A&P senses

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The semicircular canals

allow a person to detect movement in all directions.

The lens

focuses light on the retina.

The most sensitive taste buds are found in _____ papillae.


Depth perception

is the ability to distinguish between near and far objects and judge their distance.

The blink reflex is designed to

keep the eyes moist.

Light refracts as it passes through the

lens, cornea and humors of the eye.

The outermost tunic of the eyeball is the


Vision is dependent upon


Which of the following special senses is relayed directly to the cerebral cortex without going to the thalamus?


Which of the special senses contains receptor neurons that are the only nerve cells in direct contact with the outside environment?


The cornea

is part of the focusing system of the eye.

The lacrimal glands

constantly produce a fluid called tears.

The ability to detect simultaneous stimulation at two points on the skin is called two-point discrimination.


When a person is exposed to temperature extremes, why is it difficult to distinguish hot from cold objects?

At extremes, pain receptors are stimulated by both very hot and very cold objects.

Which of the following statements is false?

Sensitivity of taste buds for sweet taste is very high.

Why does a person's nose run when he cries?

Tears drain into the nasal cavity via the nasolacrimal duct.

Night blindness could be caused by

a lack of rhodopsin.

Increased fluid accumulation in the cornea would result in

a scattering of light rays.

Decreased sensitivity to a continued stimulus is called


To which colors are the three different kinds of cones sensitive?

red, blue, and green

In order for a molecule to be detected by the olfactory neurons, it must

be dissolved in fluid covering the olfactory epithelium.

Cochlear neurons are stimulated by

bending microvilli or stereocilia on the hair cells.

The transparent mucous membrane that covers the anterior white surface of the eye is the

bulbar conjunctiva.

Changes in the blood concentration of glucose, oxygen and hydrogen are detected by


Mechanoreceptors respond to

compression of receptors.

Pinkeye is an acute inflammation of the


The transparent anterior portion of the sclera is the


Pacinian corpuscles respond to

deep cutaneous pressure and vibration.

The pigmented layer of the retina

enhances visual acuity and reduces scattering of light.

The auditory tube

equalizes air pressure between the middle ear and outside air.

Palpebrae is another name for the


Visceroreceptors are receptors associated with joints, tendons, and other connective tissue. True False


Taste buds are not associated with _____ papillae.


The area of greatest visual acuity is the

fovea centralis.

Rapid changes in altitude can rupture the eardrum. Symptoms that may occur include

hearing impairment.

Vitreous humor

helps to hold the lens and retina in place.

Which portion of the ear contains the sense organs for hearing and balance?

inner ear

The contractile structure that surrounds the pupil is the


Color vision

is a function of cone cells.

The position of the head with respect to gravity is determined by the

movements of otoliths in response to gravity.

Blood vessels enter the eye and nerve processes exit the eye at the

optic disc.

The sensory cells for hearing are located in the

organ of Corti or spiral organ.

Rapidly adapting proprioceptors that provide information on the location of a moving hand are known as

phasic receptors.

Which of these combinations of general senses depends on mechanoreceptors?

pressure and proprioception

The attenuation reflex

prevents damage to delicate ear structures.

The ability to localize the position of body parts is called


The perception of position and movement of body parts is


When rhodopsin is exposed to light,

retinal separates from opsin.

Which of the following is (are) associated with the retina?

rods and cones

Rhodopsin is found in the


The utricle and saccule are involved in

static balance.

Sensory structures that detect taste are

taste buds.

A ringing in the ears is considered


Slowly adapting proprioceptors that would let you know the position of your thumb without looking at it are known as

tonic receptors

Which of the following is a somatic sense?


The malleus, incus, and stapes

transmit vibrations from the eardrum to the oval window.

The simplest and most common type of sensory nerve endings are free nerve endings. True False


The external ear terminates at the

tympanic membrane.


wash foreign objects away from the eye.

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