7 Social Psychology [4] {Prejudice and Discrimination Pg 780-787}

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What is outgroup?

"Them"-- those perceived as different or apart from our ingroup.

what is Ingroup?

"US"--- people with whom we share common identity.

What is a stereotype?

A generalized (sometimes accurate but often overgeneralized *belief* about a group of people.

5. A member of one racial group viciously beats someone from a different racial group. The incident is widely publicized in the local media. Which of the following terms best describes this incident? a. Scapegoat theory b. Vivid case c. Just-world phenomenon d. Other-race effect e. Ingroup bias



Pause for a minute and try to identify examples of the just-world phenomenon, in group bias and scapegoating in your own school. Are there a few or a lot?

What is ingroup bias?

The tendecy to favor our own group.

What is the other-race effect?

The tendency to recall faces of one's own race more accurately than faces of other races. Also called the *cross-race effect* or the *own-race bias*

What is the difference between Discrimination and prejudice?

-Prejudice is cognitive in nature. -Discrimination on the other hand is behavior motivated by prejudice.

2. Describe an example of a social root of prejudice, an emotional root of prejudice, and a cognitive root of prejudice. (3 points)

1 point: Social root: social inequalities or ingroup bias 1 point: Emotional root: scapegoat theory 1 point: Cognitive root: categorization, vivid cases, or the just-world phenomenon

1. Describe the three major components of prejudice. 3 points

1 point: Stereotyped judgments, which are generalized, negative beliefs about a group of people. 1 point: Negative emotions, such as hostility or fear, toward the members of a group. 1 point: A predisposition to discriminate against members of a group.

1. Which of the following is the primary distinction between prejudice and discrimination? a. Prejudice is cognitive and discrimination is behavioral. b. Prejudice is based on anger and discrimination is based on fear. c. Prejudice is a legal term and discrimination is a psychological term. d. Discrimination typically develops in infancy and prejudice typically develops in adolescence. e. Discrimination is primarily caused by nature and prejudice is primarily caused by nurture.


What is prejudice?

An unjustifiable and usually negative *attitude* toward a group of and its members. Prejudice generally involves stereotype beliefs negative feelings and predisposition to discriminatory action.

3. Which of the following accurately describes the justworld phenomenon? a. It's the reduction in prejudice that has resulted from improvements in our laws and judicial system. b. It's the reduction in discrimination that has resulted from improvements in our laws and judicial system. c. It's the belief that most people get what they deserve and deserve what they get. d. It's the tendency of people to deny that prejudice is still a problem. e. It's our mind's desire to categorize daily events as either "fair" or "unfair."


2. Which of the following is true of prejudice in recent years? a. Both overt and subtle prejudice have shown steady and equal increases. b. Subtle prejudice has been decreasing more than overt prejudice. c. Both overt and subtle prejudice have been increasing, but overt prejudice is increasing at a faster rate. d. Both overt and subtle prejudice have been increasing, but subtle prejudice is increasing at a faster rate. e. Overt prejudice has been decreasing more than subtle prejudice.


4. Which of the following is an example of ingroup bias? a. Hinata talked only to her fi ve best friends when she was in ninth grade. b. Sabrina has been a New York Yankee fan since she was in fourth grade. c. Kimia believes she is the best student in her AP® Psychology class, but her grades are not as good as several students. d. Francisco believes he is the best student in his AP® Psychology class, and in fact he has the highest test average. e. Derek believes his t-ball team is the best in the league.


What is the scapegoat theory?

It is the theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame.

What is discrimination?

Unjustifiable negative *behavior* toward a group of it's members.

What is the just-world Phenomenon?

it is the tendency for people to believe the world is just and that people therefore get what they deserve and deserve what they get. *EX:*If you have this belief, and something good happens to you, you may conclude that the world is just because you are a good person and so good things happen to you. In the same way, when you see something bad happen to someone else, you may conclude that they did something to bring on this bad event.

REVIEW QUESTIONS What is prejudice? What are its social and emotional roots?

• *Prejudice* is an unjustifiable, usually negative attitude toward a group and its members. • Prejudice's three components are beliefs (often stereotypes), emotions, and predispositions to action (*discrimination*). • Overt prejudice in North America has decreased over time, but implicit prejudice—an automatic, unthinking attitude—continues. • The social roots of prejudice include social inequalities and divisions. • Higher-status groups often justify their privileged position with the *just-world phenomenon*. • We tend to favor our own group (*ingroup bias*) as we divide ourselves into "us" (*the ingroup*) and "them" (*the outgroup*). • Prejudice can also be a tool for protecting our emotional well-being, as when we focus our anger by blaming events on a *scapegoat*.

REVIEW QUESTIONS What are the cognitive roots of prejudice?

• The cognitive roots of prejudice grow from our natural ways of processing information: forming categories, remembering vivid cases, and believing that the world is just and our own and our culture's ways of doing things are the right ways.

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