A&P1 CH 28 & 29 Reproductive System

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all of the above

A drug that blocked the enzyme aromatase would do what to a patient? ANSWER: bring on symptoms of menopause reduce the risk of breast cancer increase the risk of osteoporosis prevent the synthesis of estrogen all of the above

corpus spongiosum.

The erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra is the ANSWER: penile urethra. corpus spongiosum. glans penis. corpus cavernosum. membranous urethra


The expanded, initial segment of the uterine tube is called the ________.


The external marking of the boundary between the two testes is the ANSWER: acrosome. spermatic cord. dartos muscle. raphe. tunica albuginea.


The subsidence of an erection after ejaculation is known as ________.


The surge in luteinizing hormone that occurs during the middle of the ovarian cycle triggers ANSWER: menopause. menstruation. follicle maturation. ovulation. atresia.

total mastectomy

The surgical procedure in which the entire breast is removed is called a ________.


The surgical removal of the prepuce is called ________.


The tetrad of maternal and paternal chromosomes forms during meiosis by the process called ________.


The thick muscular layer of the uterus is the ANSWER: endometrium. sarcometrium. uterometrium. perimetrium. myometrium.


________ is the process of sloughing off the old functional layer of the endometrium.

be sterile

A boy has a genetic mutation such that FSH is not produced, but LH is normal. After the boy grows to maturity, it is likely he will ANSWER: not develop secondary sex characteristics. be impotent. have impaired function of the interstitial cells. be sterile. produce large amounts of inhibin.

all of the above

A male bodybuilder starts taking injections of testosterone (an anabolic steroid) on a daily basis. After 3 weeks, which of the following would you expect to observe? ANSWER: increased sex drive decreased levels of GnRH decreased levels of LH and FSH all of the above decreased levels of GnRH, LH and FSH

luteinizing hormone

A mature follicle releases an ovum in response to a surge in ANSWER: luteinizing hormone. oxytocin. progesterone. follicle-stimulating hormone. estrogen.

20, 100 million

A normal sperm count ranges from approximately ________ to ________ spermatozoa per milliliter

four; 23

A primary spermatocyte matures into ________ spermatids having ________ chromosomes. one; 46 four; 23 four; 46 millions of; 23 millions of; 46

follicle maturation

A rise in the blood levels of follicle-stimulating hormone at the beginning of the ovarian cycle is responsible for ANSWER: follicle maturation. menstruation. atresia. ovulation. menopause.

the secretory phase

A sample of a woman's blood is analyzed for reproductive hormone levels. The results indicate a high level of progesterone, relatively high levels of inhibin, and low levels of FSH and LH. The female is most likely experiencing ________ of the uterine cycle. ANSWER: the proliferative phase the secretory phase menopause menses menarche


A spermatozoon passes through the epididymis in about ________ weeks.


A trimester is ________ months long.

250 million

A typical ejaculation releases approximately ________ sperm. ANSWER: 1 million 250 million 800 million 20 million 100,000


A zygote whose genotype is XX will develop as a ________.


A zygote whose genotype is XY will develop as a ________.


After menopause, the production of two pituitary hormones increases. They are ________ and ________.

both estrogen and progesterone

After ovulation, the ovary secretes ANSWER: estrogen. luteinizing hormone. progesterone. both estrogen and progesterone. luteinizing hormone, estrogen, and progesterone.

loses a portion of its lining during menses

All of the following are true of the vagina, except that it ANSWER: receives the penis during coitus. forms the lower portion of the birth canal. serves as a passageway for the elimination of menstrual fluids. holds spermatozoa prior to their passage to the uterus. loses a portion of its lining during menses.

female external genitalia

Another term for vulva is ANSWER: accessory glands. female external genitalia. gonads. labia. vagina.

4, 1, 3, 2

Arrange the four structures listed below into the order in which sperm pass from the testis to the urethral meatus. 1. ductus deferens 2. urethra 3. ejaculatory duct 4. epididymis ANSWER: 1, 4, 3, 2 4, 1, 3, 2 1, 3, 4, 2 4, 1, 2, 3 4, 3, 1, 2


Blood flows to the placenta through ________ umbilical arteries.


By the end of gestation, maternal blood volume normally increases by almost ________ percent. ANSWER: 100 20 25 80 50

tenses the scrotal sac and pulls the testes closer to the body cavity.

Contraction of the cremaster muscles pulls the testes closer to the body cavity. moves sperm through the ductus deferens. tenses the scrotal sac. propels sperm through the urethra. tenses the scrotal sac and pulls the testes closer to the body cavity

tightens the scrotal sac

Contraction of the dartos muscle ANSWER: tightens the scrotal sac. produces an erection. initiates seminal emission. propels sperm through the urethra. moves sperm through the ductus deferens.


Contraction of the smooth muscle within the ________ acts to pinch off the urethra.


Contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscles result in ANSWER: detumescence. emission. erection. ejaculation. impotence.


Delicate projections from the tunica albuginea called __________ divide each testis into lobules. ANSWER: septa seminiferous tubules rete testis straight tubules

None of these are differences in sexual function between men and women

Differences between men and women in sexual function include __________. ANSWER: engorgement of erectile tissues rhythmic contraction of bulbospongiosus muscles mucus secretion None of these are differences in sexual function between men and women.

synapsis; tetrad

During meiosis I, maternal and paternal chromosomes fuse together during the process called ________ to form a ________. synapsis; tetrad synapsis; chromatid prophase I; chromatid metaphase II; tetrad synapsis; spermatid

the old functional layer is sloughed off

During the menses ANSWER: a new uterine lining is formed. secretory glands and blood vessels develop in the endometrium. progesterone levels are high. the corpus luteum is most active. the old functional layer is sloughed off.

the functional zone of the endometrium is restored

During the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle, ANSWER: the functional zone of the endometrium is restored. the fertilized ovum implants. the old functional layer is sloughed off. the corpus luteum is forming. all of the above

all of the above

During the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle ANSWER: endometrial glands enlarge. the fertilized ovum implants. the corpus luteum is formed. progesterone levels are high. all of the above

about half the oogonia complete mitosis between birth and puberty.

Each of the following statements concerning oogenesis is true, except that ANSWER: ova develop from stem cells called oogonia. oogenesis begins before birth. about half the oogonia complete mitosis between birth and puberty. an ovum completes its last meiosis after it is fertilized. by the time of their birth, girls have already lost about 80 percent of their oocytes.


Ejaculation is associated with intensely pleasurable sensations, an experience known as male ________.


Embryological and early fetal development occur in the ________ trimester. ANSWER: first second third all of the above first and third

all of the above

Emission and ejaculation ANSWER: is responsible for propelling semen into the female reproductive tract. occurs under sympathetic stimulation. involves contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscle. begins with peristaltic contractions of the ampulla. all of the above

Emission of semen requires smooth muscle contraction in all of these organs.

Emission of semen depends on smooth muscle contraction in which of these organs? ANSWER: ampulla seminal vesicle prostate Emission of semen requires smooth muscle contraction in all of these organs.

labia majora

Fatty folds of skin that encircle and partially conceal the labia minora and vestibule are the ANSWER: mons pubis. fornices. ampullae. labia majora. vestibular arches.

stimulates spermatogenesis and stimulates maturation of primordial follicles in the ovary.

Follicle-stimulating hormone ANSWER: is important only in females. stimulates spermatogenesis. stimulates maturation of primordial follicles in the ovary. stimulates the thyroid follicles. stimulates spermatogenesis and stimulates maturation of primordial follicles in the ovary.

all of the above

For erection to occur ANSWER: there must be sufficient blood hydrostatic pressure. the sacral spinal cord must be intact. nitric oxide must be present. all of the above there must be sufficient blood hydrostatic pressure and the sacral spinal cord must be intact.

production of spermatozoa

Functions of the accessory glands of the male reproductive system include all of the following, except ANSWER: producing buffers. propelling spermatozoa and fluids along the reproductive tract. meeting the nutrient needs of spermatozoa for motility. activating the spermatozoa. production of spermatozoa.


How many chromosomes do human gametes contain?


How many chromosomes do human somatic cells contain?


Identical twins that share body structures are called Siamese or ________ twins.

corpus luteum; human chorionic gonadotrophin

If fertilization occurs, the ________ is maintained because the embryo secretes ________. ANSWER: corpus cavernosum; human chorionic gonadotrophin corpus luteum; luteinizing hormone corpus albicans; placental prolactin corpus luteum; human chorionic gonadotrophin corpus albicans; human chorionic gonadotrophin

milk will not be ejected inot the lactiferous sinuses

If oxytocin receptors are blocked, ANSWER: the mammary glands will be replaced by connective tissue. the mammary glands will not secrete milk. milk will not be ejected into the lactiferous sinuses. the mammary glands will produce only colostrum. the menses will begin

with a higher than normal pH

If the prostate stopped secreting fluid, this would result in semen ANSWER: with no mucus. with less fructose. that was rich in prostaglandins. with a higher than normal pH. that lacked sperm


Impotence is defined as an inability to achieve or maintain an ________.


In ________, a sample of amniotic fluid is removed and the fetal cells it contains are analyzed

ectopic pregnancy

In ________, implantation occurs somewhere other than in the uterus. ANSWER: abortion ectopic pregnancy hydramnios spontaneous abortion placenta previa


In a(n) ________ an incision is made in the perineal musculature.

a castrated adult male

In which of the following cases would the level of GnRH be highest? ANSWER: a sexually immature male a normal adult male a castrated adult male Castration would have no effect on GnRH production.

are also called Leydig cells, respond to luteinizing hormone, and produce testosterone.

Interstitial cells are also called Leydig cells. respond to luteinizing hormone. produce testosterone. are also called Leydig cells and respond to luteinizing hormone. are also called Leydig cells, respond to luteinizing hormone, and produce testosterone


Interstitial cells produce ANSWER: androgen-binding protein. nutrients. androgens. sperm. inhibin.


Interstitial cells surrounding seminiferous tubules produce testosterone in response to __________. ANSWER: LH GnRH a high protein diet and exercise FSH


Inward projections of the tunica albuginea, known as septa, divide the testis into ANSWER: lobules. rete testorum. the epididymis and the testis proper. seminiferous tubules. straight tubules.


Menstruation is triggered by a drop in the levels of ANSWER: FSH. relaxin. LH. progesterone. inhibin.

are found in the seminiferous tubules, form the blood-testis barrier, and coordinate spermatogenesis.

Nurse cells ANSWER: are found in the seminiferous tubules. coordinate spermatogenesis. form the blood-testis barrier. are found in the seminiferous tubules and coordinate spermatogenesis. are found in the seminiferous tubules, form the blood-testis barrier, and coordinate spermatogenesis.


Painful menstruation is called ________.

estrogen levels rise

Part A Which of the following does not occur after menopause? ANSWER: ovulation ceases estrogen levels rise menstrual cycles cease GnRH secretion increases FSH secretion increases

deliver spermatozoa to the epididymis.

Scarring of the rete testis would interfere with a man's ability to ANSWER: ejaculate. produce an alkaline semen. regulate spermatogenesis. deliver spermatozoa to the epididymis. secrete testosterone.

may develop in response to testosterone and to estrogen.

Secondary sexual characteristics ANSWER: may develop in response to estrogen. are usually apparent at birth. may develop in response to testosterone. may develop in response to testosterone and to estrogen. may develop in response to testosterone and to estrogen, and are usually apparent at birth.


Semen contains all of the following, except ANSWER: spermatogonia. spermatozoa. prostaglandins. fibrinogen. seminal fluid.

Sexual arousal and orgasm in males and females are similar in all of these aspects.

Sexual arousal and orgasm in males and females share a number of similarities including __________. ANSWER: engorgement of erectile tissue control by the autonomic nervous system rhythmic contraction of the bulbospongiosus muscles Sexual arousal and orgasm in males and females are similar in all of these aspects.

peristaltic contractions

Sperm are moved along the ductus deferens by ANSWER: suction. hydraulic action. peristaltic contractions. hydrostatic force. ciliary action.

the process of capacitation involves the removal of some inhibiting substances from the sperm.

Sperm cannot fertilize an ovum unless it has been in the female reproductive tract for several hours. This enhanced ability of the sperm to fertilize the ovum is called capacitation. In vitro studies indicate that freshly ejaculated sperm can fertilize the ovum if they are first rinsed in salt solution before being introduced to the ovum. These observations suggest that ANSWER: the process of capacitation is temperature dependent. only sperm that come into contact with vaginal secretions are capable of fertilizing an ovum. in capacitation, secretions of the female reproductive tract are taken up by the sperm. pH is an important factor in the process of capacitation. the process of capacitation involves the removal of some inhibiting substances from the sperm.


Sperm develop from stem cells called primary spermatocytes. secondary spermatocytes. spermatids. spermatozoa. spermatogonia.


Sperm enter the cervical canal through the external ________.

seminiferous tubules

Sperm production occurs in the seminiferous tubules. epididymis. ductus deferens. seminal glands (seminal vesicles). rete testis.


Spermatids mature into spermatozoa by the process of ________.


Spermatozoa are functionally matured within the ANSWER: seminal gland (seminal vesicle). epididymis. rete testes. seminiferous tubules. ductus deferens.

rete testis

Straight tubules originate at the seminiferous tubules and form a maze of passageways called the ANSWER: ductus deferens. efferent ducts. tunnels of love. epididymis. rete testis.

interstitial cells

Testosterone is produced by __________. ANSWER: primary spermatocytes interstitial cells nurse cells spermatogonia

interstitial cells

Testosterone is secreted by the ANSWER: adenohypophysis. suprarenal cortex. interstitial cells. nurse cells. hypothalamus.


The ________ are fingerlike projections that capture the freshly ovulated ovum.

ejaculatory duct

The ________ carries fluid from the seminal gland (seminal vesicle) through the prostate.


The ________ chromosomes determine gender.

corona radiata

The ________ consists of the follicle cells that cling to the oocyte after ovulation.


The ________ is a fleshy pouch suspended below the perineum and anterior to the anus.


The ________ is a layer of smooth muscle in the skin of the scrotal sac.


The ________ is an elastic epithelial layer between the vagina and vestibule, which, if present, is often torn during first intercourse.

inguinal canal

The ________ is an opening through which the spermatic cord passes.

zona pellucida

The ________ is the glycoprotein-rich region between the developing oocyte and the granulosa cells.


The ________ is the inner lining of the uterus.


The ________ is the largest portion of the uterus. ANSWER: body cervix myometrium internal os fundus


The ________ is the outer lining of the uterus.


The ________ is the part of the sperm that contains the DNA.


The ________ is the portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina. ANSWER: fundus body cervix internal os myometrium


The ________ is the region of the vagina that surrounds the cervix. ANSWER: fornix fundus rugae external os dartos


The ________ is the rounded portion of the uterine body superior to the attachment of the uterine tubes. ANSWER: cervix myometrium internal os fundus body


The ________ ligament extends from the lateral surface of the ovary to the pelvic wall.


The ________ ligament extends from the uterus, near the attachment of the uterine tube, to the medial surface of the ovary.


The ________ ligaments extend from the base of the uterus and vagina to the lateral walls of the pelvis.


The ________ of the uterine tube is just distal to the ampulla.


The ________ period extends from birth to 1 month.


The ________ provides mechanical protection, nutritional support, and waste removal for the developing embryo.


The ________ stage is the stage of labor during which the placenta is expelled from the uterus.

acrosomal cap

The ________ within the head of a sperm contains the enzymes essential for fertilization.

tunica albuginea

The __________ is the dense connective tissue that surrounds each testis. ANSWER: tunica vaginalis tunica albuginea median raphe spermatic capsule

28 days

The average length of the menstrual cycle is ANSWER: 16 days. 21 days. 35 days. 28 days. 19 days.

umbilical vein

The blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood away from the placenta is the ________.

umbilical arteries

The blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood to the placenta are the ________.

urinary bladder

The broad ligament attaches to all of the following organs, except the ANSWER: oviducts. uterine tubes. uterus. urinary bladder. ovaries.

an extensive mesentery that encloses the ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus.

The broad ligament is ANSWER: a structure that extends from the lateral surface of the ovary to the pelvic wall. a thickened fold of mesentery that supports and stabilizes the position of the ovary. an extensive mesentery that encloses the ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus. a structure that anchors the ovary to the rectouterine pouch. a pocket formed between the posterior wall of the uterus and the anterior surface of the rectum.

secondary spermatocytes

The cells that are formed during spermatogenesis by the first meiosis are called ANSWER: primary spermatocytes. spermatogonia. spermatids. spermatozoa. secondary spermatocytes.


The cessation of menstruation after no more developing follicles remain is called ________.

all of the above

The clitoris ANSWER: engorges with blood during sexual arousal. contains erectile tissue comparable to the corpora cavernosa of the penis. is derived from the same embryonic structures as the penis in males. is topped by a small erectile glans. all of the above

tunica vaginalis

The delicate layer of serous membrane that covers the testis is called the ANSWER: median raphe. tunica vaginalis. tunica albuginea. dartos. lamina propria

tunica albuginea

The dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds the testis is called the ANSWER: epididymis. spermatic cord. dartos. median raphe. tunica albuginea.


The ductus deferens is approximately ________ cm long. ANSWER: 12 15-20 50-60 40-45 31-35

secondary spermatocyte

The first haploid cell formed during spermatogenesis is the __________. primary spermatocyte spermatid secondary spermatocyte spermatogonia


The first menses is called the ________.


The first organ that sperm pass through is the __________. ANSWER: ejaculatory duct epididymis ductus deferens prostate gland


The first stage of labor is the ________ stage. ANSWER: expulsion placental decidual neonate dilation


The fluid-filled cavity that appears in a secondary follicle is called the ________.

infundibulopelvic ligament.

The fold of peritoneum that extends out from the ovary to the wall of the pelvis is called the ANSWER: uterovesical ligament. tunica albuginea. infundibulopelvic ligament. ovarian ligament. ovarian hilum.


The fold of skin that covers the glans penis is the ANSWER: corpus spongiosum. prepuce. corpus cavernosum. ejaculatory duct. penile urethra.


The funnel-like opening at the distal end of the uterine tube is called the ________.


The gradual modification of anatomical structures during the period from conception to maturity is ANSWER: development. differentiation. capacitation. embryogenesis. all of the above


The granulosa cells of developing follicles secrete ANSWER: LH. GnRH. progesterone. estradiol. FSH.


The hormone that increases the flexibility of the pubic symphysis during pregnancy is ANSWER: luteinizing hormone. progesterone. human chorionic gonadotropin. relaxin. human placental lactogen.


The inferior portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina is the ANSWER: fundus. isthmus. fornix. body. cervix.

cervical canal

The internal os connects the uterine cavity to the ________.


The main portion of the uterus is called the corpus or ________.


The male reproductive system is most closely associated with which of the following systems? ANSWER: muscular endocrine integumentary digestive urinary


The middle piece of the sperm contains the ________ in a spiral arrangement.

secrete testosterone

The nurse cells of the seminiferous tubules do all of the following, except that they ANSWER: maintain the blood-testis barrier. secrete androgen-binding protein. support spermiogenesis. secrete inhibin. secrete testosterone.


The only ________ in the human body is the tail of the sperm.

ductus deferens

The organ that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra is the seminal gland (seminal vesicle). ejaculatory duct. corpus cavernosum. ductus deferens. epididymis.


The organ that delivers semen into the female reproductive tract is the ANSWER: corpus cavernosum. ejaculatory duct. urethra. penis. corpus spongiosum.


The organ that monitors and adjusts the composition of tubular fluid, recycles damaged spermatozoa, and is the site of sperm maturation is the ANSWER: epididymis. ductus deferens. seminal gland (seminal vesicle). prostate gland. rete testis.

seminal gland (seminal vesicle)

The organ that produces a secretion that contains fructose, prostaglandins, and fibrinogen is the ANSWER: seminal gland (seminal vesicle). corpus cavernosum. bulbourethral gland. prostate gland. preputial gland.


The organ that provides mechanical protection and nutritional support for the developing embryo is the ANSWER: vagina. cervix. uterine tube. ovary. uterus.

bulbourethral gland.

The organ that surrounds the urethra and produces an alkaline secretion is the preputial gland. seminal gland (seminal vesicle). Bartholin's gland. bulbourethral gland. prostate gland.

uterine tube

The organ that transports the ovum to the uterus is the ANSWER: myometrium. infundibulum. uterosacral ligament. uterine tube. vagina.


The original 46 chromosomes and their component genes constitute an individual's ________.


The painful condition that develops because endometrial tissue is present in the peritoneal cavity is ________.

corpora cavernosa.

The paired erectile bodies in the penis are the ANSWER: membranous urethra. prepuce. penile urethra. corpora cavernosa. corpus spongiosum.


The period from 1 month to 2 years is known as ________.


The period from 2 years to puberty is known as ________.


The period of gestation that is characterized by rapid fetal growth and fat deposition is the ________ trimester.


The period of gestation when organs and organ systems complete most of their development and the fetus looks distinctly human is the ________ trimester.


The period of gestation when the rudiments of all major organ systems are established is the ________ trimester


The pigmented skin that surrounds the nipple is the ANSWER: zona pellucida. areola. peripapilla. fornix. zona reticularis.


The pituitary hormone that stimulates the interstitial cells to secrete testosterone is ANSWER: GH. ACTH. LH. FSH. ADH.

all of the above

The placenta is a source of which of these hormones? ANSWER: hCG progesterone placental lactogen relaxin all of the above

all of the above

The placenta is a source of which of these hormones? ANSWER: placental lactogen progesterone hCG relaxin all of the above

spongy urethra

The portion of the urethra that passes through the corpus spongiosum to the external urethral meatus is the ________.

prostatic urethra

The portion of the urethra that passes through the prostate is called the ________.

membranous urethra

The portion of the urethra that penetrates the urogenital diaphragm is the ________.


The portion of the uterine tube that ends in fingerlike fimbriae is the ANSWER: infundibulum. isthmus. ampulla. proximal segment. distal segment.


The portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina is called the ________.

primordial follicle

The primary follicle develops from the ANSWER: primordial follicle. ovarian stroma. ovarian follicles. ovarian hilum. granulosa cells.


The principal hormone secreted by the corpus luteum is ANSWER: progesterone. estrogen. LH. luteosterone. FSH.


The process of spermiogenesis produces ANSWER: secondary spermatocytes. spermatogonia. primary spermatocytes. spermatids. spermatozoa.

ovarian hilum

The region where blood vessels enter the ovary is called the ANSWER: infundibulopelvic ligament. ovarian ligament. ovarian hilum. ovarian umbilical cord. tunica albuginea.

All of the above

The reproductive system nourishes gametes. stores and transports gametes. produces gametes. all of the above produces, stores and transports gametes.

all of the above

The reproductive system includes gonads and external genitalia. ducts that receive and transport the gametes. accessory glands and organs that secrete fluids. all of the above ducts that receive and transport the gametes, and accessory glands and organs that secrete fluids

initiate sperm production in the testes.

The role of FSH in males is to stimulate the nurse cells to produce inhibin. develop and maintain secondary sex characteristics. influence sexual behaviors and sex drive. initiate sperm production in the testes. stimulate the interstitial cells to produce testosterone.

lateral margins of the uterus, through the inguinal canal to the external genitalia.

The round ligaments extend from the ANSWER: lateral margins of the uterus, through the inguinal canal to the external genitalia. base of the uterus and vagina to the lateral walls of the pelvis. lateral surface of the uterus to the anterior surface of the sacrum. body of the uterus to the fundus. cervix of the uterus to the vagina.


The segment of the uterine tube where fertilization commonly occurs is the ANSWER: ampulla. anterior. infundibulum. isthmus. posterior.


The shallow recess that surrounds the cervical protrusion into the vagina is called the ________.

bulbo-urethral glands

The small paired structures at the base of the penis that secrete a thick, alkaline mucus are the ANSWER: prostate glands. preputial glands. seminal vesicles. Bartholin glands. bulbo-urethral glands.


The space bounded by the labia minora is the ANSWER: clitoris. vestibule. fornix. isthmus. hymen.


The special type of cell division required to produce gametes is called ANSWER: capacitation. mitosis. maturation. meiosis. fertilization.

a bundle of tissue that contains the ductus deferens, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics that serve the testis

The spermatic cord is ANSWER: a bundle of tissue that contains the ductus deferens, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics that serve the testis. a dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds the testis. a layer of smooth muscle in the skin of the scrotal sac. the external marking of the boundary between the two chambers of the scrotum. a narrow opening that links the scrotal chamber with the peritoneal cavity.


The stage of labor during which the fetus emerges from the vagina is called the ________ stage. ANSWER: emergence placental expulsion fetal dilation


The stratum ________ is the endometrial layer that undergoes dramatic changes during the menstrual cycle.

glans penis

The urethral meatus is an opening in the ANSWER: glans penis. corona radiata. corpus spongiosum. corpus cavernosum. prepuce.

the menses

The uterine phase that develops because of a fall in progesterone levels is ANSWER: the secretory phase. the luteal phase. the menses. the proliferative phase. the follicular phase.

a muscular tube extending between the uterus and the external genitalia.

The vagina is ANSWER: a muscular tube extending between the uterus and the external genitalia. a muscular tube extending between the uterus and the anus. lined by simple columnar epithelium rich in goblet cells. another term for the cervix. similar to the inner lining of the uterus.


The vulva includes all of the following, except the ANSWER: vagina. clitoris. labia majora. labia minora. mons pubis.

tertiary follicle

This causes a prominent bulge in the surface of the ovary. ANSWER: theca interna secondary follicle cortical gyrus tertiary follicle follicular node

paired gonads

To function properly, the reproductive system must possess all of these except __________. paired gonads accessory secretions external genitalia reception and transport ducts


True or false: Blood in umbilical arteries is oxygenated.


True or false:Ectopic pregnancy occurs in about one pregnancy out of thousand.


True or false:The umbilical cord contains a pair of arteries and a pair of veins.

monozygotic twins

Twins that occur when blastomeres separate are called ________.

dizygotic twins

Twins that result from two different ova are called ________.

false labor

Uterine contractions that are irregular and brief that occur toward the end of gestation are called ________.

infundibulopelvic ligament

What structure extends from the lateral surface of the ovary, past the open end of the uterine tube, to the pelvic wall? ANSWER: tunica albuginea ovarian hilum ovarian ligament uterine ligament infundibulopelvic ligament


When spermatogonia divide, the daughter cells are called ANSWER: spermatids. spermatozoa. spermatogonia. spermatocytes. Sertoli cells.

in the ductus deferens and ejaculatory duct

Where in the male reproductive system would you expect to find the most mature spermatozoa? ANSWER: in the prostate gland in the head of the epididymis in the ductus deferens and ejaculatory duct in the seminiferous tubules in the seminal gland

all of the above

Which is the function of the ovaries? ANSWER: secretion of hormones formation of immature gametes secretion of inhibin production of oocytes all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following are recognized classes of abortion? ANSWER: spontaneous therapeutic induced all of the above spontaneous and induced only

all of the above

Which of the following can be found inside the spermatic cord? ANSWER: blood vessels ductus deferens lymphatic vessels nerves all of the above

consists of stratum basalis and stratum functionalis

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term endometrium? ANSWER: thick layer of smooth muscle cells after ovulation, the ovum is captured by it supports the uterus laterally consists of stratum basalis and stratum functionalis supports the uterus anteriorly

thick layer of smooth muscle cells

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term myometrium? ANSWER: supports the uterus laterally thick layer of smooth muscle cells supports the uterus anteriorly consists of stratum basalis and stratum functionalis after ovulation, the ovum is captured by it

enters the inguinal canal

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term round ligament? ANSWER: thick layer of smooth muscle cells enters the inguinal canal after ovulation, the ovum is captured by it consists of stratum basalis and stratum functionalis supports the uterus laterally

has ciliated epithelium

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term uterine tube? ANSWER: where mature sperm are stored and processed covers the glans penis or glans clitoris has stratified squamous epithelium has ciliated epithelium passes through erectile tissue in males

seminal gland (seminal vesicle)

Which of the following glands secretes fructose to nourish the sperm? ANSWER: prostate gland bulbourethral gland seminal gland (seminal vesicle) nurse gland prostate gland, nurse gland, and seminal gland (seminal vesicle)

the number of primordial follicles in the ovaries at birth

Which of the following is greater? ANSWER: the number of primordial follicles in the ovaries at birth the number of primordial follicles in the ovaries at puberty

none of the above- all are stds

Which of the following is not a sexually transmitted disease? ANSWER: chlamydia syphilis AIDS gonorrhea None of the above-all are STDs.

both produce progesterone

Which of the following is not a similarity between the testis and ovary? ANSWER: both respond to follicle-stimulating hormone both produce progesterone meiosis takes place in both both produce gametes both respond to luteinizing hormone

mimics the symptoms of menopause

Which of the following is not an action of estrogen? ANSWER: mimics the symptoms of menopause maintains accessory reproductive organs initiates repair of the endometrium stimulates bone growth maintains female secondary sex characteristics

all of the above

Which of the following is one of the critical events of the first trimester? ANSWER: embryogenesis placentation cleavage implantation all of the above

both the cremaster and the dartos

Which of the following muscles move the testes towards the body? ANSWER: the biceps brachii the dartos the tunica muscularis the cremaster both the cremaster and the dartos

all are true

Which of the following statements about the menstrual cycle is true? ANSWER: often involves painful myometrial contraction it is ultimately controlled by GnRH is skipped in pregnancy the first occurrence is termed menarche all are true

interstitial cells

Which of these are not found in the seminiferous tubules? nurse cells interstitial cells spermatogonia primary spermatocytes

All of these are shared characteristics between the male and female reproductive systems.

Which of these characteristics is not shared between the male and female reproductive systems? the presence of gonads the production of gametes the experience of orgasm All of these are shared characteristics between the male and female reproductive systems.

All of these hormones are produced by the placenta

Which of these hormones is produced by the placenta? ANSWER: progesterone human chorionic gonadotropin relaxin All of these hormones are produced by the placenta.

All of these hormones are secreted by placental tissues

Which of these hormones is secreted by the placental tissues? ANSWER: progesterone hCG placental lactogen All of these hormones are secreted by placental tissues.

Both will produce a fixed numer of gametes

Which of these is not a similarity between the male and female reproductive systems? Both produce gametes. Both secrete mucus. Both will produce a fixed number of gametes. Both possess erectile tissue.


Which of these is oldest type of cell present in the testis? ANSWER: primary spermatocytes secondary spermatocytes spermatogonia spermatids


Which of these muscles is found beneath the skin of both the penis and the scrotum? dartos cremaster tunica muscularis ischiocavernosus

vaginal delivery is often possible

Which of these statements about ectopic pregnancy is false? ANSWER: It occurs in less than 1 percent of pregnancies. It does not yield a viable embryo. The mother's life may be endangered. The embryo may implant in the uterine tube. Vaginal delivery is often possible.


Which region of the uterine tube captures the ovum? ANSWER: anterior segment ampulla posterior segment isthmus infundibulum

mammary glands

________ are the organs of milk production.


________ is a procedure that uses x-rays to examine breast tissue for the presence of cancer.


________ is an inflammation of the vaginal canal, caused by fungi, bacteria, or parasites.


________ is the failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum by the time of birth.


________ is the most important androgen.


he gradual modification of anatomical structures and physiologic characteristics from fertilization to maturity is termed ________.

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