7) Functionalist - Role and Function of Religion

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Overview of Functionalist views of religion

- Concerned with the contribution religion makes to the basic needs of society. - Functionalists argue that for society to survive , there needs to be value consensus, which in turn enables social solidarity. - Religion strengthens the collective conscience of society, thus keeping it stable. - Religion is a positive social institution and should remain influential in societies across the world. - Functionalists are concerned about how secularisation is occurring in some parts of the world.

Talcott Parsons EVALUATION

- If your not religious you can still have morals. - Not all religions have good rules e.g Catholic confession.

Durkheim (1912) EVALUATION

- Only looked at one pre-industrial, small-scale society. NOT very representative. - May be solidarity within a particular religion but not on a whole as there may be conflict between different beliefs. - Claim Durkheim definition of religion is to broad - Overlooks how religion can divide societies e.g protestant and catholic Christians continue to fight in Northern Ireland.


- Overlook the negative side of religion e.g heart of war.

Durkheim (1912)

- Religion functions to reinforce the collective unity of social solidarity of a group. - Sacred objects provide a focus for people to gather around. Sacred objects represent the collective conscience (shared beliefs, values, traditions and norms). - Religion provides a function for the individual by giving continuing motivation to face up to life, and social support based upon a sense of belonging. - He believes that as society develops technologically, people will become to rely upon each other less. The collective consciousness will weaken as individualism replaces the collective. People may find themselves sacred instead of society. (Cult of Man) - Looked specifically at Arunta Tribe of Austraila (totem was sacred)

Malinowski - EVALUATION

- Small- scale primitive society - not representative. - Overlooks the psychological dysfunctions of religion e.g extreme religious sects or extremist groups such as ISIS

Malinowski - crisis and uncertainty

Conducted a small-scale study in the Islands of the Pacific Ocean. He placed more emphasis on the psychological functions of religion for individuals. Identified two main functions: 1) DEALING WITH A CRISIS: Religion helps people cope with life crisis's such as death, stress etc. It makes people feel strong. Religion makes people rely on each other for support. Without religion people may find themselves unable to cope which is harmful to the mind. 2) DEALING WITH UNCERTAINTY IN LIFE: when fishing in the safe waters of the lagoon the tribe felt no need for religion but in the unsafe open sea religion was called upon. People need religion when unsure e.g before operations. Religion increases people's sense of control, diminishes anxiety and unifies the group.

Civil Religion

Functionalists believe there is one religion - civil religion. This is where sacred qualities are attached to society itself. This integrates individuals in a way that individual religions cannot. A faith in 'Americanism' unites all Americans no matter what their belief is.

Talcott Parsons

Religion provides guidelines for behaviour (10 Commandments) and a source of meaning for members in society to legitimise the 'core values' of a culture e.g. in the USA protestant Christian values include individualism, democracy, self-discipline and upward mobility. . This promotes social solidarity and provides a moral framework for society.It also provides meaning to life by answering 'Life's eternal questions'.

Does the UK have a civil religion?

There is some evidence for civil religion in the UK. On Remembrance Sunday, red poppies are warn and silence at 11am is observed by millions. A love of monarchy, recently demonstrated by the queens 90th Birthday and the Olympic Games, London 2012. However these occasions do not compensate for the UK's deep social division.

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