Polk supported the annexation of Texas and wanted to add the Oregon Territory to the nation.

How did Sutter and Marshall react after the discovery of gold?

They tried to keep it a secret but word soon got out. Thousands rushed the banks of the American River. Prospectors came from all over - South America, Europe, China and even Australia. In 1849 over 80,000 moved to California and were known as the forty niners.

Why did Chinese immigrants to California face?

Thousands of Chinese moved to California to participate in the gold rush. Sometimes whites took their claims and or abused the Chinese. Some settled on farms and made the land more productive.

Henry Clay

Whig candidate for President in 1844; he opposed the annexation of Texas.

What effect did migration have on the culture and people of California?

With large migration to California from all over Hawaii, China, Peru, Chile, France, Germany, Ireland and Australia the population was very diverse. Also, run away slaves and free Blacks settled in California. Men far outnumbered women, this led to women having some leverage for rights and also led to interracial marriages (Whites with Hispanics for example was common). Finally, many Mexican families who lived on the land for generations began to lose some of their land to the settlers.

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