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Which type of epithelial tissue is found lining kidney tubules: A) simple cuboidal B) stratified squamous C) simple squamous D) pseudostratified columnar E) simple columnar

Answer: A

A cell whose job is to detoxify harmful or poisonous substances such as alcohol would have many: A) nuclei B) peroxisomes C) lysosomes D) rough endoplasmic reticulum E) flagella

Answer: B

A patient arrives in the hospital extremely dehydrated. In order to fill his cells with fluid, he should be hooked to a(n) __________ intravenous drip. A) isotonic B) hypotonic C) hypertonic D) either hypertonic or hypotonic E) either isotonic or hyertonic

Answer: B

Cells that are specialized to fight disease are called: A) nerve cells B) macrophages C) epithelial cells D) oocytes E) fibroblasts

Answer: B

Facilitated diffusion requires the use of: A) ATP B) protein channels or molecules C) lysosomes D) vacuoles E) Golgi apparatus

Answer: B

Glands, such as the thyroid, that secrete their products directly into the blood rather than through ducts are classified as: A) exocrine B) endocrine C) sebaceous D) ceruminous E) sudoriferous

Answer: B

Goblet cells are found in: A) simple squamous epithelium B) simple columnar epithelium C) simple cuboidal epithelium D) stratified squamous epithelium E) transitional epithelium

Answer: B

If the sequence of nitrogenous bases in one strand of DNA is GTA-GCA, the sequence of bases on its complementary DNA strand would be: A) CAU-CGU B) CAT-CGT C) GAU-GCU D) GAT-GCT E) ACG-ATT

Answer: B

The molecule that is made during transcription is: A) ATP B) messenger RNA (mRNA) C) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) D) DNA E) transfer RNA (tRNA)

Answer: B

The molecules in the cell membrane that serve as receptors or binding sites for hormones or other chemical messengers are the: A) glycoproteins B) proteins C) cholesterol molecules D) carbohydrates E) lipids

Answer: B

The molecules that make the cell surface fuzzy, sticky, and sugar-rich are the: A) cholesterol molecules B) glycoproteins C) lipid molecules D) proteins E) phospholipids

Answer: B

The tissue that is usually well vascularized and has an extensive extracellular matrix is called: A) epithelial tissue B) connective tissue C) nervous tissue D) muscle tissue E) brain tissue

Answer: B

Fat is: A) dense connective tissue B) loose connective tissue C) adipose tissue D) areolar tissue E) osseous tissue

Answer: C

Looking into a microscope, you notice cells swimming, propelled by a long tail. What cell structure must these cells have in order to be mobile: A) ribosomes B) smooth ER C) flagella D) peroxisomes E) cytoplasm

Answer: C

Microvilli are apt to be found in cells that are specialized for: A) contraction B) protection C) absorption D) insulation E) division

Answer: C

The events of prophase seem to be opposite of those that occur during: A) metaphase B) interphase C) telophase D) anaphase E) cytokinesis

Answer: C

The site where ribosomes assemble prior to their migration into the cytoplasm is the: A) chromatin B) chromosomes C) nucleolus D) nuclear membrane E) plasma membrane

Answer: C

The tissue shown in Figure 3.3 most likely: A) contracts to produce movement B) transmits electrochemical impulses C) covers and lines body surfaces D) stores fat E) contains a matrix

Answer: C

The type of muscle found in the walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach, and in the walls of blood vessels is: A) cardiac muscle B) skeletal muscle C) smooth muscle D) both smooth muscle and skeletal muscle E) both cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle

Answer: C

Two types of passive transport are: A) osmosis and endocytosis B) endocytosis and diffusion C) diffusion and filtration D) filtration and exocytosis E) exocytosis and endocytosis

Answer: C

Which cell structure forms an internal framework inside the cell and is made of microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments: A) cytoplasm B) plasma membrane C) cytoskeleton D) nucleus E) mitochondria

Answer: C

Which of the following statements about DNA is incorrect: A) it contains 2 chains B) it contains deoxyribose sugars C) it has the base uracil instead of thymine D) it never leaves the nucleus E) it is replicated in preparation for cell division

Answer: C

Which organelle uses molecular oxygen to convert and detoxify harmful substances such as alcohol and free radicals: A) Golgi apparatus B) lysosomes C) peroxisomes D) ribosomes E) secretory vesicles

Answer: C

Which type of tissue conducts electrochemical impulses: A) epithelial tissue B) muscle tissue C) nervous tissue D) connective tissue E) dense tissue

Answer: C

A cell ingests bacteria. What type of transport is likely responsible for this process: A) diffusion B) osmosis C) exocytosis D) endocytosis E) filtration

Answer: D

Identify the type of tissue that is found in lymph nodes, the spleen, and bone marrow: A) adipose tissue B) dense connective tissue C) areolar tissue D) reticular connective tissue E) osseous tissue

Answer: D

The last step in the process of tissue regeneration is: A) scab formation B) granulation tissue forms C) capillaries become very permeable D) surface epithelium regenerates E) blood clot forms

Answer: D

The phase of cell division during which the chromatids are pulled apart and move to the opposite ends of the cell is: A) interphase B) prophase C) metaphase D) anaphase E) telophase

Answer: D

The tiny finger-like projections that increase the surface are of the cell for quicker absorption are called: A) desmosomes B) gap junctions C) inclusions D) microvilli E) tight junctions

Answer: D

Two types of endocytosis are: A) cellular secretion and solute pumping B) solute pumping and active transport C) active transport and phagocytosis D) phagocytosis and pinocytosis E) pinocytosis and passive transport

Answer: D

Which of the following do not involve the movement of molecules from an area of greater concentration to an area of lower concentration: A) diffusion B) simple diffusion C) facilitated diffusion D) filtration E) osmosis

Answer: D

Which of the following is NOT connective tissue: A) bone B) cartilage C) blood D) skeletal muscle E) adipose

Answer: D

Ribosomes are found: A) on smooth endoplasmic reticulum B) in the cytoplasm C) on the Golgi apparatus D) on the rough endoplasmic reticulum E) in the cytoplasm and on the rough endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: E

The correct order of phases of the cell cycle is: A) prophase, interphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase B) prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase C) metaphase, anaphase, prophase, telophase D) telophase, metaphase, anaphase, prophase E) interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

Answer: E

The epithelial tissue found in areas subject to considerable friction and abuse, such as the esophagus, is: A) pseudostratified columnar epithelium B) simple squamous epithelium C) simple columnar epithelium D) transitional E) stratified squamous epithelium

Answer: E

The molecule that carries an amino acid to the ribosome for incorporation into a protein is: A) ATP B) messenger RNA (mRNA) C) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) D) DNA E) transfer RNA (tRNA)

Answer: E

The molecule that contains anticodons is: A) ATP B) messenger RNA (mRNA) C) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) D) DNA E) transfer RNA (tRNA)

Answer: E

The movement of fluid through the cell membrane from a high pressure area to a lower pressure area is called: A) active transport B) bulk transport C) osmosis D) diffusion E) filtration

Answer: E

Which one of the following is NOT true about the cell membrane: A) it consists of two lipid layers B) its lipid components are primarily phospholipids and cholesterol C) it contains proteins for specialized functions D) it regulates the entry and exit of cell materials E) it allows water soluble molecules to pass through easily

Answer: E

True/False Smooth muscle cells are uninucleated spindle-shaped cells that are voluntary.

Answer: FALSE

True/False Translation is the stage in protein synthesis during which a complementary mRNA molecule is synthesized from a DNA template.

Answer: FALSE

True/False Desmosomes are junctions that allow cell communication.

Answer: FALSE

True/False Stratified epithelium consists of one layer of epithelial cells.

Answer: FALSE

True/False The four primary tissue types are epithelium, muscle, cutaneous, and connective.

Answer: FALSE

True/False The movement of substances from an area of higher hydrostatic pressure to an area of lower hydrostatic pressure is called diffusion.

Answer: FALSE

True/False The process of facilitated diffusion requires energy.

Answer: FALSE

True/False When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution it will swell and may rupture.

Answer: FALSE

True/False Anaphase is the stage of cell division when the cleavage furrow first appears.

Answer: TRUE

True/False Mitotic spindles guide the separation of chromosomes.

Answer: TRUE

True/False The Golgi apparatus consists of a stack of flattened membranous sacs associated with swarms of tiny vesicles that are found close to the nucleus.

Answer: TRUE

True/False The greater the osmotic pressure, the greater the tendency of water to move into that area.

Answer: TRUE

The movement of substances through the cell membrane against their concentration gradient is called __________.

Answer: active transport

The type of connective tissue that contains fat stored in adipocytes is called __________.

Answer: adipose tissue

The rod-shaped bodies that lie at right angles to each other and internally are made up of fine microtubing called __________.

Answer: centrioles

After DNA replication has occurred, each of the two strands making up a chromosome is called a __________.

Answer: chromatid

The network of nuclear threads, composed of DNA and protein, that condense to form chromosomes during mitosis is called __________. Answer: chromatin

Answer: chromatin

Whiplike cellular extensions that move substances along the cell surface are called __________.

Answer: cilia

The type of tissue consisting of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix is __________ tissue.

Answer: connective

In cell division, the term that refers to division of the cytoplasm is __________.

Answer: cytokinesis

Tendons and ligaments are common to this type of connective tissue called __________.

Answer: dense fibrous tissue

The random movement of molecules (and ions) down their concentration gradient is called __________.

Answer: diffusion

The DNA segment that carries information for building one protein or polypeptide chain is called a __________.

Answer: gene

The phospholipid tails are __________, which make the plasma membrane impermeable to water.

Answer: hydrophobic

The cell shown in Figure 3.2 has been placed into a(n) __________ solution.

Answer: hypotonic

The period of the cell cycle when the cell grows and performs its metabolic activities is __________.

Answer: interphase

The nucleoplasm and cytosol make up the __________ fluid.

Answer: intracellular

Tiny finger-like projections of the plasma membrane that increase its surface area are called __________.

Answer: microvilli

The cell type found in nervous tissue is the __________.

Answer: neuron

The specialized cellular compartments within the cytosol of the cell are collectively called __________.

Answer: organelles

This type of epithelial tissue found lining organs of the digestive system such as the small intestines is the __________.

Answer: simple columnar

Epithelial tissue consisting of one layer of cells flattened like fish scales is called a __________ epithelium.

Answer: simple squamous

The type of muscle tissue that can be controlled voluntarily is called __________ muscle.

Answer: skeletal

The component of a solution that is present in the smaller amount and is dissolved is the __________.

Answer: solute

) Many layers of cube-shaped cells should be termed __________ epithelial tissue.

Answer: stratified cuboidal

The membrane connections that prevent the leaking of fluid between cells are called __________.

Answer: tight junctions

The step, during protein synthesis, of assembling proteins by decoding the information in messenger RNA is called __________.

Answer: translation

The larynx is an organ of the __________ system


The system that functions in the storage of minerals, such as calcium, is called the __________ system.


Groups of cells that have a common function are termed __________.


__________ tissue contains cells called fibroblasts that make fibers such as collagen.

Answer: Connective

True/False Protein synthesis cannot proceed without ribosomes.

Answer: TRUE

True/False The matrix of hyaline cartilage consists of abundant collagen fibers hidden in a rubbery matrix.

Answer: TRUE

True/False The nonpolar tails of the plasma membrane are hydrophobic.

Answer: TRUE

A cancer drug interferes with the development of mitotic spindle fibers during cell division. Which phase is directly affected: A) prophase B) telophase C) anaphase D) metaphase E) interphase

Answer: A

A cell would plump with water and possibly lyse in which of the following solutions: A) hypotonic B) hypertonic C) intravenous D) isotonic E) Ringer's

Answer: A

A solution that contains fewer solutes than the cell is: A) hypotonic B) hypertonic C) intravenous D) isotonic E) Ringer's lactate

Answer: A

DNA replication takes place during: A) interphase B) prophase C) metaphase D) anaphase E) telophase

Answer: A

Perform transcription on this partial sequence of DNA into mRNA: TTA-GCT-ACT A) AAU-CGA-UGA B) UUA-CGU-AGU C) AAT-CGA-TGA D) UUT-CGU-TGU E) GGC-TAG-TAG

Answer: A

The DNA segment that carries information coding for a particular amino acid is a: A) triplet B) gene C) nucleotide D) deoxyribose sugar E) phosphate group

Answer: A

The three major components of the cytoplasm are the: A) cytosol, organelles, and inclusions B) cytosol, inclusions, and nucleoli C) cytosol, organelles, and nucleoli D) organelles, inclusions, and nucleoli E) organelles, inclusions, and ribosomes

Answer: A

The type of tissue with a matrix that consists of rows of fibroblasts that manufacture collagen fibers is: A) dense connective tissue B) loose connective tissue C) adipose tissue D) areolar tissue E) osseous tissue

Answer: A

What are the correct base-pairing rules for DNA: A) adenine bonds to thymine and guanine bonds to cytosine B) adenine bonds to adenine and guanine bonds to guanine C) adenine bonds to guanine and thymine bones to cytosine D) adenine bonds to cytosine and thymine bonds to guanine E) adenine bonds to uracil and guanine bonds to cytosine

Answer: A

Which of the following is NOT an active transport process: A) facilitated diffusion B) endocytosis C) exocytosis D) pinocytosis E) phagocytosis

Answer: A

Which of the following processes require the use of carrier molecules: A) facilitated diffusion and solute pumping B) facilitated diffusion and bulk transport C) bulk transport and osmosis D) osmosis and filtration E) filtration and cellular secretion

Answer: A

Which of these characteristics best describes cardiac muscle tissue: A) movement is involuntary and cells possess striations B) attached to the skeleton C) movement is voluntary and cells possess striations D) single nucleus and spindle-shaped cells E) multinucleate and long, cylindrical cells

Answer: A

The breakdown of ingested foods into simple molecules that can then be absorbed into the bloodstream is termed __________.


The component of a control system that provides the means for the control center's response (output) is called the __________.


The ability to sense changes and react to them is termed __________ or __________.

irritability; responsiveness

__________ refers to all of the chemical reactions in the body.


The study of the body's small structures using a microscope is called __________.

microscopic anatomy

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