A & P Ch 8 Joints of the Skeletal System 2 of 2

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______: Lowering a part (drooping the shoulders)


The radial collateral ligament, which ____ the lateral wall of the joint capsule, is a fibrous band extending between the lateral _____ of the humerus and the anular ____ of the radius.

strengthens; epicondyle; ligament

Flexion: _____ parts at a joint so that the angle between them _____ and the parts come closer together (bending the knee).

Bending; decreases

Extension: ____ parts at a joint so that the angle between them ______ and the parts move farther apart (straightening the knee).

Moving; increases

___________: Moving a part forward (thrusting the head forward).


_____: Moving a part backward (pulling the head backward).


Supination: _____ of the forearm so the palm is upward or facing anteriorly (in ____ position). Supine refers to the body lying face ___.

Rotation; anatomical; up

The arcuate popliteal ligament appears as a ____-shaped system of ____ that extends from the _____ condyle of the femur to the head of the fibula

Y; fibers; lateral

The iliofemoral ligament consists of a ___-shaped band of strong fibers that connects the anterior ___ ____ spine of the hip bone to a bony line (______ line) extending between the greater and lesser trochanters of the femur. The iliofemoral ligament is the ____ ligament in the body

Y; inferior iliac; intertrochanteric; strongest

A horseshoe-shaped ring of fibrocartilage (____ labrum) at the rim of the acetabulum _____ the cavity of the acetabulum. It _____ the head of the femur and helps hold it securely in place.

acetabular; deepens; encloses

The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint that consists of the head of the femur and the cup-shaped _____ of the hip bone


Joint stiffness is an early sign of _____. By the fourth decade, a person may notice that the first steps each morning become difficult. Changes in _____ structure lie behind the increasing stiffness Range of motion may diminish. However, joints age _____, and exercise can lessen or forestall stiffness.

aging; collagen; slowly

Dorsiflexion: Movement at the ___ that moves the anterior portion of the foot ____ to the shin (rocking ____ on one's heels).

ankle; closer; back

Plantar Flexion: Movement at the ____ that moves the anterior portion of the foot ___ from the shin (walking on one's ____).

ankle; farther; toes

Rotation: Moving a part ____ an axis (twisting the ____ from side to side). Medial (_____) rotation is the turning of a limb on its _____ axis so its anterior surface moves toward the midline, whereas lateral (external) rotation is the turning of a limb on its longitudinal axis in the ____direction.

around; head; internal; longitudinal; opposite

Abduction: Moving a part ___ from the midline (lifting the upper limb horizontally to form an angle with the side of the body) or away from the ___ line of the limb (spreading the fingers or toes). Abduction of the head and neck and bending of the trunk to the side may be termed ___ flexion.

away; axial; lateral

Hyperextension: A term sometimes used to describe the extension of the parts at a joint ____ the anatomical position (bending the head ____ beyond the upright position); often used to describe an ____ extension beyond the normal ____ of motion, resulting in injury.

beyond; back; abnormal; range

Overuse of a joint or stress on a bursa may cause ____, an inflammation of a bursa.


The joint ______ of the knee is relatively thin, but ligaments and the _____ of several muscles greatly strengthen it.

capsule ;tendons

The oblique popliteal ligament connects the lateral _____ of the femur to the margin of the head of the _____.

condyle; tibia

Although the knee articulations between the _____ of the femur and tibia function largely as a ____ hinge joint (allowing flexion and extension), they allow some _____ when the knee is flexed. The joint between the femur and patella is a ____ joint.

condyles; modified; rotation; plane

The patellar ligament is a _____ of a tendon from a large muscle group in the ____ (quadriceps femoris). It consists of a strong, ___ band that extends from the margin of the patella to the tibial _____.

continuation; thigh; flat; tuberosity

The _____humeral ligament is composed of a broad band of connective ____ that connects the coracoid process of the ____ to the greater tubercle of the humerus. It strengthens the ____ portion of the joint capsule.

coraco; tissue; scapula; superior

The ligaments of the shoulder joint, some of which help prevent displacement of the articulating surfaces, include the?

coracohumeral ligament, glenohumeral ligaments, and the transverse humeral ligament

in addition to the ligaments that strengthen the joint capsule, two ligaments in the joint, called _____ ligaments, help prevent displacement of the articulating surfaces


These strong bands of fibrous tissue stretch upward and cross between the tibia and the femur. They are named according to their positions of attachment to the tibia.

cruciate ligaments

In osteoarthritis, articular cartilage softens and ______ gradually, roughening the articular surfaces. Joints become painful, with _____ movement. For example, arthritic fingers may lock into place while a person is playing the guitar or tying a shoelace.

disintegrates; restricted

Circumduction: Moving a part so that its ___ follows a circular path (moving the finger in a circular motion ____ moving the hand).

end; without

The glenoid labrum is composed of ____. It is attached along the margin of the glenoid ___ and forms a ___ with a thin, free edge that deepens the cavity.

fibrocartilage; cavity; rim

The tendons of several muscles blend with the ___ layer of the shoulder joint ____, forming the rotator cuff, which reinforces and ____ the shoulder joint.

fibrous; capsule; supports

Typically, one end of a muscle is attached to a less movable or relatively ____ part on one side of a joint, and the other end of the muscle is fastened to a more _____ part on the other side. When the muscle _____, its fibers pull its movable end (____) toward its fixed end (origin), and a _____ occurs at the joint.

fixed; movable; contracts; insertion; movement

Eversion: Turning the ___ so the plantar surface faces ____.

foot; laterally

The joint capsule of the shoulder is attached along the circumference of the ____ cavity and the anatomical neck of the ____. Although it completely envelops the joint, the capsule is very _____, and by itself is unable to keep the bones of the joint in close contact. However, muscles and ____ surround and reinforce the capsule, keeping together the ____ parts of the shoulder

glenoid; humerus; loose; tendons; articulating

Muscles surround the joint capsule of the ____. The articulating parts of the hip are held more closely together than those of the _____, allowing considerably less freedom of ______. The structure of the hip joint, however, still permits a wide variety of movements, including flexion, _____, adduction, abduction, rotation, and ______.

hip; shoulder; movement; extension; circumduction

The only movements that can occur at the elbow between the ____ and ulna are hinge-type movements—______ and extension. The ___ of the radius, however, is free to rotate in the anular ligament. This movement allows ______ and supination of the forearm.

humerus; flexion; head; pronation

The shoulder joint is capable of a wide range of movement, due to the looseness of its attachments and the large articular surface of the ___ compared to the shallow depth of the _____ cavity. These movements include flexion, ______, adduction, ____, rotation, and circumduction. Motion occurring simultaneously in the joint formed between the scapula and the ____ may also aid such movements.

humerus; glenoid; extension; abduction; clavicle

The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint that consists of the rounded head of the _____ and the shallow glenoid cavity of the _____.

humerus; scapula

The major ligaments of the hip joint include the

iliofemoral ligament, pubofemoral ligament, and the ischiofemoral ligament

The _______ ligament consists of a band of strong fibers that originates on the ____ just ____ to the acetabulum and blends with the fibers of the ____ capsule.

ischiofemoral; ischium; posterior; joint

The tibial collateral ligament (medial collateral ligament) is a broad, flat band of tissue that connects the _____ condyle of the femur to the medial condyle of the _____.

medial; tibia

Two fibrocartilaginous ____ separate the articulating surfaces of the femur and tibia and help ____ them. Each meniscus is roughly ___-shaped, with a thick rim and a thinner ____, and attaches to the head of the tibia.

menisci; align; C; center

Sprains result from ______ the connective tissues, including _____, ligaments, and tendons associated with a joint, but they do not ___ the articular bones.

overstretching; cartilage; dislocate

The ligaments associated with the joint capsule that help keep the articulating surfaces of the knee joint in contact include the?

patellar ligament, oblique popliteal ligament, arcuate popliteal ligament, tibial collateral ligament, and the fibular collateral ligament

Inversion: Turning the foot so the ____ surface faces _____.

plantar; medially

Pronation: Rotation of the forearm so the palm is downward or facing _____ (in anatomical position). Prone refers to the body lying face ____.

posteriorly; down

The fibular collateral ligament (lateral collateral ligament) consists of a strong, ____ cord located between the lateral condyle of the femur and the _____ of the fibula.

round; head

The transverse humeral ligament consists of a narrow ___ of connective tissue fibers that runs between the lesser and the greater ___ of the ____. Together with the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus, the ligament forms a ____ (retinaculum) through which the long head of the biceps ____ muscle passes.

sheet; tubercles; humerus; canal; brachii

Examples of Synovial Joints are the?

shoulder joint, elbow joint, hip joint, and knee joint

Elevation: Raising a part (shrugging the _____).


The pubofemoral ligament extends between the ____ portion of the pubis and the _____ ligament. Its fibers also blend with the fibers of the ____ capsule.

superior; iliofemoral; joint

The shoulder joint is somewhat weak because the bones are mainly held together by _____ muscles rather than by ____ structures and strong ______.

supporting; bony; ligaments

Several bursae are associated with the knee joint. These include a large extension of the knee joint cavity called the _____ bursa, located between the anterior surface of the distal end of the femur and the muscle group (quadriceps femoris) above it; a large prepatellar bursa between the patella and the _____; and a smaller infrapatellar bursa between the proximal end of the tibia and the ______ ________

suprapatellar; skin; patellar ligament

Arthritis causes inflamed, ____, and painful joints


Skeletal muscle action produces movements at ______ joints.


The knee joint is the largest and most complex of the ____ joints. It consists of the medial and _____ ______ at the distal end of the femur and the medial and lateral condyles at the ______ end of the tibia. In addition, the femur articulates anteriorly with the _____.

synovial; lateral condyles; proximal; patella

The ulnar collateral ligament, a ___ band of dense connective tissue, is located in the medial wall of the ____. The anterior portion of this ligament connects the medial _____ of the humerus to the medial margin of the coronoid process of the _____. Its posterior part is attached to the medial epicondyle of the humerus and to the olecranon process of the ulna

thick; capsule; epicondyle; ulna

The glenohumeral ligaments include ____ bands of fibers that appear as ____ in the ventral wall of the joint capsule. They extend from the edge of the ___ cavity to the lesser ____ and the anatomical neck of the _____.

three; thickenings; glenoid; tubercle; humerus

Adduction: Moving a part ___ the midline (_____ the upper limb from the horizontal position to the side of the body) or toward the axial line of the limb (moving the fingers or toes ____ together).

toward; returning; closer

The elbow joint is a complex structure that includes two articulations—a hinge joint between the ___ of the humerus and the trochlear ___ of the ulna and a plane joint between the ___ of the humerus and a shallow depression (fovea) on the head of the _____.

trochlea; notch; capitulum; radius

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