902 Review #1-50
Answer: hyperlink spoofing Explanation: Hyperlink spoofing, which is also referred to as Web spoofing, is used by an attacker to persuade the Internet browser to connect to a fake server that appears as a valid session. The primary purpose of hyperlink spoofing is to gain access to confidential information, such as PIN numbers, credit card numbers, and bank details of users. The link as it appears on this page is often correct. However, the actual underlying link is usually to the spoofed site. Beware of sites that ask for confidential information, especially if they have never done so in the past. This is usually a sign that a hyperlink spoof has occurred.
David works in the IT department and is training his team on how to look for certain attacks. He is discussing a type of attack that redirects you to a fake Web site. Which type of attack is he discussing? A. land attack B. Hyperlink Spoofing C. ICMP packet spoofing D. Network address hijacking
Answer: shoulder surfing Explanation: Shoulder surfing refers to examining someone's computer from behind to steal confidential information, such as user passwords or information related to business. Such information can be used to break into the network or the system and can affect the confidentiality and integrity of the information assets of the organization. Privacy screens can help prevent shoulder surfing. You should also implement password masking to prevent shoulder surfing.
Which activity is covered under the confidentiality objective of the CIA triad and involves examining someone's computer to steal confidential information? A.treason B.dumpster diving C.shoulder surfing D.social engineering
Answer: password complexity Explanation: Password complexity is most important to ensure password strength. Password complexity allows you to configure which characters should be required in a password to reduce the possibility of dictionary or brute force attacks. A typical password complexity policy would force the user to incorporate numbers, letters, and special characters. Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be required. A password that uses a good mix, such as Ba1e$23q, is more secure than a password that only implements parts of these requirements, such as My32birthday, NewYears06, and John$59.
Which password setting is most important to ensure password strength? A. password age password history password lockout password complexity
Answer: Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) audit logs Explanation: IDSs and audit logs are used to monitor access control violations.
Which two methods are used to monitor access control violations? (Choose two.) A.Access control lists (ACLs) B.Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) D.backups C.audit logs
Answer: Configure an application exception in Windows Firewall. Explanation: You should configure an application exception in Windows Firewall. The most likely reason for this problem is that Windows Firewall is not allowing communication between the application and the network server.
You install an application on a user's computer. The application requires a connection to a network server to operate properly. The user reports that the application cannot connect to the server. What should you do? A. Reinstall the application using an administrative account. B. Reinstall the application using the user's account. C. Configure an application exception in Windows Firewall. D.Configure the application to run using administrative credentials.
Answer: Disk Management Explanation: To resize a disk partition to increase the storage capacity, use Disk Management. Disk Management displays the disks available in the computer and allows you to configure them.
You need to resize a disk partition to increase the storage capacity. Which operating system feature should you use? A. MSConfig B. Disk Management C. MSINFO32 D.Recovery Console
Answer: through vendor installation CDs Explanation: Vendor installation CDs are not usually a way that a virus infection occurs. Most vendors ensure that the installation files and media are virus free before disseminating them. In most cases, virus infections occur through the Internet, through e-mail, or through file sharing. Most virus scanners include a feature that scans all files for viruses as you open them. In addition, the virus scanner e-mail function scans e-mail attachments for viruses, thereby preventing the spread of worms.
A user asks you to describe how computers are infected with viruses. Which option is NOT usually a way that a virus infection occurs? A. through the Internet B. through e-mail C. through vendor installation CDs D.through file sharing
Answer: Implement push synchronization over an 802.11 connection. Explanation: You should implement push synchronization over an 802.11 connection. Push synchronization occurs automatically. An 802.11 wireless connection is much faster than a Bluetooth connection. You should not implement pull synchronization over an 802.11 connection because pull synchronization must be started by a user. You should not implement push or pull synchronization over a Bluetooth connection. A Bluetooth connection is much slower than any 802.11 implementation.
A user contacts you regarding his mobile device. He wants to ensure that his mobile device automatically synchronizes with his desktop computer. In addition, he wants to make sure that the synchronization occurs wirelessly at the fastest speed possible. What should you tell him to do? A. Implement push synchronization over an 802.11 connection. B. Implement pull synchronization over an 802.11 connection. C.Implement push synchronization over a Bluetooth connection. D.Implement pull synchronization over a Bluetooth connection
Answer: Reboot the computer. Explanation: You should reboot the computer. The memory card reader that is installed in the user's computer does not support SDHC memory cards. SDHC is a newer card type, and is not supported in some systems. Once the lockup occurs, the memory card reader will not function until the computer is rebooted. After you reboot the computer, you should instruct the user to connect the device that uses the SDHC card to the computer's USB port to access the data on the SDHC card.
A user reports that his computer locks up when he inserts a Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) memory card into his memory card reader. You use the Safely Remove Hardware icon to eject the memory card. You then insert a Secure Digital (SD) memory card that the reader successfully accessed yesterday. However, you cannot access any data on the SD card either. You need to ensure that the memory card reader is functioning. What should you do? A. Reboot the computer. B.Update the memory card reader's device driver. C.Optimize the memory card reader for performance. D.Optimize the memory card reader for quick removal
Answer: to ensure proper disposal of information Explanation: The main purpose of keeping track of the number and location of backup versions is to ensure proper disposal of information.
According to your organization's data backup policy, you must keep track of the number and location of backup versions of the organization's data. What is the main purpose of this activity? A.to restrict access to the backup versions B.to create an audit trail to ensure proper disposal of information to demonstrate due diligence C.to ensure proper disposal of information D. to demonstrate due diligence
Answer: She should use an ESD strap. Explanation: Cathy should wear an electrostatic discharge (ESD) strap to prevent damage to computer components from static charges built up in her body.
Cathy is opening the case of a computer to add some memory and perform some additional maintenance. She wants to ensure that a static charge is not built up in her body. How can she proceed safely? A. She should unplug the computer. B.She should use an ESD strap. C.She should connect her grounding strap to the system board. D.She should connect her grounding strap to a line voltage source.
Answer: Other Bluetooth devices are trying to connect. Her device is in discoverable mode. Explanation: The problem could be that other Bluetooth devices are trying to connect or her device is in discoverable mode. When two Bluetooth devices are trying to connect to the same device, either inadvertently or on purpose, Bluetooth will not connect to either. If the phone is in discoverable mode, then any Bluetooth device nearby will attempt to connect. Therefore, Melissa should connect to her Bluetooth headphones prior to coming into the gym and then turn off discoverable mode in settings.
Explanation: You should reboot the computer. The memory card reader that is installed in the user's computer does not support SDHC memory cards. SDHC is a newer card type, and is not supported in some systems. Once the lockup occurs, the memory card reader will not function until the computer is rebooted. After you reboot the computer, you should instruct the user to connect the device that uses the SDHC card to the computer's USB port to access the data on the SDHC card. A. Other Bluetooth devices are trying to connect. B.Other WiFi devices are trying to connect. C.Headphones are not charged. D.Her device is in discover-able mode.
Answer: Apologize to the customer. Explanation: First you should apologize to the customer. Even though you probably are not the person at fault, apologizing will help calm the customer down. You should not put the customer on hold or transfer the customer to a supervisor. This would only further frustrate the customer. You should not ask the customer to explain the problem in detail. This would also frustrate the customer. After apologizing, you should look up the records of the previous calls. Then you may need to put the customer on hold or transfer the customer to another area, depending on what you discover. Part of being a good A+ technician is using proper communication and displaying professionalism during any interaction with customers or end users. This includes the following:
George, a user, has contacted you complaining that his issue has not been resolved. He has already contacted your department twice today. What should you do first? A. Put the customer on hold. B. Transfer the customer to a supervisor. C. Apologize to the customer. D. Ask the customer to explain the problem in detail.
Answer: It prohibits airflow through the openings on the bottom. Explanation: Kate should avoid placing a portable computer on her lap without a laptop cooling pad underneath because it prohibits airflow through the openings on the bottom. This causes the portable computer to overheat.
Kristen purchased a new laptop for her daughter Kate for her birthday. You have been asked to give Kate specific instructions on why she should avoid placing her new laptop on her lap without a laptop cooling pad underneath. What is the reason for this? A.It prohibits airflow through the openings on the bottom. B. It causes the hard drive to operate at an angle. C.It causes repetitive stress issues for the user. D. It causes static electricity to be transmitted to the notebook.
Set up anti malware Explanation: You should recommend that she set up antimalware. Antimalware scans the mobile device and its apps for malicious software. The antimalware software is periodically updated to ensure it protects against the latest malware.
Lucy has all Android devices. She has recently read an article about apps that have malicious intent that can be inadvertently installed on mobile devices. What should you recommend she do? A. Scan the apps. B.Perform a factory reset. C.Set up antimalware. D.Force stop all apps
Completely drain the battery's charge, and then re-charge it Explanation: Luther should first completely drain the battery's charge and then re-charge it. This may allow the battery life to improve. However, if this does not work to fix the problem, Luther will have to replace the battery
Luther wants to know a quick way to revive his mobile device battery that has been not holding a charge for as long. What should he do FIRST to keep from having to replace his mobile device? A. Replace the battery. B.Place the mobile device into battery-saving mode. C.Completely drain the battery's charge, and then re-charge it. D.Reload the battery app.
Rename the Administrator account. Disable the Guest account. Rename the Guest account. You should rename both the Administrator and Guest accounts because these accounts are created by default. Renaming the accounts provides an added level of security for these accounts. You should also disable the Guest account. The Guest account should only be enabled in certain instances and should only be enabled temporarily. By default, the Guest account in Windows 7 and later is disabled, but you should always confirm this is true.
Several users will be using a new Windows 7 computer. You have been asked to configure the accounts in the appropriate manner to maximize security. Which procedures should you implement? (Choose all that apply.) A.Disable the Administrator account B. Rename the Administrator account. C.Disable the Guest account. D.Rename the Guest account.
Answer: dry chemicals CO2 Explanation: Dry chemicals can be used for multiple types of fires. The chemical helps to extinguish the fire, along with a non-flammable gas propellant.
There are different types of fire extinguishers on the market and you can use them for different types of fires. Which fire extinguisher substances would you tell Shelly that she can use for multiple types of fires? (Choose all that apply.) A. dry chemicals B. halon C. water D. CO2
The user can read, write, execute and delete everything, including the folder Explanation: With this type of permission, the user can read, write, execute, and delete everything, including the folder. NTFS permissions set on a file or a folder are done by accessing the folder's Properties dialog box and then opening the Security tab. In a nutshell, NTFS enable you to setup security settings on files and folders with the following permissions: l Full Control - Grants users all permissions on the folder. Administrators have this access. l Modify - Grants users a high level of access, except the ability to take full ownership. l Read & Execute - Allows users to read files and execute executable files. l List Folder Contents - Allows users to list the contents of the folder. It does not allow them to read the individual files within that folder. They can only see the file and folder names. l Read - Allows users to read the folder's contents. l Write - Allows user to write or edit the folder's contents
Vivian wants to set permissions on a certain folder to allow users to modify data. What is she really allowing them to do with this type of permission? A. The user can read, write, execute and delete everything, including the folder. B.The user can read, write, execute and delete everything, EXCEPT the folder. C.The user has all rights to change permissions and take ownership of the directory or any of its subdirectories. D.The user can read files and view the contents of a directory and any of its subdirectories.
Answer: a collection of programs that grants a hacker administrative access to a computer or network Explanation: A rootkit is a collection of programs that grants a hacker administrative access to a computer or network. The hacker first gains access to a single system, and then uploads the rootkit to the hacked system. An example of a rootkit is a system-level kernel module that modifies file system operations.
What is a rootkit? A. a software application that displays advertisements while the application is executing B. a collection of programs that grants a hacker administrative access to a computer or network C. an application that uses tracking cookies to collect and report a user's activities D.a program that spreads itself through network connections
Answer: an access point with the same SSID as the legitimate access point
What is the best description of an evil twin? A. an unauthorized access point B. signals about the wireless network marked on the outside of a building C. an access point with the same SSID as the legitimate access point D. cracking the WEP secret key using the initialization vector (IV)
SaaS Explanation: Software as a Service (SaaS) is the term for an application that is accessed over the Internet as opposed to being installed on a local device. Instead of installing software on their computers, users can access the software over the internet, typically paying a subscription fee for use. An example of this is Microsoft Office 365.
What is the term for an application that is accessed over the Internet as opposed to being installed on a local device? A. SaaS B.IaaS C.PaaS D.Resource Pooling
Answer: Show taskbar on all displays Explanation: The Show taskbar on all displays feature in Windows 8 and 8.1 enhances the taskbar functionality when working with more than one monitor. It allows you to show the taskbar on all displays, as opposed to in Windows 7 (and prior) where you could only access the taskbar on the primary monitor. When enabled, this is often referred to as multi-monitor taskbars. You can access this by right-clicking the taskbar and selecting Properties, which will access the Taskbar and Navigation properties dialog box. Once there, under Multiple Displays, check the Show taskbar on all displays option as shown in the following exhibit:
Which Windows 8 and 8.1 feature enhances the taskbar functionality when working with more than one monitor? A. Connect to a Projector B. Show the taskbar on all displays C. Duplicate Display D. Extend display
Answer: ReadyBoost Explanation: ReadyBoost is a Windows feature that uses space on a flash drive or flash memory card to help speed up your computer. When you right-click a flash drive and select Properties, you can set options for ReadyBoost. You must have at least 1 GB of free space on the flash drive. ReadyBoost is available in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1.
Which Windows feature allows you to use space on a flash drive or flash memory card to help speed up your computer? A SoftPerfect RAM Disk B. ReadyBoost C. eBooster D. Dataram RAMDisk
Answer: incorrect application opens nothing happens when touching an application Explanation: If an incorrect application opens or if nothing happens when touching an application, the user should calibrate the touch screen. In most cases, the device has an embedded touch screen calibration application that can be used to calibrate the screen. This ensures that touches are accurately registered by the touch screen and result in the correct application being launched.
Which conditions require a user to calibrate the screen of a touch screen device? (Choose all that apply.) A. incorrect application opens B. nothing happens when touching an application C. dirty screen D.battery dies
Format Explanation: Format is not a disk maintenance utility as found in the Tools tab of the hard drive's Properties dialog box.
Which is NOT a disk maintenance utility as found in the Tools tab of the hard drive's Properties dialog box? A. Error-Checking B. Format C.Defragmentation D.Backup
locator application Explanation: Locator applications help when a mobile device is stolen. Most locator applications can locate a lost device, lock the lost device, and remote wipe the device. Locator applications also raise privacy concerns because the apps can be used to trace the mobile device.
Which mobile device application helps when a mobile device is stolen but also raises privacy concerns? A. Remote wipe applications B. Locator application C. Remote backup applications D. Passcode applications
Answer: DHCP server Explanation: A Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server is responsible for the assignment of IP addresses. IP addresses may be assigned at random (dynamically) or by permanent assignment (static) based on a pool of available addresses.
Which of the following server roles is responsible for the assignment of IP addresses? A. Web Server B. DHCP Server C. Proxy Server D. DNS Server
The Android GPS requires the help of cell towers to obtain a location. Explanation: The Android GPS does NOT require the help of cell towers to obtain a location. The Android GPS uses satellites to obtain a location. Information from cell towers and WiFi hotspots can also help the Android GPS to determine a location, but is not required
Which of the following statements regarding Android phones is INCORRECT? A. The Android GPS needs a view of the sky. B.The Android GPS will use battery life. C.The Android GPS requires the help of cell towers to obtain a location. D.Android Apps can use cell towers, WiFi hot spots, or satellites to obtain a location.
Answer: IaaS Explanation: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) refers to a foundation service upon which the other two are built Instead of buying servers, storage, and other hardware components that make up the company's infrastructure, organizations can subscribe to a service over the Internet. The service host maintains the infrastructure components and makes them available on a per-use or subscription basis. An example is Amazon Web Services. Software as a Service (SaaS) makes software available through the cloud. Instead of installing software on their computers, users can access the software over the Internet, typically paying a subscription fee for use. An example is Microsoft Office 365. Platform as a Service (PaaS) it makes software development platforms available through the cloud. The provider makes hardware and software available over the Internet on a per-use or subscription basis. PaaS is often used in application development. A hybrid cloud is comprised of more than one type of cloud, including private clouds, public clouds, and community clouds. Public clouds are those that are made available to (typically) anyone that can pay. Private clouds are used by a single organization. Community clouds are for groups of subscribers that have common usage and requirements. Hybrid clouds are comprised of more than one type of cloud
Which of these terms refers to a foundation service upon which the other two are built? A. SaaS B.Iaas C.PaaS D.Hybrid cloud
Answer: password complexity Explanation: Password complexity is most important to ensure password strength. Password complexity allows you to configure which characters should be required in a password to reduce the possibility of dictionary or brute force attacks. A typical password complexity policy would force the user to incorporate numbers, letters, and special characters. Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be required. A password that uses a good mix, such as Ba1e$23q, is more secure than a password that only implements parts of these requirements, such as My32birthday, NewYears06, and John$59.
Which password setting is most important to ensure password strength? A. password age B. password history C. password lockout D. password complexity
Answer: Carry the motherboard in an anti-static bag. Explanation: You should carry the motherboard in an anti-static bag to the customer's residence. Use of an anti-static bag prevents damage caused by generation of static electricity.
You are an on-site technician for your company and have been assigned the task of replacing a damaged motherboard in a customer's computer. You must carry the replacement working motherboard to the customer's residence. Which is the BEST method to carry the motherboard to the customer's residence? A. Wrap the motherboard in a piece of lint-free cloth. B. Carry the motherboard in an anti-static bag. C. Carry the motherboard in a metal-lined wooden box. D. Carry the motherboard in a paper bag lined with Styrofoam.
Answer: Tell the co-worker you will return the call when your service call is complete. Explanation: You should never handle non-emergency calls while servicing a computer at a customer location. This is rude and makes it appear to the customer as if his problem is not important. You should tell the co-worker you will call him when your service call is complete. You should not discuss the meeting in any way at the customer location because it is a non-emergency issue. You should not call your supervisor to report the co-worker. It is likely that the co-worker did not know you were at a remote location handling a service call.
You are at a customer's workplace troubleshooting a computer problem. Your mobile phone rings, and you notice it is a co-worker calling. You ask the customer for permission to take the call and you go into another room. The co-worker wants to discuss a meeting that is planned for next week. What should you do? A. Discuss the meeting, and return to the customer when the call is complete. B. Discuss the meeting while troubleshooting the computer problem. C. Tell the co-worker you will return the call when your service call is complete. D.Call your supervisor to report the co-worker.
Answer: Primary Explanation: In a Windows installation, the boot files must reside on a primary partition. The operating system files may be on another partition. Primary partitions cannot be subdivided.
You are going to install Windows 7. On which type of partition should you install the boot files? A. Extended B. GPT C. Primary D. Dynamic
on both the host computer and all Window Vista virtual computers Explanation: You should install the patches on both the host computer and all Windows Vista virtual computers. Virtual machines can be compromised just like a physical computer.
You are responsible for managing a Windows Vista computer that hosts several virtual computers. You need to install the latest patches for the operating system. Where should you install the patches? A. on the host computer only B. on each Windows Vista virtual computer only C.on the physical computer only D. on both the host computer and all Window Vista virtual computers
Inform your supervisor of the department's violation of the security policy. Explanation: You should inform your supervisor of the department's violation of the security policy. It is always best practice to inform your supervisor of any security issues and let your supervisor address the situation.
You are the desktop technician for your company. Your company has a strict security policy in place. While troubleshooting the computer issue, you discover that a user has given her password to two co-workers in her department at the request of her supervisor. This is in direct violation of the company's security policy. What should you do? A. Explain the company security policy to the user. B.Explain the company security policy to the supervisor. C.Tell the user to change her password and to keep it a secret. D.Inform your supervisor of the department's violation of the security policy.
Answer: Ask the parent to take the child into another room while you are working. Explanation: If a child or pet is causing distractions while you are working, you should never take it upon yourself to remove the distraction. You should always ask the parent to take the child into another room.
You arrive at a customer's home to fix a computer. The computer is located in the bedroom of the customer's 8-year-old daughter. While attempting to fix the problem, the child repeatedly interrupts you and asks questions. What should you do? A. Tell the child to leave you alone while you are working. B. Ask the parent to take the child into another room while you are working. C.Move the computer into another room where the parent is located. D.Take the computer back to your office to complete the repair.
static electricity Explanation: Low humidity in the server room can cause static electricity. Static electricity is mainly caused in dry conditions when two dissimilar objects come in contact with each other. This electricity travels through the body and a spark is produced on the fingertips when the person touches something. Static electricity can cause severe damage to electronic computer components, such as the motherboard, hard disk, and random access memory. Therefore, the humidity level in the server room should not be low. Organizations can install a humidifier to maintain the correct level of humidity in the room. Technicians working with internal computer components can also wear anti-static wristbands to prevent damage from static electricity
You detect the humidity of your server room fluctuating towards the lower side. What could be the possible effect of low humidity in server room? A. corrosion B.static electricity C.electric shock D.power fluctuations
GPT Explanation: To install Windows on a 3-TB drive, you must format the drive as a GUID Partition Table (GPT) to have the OS recognize the entire drive. GPT is replacing Master Boot Record (MBR). MBR supports up to four primary partitions and has a disk size limitation of 2 TB. GPT requires a UEFI motherboard.
You have a 3-TB drive on which you want to install Windows. How must you format the drive to have the OS recognize the entire drive? A. Basic B.MBR C.GPT D.Extended
Answer: Run System Restore. Explanation: You should run System Restore to resolve the problem. System Restore is a built-in restore program in Windows Vista operating system that enhances the ability to restore the system to an earlier state. Whenever you make any changes to the system, such as installing a new software program and it does not allow the system to boot to normal mode of Windows or it does not allow the system to perform at its normal speed, then you can run Windows System Restore program to resolve the problem. With System Restore, you can choose the date to which you want to restore the system. You can also run System Restore program from Windows Safe Mode boot operation if you are unable to boot from normal mode. Snapshot works similar to System Restore, but Snapshot is a Linux feature
You manage a computer network that contains several Windows Vista computers. A user complains that he installed an application recently and now his computer is very slow. Your attempt to uninstall the application failed. You want to undo the application installation with the least administrative effort. What should you do? A.Run System Restore. B.Run Disk Cleanup. C.Edit Windows Registry. D.Run Registry Checker.
Answer: Enable Wi-Fi. Explanation: You should enable WiFi. WiFi networks include 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n. Airplane Mode should not be enabled. This actually turns all signals, including cell tower signals, WiFi signals, and Bluetooth signals. Personal Hotspot actually makes your iPhone a WiFi hotspot. Enabling it allows other devices to use your iPhone as a wireless hotspot. Bluetooth should not be enabled. Bluetooth should be enabled if you want to connect other devices to your iPhone.
You need to configure an iPhone with iOS 9 to connect to your company's 802.11g network. You navigate to the Settings. What should you do NEXT? A. Enable Airplane Mode. B. Enable Personal Hotspot. C. Enable Bluetooth. D. Enable Wi-Fi.
Answer: C:\Users Explanation: Windows Vista and Windows 7 have security features that create a unique user profile on each computer. When a user logs on for the first time, the system will create a user profile and place it in the folder named C:\Users. Windows 8 and 8.1 also use this folder. The user's profile is best managed by accessing the User Accounts item in Control Panel. Windows XP and Windows 2000 are obsolete, but their user profiles were located in the folder named C:\Documents and Settings. The C:\Windows folder is the installation folder. The C:\Program Files is the default application installation folder.
You need to copy a user's profile from one Windows 7 computer to another. In which folder would the user's profile be located? A. C:\Users B. C:\Documents and Settings C. C:\Windows D. C:\Program Files
Answer: USB Explanation: If you need to install Windows 8 on a client's computer and the computer does not have a network connection or an optical drive, your best option of those given is to boot from a USB drive. Netbooks and tablet PCs do not have optical drives, and installation from a USB or flash drive is the best option.
You need to install Windows 8 on a client's computer. The computer does not have a network connection or an optical drive. Which of these installation options are available to you? A. USB B. PXE C. Netboot D. CD/DVD
Answer: Open Task Scheduler Explanation: You should go to the Actions pane in Task Scheduler to schedule disk maintenance tasks. To get to the Task Scheduler, type Task Scheduler in the search bar. This will open the Task Scheduler console:
You need to schedule several disk maintenance tasks on a Windows computer. Where should you go to schedule these tasks? A. Open Task Manager B. Right-click the commands for the tasks C.Open Task Scheduler D. Double-click the commands for the tasks
Answer: USB Explanation: You could use a USB connection to perform the synchronization. This will attach the mobile device directly to the desktop computer. You should not use 802.11, Bluetooth, or Ethernet connections to perform the synchronization. 802.11 and Bluetooth are wireless connections, which are prohibited for security reasons. Ethernet connections are not available on a mobile device because there are no connectors for an Ethernet cable on mobile devices.
You need to synchronize your mobile device data with your desktop computer. For security reasons, your organization prohibits syncing devices over wireless connections or the Internet. Which connection(s) could you use to perform the synchronization? A. 802.11 B. USB C. Bluetooth D. Ethernet
Answer: The adapter is disabled. Explanation: A red X next to a device in Device Manager always indicates that the device is disabled. A yellow exclamation point indicates that the device has a problem. This problem is usually either a resource conflict or device driver issue. Error codes for the device can be viewed on the Properties page of the device. A blue I indicates you need to view the device information. This notification is due to the operating system forcing the resource configuration. A yellow exclamation point (!) indicates that a resource conflict is occurring. A problem code is given to explain the problem. The device may be operational. If the device is operational, many of its capabilities may not work until the resource conflict is resolved. A green question mark (?) indicates that a compatible driver is not installed and some functionality may be disabled until the updated driver is installed. The two most common wireless network issues are 1) the wireless access point is turned off and 2) the computer's wireless network interface is disabled.
You open Device Manager and notice a red X next to your wireless network adapter. What does this indicate? A. The adapter was not installed properly. B. The adapter is experiencing a resource conflict. C. The adapter is disabled. D. The adapter's drivers need to be reinstalled.
Answer: Map the network drive. Explanation: To assign a drive letter to a network shared folder, so that the user does not have to type in the full path \\FileSrv1 \Admin\HumanResources\Forms\Policies\LeaveRequests, you would map a network drive. Mapping a drive allows you to assign a drive letter to a network share. This saves the user from typing long, complicated, and prone-to-error paths to the network share. Admin shares are shares that are hidden. They include Admin$ (C:\Windows), driveletter$ (where driveletter is C or D, for example), and IPC$. Network shares allow you to share files or folders over the network. A network share would allow you to type the long, complicated address to access files or folder. You still need to map the network drive to make access easier.
You wish to assign a drive letter to a network shared folder so that the user does not have to type in the full path \\FileSrv1 \Admin\HumanResources\Forms\Policies\LeaveRequests. How would you do this? A. Map the network drive. B. Create an administrative share. C. Create a network share. D. This cannot be done.
Answer: Edit the Outgoing Mail Server settings so that the server uses SSL, and change the port to port 465. Explanation: You should edit the Outgoing Mail Server settings so that the server uses SSL and change the port to port 465. You should not edit ONLY the Outgoing Mail Server settings so that the server uses SSL. By default, the Outgoing Mail Server uses port 587. You need to change the port to 465. You should not edit the Incoming Mail Server settings because the SMTP server is the outgoing mail server, not the incoming mail server.
Your organization has decided to use SSL over port 465 on the SMTP server, smtp.dreamsuites.com. You need to change the settings on your iPhone. What should you do? A. Edit the Outgoing Mail Server settings so that the server uses SSL. B. Edit the Outgoing Mail Server settings so that the server uses SSL, and change the port to port 465. C. Edit the Incoming Mail Server settings so that the server uses SSL. D. Edit the Incoming Mail Server settings so that the server uses SSL, and change the port to port 465.