A & P: Exam 3 Quizzes

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The enteroendocrine cells of the intestinal glands are responsible for producing which intestinal hormones? a. Enterokinase and aminopeptidase b. Cholecystokinin and secretin c. Biliverdin and bilirubin d. Gastrin and pepsinogen

b. Cholecytokinin and secretin

In the nutrient pool, which chemical is best suited for storage of energy content? a. Amino acids b. Fatty acids c. Nucleic acids d. Phospholipids

b. Fatty acids

Which of the following causes an immediate increase in the rates of glandular secretion and peristaltic activity in all segments of the small intestine? a. Gastroileal reflex b. Gastroenteric reflex c. Enterogastric reflex d. The presence of intestinal juices

b. Gastroenteric reflex

Which of the following cranial nerves is involved in both initiating the swallowing reflex as food passes by the uvula and helping to coordinate the peristalitic waves of the esophagus? a. Vagus (CN X) b. Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) c. Facial (CN VII) d. Trigeminal (CN V)

b. Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)

Which nutrient in the nutrient pool is most often used to replace structural and functional components of the cell? a. Fatty acids b. Nucleic acids c. Amino acids d. Glucose

c. Amino acids

The hormone that promotes the emptying of the gallbladder and of pancreatic juice containing enzymes is a. secretin b. gastric inhibitory peptide c. gastrin d. CCK

d. CCK

What type of epithelium makes up the oral mucosa? a. Simple squamous b. Pseudostratified columnar c. Simple columnar d. Stratified squamous

d. Stratified squamous

The primary function(s) of the liver is (are): a. metabolic regulation b. hematological regulation c. bile production d. all of the above

d. al of the above

The term metabolism refers to a. the synthesis of new organic molecules b. energy released during the breakdown of organic substances c. chemical reactions that occur in the body d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following inhibit(s) gastric contractions? a. secretin b. gastric inhibitory peptide c. distension of the duodenal stretch receptors d. all of the above

d. all of the above

The small, slender structure that is attached to the large intestine and is suffused with lymphoid nodules is the __________. a. taenia coli b. cecum c. ileum d. appendix

d. appendix

Undigested food residues are moved through the colon in the following sequence. a. descending, transverse, ascending, sigmoid b. descending, ascending, transverse, sigmoid c. ascending, descending, transverse, sigmoid d. ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid

d. ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid

Undigested food residues are moved through the large intestine in the following sequence. a. ileum, colon, and rectum b. duodenum, jejunum, and ileum c. colon, cecum, rectum d. cecum, colon, rectum

d. cecum, colon, rectum

The pancreatic duct and the common bile duct merge at the a. cystic duct b. appendix c. ileocecal valve d. duodenal ampulla

d. duodenal ampulla

Chylomicrons exit intestinal epithelial cells by a. facilitated diffusion b. co-transport c. simple diffusion d. exocytosis

d. exocytosis

Hydrochloric acid in the stomach functions primarily to a. hydrolyze peptide bonds b. facilitate carbohydrate digestion c. facilitate lipid digestion d. facilitate protein digestion

d. facilitate protein digestion

Bile is stored and concentrated in the a. duodenum b. liver c. pancreas d. gallbladder

d. gallbladder

The muscular sphincter that guards the opening between the ileum and the cecum is the __________. a. pyloric sphincter b. gastrointestinal sphincter c. cardiac sphincter d. ileocecal valve

d. ileocecal valve

The hormone gastrin a. is produced in response to sympathetic stimulation b. is secreted by the pancreatic islets c. inhibits the activity of the muscularis externa of the stomach d. increases activity of the gastric glands

d. increases activity of the gastric glands

The hormone gastrin __________. a. is secreted by the pancreatic islets b. inhibits the activity of the muscularis externa of the stomach c. is produced in response to sympathetic stimulation d. increases the activity of the parietal and chief cells

d. increases the activity of the parietal and chief cells

The hormone gastrin a. is produced in response to sympathetic stimulation b. inhibits the activity of the muscularis externa of the stomach c. is secreted by pancreatic islets d. increases the production of gastric juice

d. increases the production of gastric juice

Which of the following concerning the pancreas is false? a. produces an amylase enzyme similar to salivary amylase b. produces a bicarbonate phosphate buffer c. is primarily an exocrine gland d. is primarily an endocrine gland

d. is primarily an endocrine gland

All the chemical reactions that occur in an organism are called __________. a. energetics b. oxidation c. cellular respiration d. metabolism

d. metabolism

The source that cells rely on to provide energy and to create new intracellular components is the a. electron transport chain b. citric acid cycle c. mitochondria d. nutrient pool

d. nutrient pool

Which of the following is an active enzyme? a. trypsinogen b. chymotrypsinogen c. carboxypeptidase d. pancreatic lipase

d. pancreatic lipase

An enzyme not found in pancreatic juice is a. amylase b. nuclease c. lipase d. pepsin

d. pepsin

The release of chyme from the stomach into the duodenum is regulated by the a. pyloric antrum b. pyloric canal c. lower esophageal sphincter d. pyloric sphincter

d. pyloric sphincter

In glycolysis, six-carbon glucose molecules are broken down into two three-carbon molecules of a. NADH b. citric acid c. acteyl-CoA d. pyruvate

d. pyruvate

During the gastric phase regulating stomach secretions the local response leads to a release in histamine. Histamines target a. duodenum to release CCK b. gallbladder to release bile c. the pancreas to release trypsin d. the parietal cells to release acid

d. the parietal cells to release acid

Which of the following is not a brush border enzyme? a. maltase b. peptidase c. enteropeptidase d. trypsin

d. trypsin

Rugae are permanent folds found in the stomach. a. True b. False

B. False

What is the benefit of the stomach having rugae? a. Allowing the expansion of the lumen b. More surface area for absorption c. Protection from stomach acid d. Greater number of gastric glands

a. Allowing the expansion of the lumen

Why are older people sometimes subjected to recurring episodes of constipation? a. Decreased smooth muscle tone b. Dental problems c. Epithelial mucosal deterioration d. Lack of exercise

a. Decreased smooth muscle tone

What is the main stimulus that triggers the defecation reflex? a. Distension of the rectum b. Material passed into the cecum c. Sympathetic stimulation d. Chemical composition of the feces

a. Distension of the rectum

Salivary amylase breaks complex carbohydrates into monosaccharides. a. False b. True

a. False

The external anal sphincter is under voluntary control a. True b. False

a. True

A molecular absorbed into the lacteals of the lymphatic system within the walls of the small intestine is a. glucose b. an amino acid c. vitamin B12 d. a lipid

a. a lipid

The metabolic pattern characterized by nutrient absorption, anabolism, and insulin dominance is the a. absorptive state b. post-absorptive state

a. absorptive state

The stomach is divided into the following regions a. cardia, fundus, body, pylorus b. greater omentum, lesser omentum, gastric body c. parietal cells, cheif cells, gastral glands d. cardia, rugae, pylorus

a. cardia, fundus, body, pylorus

When you see, smell, taste, or think of food the ___ phase of the gastric secretion begins a. cephalic b. gastric c. gastrointestinal d. intestinal

a. cephalic

All of the following will increase stomach motility except a. cholecystokinin b. stretching of the stomach wall c. gastrin d. activation of the parasympathetic nervous system

a. cholecystokinin

Which of the following reflexes does not involve the small intestine? a. gastrocolic reflex b. enterogastric reflex c. gastroenteric reflex d. gastroileal reflex

a. gastrocolic reflex

Sympathetic stimulation of the muscularis externa promotes __________. a. muscular inhibition and relaxation b. muscular contraction and increased excitation c. increased muscular tone and activity d. increased digestive and gastric motility

a. muscular inhibition and relaxation

Intrinsic factor is from what a. parietal cells b. chief cells c. G cells

a. parietal cells

In the defecation reflex, the sensory receptors are located in the a. rectum b. anus c. sigmoid colon d. descending colon

a. rectum

Of the following selections, the one that contains only accessory structures is a. salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder b. oral cavity, stomach, pancreas, and liver c. tongue, teeth, stomach, small and large intestine. d. pharynx, esophagus, small and large intestine

a. salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder

All nutrient absorption takes place in the a. small intestine b. large intestine c. stomach d. oral cavity

a. small intestine

Which of the following is NOT a part of the digestive system? a. spleen b. pancreas c. liver d. gallbladder

a. spleen

The myenteric plexus of the intestinal tract is found a. within the mucosa b. between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers c. within the submucose d. within the circular layer

b. between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers

The process that breaks down organic substances, releasing energy that can be used to synthesize ATP or other high-energy compounds is a. anabolism b. catabolism c. metabolism d. oxidation

b. catabolism

Material arriving from the ileum first enters an expanded pouch a. appendix b. cecum c. haustra d. ileocecal valve

b. cecum

The enzymatic breakdown of large molecules into their chemical building blocks is called a. mechanical digestion b. chemical digestion c. secretion d. absorption

b. chemical digestion

The common hepatic duct and the cystic duct merge to form the a. the right hepatic duct b. common bile duct c. the pancreatic duct d. the left hepatic duct

b. common bile duct

The intestinal epithelial cells absorb monosaccharides by a. simple diffusion b. facilitated diffusion and co-transport c. chylomicrons d. osmosis

b. facilitated diffusion and co-transport

The hormone that causes release of insulin from the pancreas is a. CCK b. gastric inhibitory pepide c. secretin d. gastrin

b. gastric inhibitory peptide

Capillaries surrounding the villi in the small intestine carry absorbed nutrients in the blood to the a. lymphatic vessels b. hepatic portal circulation c. circle of Willis d. fetal circulation

b. hepatic portal circulation

The active process that occurs when food enters the digestive tract via the mouth is __________. a. excretion b. ingestion c. secretion d. absorption

b. ingestion

Which layer of the digestive tube is most responsible for peristalsis along the esophagus? a. submucosa b. muscularis externa c. lamina propria d. muscularis mucosa

b. muscularis externa

Secretions by the salivary glands is promoted by a. enterogastric reflex b. parasympathetic stimulation c. the gastroenteric reflex d. sympathetic stimulation

b. parasympathetic stimulation

Which of the following is not found in saliva a. lingual lipase b. pepsin c. lysozyme d. salivary amylase

b. pepsin

he longitudinal ribbon of smooth muscle visible on the outer surfaces of the colon just beneath the serosa is (are) the a. appendix b. taenia coli c. muscular externa d. haustra

b. taenia coli

The enzyme lactase is synthesized by a. the salivary glands b. the small intestine c. the pancreas d. the stomach

b. the small intestine

The two positive-feedback loops involved in the defecation reflex are __________. a. the anal canal and the anal columns b. the stretch receptors in the rectal walls and the sacral parasympathetic system c. mass movements and peristaltic contractions d. the internal and the external sphincter muscles

b. the stretch receptors in the rectal walls and the sacral parasympathetic system

For each glucose molecule converted to 2 pyruvates, the anaerobic reaction sequence in glycolysis provides a net gain of a. 16 ATP b. 4 ATP c. 2 ATP d. 32 ATP

c. 2 ATP

What is the correct sequence of events in moving a bolus of food to the stomach? a. Esophageal peristalsis; bolus is moved to oropharynx; epiglottis folds over glottis; opening of lower esophageal sphincter b. Epiglottis folds over glottis; bolus is moved to oropharynx; esophageal peristalsis; opening lower esophageal sphincter c. Bolus is moved to oropharynx; epiglottis folds over glottis; esophageal peristalsis; opening of lower esophageal sphincter d. Opening lower esophageal sphincter; epiglottis folds over glottis; bolus is moved to oropharynx; esophageal peristalsis

c. Bolus is moved to oropharynx; epiglottis folds over glottis; esophageal peristalsis; opening of lower esophageal sphincter

If you put marbles in your mouth, which cranial nerve monitors receptors that detect their presence and causes the salivary reflex? a. Cranial nerve I b. Cranial nerve IV c. Cranial nerve V d. Cranial nerve II

c. Cranial nerve V

Asking a patient to swallow can test for function of all of the following cranial nerves except a. Glossopharyngeal b. Trigeminal c. Facial d. Vagus

c. Facial

Gastrin secretion is from what a. parietal cells b. chief cells c. G cells

c. G cells

Which layer of the digestive tract is responsible for peristalsis and segmentation? a. Submucosa b. Mucosa c. Muscularis externa d. Serosa

c. Muscularis externa

Which of the following enzymes is active at the lowest pH? a. Lactase b. Chymostrpsin c. Pepsin d. Amylase

c. Pepsin

Metabolism refers to __________. a. only the digestion of foods and the production of wastes b. only the balance between drinking water and sweating c. all the anabolic and catabolic reactions in the body d. only the intake of sodium in foods and the loss of sodium in sweat and tears

c. all the anabolic and catabolic reactions in the body

The final enzymatic steps in the digestion of carbohydrates are accomplished by a. the action of bile by the gallbladder b. enzymes secreted by the pancreas c. brush border enzymes of the microvilli d. enzymes secreted by the stomach

c. brush border enzymes of the microvilli

The phases of deglutition are a. palatal, lingual, and mesial b. parotid, sublingual, and submandibular c. buccal, pharyngeal, and esophageal d. pharyngeal, palatopharyngeal, and stylopharyngeal

c. buccal, pharyngeal, and esophageal

Pepsinogen is from what a. parietal cells b. chief cells c. G cells

c. chief cells

Which of the following is not a function of CCK? a. decreases gastric juice production b. stimulates production of pancreatic enzymes c. contracts the hepatopancreatic sphincter d. promotes contractions of the gallbladder

c. contracts the hepatopancreatic sphincter

The primary function of the esophagus is to a. convey solid foods and liquids from the stomach to the small intestine b. process solid foods and liquids for digestion and absorption c. convey solid foods and liquids to the stomach d. convey solid foods and liquids from the mouth to the pharynx

c. convey solid foods and liquids to the stomach

The process that produces more than 90% of the ATP used by body cells is a. the citric acid cycle b. glycolysis c. the electron transport chain d. oxidative phosphorylation

c. electron transport chain

Which of the following digestive system organs is not covered by a serosa a. small intestine b. stomach c. esophagus d. large intestine

c. esophagus

The active process that occurs when materials enter the digestive tract via the mouth is a. secretion b. excretion c. ingestion d. absorption

c. ingestion

Powerful peristaltic contractions moving the contents of the colon toward the rectum are called a. segmentation b. haustral churning c. mass movements d. the defecation reflex

c. mass movements

Damage to the myenteric plexus of nerves would result in a decrease in which of the following activities of the intestine? a. peristalsis b. segmentation c. segmentation and peristalsis

c. segmentation and peristalsis

Which of the following major layers of the digestive tract is described as a layer of dense, irregular connective tissue filled with blood vessels and contains a nerve plexus? a. serosa b. muscularis externa c. submucosa d. mucosa

c. submucosa

Which step in glucose catabolism releases the most CO2? a. glycolysis b. the electron transport chain c. the citric acid cycle d. pyruvate oxidation

c. the citric acid cycle

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