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Define immune surveillance.

Immune surveillance is the constant monitoring of normal tissues by NK cells sensitive to abnormal antigens on the surfaces of cells.

Which of the following statements is true regarding partial pressure and the diffusion of gases in the body?

In internal respiration, the PCO2 in the systemic capillary is 40, while the PCO2 in the interstitial fluid is 45.

Which statement is correct?

In the blood, oxygen is bound to hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells.

During exercise, hemoglobin releases more oxygen to active skeletal muscles than it does when those muscles are at rest. Why?

Increased temperature and decreased pH generated by active skeletal muscles cause hemoglobin to release more oxygen during exercise than when the muscles are at rest.

Describe inflammation.

Inflammation is a localized response to injury characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain.

A child falls off her bike and skins her knee. Which form of immunity will be activated immediately?

Innate immunity

Describe red pulp and white pulp found in the spleen.

Red pulp contains large numbers of red blood cells; white pulp resembles lymphoid nodules and contains lymphocytes.

Define respiratory rate.

Respiratory rate is the number of breaths taken each minute.

Adaptive immunity is the result of the actions of

T and B cells.

What is perforin?

a protein produced by NK cells

Which characteristic of lymphatic capillaries is correct?

They originate as pockets rather than forming continuous tubes

________ exists when the immune system does not respond to a particular antigen.


________ are large lymphoid nodules that are located in the walls of the pharynx.


Cytotoxic T cells attack target cells by doing what?

activating genes that trigger apoptosis

Alveolar ventilation (VA) refers to the

amount of air reaching the alveoli each minute.

What is the name of the unique area (specific region) that a lymphocyte recognizes and binds to?

an antigenic determinant

Which of the following can act as opsonins on bacteria, thus enhancing phagocytosis?

antibodies and complement proteins

Which type of immunity develops when a child is given the polio vaccine?

artificially acquired active immunity

Which type of specific defense is conferred by the administration of antibodies to combat infection?

artificially acquired passive immunity

Most of the carbon dioxide in the blood is transported as

bicarbonate ions.

Most of the oxygen transported by the blood is

bound to hemoglobin.

The most important chemical regulator of respiration is

carbon dioxide.


carry absorbed fats to the lymphatic system.

If a virus attacks a cell, which type of immunity would be activated?

cell-mediated immunity (cellular immunity)

After food and gastric juices combine, the gastric contents are referred to as


Which of the innate defense mechanisms can lyse bacteria and mark cells for phagocytosis?

complement proteins

Each of the following is a physical barrier to infection except


Lymphocytes that destroy foreign cells or virus-infected cells are ________ cells.

cytotoxic T

Bile salts break lipids apart in a process called


Circular folds and intestinal villi

increase the surface area of the mucosa of the small intestine.

Which of the following is NOT a possible result of antigen presentation?

infection of body cells by antigens

Immunity that is genetically determined and present at birth is called ________ immunity.


Tears and mucus membranes would be a part of which defense system?

innate external defenses

Phagocytotic cells such as macrophages identify a variety of enemies by recognizing markers unique to pathogens. They would be classified as which type of defense system?

innate internal defenses

Which of the following innate internal defenses work by interfering with viral replication?


Low pH alters hemoglobin structure so that oxygen binds less strongly to hemoglobin at low PO2. This increases the effectiveness of

internal respiration.

The process by which dissolved gases are exchanged between the blood and interstitial fluids is

internal respiration.

Characteristics of specific defenses include all of the following except



is a protein that can bind four molecules of oxygen.

Most of the carbon dioxide that is absorbed by blood:

is converted to carbonic acid.

A sample of John's blood shows a high level of pyrogens. This would indicate that John

is running a fever.

After blood becomes oxygenated,

it returns to the heart, and is then pumped to body cells.

The part of the digestive tract that plays the primary role in chemical digestion and nutrient absorption is the


Various types of macrophages are derived from


At a PO2 of 70 mm Hg and normal temperature and pH, hemoglobin is ________ percent saturated with oxygen.

more than 90

Carbohydrate digestion begins in the


Name the lymphoid tissue that protects epithelia lining the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts.

mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue

What is the type of immunity one acquires through contracting a disease such as chicken pox from another infected person?

naturally acquired active immunity

Immunity that results from antibodies that pass the placenta from mother to fetus is called ________ immunity.

naturally acquired passive

Which leukocytes are abundant, mobile, and quick to phagocytize cellular debris or invading bacteria?


In inhaled dry air, which of the following is found in the highest concentration?

nitrogen (N2)

Which chemical factors in blood or cerebrospinal fluid stimulate the respiratory centers?

pH, PO2, and PCO2 concentrations

What organ is primarily responsible for water absorption?

small intestine

The largest single collection of lymphoid tissue in the adult body is located in the


List the accessory organs of the digestive system.

teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

What anatomical feature of the stomach allows the organ to form chyme?

the 3 muscular layers allows mixing and churning

Lymphocytes are produced and stored in all of the following except

the brain.

The movement of chloride ions into the RBCs in exchange for bicarbonate ions is known as

the chloride shift.

During inhalation,

the diaphragm and rib muscles contract.

Antigen presentation is __________.

the presence of antigens or antigenic fragments on plasma membranes

What is the primary digestive function of the pancreas?

to produce buffers and enzymes for the digestion of starches, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins

What structure prevents the backflow of lymph in some lymphatic vessels?


The partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) in pulmonary veins during internal respiration is approximately

95 mm Hg.

What is the difference between a lymphocyte and lymph?

A lymphocyte is the primary cell of the lymphatic system. Lymph is the interstitial fluid that has entered a lymphatic vessel.

________ equals the respiratory rate × (tidal volume - anatomic dead space).

Alveolar ventilation rate

From which structures do oxygen molecules move from the lungs to the blood?


What is the function of lymphatic vessels?

The function of lymphatic vessels is to transport lymph from peripheral tissues to the venous system.

The body's nonspecific defenses include all of the following except

B and T cells.

Regarding external respiration, which is correct?

By the time the blood enters the pulmonary venules, it has reached equilibrium with the alveolar air.

Distinguish between chemical digestion and absorption.

Chemical digestion involves the breakdown of food, whereas absorption involves the movement of nutrients across the digestive epithelium into the interstitial fluid.

Define chemotaxis.

Chemotaxis is the phagocyte movement in response to chemical stimuli.

Cancer cells would be attacked by which of the following cells?

Cytotoxic T cells

Identify the three ways that carbon dioxide is transported in the bloodstream.

Dissolved in plasma, bound to hemoglobin, or as bicarbonate ions in the plasma.

Distinguish between innate immunity and adaptive immunity.

Innate immunity is nonspecific and does not distinguish one type of threat from another. Adaptive immunity is specific and protects against particular threats.

Which is true regarding the thymus?

It produces several hormones that are important to the development of functional T cells.

Compare lymphatic capillaries in the small intestine with those found elsewhere.

Lymphatic capillaries in the small intestine are called lacteals and they transport lipids. Lymphatic capillaries elsewhere are associated with blood capillary networks.

Antigen-presenting cells are differentiated from other body cells by the presence of Class II MHC proteins in their plasma membranes. Which of the following correctly describes a difference between Class I and Class II MHC?

Macrophages use Class II MHC to display antigens they have phagocytized.

________ cells enable the immune system to respond quickly and robustly if the same antigen is encountered a second time.


Which statement regarding lung cancer is correct?

More Americans die from lung cancer than any other form of cancer.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Natural Killer (NK) cells?

NK cells recognize abnormal or cancer cells by a specific antigen on their cell membrane.

For maximum loading of hemoglobin with oxygen at the lungs, the

PCO2 should be low.

Identify the three main classes of lymphocytes.

T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells

List the components of the lymphatic system.

The components of the lymphatic system are the lymphocytes, lymph, lymphatic vessels, primary lymphoid tissues and organs, and secondary lymphoid tissues and organs.

Explain the significance of the alkaline mucous layer lining the interior surface of the stomach.

The mucous layer protects epithelial cells from the acid and enzymes in the gastric lumen.

Describe the forces that drive oxygen and carbon dioxide transport between the blood and peripheral tissues.

The partial pressure gradients push oxygen into peripheral tissues and carbon dioxide out of tissues and into blood.

How do phagocytes recognize foreign cells or bacteria?

The phagocytes recognize molecules on pathogens not normally found on body cells.

Which of the following factors would increase the amount of oxygen discharged by hemoglobin into peripheral tissues?

decreased pH

The primary function of the lymphatic system is

defending the body against both environmental hazards and internal threats.

Helper T cells do all of the following except

destroy target cells using perforins.

External respiration involves the

diffusion of gases between the alveoli and the circulating blood.

The order of the small intestine segments, from proximal to distal, is

duodenum, jejunum, ileum.

The hormone that stimulates secretion and contraction by the stomach is


What type of immunity can be transferred by bodily fluids from one person to another, thus conferring immunity to the recipient?

humoral immunity

Waves of muscular contractions that propel the contents of the digestive tract are called


What cells make antibodies?

plasma B cells

The enzyme pepsin digests


Does a high-fat meal raise or lower the level of cholecystokinin (CCK) in the blood?


The condition resulting from inadequate production of surfactant and the resultant collapse of alveoli is

respiratory distress syndrome.

Which brainstem centers generate the respiratory pace?

respiratory rhythmicity centers in the medulla oblongata

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