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________ is a member of the free trade agreement DR-CAFTA


What is the process of back translation?

A questionnaire is translated from one language to another, and then a second party translates it back into the original, and the two original language versions are compared.

Which question should be asked by a marketing researcher when trying to establish the reliability of secondary data sources in the international arena?

Are the data internally consistent in light of known data sources?

________ is a member of the free trade group Mercosur.


________ law is derived from Roman law and is found in Germany, Japan, France, and non-Marxist countries.

Civil or code

When justices in the U.S. look to past legal precedents to decide a contemporary case, they are practicing ________ law.


What should marketing researchers do once they have determined the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives?

Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort.

________, which indicates free enterprise in the hands of the self-employed, was a contributory factor to the economic growth of newly industrialized countries (NICs).


Which of the following legal systems prohibits investment in businesses that deal with alcohol, gambling, and casinos?


How has the Japanese phenomenon called "karoshi" affected employees?

It has created "death by overwork" and taken a physical toll on employees.

Economic nationalism has what effect on international relations?

It makes national security and interest more important than international relations.

________ is classified as a more-developed country by the United Nations.


What is one thing an international marketer should take into consideration regarding religion and its effect on business?

Marketers with little or no understanding of a religion may deeply offend customers.

________, the second largest common market agreement in the Americas, calls for a common market that would eventually allow for the free movement of goods, capital, labor, and services among the member countries, with a uniform external tariff, with no central institutions.


What is an example of a nation giving up some of its sovereign rights to meet a mutually beneficial goal?


In the context of Hofstede's four dimensions of how cultures differ, the ________ Index measures the tolerance of social inequality within a social system.

Power Distance

In a high-context culture, "who says it," "how it is said," and "when it is said" is very important. Which country is a high-context culture with regard to communication practices?

Saudia Arabia

Which statement is true regarding the contractual validity of electronic contracts?

The United Kingdom recognizes digital signatures used in creation of online contracts to be as legally binding as any paper-based original document.

Based on the growing popularity of smaller families worldwide, what do experts predict for the future?

The planet's population will actually begin to decline after the middle of the century unless major breakthroughs in longevity intervene.

Which factor is most likely to explain Japan's success in reducing corruption in its business system?

There is a marked increase in outside influence in Japan since 1999.

What is true about least-developed countries (LDCs)?

They are often associated with violence

The ________ provided the legal basis for Mercosur

Treaty of Asunción

Which of the following disputes can be adjudicated by the World Court?

a dispute between the government of Canada and the government of Iraq

The International Trade Administration provides

a means to helping U.S. business compete in the global marketplace.

The International Trade Administration provides _________.

a means to helping U.S. business compete in the global marketplace.

Countries, such as South Korea and Singapore, now view foreign investment as

a path to economic growth.

When a Chinese company tried to purchase Unocal, it was perceived by some in the U.S. as

a threat to sovereignty

Parul Janta has just begun to understand French culture, even though she has lived in France for two years. She is nearly fluent in French; however, learning to live in France will take some time. The process of how a person adjusts to a new culture is called ______.


An awareness of one's own culture and the recognition that differences in others can cause anxiety, frustration, and misunderstanding of the host's intentions is essential to effective


Lester Thurow omitted a fourth kind of capitalism—that is common in Chinese cultures. Its distinguishing characteristics are a more entrepreneurial approach and an emphasis on guanxi as the coordinating principle among firms. In this context, the term guanxi refers to _____.

an emphasis on one's network of personal connections

A Canadian company placed an order with a Korean company for electronic equipment. The Korean company was unable to deliver the goods on time due to a technical failure and the Canadian company incurred losses. Initial attempts to informally settle the dispute failed. Consequently, each party chose a person to defend their case and to make a judgment that both parties agreed to honor. The method of dispute resolution being used is arbitration.


The Masculinity/Femininity Index identified by Hofstede focuses on which of these dimensions?

assertiveness and achievement

Expropriation may result in _______.

assets becoming a government-run entity.

A common theme in the Asian culture is the emphasis on harmony and collectivism, as a result, the ________ form of decision making is typically used.


What is a problem that is most commonly associated with the use of secondary data?

comparability of data

Which approach will help traditional American companies operating in countries like China to protect intellectual property rights?

complaining to the U.S. government and World Trade Organization

Axler Inc., a U.S. firm, entered into a business agreement with M.K. Group of Manufacturers. Recently they had a major dispute over the terms of the agreement. Both firms decided to resolve the dispute informally by appealing to an independent tribunal to mediate their differences. Which of the following dispute resolution methods is being used by the companies in the above scenario?


What political risk is occurring when a government decides to take over a business without paying for it?


Common law differs from civil law in that common law

considers past decisions of higher courts to determine cases.

The Canadian courts use "the credulous person standard" to determine whether a representation is false or misleading. A court would consider a representation to be misleading when the representation _________.

could possibly be misunderstood by any reasonable person.

The three kinds of distances that international marketers must traverse are miles, time zones, and ________ distances.


The adoption of yoga as a means of physical fitness in the U.S. best demonstrates the concept of _____.

cultural borrowing.

Trevor wants to make sure that his company introduces new products into foreign markets that will be readily accepted because they are similar to ones already on the market and honor existing cultural norms. What type of strategy is Trevor focusing on?

cultural congruence

While Jenna knows it is customary in some countries to greet a business associate with a kiss, she does not feel comfortable doing this, and knows she will not be looked down upon for avoiding this custom. What type of business norm does this demonstrate?

cultural elective

When assessing a foreign market, Unisys Corporation undertakes a general, noneconomic review of conditions affecting the business, including safety and leisure time. This demonstrates a focus on the ________.

cultural, sociological, and political climate.

What was termed as the worst kind of corruption by many government leaders in Southeast Asia during the 1997-1998 financial crisis?

currency speculation

Economic development today is defined in terms of


Beth works for a large corporation that has managers for every department who employees report to. Which type of management decision making system does this company use?


A country is ruled by one woman alone. This country's form of government is most likely a(n)


Garrett, an American manager for a fast food corporation, visited Saudi Arabia for a business meeting. Despite being Christian, he attempted to act like a Muslim in a misguided attempt to please his host. Mark has violated a cultural


Garrett, an American manager for a fast food corporation, visited Saudi Arabia for a business meeting. Despite being Christian, he attempted to act like a Muslim in a misguided attempt to please his host. Mark has violated a cultural _______.


What method of demand forecasting is particularly suited to international marketing, particularly when the foreign country is new to the marketer?

expert opinion

Researchers have discovered a number of factors that are associated with better communication within multinational companies, including ___________.

face-to-face communication opportunities.

As a result of the falling birth rate in Japan, the nation is budgeting $225 million to expand day-care facilities so that more women can be employed in the workforce and also have children. In this situation, which social institution is affecting the culture?


What is a characteristic of a relationship-oriented culture?

high power distance

What is considered one of the most common mistakes made by North American companies when trading with a Middle Eastern company?


What is the most frequently given reason for women receiving lower international assignments than men?

inability for women to succeed abroad

When consumers started using cell phones, it became evident to technology corporations that helping consumers find a way to "shop" on their phone would be a well-accepted practice. As a result, "apps" became an adaptation to this new cell phone environment. These "apps" are an example of ______.


In the context of social institutions, the literacy rate of a country _________.

is a potent force in economic development.

Qualitative research _____________.

is used to formulate and define a problem more clearly.

Which method is considered the final step in resolving a dispute?


What is a new and growing area of concern that limits the availability of data today?


Confiscation, expropriation, and domestication are classified as ________ risks.


A study comparing perceptions of punctuality in the United States and Brazil found that Brazilian timepieces are less reliable and public clocks less available than in the United States. This shows that notions of ________ are followed in Brazil.

polychronic time

To control the cost of living in a country during inflationary periods, what may be applied to essential products that command considerable public interest?

price controls

Chun Hei is carrying out a marketing research study. Even after seeking all reasonable available secondary data sources, she has not been able to adequately answer the research questions. In such a situation, Chun Hei must collect ________ data.


What type of research is used in developing research hypotheses that can be tested in subsequent studies designed to quantify concepts?

qualitative research

What type of research usually involves a large number of respondents who are asked to reply, either verbally or in writing, to structured questions using a specific response format or to select a response from a set of choices?

quantitative research

Big emerging markets (BEMs) all share the trait

represent sizable markets for a wide range of products.

Colleen didn't have a lot of time to conduct her marketing research, so she went to the library to see what data she could find from available sources. Colleen is using ________ data sources for her research.


Access to the Internet in emerging economies has enabled small firms to

sell into the global market

According to Jagdish Sheth, what is one crucial weakness that is driving the need for different thinking in emerging markets?

shortage of resources

In the context of communication styles, Edward T. Hall has described the symbolic meanings or ________ of time, space, things, friendships, and agreements and how they vary across cultures.

silent languages

The manufacturing stage of the marketing process as it evolves in a growing economy includes substages that range from

small scale to mass production.

What was once considered the ideal engine for economic growth, but resulted in inflated public-sector bureaucracies and inefficient public companies?

state-owned enterprises

What is an international convention designed for mutual recognition and protection of intellectual property rights in Europe and includes 26 European nations?

the Bureau for International Registration of Trademarks

Which organization classifies a country's economic development and groups countries into three categories that include more-developed countries, less-developed countries, and least-developed countries?

the United Nations

Which country is experiencing maximum losses due to software piracy?

the United States

Changes in governments or ruling political parties can affect businesses. The main concern of a multinational corporation is _____

the continuity of the set of rules, codes of behaviors, and the rule of law.

A market results from the interaction of a marketer's efforts, economic conditions, and ______.

the elements of culture.

After Russia's interference in the U.S. election, Congress issued ________ against the country.

trade sanctions

An American business wants to enter a foreign market, but it is concerned with how political issues may affect the business. Which of the following is most likely to be at the top of the list it should be concerned with?

the instability of prevailing government policies

In the international arena, what poses the greatest problem in sampling?

the lack of sufficient demographic data from which meaningful samples can be drawn

When determining how to apply international law, U.S. courts have used the "objective theory of jurisdiction," which means that when an act is committed outside the territorial jurisdiction of U.S. courts, ________.

those courts can nevertheless have jurisdiction if the act produces effects within the home country.

When he was unable to find the statistics he needed for his report on market demand, Raphael decided to estimate based on historical and current data and trends reported by the UN. One problem with this is _________.

trends of the past may not continue in the future.

While it is important for international marketers to appreciate cultural differences, it is also important for them to.....

understand the origin of these differences

The Export-Import Bank provides

underwriting of trade and investments for U.S. firms.

The ________ license, issued only on formal applications, is a specific document authorizing exportation within specific limitations designated under the EAR.


Exchange controls are most likely imposed by a country ____.

when there is a substantial amount of capital leaving the country.

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