A & P exam 3 part 1

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Functions of the liver include

(all of the above) detoxification of harmful chemicals, production of many blood proteins, interconversion of nutrients, and bile production

With a respiratory rate of 12 breaths per minute and a tidal volume of 500mL, what would the minute ventilation be?

6 L per minute

Which of the following respiratory membrane layers is closest to air in the alveolus?

Alveolar fluid (with surfactant)

Which of the following functions is associated with the nose? -Systemic respiration -Producing mucus to trap debris from the air -Both "Warming inhaled air" and "Producing mucus to trap debris from the air" are correct. -Initiating the cough reflex -Warming inhaled air

Both "Warming inhaled air" and "Producing mucus to trap debris from the air" are correct.

Which of the following is NOT part of a portal triad? Hepatic duct Central vein Hepatic portal vein Hepatic artery

Central Vein

Which law explains why a gas will move from one area to another area?

Dalton's law

Which of the following is not part of the thoracic wall? Ribs Sternum Diaphragm Thoracic vertebrae


Which of the following will stimulate intestinal motility?

Distension of the intestinal wall

Which of the following is a function of the digestive system? Regulation of blood pH Cellular respiration Integration and coordination of other systems Food selection Elimination of undigested food

Elimination of undigested food

Which of the following is NOT an accessory organ of the digestive tract? Pancreas Salivary glands Gallbladder Esophagus


Which of the following is NOT a function of the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium of the nasal cavity? Traps dirt and removes it from the air Exchanges O2 and CO2 Warms the air Moisturizes the air

Exchanges O2 and CO2

What is the volume of air that can be forcibly expired after expiration of the tidal volume?

Expiratory reserve volume

The enteric plexus

Helps control movement and secretions of the digestive tract and contains parasympathetic neurons

Which of the following is not a substance found in saliva?

Hydorchloric acid

Which of the following statements regarding swallowing is true?

In the pharyngeal phase, food is moved through the pharynx.

Which of the following describes the function of the nasal conchae?

Increases turbulence and surface area for cleaning, warming, and moisturizing the air

The chemosensitive area of the brain is located in the _________.

Medulla Oblongata

Which layer of the digestive tract is in direct contact with ingested food?


A molecule of air enters the nose through the external nares. Which of the following is the correct pathway to the trachea?

Nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea

Which of the following cell types of the stomach is correctly matched with its function?

Parietal cells - produce hydrochloric acid

Which of the following enzymes digests protein?


Which of the following enzymes functions at the lowest pH?


What moves the bolus during the esophageal phase of deglutition?


Which of the following is part of the upper respiratory tract? Lungs Bronchioles Bronchi Pharynx Trachea


Which of the following events occurs because of the low pH of the stomach?

Proper environment for functioning of pepsin

__________ is the movement of food through the digestive tract.


The olfactory epithelium responsible for the sense of smell is located in the _________.

Roof of the nasal cavity.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the respiratory system? Regulation of blood pH Production of chemical mediators Taste Olfaction Voice production


The oral cavity has boundaries that include

The lips, palate, and cheeks

What is the role of the pleural fluid?

The pleural fluid between the the parietal pleura and visceral pleura ensure that as the thorax expands, the lungs expand as well.

Why doesn't the stomach digest itself?

The stomach wall is protected by large amounts of mucus.

How does the muscularis layer of the esophagus differ from the rest of the digestive tract?

The superior part is skeletal muscle

Which of the following statements concerning the dorsal and ventral respiratory groups is false? They are located in the reticular activating system. Two dorsal and two ventral respiratory groups make up the medullary respiratory center. These groups increase the number of action potentials to the respiratory muscles during inspiration. These groups establish the basic rate and depth of breathing. There is cross communication between these two groups.

They are located in the reticular activating system.

Which type of alveolar cells produce surfactant?

Type II pneumocytes

For air to flow into or out of the lungs, there must be

a pressure gradient establishes between the atmosphere and the alveoli.

The movement of molecules out of the digestive tract into circulation or the lymphatic system is _________.


Normally, the partial pressure of oxygen gas is higher in the _________.


Oxygen diffusion from the alveolus to the pulmonary capillary occurs because

alveolar PO2 is greater than capillary PO2.

The nasal vestibule is located in the _________ portion of the nasal cavity.


Teeth in adults

are distributed so that there is one canine tooth in each half jaw.

The pancreatic islets _________.

are endocrine glands

When CO2 levels in the blood increase, the

blood becomes more acidic

What is found in an intestinal villus?

blood capillaries and a lacteal

Oxygenated blood is carried to the tissues of the lungs via the _________.

bronchial arteries

The gallbladder contracts in response to the hormone

cholecystokinin (CCK)

The muscularis layer in the wall of the digestive tract is

composed of a layer of circular smooth muscle fibers and a layer of longitudinal smooth muscle fibers.

The ring of cartilage that forms the base of the larynx is the

cricoid cartilage

Hyperventilation _________ blood CO2 levels, which ________ plasma pH.

decreases, increases

What is the function of enteric sensory neurons?

detect changes in chemical composition of digestive tract contents and detect stretch of the digestive tract wall

Contraction of the _______ will increase the superior-inferior dimension of the thoracic cavity.


Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged across the respiratory membrane by the process of


Oxygen is transported in the blood

dissolved in the plasma and bound to hemoglobin.

The defecation reflex is stimulated by

distention of the rectum

The nasal septum

divides the nose into right and left chambers.

The Bohr effect refers to the

effect of pH on the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve.

What is the function of bile?

emulsifies fats in the small intestine

During swallowing, the opening into the larynx is covered by the _________.


The pitch of the sound produced by the vocal folds is controlled by the

frequency of vibrations

Systemic (internal) respiration refers to

gas exchange between the blood and body tissues.

A large amount of adipose tissue accumulates in the _________.

greater omentum

The trachea

has c shaped cartilages that form its anterior and lateral sides.

The villi, microvilli, and plicae circularis function to

increase surface area for absorption.

During exercise, ventilation initially increases due to

limb movements that stimulate the respiratory center.

Bile is produced by cells of the


The digestive functions performed by saliva and salivary amylase respectively are _________.

moistening and starch digestion

What is the roll of saliva?

moistens food and begins starch digestion in the mouth.

The major secretion of the large intestine is _________.


The auditory tubes open into the


The portion of the pharynx that extends from the internal nares to the level of the uvula is the


Which part of the pharynx is NOT involved with food transport?


Expiration during quiet breathing

occurs when the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles relax.

The portion of the digestive tract that receives food directly from the oral cavity is the _________.


Which of the following structures opens directly into the nasal cavity?

paranasal sinuses

The _________ helps hold a tooth in its socket.

periodontal ligament

A protective function of the respiratory system would be

preventing microorganisms from entering the body.

The liver

produces secretions that help neutralize stomach acids and emulsify fats.

Enzymes for the digestion of disaccharides are produced in the_______

small intestine

The diameter of bronchioles can change because their walls contain _________.

smooth muscle

Food is prevented from entering the nasal cavity during swallowing by the

soft palate

What is the function of the gallbladder?

store and concentrate bile

The gallbladder

stores and concentrates bile

The salivary glands that open into the oral cavity beside the frenulum of the tongue are the _________ glands.


The tongue plays a major roll in


Which of the following is a function of the hepatocytes?

synthesize bile

The longitudinal layer of smooth muscle in the large intestinal wall forms three bands called the _________.

teniae coli

Rhythmicity of breathing involves

the pre-Bötzinger complex of the ventral respiratory group.

Which of the following is NOT part of the respiratory membrane? -Thick layer of mucus lining the alveolus -interstitial space -Pulmonary capillary simple squamous epithelium and its basement membrane -Simple squamous epithelium of the alveolus and its basement membrane

thick layer of mucus lining the alveolus

The largest of the laryngeal cartilages is the

thyroid cartilage

The volume of air inspired or expired with each breath is the

tidal volume

Of the following structures, the largest in diameter is the _________. respiratory bronchiole primary bronchus secondary bronchus trachea tertiary bronchus


The liver consists of

two major lobes and two minor lobes

When air passes through the glottis, which structures vibrate to produce sound?

vocal folds (cords)

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