A HI 1113- TEST 1

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Toreader Fresco

(Leaping Bull) Agean

Hatshepsut as Pharaoh

(Other image shows entire body) New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

Reims cathedral statues


white ground vase

..Classical Style, Ancient Greece

Interior of Panthenon

18th century AD painting by panini Rome Ancient Rome

Ancient Egypt year span

3,000 BC- 1070 BC

Arch of Constantine

300 AD Rome Ancient Rome

Head of Constantine

300 AD Rome Ancient Rome

Hagia Sophia

6th cent AD Contantipole (now Istanbul) Byzantine Art

Hagia Sophia Interior

6th cent AD Contantipole (now Istanbul) Byzantine Art

Church of San Vitale

6th cent AD Ravenna, Italy Byzantine Art

Church of San Vitale interior

6th cent AD Ravenna, Italy Byzantine Art


A 19th century artistic movement in which writers and painters sought to show life as it is rather than life as it should be


A carved, decorative panel on a building.


A female figure that functions as a supporting column


A kind of stylization. Improving/perfecting face so it doesn't represent true appearance but ideal version/wish would appear. GREEK

New York Kouros

A kouros is the modern term given to free-standing ancient Greek sculptures which first appear in the Archaic period in Greece and represent nude male youths.Archaic Style

Charlemagnes Palace Chapel

Aachen Early Middle Ages Northern European Art

Temple of Ramses II

Abu Simbel Nubia New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

Female Cycladic idol


Snake Goddess


Lion Gate

Agean Mycenae

Palette of Narmer

Ancient Egypt

Geometric amphora

Ancient Greece .

Augustus of Prima Porta

Ancient Rome

Basilica of Ulpia

Ancient Rome

Hadrian's Villa

Ancient Rome


Ancient Rome

Marcus Aurelius

Ancient Rome

Portrait of Caracalla

Ancient Rome

Portrait of a Lady

Ancient Rome

Relief from are pacis

Ancient Rome

Roman wall painting

Ancient Rome

Still Life, from Herculaneum

Ancient Rome

Trajan's Markets

Ancient Rome

Court of Theodora

Apse mosaic Byzantine Art

Court of Justinian

Apse mosaic San Vitale Byzantine Art

Black-figure vase Exekias

Archaic Style

Peplos Kore

Archaic Style

Red figure vase

Archaic Style



Apoxyomenos by Lysippos

Athlete with Scraper (Strigil) Late Classical Style, Ancient Greece

Gislebertus, Last Judgement, tympanum, Cathedral of St. Lazare

Autun, Frace Romanesque Art Early Middle Ages

Gislebertus, Detail, Last Judgement, Cathedral of St. Lazare

Autun, France Romanesque Art Early Middle Ages

Christ Mosaic

Byzantine Art


Caen Romanesque Art Early Middle Ages

Christ as the Good Shepard

Catacomb Early Christian Art Rome


Classical Style, Ancient Greece


Classical Style, Ancient Greece

Reconstruction of phidia's athena. Phidia: Greek sculptor

Classical Style, Ancient Greece

Warrior from Riace

Classical Style, Ancient Greece

equestrian frieze from parthenon

Classical Style, Ancient Greece

metope from parthenon

Classical Style, Ancient Greece

nike adjusting her sandal

Classical Style, Ancient Greece

reconstruction of parthenon

Classical Style, Ancient Greece

sculptures from east pediment of the parthenon

Classical Style, Ancient Greece

Pilgrimage Church of Sainte-Foy, nave

Conques, France Romanesque Art Early Middle Ages

Pilgrimage Church of Sainte-Foy

Coques, France Romanesque Art Early Middle Ages

Great Mosque

Cordoba Spain Built 8th to 10th cent AD Early Middle Ages Islamic Art

Great Mosque 2

Cordoba Spain Built 8th to 10th cent AD Early Middle Ages Islamic Art

Great Mosque 3

Cordoba Spain Built 8th to 10th cent AD Early Middle Ages Islamic Art

Old St. Peter's Basilica

Early Christian Art Rome

St. Paul outside the walls

Early Christian Art Rome

kritios boy

Early Classical Style

Page from Carolingian Gospel Book

Early Middle Ages Northern European Art


Egyptian Pharaoh of the Old Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

Menkaure and his Queen

Egyptian Pharaoh of the Old Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

Purse Cover from Sutton Hoo, England

England Early Middle Ages Northern European Art

Salisbury Cathedral

England Gothic Art

Durham Catherdral

England Romanesque Art Early Middle Ages

Temple at Veii (Reconstruction)

Estruscan Art

Apollo of Veii

Etruscan Art


Etruscan Art

Tomb of the leopards, fresco

Etruscan Art

cinerary urn

Etruscan Art

Cologne Cathedral

Germany Gothic Art

A ribbed vault

Gothic Art

Chartres Cathedral Royal Portal

Gothic Art

Diagram of Gothic cathedral

Gothic Art

Interior of Saint Denis

Gothic Art

Manuscript page from life of saint denis

Gothic Art

Reims Cathedral

Gothic Art

Chartres Cathedral Nave

Gothic art

Reims cathedral nave

Gothic art

chartres cathedral rose window and lancets

Gothic art


Great Egyptian Royal wife to Akhenaten New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

athena battling with alkyoneus

Hellenistic, Ancient Greece

sleeping eros

Hellenistic, Ancient Greece

winged nike

Hellenistic, Ancient Greece

battle of issus "Alexander Mosaic"

Hellenistic, Ancient Greece Pompeii After an original greek fresco (wall painting)


Hellenistic, Ancient Greece ~Face covered in scars, broken nose and teeth ~Wearing leather knuckles ~Muscular ~REALISM

Altar of zeus at pergamon

Hellenistic, Ancient Greece ~Friezes of emotion and expression

Laocoon and his two sons

Hellenistic, Ancient Greece ~Melodramatic ~violent (eaten by snakes) ~abondons symmetry and restraint ~Expresses pain through facial contortion, bulging muscles and veins

Church of St. Michaels Hildesheim

Hildesheim Early Middle Ages Northern European Art

Church of St. Michaels bronze doors doors

Hildesheim Early Middle Ages Northern European Art

Page from Book of Durrow

Illuminated manuscript Early Middle Ages Northern European Art

Page from book of Kells

Illuminated manuscript Early Middle Ages Northern European Art

Step Pyramid of King Zoser (architect)

Imhotep, Old Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

Hermes and the infant dionysos (Praxiteles)

Late Classical Style, Ancient Greece

aphrodite of knidos

Late Classical Style, Ancient Greece

theater at epidauros

Late Classical Style, Ancient Greece

Temple of Amon-Mut-Kohonsu

Luxor New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

Head of Senusret III

Middle Kingdom, Ancient Egypt (Only Middle Kingdom picture)

Tholos tomb

Mycenae "Treasury of Atreus" Agean

Frescos at the Villa of Mysteries

Near Pompeii Ancient Rome


New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

Akhenaten and Nefertiti and daughters

New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

Nebamun hunting birds

New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

Aqueduct, Pont du Gard

Nimes, France Ancient Rome

Seated Scribe

Old Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

The Great Sphinx

Old Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

"God as Architect"

Page from gothic manuscript Gothic Art


Paris Gothic Art

Atrium, House of the Silver Wedding

Pompeii Ancient Rome

commemorative, narrative, historical


Detail, Bayeux Tapestry

Romanesque Art Early Middle Ages

Detail, bayeux Tapestry

Romanesque Art Early Middle Ages

Romanesque manuscript

Romanesque Art Early Middle Ages

Stavelot Triptych

Romanesque Art Early Middle Ages

Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace)

Rome Ancient Rome

Arch of Titus

Rome Ancient Rome

Baths of Caracalla

Rome Ancient Rome


Rome Ancient Rome

Plan of the forums

Rome Ancient Rome

Trajan's Column

Rome Ancient Rome

relief from arch of titus

Rome Ancient Rome


Sculpture within a frieze

Chartres Cathedral Tympanum

Second coming of christ Gothic Art

Chartres cathedral door jamb statues. South

South transept Door jamb statues Gothic art

New kingdom Egypt Temples

Temples: ~Hypostyles (columned hallways) and ~pylons (massive slopping towers) and ~obelisks (tall, tapering towers, four-sided w/ pointed tip) ~sanctuary for only priests, pharaohs, and gods ~symmetrical along one axis

Chartres cathedral door jam statues. West

West Facade Door jamb statues Gothic art

Chartres Cathedral

West Facade Gothic Art


a stone coffin, usually decorated with sculpture and/or inscriptions. Etruscan


acropolis, athens. Classical Style, Ancient Greece

Middle kingdom

more naturalistic, forms more rounded, facial expression and personality EX: senusret's worry lines, frown, fleshy cheeks

old kingdom egypt

pyramids not naturalistic formal representation of pharaoh's


rome Ancient Rome

Temple of Portunus (Formerly temple of fortuna virilis)

rome Ancient Rome

Classical Ancient Greek

"Golden Age" ~Illustrates body's organic structure ~Lack personality and expression ~Polykleitos ~Parthenon, Athena Nike's Temple, Erechtheum < Acropolis ~Caryatids ~Nike introduces eroticism ("wet drapery") ~Refinements: columns tilt inward and horizontals curve upward in the middle

Capitoline Wolf

"She Wolf" Etruscan Art ~Agressive nature of mother protecting her cubs

Funerary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut

(First female pharaoh) New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

temple of athena nike

Classical Style, Ancient Greece

Octopus Vase

Crete Agean

Palace at Knossos

Crete Agean

Poseidon or Zeus

Early Classical Style

Masks of Tutankhamun

New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt ..

Opening of the Mouth Ceremony

New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt ...

Canopic Coffinette

New Kingdom, Ancient Egypt. Tutankhamun

Pyramids at Giza

Old Kingdom, Ancient Egypt


~Athlete sculptures ~naturalistic, emotional accuracy ~preferred thinner bodies, smaller heads, detailed hair Late Classical

Aphrodite of Knidos info

~Eroticism and realism ~S shape in sculptures (Praxitelean curve) Late Classical

New Kingdom Art

~Nerfertiti is naturalistic ~Colors ~Fluid, curved outlines

Hellenistic Period Ancient Greece

~Sculpture is theatrical and melodrama expresses extremes of emotion (PATHOS) ~Movement more activated than in classical sculpture (more energy!)

Late Classical Ancient Greece

~outdoor theatre (Epidauros) ~S shape in sculptures (Praxitelean curve) <Aphrodite of Knidos ~Praxiteles: leading Athenian sculptor of Late Classical style. Celebrated female nudity (previously was restricted to male nudity only) ~Lysippos: portrayals of athletes

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