A&P Chapter 26 female reproductive system

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list the different types of birth control and examples of each

1. Barrier method: mechanical barriers - condom, diaphragm; chemical barriers - spermicidal creams, foams, and jellies 2. Hormonal contraceptives ( birth control) 3. Surgical method: tubal ligation, vasectomy 4. IUD 5. Behavioral methods: abstinence, rhythm method, coitus interruptus 6. Emergency contraceptive

give the name and function of the two layers of the endometrial lining

1. Basilar layer - thin and vascular (lies next to the myometrium) 2. Functional layer - respands to the ovarian hormones and thickens in preparation for the fertilized egg

name the steps of progression, from oocyte to corpus albicans

1. Beginning at puberty, several ovarian follicles (consisting of oocyte and follicular cells) mature once a month 2. As the egg matures it begins to undergo meiotic cell division 3. the follicle enlarges and a fluid filled center is formed 4. follicular cells begin to secrete estrogen 5. the overian follicle has matured, and is now known as graafian follicle. (looks like a blister on the surface of the ovary 6. Ovulation occurs (the graafian follicle bursts, ejecting the ovum with surrounding layer of cells out of the ovary) 7. the egg travels into the peritoneal cavity 8. the egg is then immediately swept into the fallopian tubes by fimbriae 9. the egg travels down the fallopian tube and into the uterus 10. the follicular cells that remain inside the ovary develop into corpus luteum and being to secrete progesterone, and smaller amounts of estrogen 11. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum deteriorates in 10 days. 12. corpus luteum is now dead and is called the corpus albicans (hormones are no longer secreted)

list the 6 feminizing effects of estrogen

1. Enlargement and development of the organs of the female reproductive system 2. Enlargement and development of breasts 3. Deposition of fat beneath the skin, especially thighs, buttocks, and breasts 4. Widening of pelvis 5. onset of menstrual cycle 6. Closure of epiphyseal discs in long bones, thereby stopping further growth in height

what are the three layers of the uterus?

1. epimetrium aka perimetrium (outer serosal layer) 2. myometrium (middle smooth muscle layer) 3. endometrium (inner layer)

what are the three parts of the uterus?

1. fundus (upper dome shaped region) 2. body (central region) 3. Cervix ( lower narrow region that opens into the vagina)

What are the three phases of the uterine cycle (aka menstrual cycle) that last 28 days?

1. menstrual phase 2. Proliferative phase 3. Secretory phase

What are the two important effects of estrogen?

1. promotes maturation of the egg 2. helps produce secondary sex characteristics

Explain how the female hormones are released

1. the hypothalmus secretes Releasing hormone that stimulates the anterior pituitary gland 2. the anterior pituitary gland then secretes the two gonadotropins FSH and LH 3. FSH and LH stimulate the ovaries, causing them to secrete estrogen and progestrone

what are the two functions of the fallopian tubes?

1. transport the egg from the ovary to the uterus 2. the usual site of fertilization of the egg by the sperm

What are the three important effects of progestrone that is secreted by the corpus luteum?

1. works with estrogen in establishing the menstrual cycle 2. helps maintain pregnancy 3. prepares the breasts for milk production bu increasing their secretory capacity

How does the body prevent the deterioration of the corpus lutem?

Deterioration of the corpus luteum is prevented by the hormone hCG that is secreted by the uterus after a fertilized egg had been implanted in the uterine lining

What is the condition in which the endometrial tissue back flows in to the fallopian tubes and then into the pelvic cavity, where the tissue adheres to the outer surface of the organs in the pelvic cavity causing the woman severe pain?


what two hormones are involved in the follicular phase? Which hormone dominates the phase?

FSH stimulates the follicle to secrete estrogen

this is the phase of the ovarian cycle that causes the development of the ovarian follicle

Follicular phase

what is the name of a mature ovarian follicle? What hormone does it secrete?

Graafian follicle. Secretes estrogen

What is the name of the funnel shaped tube nearest the ovary that has finger-like projections called fimbriae?


what hormone stimulates ovulation and during what phase does this occur?

LH stimulates ovulation during the Luteal phase of the follicular cycle

Name the two hormones secreted by the corpus luteum

Large amounts of progesterone, and small amounts of estrogen

What is the function of the vestibular gland (aka Bartholin's glands) and where are they located?

Location: lie on either side of the vaginal opening function: secretes a mucus-containing substance that moistens and lubricates the vestibule

This is another name for an immature egg contain in an ovarian follicle


Name the phase during which the ovarian follicle bursts, causing the ovary to eject the ovum into the peritoneal cavity where it is immediately swept into the fallopian tubes by fimbriae and then travels into the uterus


This is another name for a mature egg


this is a diagnostic procedure used for detecting cancer in the cervix

Pap smear

This phase begins at the end of the menstural phase and is characterized by repair and growth of the inner endometrial lining

Proliferative phase

During this phase of the menstral cycle, the hormone progestrone causes the endometrial lining to thicken, thereby forming a nutritious environment awaiting the arrival of the fertilized ovum

Secretory phase

What is the vulva, and what are it's components?

The vulva is the female external genitals (genitalia) consists of: labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibular glands

What is another name for uterus? where is the uterus located?

Uterus aka womb is located between the urinary bladder and the rectum

what is the name of the 4 inch muscular tube that extends from the cervix to the vaginal opening in the perineum


When do women produce eggs? How often are these eggs produced?

Women produce eggs once a month, from puberty to menopause (45-55 yrs old)

Are the ovaries directly attached to the fallopian tubes?

although the ovaries are NOT directly attached to the fallopian tubes, they are very close to them

what are the contents of an ovarian follicle?

an egg, and estrogen excreting follicular cells


an incision into the perineum. It is done during delivery, inorder to prevent tearing of the perineum

this is a voluntary regulation of reproduction

birth control


bleeding from the uterus at anytime other than normal menstration

what causes menopause and what are symptoms associated with climateric?

caused by a decrease in the secretion of estrogen and progestron by the ovaries symptoms: hot flashes, sweating, depression, irritability, insomnia,

menopause is also known as what?

change of life, or climateric

What are fimbriae?

finger-like projections at the end of the fallopian tubes

why does the mucosal lining of the vagina lay in folds (aka rugae) that are capable of expanding?

folding is important for childbearing because it permits the vagina to stretch and accommodate the baby during birth

what are the two phases of the ovarian cycle?

follicular phase and luteal phase

these are pockets and spaces that form around the portion of the cervix that dips into the vagina

fornices (fornix singular)

which layer of the endometrium sloughs off during menstration?

functional layer

what organs secrete most of the hormones involved in the menstral cycle?

hypothalmus, anterior pituitary gland, and the ovaries


inflammation of the uterine or fallopian tubes

Name the process at which the mature egg reduces it number of chromosomes. How many chromosomes are you left with at the end of this process?

meiotic division reduces the number of chromosomes by half from 46 to 23

How long does female reproductive function last?

menarche to menopause

what is another word for menstrual period?


This is the phase of the uterine cycle that is characterized by bleeding (days 1 to 3-5)

menstrual phase

Twinges of pain that is felt by some women at the time of ovulation

mittelschmerz (meaning middle pain)

What are the two components of the female reproductive cycle?

ovarian cycle and uterine cycle

These almond shaped structures are anchored in place by the ovarian and broad ligaments.


what are the female gonads?


How does the egg move through the Fallopian tube toward the uterus?

peristaltic activity

What are the two sex hormones produced in the ovaries that transform a girl into a women? what structures produce these hormones?

progesterone (produced by the corpus luteum) Estrogen (produced by the follicular cells of the maturing follicles)

What is the primary function of the uterus?

provide a safe and nurturing environment for the growing baby

What is a chocolate cyst?

sometimes the corpus luteum fills with fluid and forms an ovarian cyst. A blood filled cyst is called a chocolate cyst

what is the vestibule?

the cleft between the labia minora that contains the openings or the urethra and the vagina

What happens to the corpus luteum if fertilization does not occur? Will it still be capable of secreting hormones?

the corpus luteum deteriorates in about 10 days and becomes known are the corpus albicans. the dead corpus albicans is not capable of secreting hormones

define ectopic pergnancy

the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube or any site other than the uterus

Define menarche

the first period of menstural bleeding

what happens to the ovarian follicle after ovulation when it "exploded" and ejected the the ovum?

the follicular cells that remain in the ovary develop into glandular structures called corpus luteum

How does the normal flora in the vagina discourage the growth of pathogens?

the normal flora in the vagina creates an acidic environment that discourages the growth of pathogens

where does the ovum implant itself after it has been fertilized?

the ovum implants itself into the uterine lining ...then grows into a baby

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