A&P I Lecture Exam 2 CH. 4,5,6

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The electrons passed along the electron transport chain combine with __________ hydrogen ion(s) and an oxygen atom to form water.


A patient has been burned along the entire length of both lower extremities, anterior and posterior. Using the "rule of nines", estimate the percentage of the body that has been burned.


List the end products of the complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose.

6CO2, 6H2O, 32 ATP

What is the definition of a tissue?

A group of similar cells with a common function.

What is illustrated in this figure?

A metabolic pathway

What is a cofactor?

A nonprotein molecule that must combine with some enzymes in order for them to become active.

What occurs during the stage of protein synthesis called translation?

A polypeptide is built, based on mRNA base sequence.

What nitrogenous bases are found in DNA?

Adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine

Identify the molecule shown below.

Adenosine triphosphate

Identify the example of oxygen-dependent metabolism that breaks down organic compounds and produces ATP.

Aerobic respiration

Which process requires energy? Anabolic


What type of exocrine gland has small portions of its epithelial cells as its secretion?

Apocrine glands

How do apocrine glands differ from other skin glands?

Apocrine glands secrete in response to emotional stimuli.

What type of secretory gland includes proteins and lipids in its watery secretions? These organic molecules are metabolized by bacteria on the skin's surface, leading to odor.

Apocrine sweat glands

In this ATP molecule, which label indicates a high-energy bond?


Which process releases energy?


Which of the following is a characteristic of skeletal muscle tissue?

Cells are striated.

What is the most abundant structural protein in the body?


List 3 factors that may alter the rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions:

Concentration of enzyme, concentration of substrate, temperature

This sample is from what class of tissue?

Connective tissue

Which type of tissue provides support, protection, and fills gaps between tissues?

Connective tissue

What process is illustrated in this figure?

DNA replication

What is the definition of the term gene?

DNA sequence used to make a particular polypeptide.

With what type of burns is debriding a necessary part of treatment?

Deep partial-thickness and full-thickness burns

What type of burn involves the destruction of some of the epidermis and some of the underlying dermis?

Deep partial-thickness burn

Name the type of anabolic reaction by which large organic molecules such as glycogen and proteins are produced.

Dehydration synthesis

What type of connective tissue is comprised of many interwoven and randomly organized collagen fibers?

Dense irregular connective tissue

What variation in melanin accounts for the differences in skin tone between individuals?

Differences in the amount of melanin produced

Using "E" for enzyme, "S" for substrate, and "P" for product, indicate the best representation of the mechanism of enzyme function.

E + S → ES → EP → E + P

What type of intercellular junction joins cells in sheet-like layers by fusing adjacent cells together?

Tight junctions

What type of cartilage is shown in this micrograph?

Elastic cartilage

What is the function of the arrector pili?

To shift position of hair follicles

Rifampin binds to bacterial RNA polymerase.


What is the process of synthesizing mRNA called?


Is energy stored or is it released during the conversion of ADP to ATP?

Energy is stored as ADP is converted to ATP.

_______________ control the rates of all the metabolic reactions of the cell.


When healing a shallow cut in the skin, the rate of mitosis increases in what layer?


These two images depict the hands of individuals with toxic shock syndrome (TSS). In both cases, as typically occurs in TSS, the skin of the palms and soles of the feet peel off in a process called desquamation. Based on your knowledge of skin anatomy, what layers are peeling off of these patients' hands?

Epidermis only

What type of dead cells make up a hair?

Epithelial cells

Which type of tissue covers the body surface and lines organs and cavities?

Epithelial tissue

True or False: An enzyme speeds up a chemical reaction in the cell, but can only be used once.


This sample is what type of tissue?


What type of cartilage provides support and shock absorption?


Shock (severe drop in blood pressure) occurs with severe burns. Why does hypovolemic shock develop?

Fluid leaks out of capillaries. reducing blood volume

What type of burn involves destruction of all layers of the skin.

Full-thickness burn

What type of burn involves the destruction of the epidermis, dermis, and accessory structures of the skin?

Full-thickness burn

Identify the process illustrated in this figure:

Functioning of an enzyme.

The metabolic pathway illustrated below shows part of the pathway for the breakdown of a fatty substance called sphingolipid, occurring within lysosomes. A disease called Tay-Sachs disease results from the deficiency in the enzyme called beta(β)-hexosaminidase, thus interfering with sphingolipid metabolism. Based upon the pathway shown, what substrate within this pathway would accumulate in Tay-Sachs disease?


A reaction that occurs early in the cellular respiration pathway results in a phosphate group being transferred from ATP to a glucose molecule. The reaction is written as follows: Glucose + ATP → Glucose-6-phosphate + ADP Considering the interaction with ATP, does the glucose molecule or the glucose-6-phosphate molecule have more energy associated with it?

Glucose 6-phosphate

Three metabolic pathways are involved in the breakdown of glucose to CO2, H2O, and ATP. Of the three, which one occurs in the cytoplasm?


Name the area where growth of a hair occurs.

Hair bulb

What is keratinization and where does it occur?

Hardening of cells; occurs in epidermis

The urethra and urinary bladder are designed to accommodate fluctuations in volume of liquid in organs and tubes. Which epithelium would be best for this function?

Transitional epithelium

Streptomycin binds bacterial ribosomes, disabling them.


Which product of glucose breakdown has the most energy associated with it?

Hydrogen plus its electrons

Marfan syndrome is a hereditary defect in elastin fibers. People with this syndrome would therefore exhibit what feature?

Hyperextensible joints

ATP stores the energy for every chemical reaction in the body. Where exactly is this energy stored in the ATP molecule?

In high energy chemical bonds

Name the cell cycle phase during which DNA replication occurs.


Where might the tissue sample have been biopsied from?

Intervertebral discs (between bones of spinal column)

Where was this tissue sample taken from?


This sample is from what classification of tissue?


DNA is a double helix, with a structure much like a twisted ladder. What forms the "rungs" of the ladder?

Nitrogenous bases

What determines the order of amino acids in a protein?

Order of nucleotide bases within a gene.

In the dermis of the skin, name the more superficial layer.

Papillary layer

Define angiogenesis.

Production of new blood vessels

The substance between the cells of connective tissues is called the extracellular matrix. In addition to ground substance, what else makes up the matrix?

Protein fibers

Almost all enzymes are what class of organic molecule?


Enzymes are complex _____________ that function to lower the activation energy of a reaction so it may begin.


Identify this type of epithelial tissue.

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

What type of epithelial tissue is found lining the upper respiratory passageway and is able to move mucus?

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Define the term erythema.

Reddened skin

Quinolone blocks an enzyme that prevents bacterial DNA from unwinding.


The micrograph depicts what type of tissue?

Reticular connective tissue

What type of membrane lines body cavities that do not open to the external environment, such as the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity?

Serous membrane

The small intestine is designed to absorb most of our ingested nutrients and to secrete enzymes. Which epithelium would be best for this function?

Simple columnar epithelium

What type of tissue is found in this sample?

Simple cuboidal epithelial

The kidney tubules carry the filtered fluid through the kidneys and allow secretion and absorption of solutes that will ultimately form the urine. Which epithelium would be best suited for this function?

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Which tissue type is the most thin and delicate epithelial tissue?

Simple squamous epithelium

Within each kidney, blood capillaries and structures called glomerular capsules are made of an epithelial tissue specifically suited for diffusion and filtration. Which epithelium would be best suited for this function?

Simple squamous epithelium

What is the function of the lunula of the nail?

Site of nail growth

The largest organ(s) of the integumentary system is/are __________.


During wound healing, granulations may form. What are granulations?

Small masses consisting of a blood vessel and associated fibroblasts.

What type of muscle tissue is found in the wall of blood vessels?

Smooth muscle

Arrector pili are located in the dermis of the skin. What are they?

Smooth muscles

What are the three types of muscle tissue?

Smooth, skeletal, cardiac

What is the shape of the main cell type?

Square or cube-like

Connective tissue is notably different from epithelial tissue. Which statement describes a major difference between these tissue types?

The cells of connective tissues have more space between them.

Where would this type of muscle tissue be found?

Wall of the heart

The deeper the burn, the more likely a burn will not heal without a skin graft. Why is healing more difficult in these burns?

The loss of cells that would have undergone mitosis reduces ability to repair tissue

Why do cells of the epidermis die as they are pushed toward the surface of the skin?

They are too far from their nutrient supply.

As we age, our skin __________.


The molecule called __________ enters the citric acid cycle during the aerobic phase of cellular respiration.

acetyl CoA

The role of an enzyme is to reduce the __________ of a reaction.

activation energy

ATP is the abbreviation for ________________.

adenosine triphosphate

During the metabolism of glucose, carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced during the __________ reactions.


Merocrine (eccrine) sweat glands are located __________ and function to __________.

almost everywhere in the body; cool the skin

In _______________ reactions, larger molecules are constructed from smaller ones.


Chemical reactions in which large molecules are built from small molecules are classified as __________ reactions. In contrast, __________ reactions involve breaking large molecules down into smaller ones.

anabolic; catabolic

Lactic acid is produced during the __________ reactions of cellular respiration.


Cellular respiration is the process that releases the energy in the chemical bonds of nutrients and stores it in molecules of ATP. It has 3 basic stages, each of which has several steps and is controlled by many enzymes. The first stage does not require oxygen, so it is said to be ______________. The other two stages require oxygen and therefore are called ______________.

anaerobic, aerobic

The papillary layer of the dermis is composed of __________ tissue, and the reticular layer is composed of __________ tissue.

areolar; dense irregular

The __________ are the bundles of smooth muscle found within the dermis, attached to hair follicles.

arrector pili

Within the epidermis, cell division and growth occurs in the stratum __________.


Anchoring the epidermis to the superficial dermis is a thin layer called the __________.

basement membrane

In ______________ reactions, larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones.


An enzyme, which accelerates a chemical reaction, is considered a(n) __________.


Enzymes accelerate chemical reactions.Because they do this, enzymes are called


Scars consist of __________.


Vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the dermis of the skin is a response to a(n) __________ in body temperature.


The process of joining two molecules by removing water is called ________________.

dehydration synthesis

Nutrient and oxygen supply for the epidermis comes from blood vessels located in the __________ layer of the skin.


The surface area of contact between the epidermis and the dermis is increased by structures called __________. This increased surface area allows for improved gas and nutrient exchange and waste removal by dermal blood vessels.

dermal papillae

The collagen matrix of granulation tissue is produced by cells called __________.


Skin grafting will be necessary with __________.

full-thickness burns

A single cell, or a structure consisting of a group of cells, that makes and secretes a substance is called a(n) __________.


The anaerobic respiration stage is called _____________. Where does it take place? _____________ What chemical does it start with? Glucose What chemical does it end with? _______________ Are any ATPs formed? Yes If so, how many? _________________

glycolysis, in the cytoplasm, Glucose, Pyruvate, 2 ATP

Keloids are the result of overgrowth of __________ tissue.


The tissue that fills the gap in the skin during healing is called __________ tissue.


The process of splitting two molecule by adding water is called _________________.


A(n) __________ in the concentration of reactants will result in a(n) __________ in the rate of the chemical reaction.

increase; increase

The stage called __________ involves vasodilation of vessels, allowing the leakage of white blood cells into the injured tissue. This step is necessary before healing can occur.


The phases of wound healing, in the correct order, are __________.

inflammation, proliferation, remodeling

Nails consist of __________.

keratinized epithelial cells

What occurs during the phase of protein synthesis called transcription?

mRNA is produced from a DNA template.

The term __________ refers to all of the chemical reactions that occur in the body.


The addition or deletion of nitrogenous bases during replication or transcription results in changes in the DNA sequence. The change in base sequence is called __________.


For some metabolic pathways, the product of the pathway inhibits the functioning of the first enzyme of the same pathway. This type of regulation is an example of __________.

negative feedback

In nervous tissue, the cell type that carries out the main function of the tissue is the __________.


Energy needed for cellular function comes from the "burning" or __________ of glucose, fats, and protein.


At the end of the electron transport chain, the electrons and hydrogen combine with __________, the final electron acceptor.


Within the dermis of the skin, the __________ layer is superficial to the __________ layer.

papillary; reticular

ATP molecules provide energy for cellular activities by __________.

releasing the terminal phosphate group and the energy associated with the bond

Burns classified as __________ burns heal quickly with no scarring.

superficial partial-thickness

Dense connective tissue is found in __________ and is made of thick, strong __________ fibers.

tendons; collagen

Energy is defined as __________.

the ability to do work

The "genetic code" determines the types of proteins made by a cell. The term "genetic code" refers to ___________.

three-base sequences in DNA that code for a particular amino acid

As body temperature increases, the blood vessels of the dermis will __________.


One response to increased internal body temperature is an increase in blood flow to the skin due to the __________ of dermal blood vessels.


The inflammatory phase includes __________ and phagocytosis of bacteria and debris by white blood cells.


Where in the body might this tissue biopsy be from?

Stomach wall

Identify this type of epithelial tissue.

Stratified cuboidal epithelium

Skin is exposed to friction and has a protective function. What type of epithelial tissue is best suited to form the outer layer of the skin?

Stratified squamous epithelium

The esophagus comes in contact with often rough and abrasive substances as swallowing occurs. No digestion or absorption takes place. Which epithelium would be best for this function?

Stratified squamous epithelium

The most distal end of the large intestine is the anal canal. This final passageway is not absorptive and must resist the abrasive nature of feces. Which epithelium would be best for this function?

Stratified squamous epithelium

Name the epidermal layer that is found in thick skin, but is absent from thin skin.

Stratum lucidum

What binds to the active site of an enzyme?


The substances the enzymes act on are called __________.


As described in this video, what type of burn involves only the epidermis?

Superficial burn

What type of burn involves injury to only the epidermis?

Superficial partial-thickness burn

If one strand of DNA had a base sequence of A-T-T-G-C-A, what base order would be found on the complementary strand of DNA?


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