a vindication of the rights of women by mary wollstonecraft

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what does she say about women in her society?

"women of her day often demsotrate groveling vices because they willfully kept ignorant by society"

what is a refrecne to the innocence (weakness)? how does she find the advice?

"how grossly do they insult us..."; advice is "gentle and insulting"

who else does she reference by the use of this statement, "part of the problem is that women are kept in a state of childhood"

Francis Bacon

what other book did the author write? (well known for)


who gives virtue and happiness?


how do men appear to the author?

in an unphilopshical manner (state of childhood)

what is the other refrecne to Milton and her tone? what does she think it is?

in annoyance because he describes that men were created for bravery and that women were created for softness; she thinks it's insulting

what does this mean/represent, "you can't be surprised when women resort to such things because society has set it up in that way in order for them to survive"?

it means that women during this time were depicted as immature and uneducated who get what they want using whining and trickery

what does vindication in the title mean?


what is the authors full name?

marry wollstonecraft shelly

what does "innocent" mean here? who is it applied to?

meant that someone was weak; men and women

who does she blame for keeping women in a childlike state of ignorance and then complains about women's follies?


what does ignoble mean?

not noble, low class

who does the author introduce to her argument that wrote Paradise Lost, to show that men are lead to inconsistencies?

John Milton

what is an epithet?

a characteristic word or phrase used alongside a name of a person, place, or thing

what does this mean, "will obtain for them the protection of man; and should they be beautiful, everything else is needless..."

a women can only rely on her beauty while it lasts

what does satirize mean?

attack or ridicule with satire

how does the author begin her essay?

by asserting that many ingenious, though fallacious arguments have been developed to justify or excuse mans tyranny over women

what does puerile mean?

childish; immature (think of pearl from the scarlet letter)

this story is almost like her what?


who was the first frail mother?


what was she trying to do?

persuade the readers to accept her point of view

what does propriety mean?

quality of acting in a proper or socially correct manner

what were women raised to do in that time period?

read sufficiently, then taken out of school and were geared to do household duties till they got married and had kids

what didn't women have at that time?

say (huge for her to write this)

what does specious mean?

seeming sounds or logical while not really being so

what was her coviet (her hiccup)? what was her argument based off instead?

she could've been more effective if she would have taken a scientific approach in her argument; emotion

what is the reason why her work was suppressed?

she had radical ideas for a women during her time (not right for women to have radical ideas)

what does this mean, "men complain, and with reason, of the follies and caprices of our sex, when they do not keenly satirize our headstrong passions and groveling vices"

she is saying that women are willingly kept ignorant by society

what does follie mean?


what is the genre?

social commentary

women are not allowed to have what?

strength of mind to acquire what really deserve the name of virtue

what does insinuate mean?

suggest, imply

what does she challenge the assumption to?

that women should be alluring

what did she believe?

there was more to what being a women was in that time

what was the purpose for the author to write this?

to criticize societies view of women

what does expostulate mean?

to discuss

what does caprice mean?


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