What kind of document is document A
A primary source
What are Campbell's main claims about what cause the sepoy rebellion
People were being forced to become christian. Always maintained its independence.
Was Campbell's document trustworthy
This isn't a trustworthy document because he was a british commander and he is not seeing the depute. He didn't talk about facts about the secoy.
Do you think this is a trustworthy document? Why or why not (sepoy)
Yes because he has both point of view. He tells us both sides of the argument.
Who was the intended audience of document A
Young American students
When was document A written
How do Sita Ram's arguments compare to those in Document A and Document B?
He compares to document A because him and gardner are mostly talking about the same thing but Sepoy adds more information about both sides.
Who is Sita Ram?
He was a sepoy who remained loyal to the british.
What document A a trustworthy source
I think this document is bias because the writer is British and isn't giving the full information
What are the authors main claims about what causes the Sepoy Rebellion (document A)
Rumors that the guns they were using was greased with animal fat and the sepoy didn't support that
What are Sita Ram's main claims about what caused the Sepoy Rebellion?
Sita ram's main claim was basically pig and cow grease and religious people did not support that
How does Campbell describe the residents of oudh
They don't like to be governed by reason and called them barbaric
When was the sepoys document written?
This document was written in the 1860s.
Who was Campbell and when was his document written
Took charge of British forces during the uprising. This document was written in 1858