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Which of the following facts most strongly supports the authors' image of John VI as resistant to social change in his realm? A. When Napoleon invaded Portugal, he fled to exile in Brazil. B. On returning from exile, he agreed to reforms but quickly revoked them. C. As soon as he returned to power, Brazil declared its independence from Portugal. D. After his return, he reigned as monarch of Portugal for only five years.

John jailed the freemasons who had liberal ideas POE: A - no mention of Brazil B - he's changing the rules back to the old ways because he doesn't like the changes that were made. This is when he jailed them

Which of the following, if true, most weakens the author's argument about the majority of college professors? A. Most would prefer to have a career doing something other than teaching. B. Most did not earn their degrees at the school where they teach. C. Most do not teach in areas concerned with social issues. D. Most teach in the city where they prefer to live.

POE A - doesn't really mentioned that, B - doesn't weaken C - they do, D - correct P1, "most professors get their jobs through national searches, and although they may have geographical preferences, most are living wherever they can find work" they do have preferences, but they most likely don't live at their preferences.

Suppose an artist created an exhibition consisting entirely of tastefully arranged collages of mug shots and fingerprints. This exemplifies the passage assertion that: A. pictures of exploding bombs can be used to advertise a safe. B. capitalist societies use photographs to help officials enforce laws. C. any photograph, regardless of intention, may be viewed as art. D. capitalist societies must provide abundant entertainment.

Tastefully arrange = art P2 "the most mundane subject constitutes art" C is correct

After the Napoleonic Wars, the Portuguese people demanded democratic reforms, including major restrictions on the power of monarchs. Together with information in the passage, this fact most clearly indicates that: A. John had good reason to fear that new ideas from abroad would undermine monarchial power. B. the Catholic Church had lost its stabilizing social influence. C. the policies of Napoleon had become increasingly popular in Portugal. D. Freemasonry was coming into the social and political mainstream.

The future John VI turned with fury on the liberals of Portugal and encouraged his intendant of police to arrest, or expel, or keep under unremitting surveillance, every Freemason, every important alien, every writer who advocated political reform. POE: against political reforms, not C, D A is correct: John was jailing all of these liberals, therefore he was fearful of their ideas coming into monarchical power. A makes the most sense because it talks about "the major restrictions of monarchs" Got it right, but was also leaning towards B

Based on the description of performance in the second paragraph of the passage, which of the following occupations is most analogous to professional acting? A. Weaver B. Doctor C. Sculptor D. Massage therapist

actors produces the commodity and embodies it. actors can perform a service that is more aligned with entertainment and pleasure A - Weaver just produces a weaving, in which a consumer can view or buy it B - doctor does not embody his or her labor C - produces object for consumption, that can be viewed or consumed D - gives a service, they are not producing anything tangible. D is correct, but question is confusing

Which of the following points in the passage is supported by a concrete example? A. Most professors find their positions through national searches. B. Hiring committees are prejudiced against hiring local candidates to teach at the same university they had attended. C. the world outside the classroom into a laboratory will blur the line between "student" and "citizen." D. Most U.S. college students attend institutions in their home states.

concrete example: specific example!! A: P1, no concrete example B: P4, has concrete, so B is correct C: P5, give some explanation, but none are concrete D: P2, give some explanation, but none are concrete B: "... they are taught by this cosmopolitan class of transient exotics" B is correct

The author's primary purpose is to: A. argue for the value of architectural paint research. B. critique unqualified practitioners of architectural paint research. C. provide advice to those who commission architectural paint research. D. present findings of architectural paint research conducted on 17th century buildings.

primary purpose: can recall to P1. where they talk about architectural paint research is very important. B: critiquing only happened at the last paragraph. not throughout the passage.

Recent technological developments like high-resolution satellite imagery and diagnostic positron emission tomography (PET scans) have refined and extended the camera's capacity to provide information. Which passage assertion does this information support most strongly? A. Cameras can illuminate the private, personal lives of individuals. B. Capitalist consumption requires the unlimited production of images. C. Cameras are a means of appropriating reality and making it obsolete. D. Photography can be used to both control and benefit society.

question: has increased the quality of cameras, can provide more information D: by improving the camera's capacity to provide information, it can be both good and bad, as stated many times in the passage.

Which of the following groups played a role in conserving the older social, religious, and political order in Portugal? I. Peasants II. Freemasons III. The royal family

Peasants: "habituated to their transmitted faith" & "ritual" meaning that they like the old stuff Freemans: they are against old stuff, like reforms (wrong) Royal Family: (P2), they are protective of the church I and III are correct

The author claims that actors were locked into an unequal relationship with the businessmen who controlled the U.S. theater in the early twentieth century. Which of the following statements by the author provides the strongest support for this claim? A. "[T]he economic world was divided into an unpleasant sphere where goods were produced and a gratifying sphere where they were consumed." B. Performance is an unusual commodity "in that it is a labor process exhibited before and consumed by an audience." C. "In the reconfigured theatrical economy of the early twentieth century, actors' labor was highly segmented." D. Combination companies allowed theater managers to "book several weeks of a touring company's business in a single transaction."

unequal relationship between the businessmen who controlled US theater. P3 "theater managers began to group their theaters into circuits, a strategy that strengthened their bargaining position immeasurably because they could book several weeks of a touring company's business in a single transaction" talks more about the business side of it. A: talks about producer and consumer (wrong) B: only producer (wrong) C: highly segmented cause of what? (wrong) D: correct, the theater managers are the businessmen who booked the company. It is unequal because the actors are stuck there and cannot performed anywhere else D correct

According to the passage, a fan of William Faulkner who buys a pipe that allegedly belonged to Faulkner should: A. accept the authenticity of the pipe without question. B. realize that the purchase has nothing to do with appreciating Faulkner's work. C. investigate the authenticity of the pipe thoroughly before agreeing to purchase it. D. preserve the pipe as carefully as a saint's relics.

B, easy dub

The author uses the term "culture as commodity" to characterize which aspect of Haitian voodoo? I. The charging of admission at voodoo sessions II. The molding of voodoo to fit audience expectations III. The sale of voodoo trinkets and other artifacts A. I only B. III only C. I and II only D. II and III only

P1. I: yes II: yes, P3 III: no evidence in passage C is correct answer

Based on passage information, one can infer that implementing the author's program for conservation (final paragraph) would most likely include suggestions for: A. limiting the use of computer images in architectural models. B. discouraging the use of photography in magazine advertisements. C. increasing police use of cameras to monitor suspected criminals. D. decreasing government support of art that might offend the public.

conservation: wanting a balance between manufactured image and the real ones. To "provide ecological balance between real world and re-created one" POE: A - architectural models are just blueprints for the actual buildings, they do not serve as the real ones. just a model. so it's wrong C - no, increasing it will only cause more problems D - eh. it would only continue to distort the reality B - pictures in magazines only increase more problems. (P4), its very subjective. B is correct

The assertion that reducing class sizes requires more teachers (first paragraph) plays which of the following roles in the passage? A. It establishes that smaller classes are the most expensive way to improve education. B. It provides an explanation for the substantial costs of class-size reductions. C. It is a conclusion supported by the observation that class-size reductions are quite expensive. D. It establishes the need for more controlled studies on the cost-effectiveness of smaller classes.

expensive: requires more teachers, classrooms, and equipment. It tells us why class size reductions are more expensive. so B is correct C is wrong: because it is not based on observation, there are studies (as stated later), and they gave reasons in the first paragraph too (require more teachers, classrooms, and equipment)

Consider that some groups are defined as "cults"; members of these extremist sects generally live communally and obey an authoritarian, charismatic leader. Assume that all cults have fewer than 100 members. This information would tend to weaken the passage's assertions about the: A. ability of great orators to sway large groups. B. loss of personality and sense of responsibility. C. difficulties involved in convening large assemblies. D. reasonableness of small groups compared to large groups.

passage states that: It is easier to dominate a large crowd than a small audience. "small area is unquestionably more accessible to panic alarms" cults have less than 100 members, therefore it is harder to sway them. Having a bigger group is easier so the passage is against smaller groups, so we are looking for the answer that likes smaller groups, which is D.

The statement that "if you preserve the trivial, then you must truly value the serious" (paragraph 2) functions in the passage to A. demonstrate that the motives of souvenir hunters are superior to those of biographers. B. convey the author's belief about the motives of souvenir hunters. C. explain the way souvenir hunters justify their enterprise to themselves. D. suggest that souvenir hunting is more respectable than it might seem.

Fans are crazy and they idolize their writer by keeping their hair. POE: cross out A and D. B: kinda, because it talks about why the sovenior hunters do it, because they idolize their writer. It doesn't really go into detail about the author's view. C: better answer bc at the end of the paragraph, the fan was "unwilling to part with it"

The author would most likely favor a college course that: A. emphasized hands-on experience in a laboratory over textbook learning. B. crossed disciplines and combined creative arts with science. C. applied classroom concepts to a community garden project. D. required a semester of studying and living in another country.

Final Paragraph. wants both abstract and local thinking in the course. POE: A - favors only local B - no local C - classroom concept (abstract) + local (community garden) D - only local C is correct answer

The author's analysis of image-making rests on the assumption that a capitalist society separates: A. advertising from entertainment. B. private perception from social order. C. diseases that afflict society from their cures. D. free political choice from free economic consumption.

Look at P4. pictures help with capitalism, it's involved with entertainment, jobs, ads, jobs, etc. it is divided into "two ways" 1. as a spectacle to absorb the attention of the citizenry; 2. as an object of scrutiny to assist officials responsible for governing A: They are not separated B: the two ways ^^. private perception (attention of citizens), and social order (social change in images) C & D: doesn't apply

It may be inferred from the passage that Portugal might have avoided the unfavorable attention of Napoleon if it had: A. refused to have commerce with Britain. B. supported the French Revolution more enthusiastically. C. not expelled French aliens. D. not followed Spain into war in the Mediterranean.

Looking at the last paragraph, that's where it mentioned Napoleon. "Portugal asked for a like accommodation, but France refused, alleging that Portugal was in effect a colony and ally of England. The quarrel simmered till Napoleon, after conquering half of Europe, reached out for the little state that was refusing to join in HIS Continental blockage of Britain. This implies that if Portugal had joined the blockade, it might have avoided Napoleon's action. This one was tricky. Because I went to this section, but didn't understand how to answer the question. So the passage is saying that Napoleon stopped at helped a little state that was refusing to join his side (Britain's side) --> joined his side = no unfavorable attention.

Based on information in the passage, which of the following would be the most likely reason behind the author's suggested academic reforms? A. To pay more careful attention to the relationship between humans and the world outside the classroom B. To encourage students to attend colleges and universities in their home states C. To replace a cosmopolitan university education with one that emphasizes the local D. To give a voice to the particular at the expense of the voice of the abstract

A the passage makes emphasis on local learning. So outside of the classroom

Which of the following statements from the passage most strongly indicates that the passage was written prior to the twenty-first century? A. "The regular holding of deliberative assemblies of a thousand members encounters the gravest difficulties in respect of room and distance. . . ." B. "The crowd . . . is . . . readily influenced by the eloquence of popular orators." C. "[T]hese same assemblies, if divided into small sections, . . . would be much more guarded in their assent." D. "The sovereign masses are incapable of undertaking the most necessary resolutions."

A This is kind of obvious, anything that happens before the twenty first century tends to be older and have more difficulties "gravest difficulties"

Which of the following entities are LEAST likely to be seen at a voodoo session? A. Houngans B. Loas C. Hounsis D. Mambos

A - Houngans: priests B - Loas: divine beings who inhabit intermediate realm bw human and supreme life force. C - Hounsis: possessed by loas D - preiestesses C and D are present A is present B: Loas they are unlikely to be present bc they are divine beings who inhabit an intermediate realm between humans and higher supreme life force.

Which of the following findings would most weaken the author's explanation of the observed effects of class-size reductions? A. Class-size reductions in the early grades are effective regardless of whether the teachers use methods well suited to small classes. B. Raising teacher salaries produces much greater improvements in student performance than does reducing class sizes at all grade levels. C. When teachers emphasize personal interactions with students, academic achievement typically improves regardless of class size. D. Academic achievement levels are often low even when teachers use methods well suited to small classes.

A is so obviously the correct answer. it goes against the paragraph

The central thesis of the passage is that class-size reductions: A. can improve academic achievement under some conditions but may not be the most effective way to do so. B. improve academic achievement when teachers use techniques well suited to small classes. C. improve academic achievement only in the early elementary grades. D. are less efficient than other means of improving academic achievement.

A makes the most sense Passage states that class reduction can work under conditions that are optimal (teacher can adapt, and there are resources, but in most cases it does not improve the student's academics)

Implicit in the use of the phrase "betrayal by biography" (paragraph 4) is the idea that biography: A. often explores the writer's personal life against the writer's wishes. B. reveals the true intentions writers had for their works. C. offers no rewards to the interested reader. D. is only worthwhile when it glorifies its subject.

A! easy as well the next paragraph states that their personal life is often revealed and the writer is disapproving of this "dont want the gossip to come out" so this goes against the writers wishes

The passage assertion that a dead poet is "owned without opposition" (paragraph 3) probably means that: A. the poet is no longer able to challenge the public's response to the poet's life and work. B. other writers will no longer oppose the poet's views. C. readers will no longer intrude on the poet's private life. D. the poet's admirers will buy up all the poet's books and relics.

A! this one was easy too. paragraph 3, talks about how writers are idolized by their fans, and are "ingested by them" therefore indicating that they are owned by their fans. POE: B and C doesn't make sense. D: yes, they do buy the writers' work, but owned without opposition is more of a figurative sense, as it is followed by a poem.

Suppose the author were asked to advise a newly independent nation about the form of government it should establish. Based on the passage, the author would probably recommend A. a monarchy, in which decisions are made by one supreme leader. B. a representative democracy, in which decisions are made by a limited number of elected representatives. C. a direct democracy, in which decisions are made by all the adults in the country. D. an oligarchy, in which decisions are made by a small group of capable individuals.

B: representative democracy A: does not like to have direct leaders (like an oligarchy) therefore this is wrong C: states that "direct government by the people would have no serious discussions or thoughtful deliberations, therefore no direct democracy D: oligarchy: first paragraph states that they want to avoid an oligarchy because it can sway the powerful orator.

Which of the following statements best explains Ewen's use of the phrase "obliteration of the factory," as it is used in the passage? A. Industrial jobs were declining in number. B. Industrial jobs produced consumer goods. C. Industrial jobs were hidden from public view. D. Industrial jobs were being replaced by new models of production.

C "...divided into an unpleasant sphere where goods were produced and a gratifying sphere where they are consumed" unpleasant sphere produced, gratifying sphere consumed. C makes the most sense, because the industry jobs who produce the goods are hidden, while those who are consumed then to have more money therefore are "gratifying"

The passage discussion of local content (paragraph 5) assumes which of the following? A. Students lack the ability to criticize "concrete realizations about observable communities." B. Materials that deal with social sciences should not be a part of a rooted education. C. There is an "artificial boundary between the roles of student and citizen." D. Professors have traveled to distant communities more often than have the students they teach.

C "transforming the world immediately outside the classroom into a laboratory will tend to ease the artificial boundary between the roles of student and citizen" Only thinking abstractly will limit the student's knowledge

Why does the author quote the letter which states "'Today my chambers painted a fine blue'" (paragraph 5)? A. To return to a point made earlier in the passage about blue paint B. To show that interior decoration has been as important to occupants as exterior decoration C. To illustrate the value of consulting documentary evidence as part of architectural paint research D. To suggest the danger of using one type of evidence without corroboration by another type of evidence

C! easy answer. The purpose of preserving this information is to know about the architectural paint research

The story of Stevenson's Scottish nanny (paragraph 2) is probably included in order to: A. demonstrate that those who preserve the trivial also value the serious. B. expose the nanny as a charlatan. C. establish the pervasiveness of the desire to collect an author's mementos. D. demonstrate the popularity of Stevenson's books.

C! this one was easy

Which of the following assertions in the passage does the author support with a practical example? A. "[D]irect government by the people . . . greatly facilitates sudden insurrection of all kinds by individuals who are exceptionally bold, energetic, and adroit." B. "[A]nd therewith disappears also personality and sense of responsibility." C. "The adhesion of the crowd is tumultuous, summary, and unconditional." D. "[I]t is impossible for the collectivity to undertake the direct settlement of all the controversies that may arise."

D Practical Example: gives claims/reasoning to the statement. A: just a direct quote B: just a direct quote, C: just a direct quote D: gives a statement before this quote stating that Peter wrongs paul. This shows that it was absurd to imagine that the entire collectivity would be able to examine circumstances of the controversy.

The single change to the observed ritual at Mariani that would most weaken the author's distinction between Mariani and Nansoucri voodoo would be a situation in which: A. all possessions were outwardly apparent. B. rituals included elements of danger. C. audience members were invited to dance with the hounsis. D. one or more audience members became possessed.

D possessed P4 states "all ages were participating, and children were actively "practicing" or imitating possession" in Nansoucri In Mariani, people did not participate D involves the participation. therefore D is correct

Which of the following approaches to research does the author most support? A. Experimental B. Theoretical C. Statistical D. Holistic

D. Holistic: have broader information and understanding of the research and to deal with problems in a more realistic and practical manner. architectural paint research and the study of it. All of the other answers are dumb.

Which of the following consequences would have been most likely had the Church ceased to support divine-right monarchy? A. The common people would have fallen away from the Church. B. Freemasonry would have picked up the former political role of the Church. C. Revolution could have been prevented without John's stringent measures. D. John would have included priests in his list of political suspects.

Divine right monarchy (P2) looking for what actions would the church have stopped supporting this monarchy. passage "all dependently protective of the church, as the indispensable support of.... absolute divine right monarchy" POE: A - doesn't mention anything about commoners B - Freemasons don't want anything do to with it, they like political reform and new things C - idk, I don't think it makes sense actually. D - including preist (the church members) inside politics. makes the most sense D correct

The author's main purpose in exploring the aesthetic and the instrumental approaches to photography is to suggest that a new form of conservation must: A. allow ordinary people to make judgments about beauty. B. increase constantly the production of entertaining images. C. solve the problem of the continual proliferation of images. D. develop a coherent ideology to facilitate the task of governing.

Last paragraph, talks about "The remedy lies in a new form of conservation, conserving a manufactured image as well as natural resources, that would provide ecological balance between the real world and re created one" ~~ needing to find a balance ~~ be careful of the images that are manmade. it can "obliterate reality" C makes sense: there is problems with manufactured images.

In the passage, the author explains that his focus is different from that of most historians because he: A. concentrates on the early twentieth-century theater. B. accepts that actors are "weavers of dreams." C. deals with the economic realities of the theater. D. emphasizes the unequal relationship between businesspeople and their employees.

P1 "historians have allowed the dreams that actors weave to take precedence over the process of weaving. They have prioritized the moment of consumption over the moment of production" C, the author frequently talks about the economic conditions of the actor (commodities, goods, factory)

What does the passage suggest about the use of blue paint for a house in the sixteenth century? A. It would have been impossible. B. It may have been a statement of wealth. C. The paint would have faded quickly. D. The original paint may have been titanium-white.

P2 in 17th century, blue paint was cheap, therefore in the 16th century, blue paint is most likely expensive B is correct

The passage offers no information about mambos' and houngans': A. genders. B. roles. C. costumes. D. beliefs.

P2: preiest (vs mamboo's preiestesses) ~~ told us about both role and gender (A and B out) beginning of paragraph states that it is a polytheistic belief system so D is out C is correct

The passage describes an irony of tourist-oriented voodoo, namely that: A. mambos and houngans, although they are human, exert some influence on the loas. B. loas, although they are supreme beings, deign to inhabit the bodies of humans. C. audiences who make the most effort to find authentic voodoo are least likely to actually find it. D. audiences are kept at a safe distance, which reinforces their lack of belief in the powers of voodoo.

P3 D: tourist-oriented voodoo aren't allowed to participate. at the end of P3, it states that "...enforces a distance from the audience that disallows real transformation"

Which of the following best describes the author's attitude toward the fact that the original paint of an architectural element has typically been painted over not just once but several times in the course of history? A. It makes much of architectural paint research guesswork. B. It is what makes architectural paint research such a robust source of information. C. It indicates a difference in status between easel/wall painters and house painters. D. It is something that education about architectural paint research might prevent in future.

P3 "successive paint layers on architectural elements...important archaeological resource" B! information of the paint research!

Which of the following best exemplifies the author's assertion that, according to the instrumental approach, cameras can be used to present information that facilitates timely, accurate responses? A. Photographs taken to record family history in an album B. Photojournalism that produces pictures that tell an amusing story C. Photographs used in advertising campaigns to discourage teen-age smoking D. Photographs taken by cameras at stop lights to catch traffic offenders

P3 instrumental approach: cameras capture and fix impressions (objective, factual pictures) D: the most objective response. it also acts as a "surveillance" so.

Assume that in a particular state, teachers at all grade levels emphasize hands-on projects and personal interactions with individual students. The passage suggests that in this state, class-size reductions would probably: A. be more beneficial than alternative educational reforms. B. improve student performance only in the early elementary grades. C. not substantially improve student performance on average. D. improve student performance at all grade levels.

P4 substantial performance from early elementary grades...they emphasize hands on projects and personal interactions POE: not A or C D - its given an example form early elementary grades that it has improved their performance, it is likely that it would occur in all grades B - sure they give an example of only early elementary grades, it serves more as a parallel. ~~ if early elementary students improved with this technique, all grades are more likely to improve with this technique. ~~ *** think of the overall passage, it focuses on all grades, not just early elementary D is correct

The observation that some teachers use techniques that work best in small classes (paragraph 4) is used to support which of the following assertions from the passage? A. Substantial performance gains from small classes occur in the early elementary grades and do not accumulate beyond first or second grade. B. Educators rarely change their instructional styles to match the size of their classes. C. Small classes free teachers to bestow individual attention and use creative approaches, such as letting students work in small groups. D. When class sizes are reduced, the improved performance of teachers who already use methods well suited to smaller classes pulls up the average achievement level.

P4: "teachers who already use methods well suited to smaller classes, do very well when they are actually given smaller classes" POE: not A, C, B: not really about changing/adapting their styles D: they already have methods that are well suited. Therefore this one makes the most sense. D is correct

Which of the following passage assertions suggests most strongly that the author is critical of capitalist society? A. Freedom to consume is equated with freedom itself. B. Photographic images make reality problematic. C. Social change is expressed by a change in images. D. Individual perception is a mythical realm.

P5. it goes against capitalism because it talks about consumption (negatively). Where people will continue to demand pictures therefore images are manufactured (not authentic anymore) to meet the demands. A: basically talks about the problem with consumption B: eh, not all images are problematic C: not all images expresses social change D: lol

Based on the passage, during the 1919 strike, which aspect of acting were actors able to make use of that was NOT available to most other industrial workers? A. Their role as "weavers of dreams" B. Their role as commodities C. Their role in producing an object in the culture industry D. Their role in the "obliteration of the factory"

POE A - weaver of dreams means that they would tend to focus only on the aspect of their profession that is consumed --- industry workers does this too cause they create things. B - P2 "In transforming actors into objects of consumption, it diverts attention from the economic realities they face. in the 1919 strike, denizens of the US stage were able to exploit their commodity status" C - P1 talks about how they are producing an object (similar to industry workers) D - compares to industry workers B is correct.

Which of the following underlying assumptions about professors is implied by the passage argument? A. Most of them are generalists, not specialists. B. Most of them lack a preference for particular geographic areas. C. Most of them care more about ideas than they do about actual places. D. Most of them in the U.S. attended college or graduate school outside their home states.

POE A: doesn't really make sense B: true C: true and true D: false, P2 says that most college students attend in their home state C is more true, therefore it is the correct answer

The authors imply that the Portuguese ambassador applauded the French National Assembly because of genuine sympathy for their ideals. Alternatively, the ambassador's action could be explained as indicating that: A. living in France, he was in fear of the new revolutionary French government. B. his life outside of Portugal had broadened his political sympathies. C. he was at odds with the medieval policies of Queen Maria. D. he had no strong political commitments one way or the other.

Passage: the Portuguese ambassador in Paris, who may have read Rousseau or heard Mirabeau, applauded the French National Assembly; the Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs allowed the official gazette to salute the fall of the Bastille; copies of the Revolutionary Constitution of 1791 were sold by French booksellers in Portugal A: Portuguese ambassador was in Paris, France. He gained sympathy for France because he was reading their news. He gained sympathy because he was fearful of the revolution. Makes sense B: yeah, he lived outside of Portugal, but what about it. doesn't talk about why he was sympathetic C: doesn't mention this. D: doesn't mention this

Which of the following facts cited in the passage gives the strongest support for the claim that Portuguese liberals were in the minority politically? A. The queen and her son were opposed to them. B. Several important liberals were jailed by John. C. The Inquisition was still active in Portugal. D. The commoners were politically conservative.

Portuguese liberals were in the minority politically = freemasons. (P3), Then P4, it says that "upon that timid minority, those shocked commoners, those startled" POE: A - in P5, when mentioned queen and son, but John was the one who arrested the liberals, doesn't really talk about the "minority" B - in P5, just jailed, nothing really C - true fact, but doesn't answer the question D - Yes, bc everybody else favored the Church, while the Freemasons, did not. Therefore they were in the minority

To fulfill the author's view of an exemplary professor, which of the following subject areas would be most useful for economics professors to know outside of their discipline? A. Mathematics B. Sociology C. Political science D. Ecology

The passage continues to talk about professors abstract reasoning, and they need to focus also on the "local content" P4, P5 Local content as in their concrete and observable communities. A: eh, math is about ideals and scholarship, so no. B: eh, sociology is about theories, so no C: eh, also about ideals and scholarship, so no. D: makes sense, because passage states focusing on the local content. Ecology is the study of places. So D is correct

When using the term "the sovereignty of the masses" (paragraph 4), the author seems to mean the ability of the masses to: A. vote in elections that decide who their leaders will be. B. make every decision concerning their governance. C. discuss all the potential consequences of specific actions. D. understand the difference between popular orators and natural leaders. Passage: The most formidable argument against the sovereignty of the masses is, however, derived from mechanical and technical impossibility of its realization. The sovereign masses are incapable of undertaking the most necessary resolutions. The impotence of direct democracy, like the power of indirect democracy, is a direct outcome of the influence of number.

This passage states that the masses are inable to make decisions "...incapable of undertaking the most necessary resolutions" Resolution = decision B

According to the passage, if a reader who thinks highly of Virginia Woolf's fiction came upon a biography of Woolf, that reader should: A. use the biography as a way of ascertaining the meaning of Woolf's fiction. B. read the biography as a replacement for reading Woolf's fiction. C. approach the biography as faithfully as people in earlier times revered biographies of the saints. D. hesitate to read the biography, because to do so would be to betray Woolf.

passage states: The only time a reader is cause to a writer is when he reader is reading their words on the page" and everything else is just betrayal. POE: cross out A, B, C. They are all pro reading biography. D is correct

Herbert Gorman's 1939 biography of the writer James Joyce was written with Joyce's cooperation and published in Joyce's lifetime. These facts would appear to challenge which of the following assertions made in the passage? A. Writers prefer that readers concentrate on the writer's work rather than read a biography of the writer. B. As they grow older, writers fear what will become of their reputation after death. C. Biographies cannot explain the meaning of a writer's work. D. Most readers are interested in reading about the lives of their favorite writers.

remember, the passage focuses on the crazy fans. Writers don't want their personal life out to the public either kinda read the passage wrong cause it states "the wider public assume that writers don't want biographies written... but the main motive is usually larger... it is an attempt to concentrate the reader's mind on the work. So technically, it's a ploy for the readers to read their biography to entice the readers to read more of their work. A: doesn't agree, because writers avoid biographers and would rather emphasize their work instead. (correct) B: agrees with the passage (P5) C: agrees with the passage (Last P) D: agrees with the passage (P6)

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