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Physicians' Implicit and Explicit Attitudes About Race by MD Race, Ethnicity, and Gender, 2009 results

-".....Implicit preference for White Americans was strong among all MD groups except for African American MDs" -"White MDs showed the strongest implicit preference for Whites" -"African American MDs, on average, did not show an implicit preference for either White Americans or Black Americans." -Like all people, physicians and other healthcare providers possess implicit biases.

3 Reasons to focus on Implicit Bias at this point in time

-An Expanded Diagnosis of the Problem -Implicit Bias is predictive and preventive -Implicit Bias approach helps to reduce the shame and shaming associated with these discussions.

Dushaw Hockett:

-Founder and Executive Director of Safe Places for the Advancement of Community and Equity (SPACEs), a Washington, DC-based leadership development and community building organization dedicated to bridging the gap between what people imagine and what they achieve. -Former Director of Special Initiatives for the Center for Community Change (CCC), a 40-plus year old national social justice organization founded in the memory of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

Kristen Pressner

-Global Head of Human -Resources at a multinational firm, and -A tireless advocate for, and promoter of, women in the workplace. -She is a married mother of 4 children -She graduated from Purdue -University with top honors and received her MBA from The -University of Dallas. -Favorite quote: "If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?" T.S. Elliot

How Bias May Manifest

-Higher levels of Implicit Bias -Less positive Interactions -Allowing less speaking time -Less smiling -Fewer impromptu social comments -Less visual contact

bias associated withAssociated with

-More speech errors -More speech hesitations -More blinking

3 Characteristics of (an) Implicit Bias

-Operate at a subconscious level. -Run contrary to our conscious beliefs -Implicit biases are triggered through rapid and automatic mental associations between people, ideas, and objects and the attitudes and stereotypes that we hold about these people, ideas, and objects

Implicit bias in healthcare professionals BMC Medical Ethics (2017) results

-Results showed that healthcare professionals exhibited the same levels of implicit bias as the general population. Emphasis the need for the healthcare profession to address the role of implicit bias in healthcare disparities.

Dushaw Hockett talk

-We all have implicit biases. So what can we do about it?

kristen presener talk

-are you biased? i am -explores how we can recognize our own hidden, irrational biases — and keep them from limiting us

Strategies to Reduce/Neutralize Implicit Bias

1. Common identity formation. 2. Perspective Taking. 3. Consider the Opposite. 4. Counter-stereotypical exemplars.


A conscious decision to attribute negative features to a racial or ethnic group (e.g., "I don't like being around Black people because they are dangerous.)

Implicit Bias

A positive or negative mental attitude towards a person, thing, or group that a person holds at an unconscious level (outside of conscious control)

Explicit Bias:

A positive or negative mental attitude towards a person, thing, or group that a person is aware of and under conscious control

Implicit (Unconscious) Racial Bias:

An unconscious coupling of a Black face with "DANGER"

1. Common identity formation.

Ask interviewee questions about interests and activities that you share in common (Focus on a shared, common identity between YOU and the interviewee -Patient)

4. Counter-stereotypical exemplars.

Spend time with or focus on individuals you admire from groups against which you have a bias

2. Perspective Taking

Take the perspective of a member of the group against which you have the unconscious bias.

Implicit Association Test (IAT) introduced when and by ho

The IAT was introduced in the scientific literature in 1998 by Anthony Greenwald, Debbie McGhee, Joyce Sherry, and Jordan Schwartz.

Implicit Association Test (IAT)

The implicit-association test (IAT) is a measure within social psychology designed to detect the strength of a person's automatic association between mental representations of objects (concepts) in memory.

3. Consider the Opposite.

When data seem to point to one conclusion, briefly look for data supporting the opposite conclusion before making a final decision

how early do we make unconscious associations

age 6

Implicit racial bias has been linked to activation of our brain's______. why is this significant

amygdala, which governs our fear response. It's also how we learn emotionally—hence, when seeing someone 'suspicious' that 'doesn't feel right.'

what unconscious associations might we make

certain racial groups based in fear or other negative affects. Implicit racial bias has been linked to activation of our brain's amygdala, which governs our fear response. It's also how we learn emotionally—hence, when seeing someone 'suspicious' that 'doesn't feel right.'

which bias forms foundation for racist attitudes


implicit bias is a healthy human adaptation

it's among the mental tools that help you mindlessly navigate your commute each morning.

Implicit bias is the mind's way of

making uncontrolled and automatic associations between two concepts very quickly.

how is explicit bias regulated

mindset trining

"White Preference" on the Race IAT

negative attitude toward Blacks and preference for White. Association of the image of a Black person with negative feelings/ and the image of a white person with positive feelings.

is implicit bias interchangeable with racism


implicit racial bias

unconscious coupling of race with a feeling ie. black with danger

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